Al-Jazeera: Jews Created America’s Porn Industry To Poison Its Christian Culture

Don’t miss this important broadcast.

What’s the national crisis facing totalitarian liberalism that requires suspending the First Amendment and establishing a massive regime of tech censorship? Why must Greg Johnson be stopped from attending a conference in Norway or Nick Fuentes banned from social media? Why is there a Nazi emergency this morning in Dresden?

Is it the availability of hardcore pornography on smartphones which is poisoning the minds of our youth? Is it the social contagion that is transgenderism that is being promoted through social media platforms like Tumblr? No, it is something much worse than that. It is the fact that Jews are being criticized for their actions and liberalism is being questioned.

Can you believe the audacity of these people? They are getting away with criticizing … US. That’s anti-Semitism! That’s a national emergency! SHUT IT DOWN!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The only real and direct way to defeat the Jews is through a Holy War. They killed Christ and have never repented and will never repent until they and their master, Satan the Devil, are totally defeated. The Jews will then finally be forced to bow the knee to Christ.

    • As I have said recently, “DEATH to the JEW World Order.”

      WIth all that that statement entails.
      “They think they are doing God service…” – J.C.

    • “Jews will then finally be forced to bow the knee to Christ.”

      It will only be feignned, as it has always been.

  2. Yes, it’s mainly Joos in control of porn. And movies, education, media in general, think tanks and foundations, etc. Their money and influence is already destroying Christianity from within, thanks to the Zionist hustlers they promote. It’s not just Christian culture they have been seeking to destroy, but Christian civilization at all levels. Christendom, in other words.

    All you Christian haters out there should realize that everything the West was able to develop came out of the Christian ethos. Learn your history, folks. Without the brand of traditional Christianity that came out of Europe, we would be far less free and scientifically advanced than we are. The mislabeled Dark Ages really would’ve been a time of ignorance and backwardness without Christianity. Abandoning it has led to the civilizational and cultural abyss we’re now close to falling into. The truth is, we are in a war on all fronts, including religious. We are fighting evil that has rejected God and the universal order He created. If you don’t see the spiritual aspect of this conflict, you might not understand how big the stakes really are.

    • Yeah, that’s why Lutheran Social Services is hauling Somalians into Minnesota by the bucketload. Why the Pope is kissing nigger feet and calling for more sand niggers in Europe. Why every church in the USA is at the forefront of anti-racism. Which is why it’s mostly Christcucks who are adopting dark-avised blackamoors instead of having more kids of their own race.

      Your “traditional European Christianity” was 70+% pagan. Its nationalism, warrior spirit, love of artistic and musical beauty, etc. are part of the ancient European soul, not your crucified rabbi worship. And you can’t go back to it, because you finally succeeded in killing off the remnants of European pagan spirit during the Reformation, Counter-Reformation, etc.

      Christianity, though, is alive and well. It’s known as SJWs, the poz, globohomo. You’re just blind to this because you see it in terms of genuflection to the crucified rabbi you worship. But its spirit, its universalizing, equalizing, exalt-the-low-and-abase-the-high zeal, is alive and well. That’s the real core of the religion, and, unfettered from the warrior-pagan elements that survived strongly for many centuries, it’s now killing us.

      It’s fighting hard to ensure that the “meek” — minorities, the useless, inferior wogs who are all equal souls to Whites in the leveling creed of Christendom — inherit the Earth. It’s there digging wells for them, giving them medicine, food, care to ensure that they breed and overwhelm us. It’s flagellating us with its ancient principles of sin, guilt, and self-mortification in the form of White Guilt, anti-racism, and the war on Whiteness and “White privilege.”

      We need a new, positive, non-universalist belief system, not a strengthening of the missionary, hair shirt, self-destructive masochism of Christianity which is doing a fine job of ruining our civilization even as we speak.

      • Christianity has run its course in the West. It will not experience any Great Revival. But something must fill the void. I think eventually the old “pagan” and “heathen” religions will reappear as ancient European tribalism reasserts itself.

        • I agree that Christianity has run its course. A Christian revival is about as likely as Julian the apostate’s efforts to revive paganism. What comes next is anybody’s guess – IMHO probably not a pure revival of any pagan religion. Probably something different. A synthesis, perhaps. Or something we don’t even see coming right now.

      • ” We need a new, positive, non-universalist belief system,….”

