This Rosh Hashanah, we are joining with @JCOREUK to call on government to protect refugees, commemorate the horrors of the slave trade, and eradicate racism from politics: https://t.co/fQRjHHBs1w #socialjustice pic.twitter.com/kDnGYWcRhD
— Board of Deputies of British Jews (@BoardofDeputies) September 23, 2019
I saw this social justice manifesto circulating on Twitter and looked up JCORE and the Board of Deputes of British Jews. The Board of Deputies of British Jews is “the voice of the British Jewish community.” It is the main representative body of British Jews. It is the British equivalent of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations.
What does “the voice of the British Jewish community” want this Rosh Hashanah? It wants to promote White guilt over slavery and to overwhelm Britain with Third World immigrants and refugees. So it has pretty much the same agenda as the American Jewish community.

Note: If you notice how Jews organize as a group and what they advocate in the name of Jews and disagree with their agenda, you are an anti-Semite.
Christ was the biggest anti-Shem there ever was. The biggest.
Amen to that. If one is a Christian, ONE MUST DE FACTO be an ‘Anti-Semite’ as the world misuses the term, these days.
Of course, we all know that Jews are not Judeans (they are Talmudics)
And they are not Semites, at all, so criticizing them, can NEVER be called ‘Anti-Semitic.’
International Jewry is making it unmistakably clear: They want the destruction of our race and the civilization built by us.
And most of our people are asleep or don’t care.
Are whites prepared to spend their off time studying and politicking rather than sports-superstition-games-debauchery? Then don’t even think about surviving to the 22nd century.
It’s like a lion cowering before a mouse.
Hmmm. I wonder if their memorial to the slave trade will acknowledge all of the jewish slave ship owners? I’ve got a pretty good guess that it won’t.
The irony of the whole thing is that if they don’t get a grip on their excessive Semitism they are going to end up confirming every negative Jewish stereotype that National Socialism ever created. The choice is theirs!
What does Tommy Robinson have to say about this?