Porn Rewires The Brain To A Juvenile State

Now they tell us …

This is a scientific explanation for traditional moral values.

Daily Mail:

“Watching porn erodes an important region of the brain, rewiring it into a juvenile state, a researcher warns. 

Rachel Anne Barr, a neuroscience PhD student and researcher at Canada‘s Université Laval, says studies show people who regularly watch adult entertainment often develop damage to the prefrontal cortex, the brain region that controls morality, willpower and impulse control.

That brain region is, crucially, one that does not fully develop until adulthood. 

Barr warns the research suggests porn could cause users to struggle with their emotions and impulses, possibly leading to compulsive behavior and poor decisions.

‘It’s somewhat paradoxical that adult entertainment may revert our brain wiring to a more juvenile state,’ Barr wrote in an article about her research for The Conversation

‘The much greater irony is that while porn promises to satisfy and provide sexual gratification, it delivers the opposite.’ …”

Watch the Alex Jones interview of E. Michael Jones.

Jones talks at length about how the Sexual Revolution was imposed on postwar Germany in the 1950s and how porn weaponized and brought to America by Jews in the 1960s to undermine our morals.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Porn is one facet of the trash culture created by bolshevik jews in the Western world..Modern art and architecture are just as depleting…Europeans born after 1960 has watched or watches pornography in the same way they look at and enjoy modern art and architecture..they dont see the hand of death in it all because they were born into this bolshevik dystopia…but thats changing and jews are terrified of the Awakened Saxon.

  2. A lot of activities and cults can retire the brain. That’s why almost ALL world religions in history indoctrinated the young, before they could understand what all the mumbo jumbo they were being forced to learn was, and the mind virus created new neural pathways in their developing minds.

    Absolutely, no doubt that dopamine addiction would occur not only to watching porn but social media and gaming too.

  3. It’s not just porn that infantilizes America’s white men, but all voyeurism, such as watching the NFL’s (mostly) white-hating ‘performers’ running around in Spandex and then those fans having the imbecility to suggest it’s a measure of one’s virility. The emasculation is so complete that white men sit there sucking their thumbs while white cheerleaders act like they’re having an orgasm over the black players who get paid by the Jewish owners to sh*t on white fans. You can’t make this stuff up.

    So, heh, heh, welcome to the NFL—if you’re man enough to sit in front of a TV for three hours to watch a non-game with less than thirteen minutes of live action. The dissonance is so great on learning live action is seven percent of the telecast that fans can’t process it. Fans are doing other stuff, too, so it’s not so emasculating, right? They should try turning the sound off to see what crap it really is without the hype and that jackass commentary that doubles the insult of America’s white men.

    • “having the imbecility to suggest it’s a measure of one’s virility.”

      Measure of how good German chemistry is, I.e. steroids.

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