        Amen brother ! I’m seeking, lookin everywhere 🙂

      • I notice you didn’t deal with anything I actually wrote, but instead went on one of those unhinged pagan screeds filled with unreasoned, ahistorical and misdirected nonsense. (Sowing divisions among us is really productive, right?)

        One of your many errors: LSS bringing in ragheads to Minnesota has nothing to do with faith, but money from foundations and NGOs, and help from within gov’t. It is a leftist, globalist project done for money. Their own website makes reference to helping refugees as a Minnesotan tradition, not a hallmark of faith related to Luther.

        Provide some evidence that traditional Christianity was “70+% pagan.” The warrior tradition in Christianity extends far back, and can easily be linked to Scripture. Christ told the apostles to sell their cloaks and buy swords, for one of many examples. Quantify that “ancient European soul” for me and back that up, while you’re at it.

        Enough of dealing with your assumptions presented as fact. Have you ever bothered to consider why so much of what the pro-multicultural forces do is aimed at Christianity? Why they spend so much time mocking our faith, but not Judaism and Islam? The other faiths are protected, not undermined. Why try to destroy Christianity? Think about it, if you’re able. I’ve got my doubts. But attempt some basic logic here. Why do so much to destroy the foundational base of Western civilization? Why the nonstop attacks on our moral center? And finally, why would you want to cooperate with those efforts?

        Your remarks on the faith being globohomo and such is just too stupid to believe. Do you know of the Biblical passages damning homosexuality? Don’t give me that crap that because some so-called Christians excuse or (God help us) encourage it makes such an abomination suddenly orthodox. It’s obvious that there are people perverting faith for ideological and political reasons. Like the (((pro-Zionist))) movement pouring money into churches, paying off willing ministers to ignore the verses calling Jews the enemies of Christ. Not to mention that the Messiah didn’t have a high opinion of greed. The Bible doesn’t ignore hierarchy, or racial differences, either. Slaves should obey their masters, the Tower of Babel, and so on. I don’t excuse or defend those that twist or invert the Word for their own purposes. And did you really mention self-flagellation seriously? Scourge those thoughts from your mind, and whip it into shape.

        Advocating that we blithely exchange one belief system for another, like changing underwear or socks, exposes the ultimate emptiness and foolishness of your rant. If you have no principles, you will adopt any. Isn’t that one of the lessons of the multicultural left?

        Last but not least, what do you think is accomplished by sowing division among us?

    • Christ is coming back, I’ll wait by the narrow gate. The ills of mans world will evaporate as the lake of fire is filled with satans enablers!

      Praise Yahweh!

  3. Even the biggest cheating Web site Ashley Madison was started by a Jew. What can one say about the Jews that hasn’t already been said a billion times by all kinds of people in all kinds of places at different historical times? It’s always the same with this people. While I say this I’m looking at E. Michael Jones’s opus The Revolutionary Jew on a shelf in my bedroom. Everyone would be saved a lot of heartache if all Jews were strongly encouraged to move to Israel and did it. I recall reading how the National Socialists tried to find them a home in a bunch of places, including Africa, but all their plans fell through; by 1942 they ran out of ideas and didn’t know what to do with them.

    • Stalin offered the jews their own autonomous region in Eastern Siberia, far away from the rest of the world where they would not be able to cause any trouble and could be left alone in peace. But it’s not in the jews’ nature to be at peace with the rest of the world. So they stole Palestine instead.

  4. “What can one say about the Jews that hasn’t already been said a billion times by all kinds of people in all kinds of places at different historical times? ”

    But the generations forget and have to keep relearning by the same dire consequences, and oceans of tears with suffering.

    We need a catechism of jew deceit that we teach the young, to be deeply drilled into them.

    ( you are wrong, not everything has been said. There are many deep concepts of judaism that the goy has never learned).

  5. In the 60s, some goys were making healthy ( married couples ) erotic films, but the jews moved in and replaced them with their gutter sleeve (using runaway teens, desperate women and spreading drugs and disease).

    Just like Epstein, always lookin for poor girls to exploit.( it’s always the same pattern),

  6. Flaming W: Excellent points.
    Rich L needs to read Nixey’s The Darkening Age.
    Even at its height Xianity could never deal with the JQ except in limited and temporary ways.

  7. Al-Jazeera has been aggressively pushing the gay and trans agenda on the West. They have used very harsh language to describe people in the West who oppose these agendas, without mentioning that al-Jazeera is part of a government that makes homosexuality illegal in its own country.

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