Vladimir Putin Compares European Union To The Soviet Union

I wonder why Vladimir Putin would have that impression.


“President Putin believes the EU will crumble completely in just 10 years, the same amount of time it took for the USSR to disintegrate on Boxing Day 1991. His remarks hint that the beginning of the end has already started. Sharing his doubts as to whether the EU will be preserved in its current form by the year 2028, he cited Brexit among one of the main causes of the collapse of Brussels, adding it is why it follows “with concern what is happening there”, in reference to the EU itself. …”

I look at the brawl that broke out in Birmingham of 100 “youths” fighting with knives and machetes and feel optimistic about the chances of a liberal revival in the 2020s.

ABC News:

“A film about warring gangs has been pulled from nearly 100 cinemas across the UK after a mass brawl involving teenagers armed with machetes in Birmingham on Saturday night.

Blue Story, which depicts violent street rivalries in south London, was removed from all 91 Vue Cinemas on Sunday following the riot.

Five teenagers, including a 13-year-old girl, were arrested and seven police officers suffered facial injuries following what the West Midlands force described as a “major outbreak of trouble” involving up to 100 young people.

Footage posted on social media showed officers drawing Tasers to try to get the brawl under control as other cinemagoers screamed and ran, including families with young children who were there to watch Frozen II. …”

The Guardian:

“A brawl involving machetes, knives and up to 100 youths erupted at a movie theater in the United Kingdom and left 7 police officers who tried to stop the fight with injuries.

Add United Kingdom as an interest to stay up to date on the latest United Kingdom news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Dozens of police officers were called to Star City, a family entertainment and leisure center in Birmingham, just after 5:30 p.m. to reports of a group of youths wielding machetes inside, according to a statement from the West Midlands Police.

When officers arrived on the scene they were greeted by massive unrest and a group of up to 100 teenagers fighting in around the cinema while families who were there trying to enjoy their Saturday afternoon fled the scene. …”

It is a myth that Europe has foolishly imported America’s insoluble racial problems in a fit of madness. Race doesn’t exist. It was proven to be a social construct in the 1970s. China is also going to fail after all these protests in Hong Kong and the world will continue to look to the United States and the European Union for global leadership.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Actual Russians that I knew in college blame the fall of communism in Russia due to the Soviet Union being too big and having too many competing nationalities. If Russia had kept communism to just Russia, it would still be communist today. Over time Stalin’s idea of socialism in one country is proving to be more effective then a global revolution. This doesn’t mean that stalinists oppose communist revolutions outside of their own country.

    • Correction: Once beautiful Britain ruined by treachery and traitors among the ruling class of Anglo Saxons in conjunction with Cromwell’s legacy jew’s descendants.

      Oh, well..they’re still speaking the Queen’s English. Jolly good.

  2. I DK about imported shitskins in Britain, but

    re ‘Murka’s domestic chimps,

    the easiest way to control a chimpout is to

    bait a trap with a big pile of watermelons. Once

    upon a time, a slow-moving truckful of watermelons

    literally saved Haxo’s life during a Brooklyn chimpout.

  3. There is a meme still floating around the former Alt-Right, now Dissident Right, which should be finally laid to rest. Namely, that non-Whites are flocking to Europe and America because they want to partake in the civilization that White people created. This is a myth and crutch which will further demoralize those that hang on to it when the truths of Diversity are encountered.

    In my opinion, non-Whites are flocking to the West because they see it’s up for grabs and see that White people have largely lost the collective will to defend their heritage. They see all the opportunity and not really much in their way of asserting their own Will to Power. The borders are open and Whites have largely been shackled into submission.

    It would be best for us to understand that those invading our country have ZERO respect for us. And why would they?

    This is Nature. This is the Jungle.

    But, there is a definite stirring in the collective unconsciousness of those of European descent. Our undoing took many, many decades and if there is a true rebirth it will take a precipitation and accretion of superficially divergent elements into a common core to be able to withstand the unrelenting assault from myriad angles which will ensue.

    Nature is infinitely stronger than PC. May we finally pierce through daunting mirage to Victory.

    • I have a feeling that at some point I’m going to have to give up the strip clubs and casinos in order to assert control over this “alt right” and “white nationalist” nonsense. Believe me, if that happens there will be HELL to pay.

  4. Yuufs, no need to worry! Whitey will do NOTHING, as you burn down the remnants of Western Civilization! Burn Baby Burn!

  5. A very diplomatic way of basically saying to his audience:

    “Get your money out it’s going to collapse harder more destructive then the Titanic”.

  6. The Russians, Iranians and Chinese must be shaking their heads in sad disbelief over how the West is killing itself. But once ZOG USA is gone the world will be happier and more peaceful.

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