Is Protestantism necessarily liberal?
Is Christianity incompatible with “racism” and “white supremacy”? Liberals insist that Christianity is only compatible with liberalism but history shows us this is far from being true. Western elites first became liberal and then transformed Christianity in their image.
Yesterday, we looked at how Lutherans supported National Socialist Germany and justified it on the basis of Luther’s Two Kingdoms doctrine and even welcomed the Third Reich as a triumph over liberalism and communism. Christians were more eager to collaborate with the Nazis than Hitler and the Nazis were with them. We also looked at how church and state were fused in the age of Lutheran Orthodoxy and Pietism in Northern Europe between the Reformation and the Enlightenment and how that system only began to break down and succumb to liberalism after Prussia’s defeat during the Napoleonic Wars in the 19th century.
Today, we are watching the same liberal historian of religion whine about the Afrikaners whose core identity as a covenanted, Calvinist people was the foundation of apartheid in South Africa. The Afrikaners are another example of illiberal Protestantism.
Note: You can probably see where this is going. The ultimate historical example of illiberal Protestantism and its compatibility with “racism” and “white supremacy” was the slaveholding Anglican culture of the American South that was the wellspring of the Confederacy. The American South was a caste-based, Protestant culture for three centuries.
Calvinism is the most Jewish form of Christianity, just as Wahhabism is the most Jewish form of Islam. Both of them sought to reject any accommodation to national cultures in the name of returning to “Jewish roots”.
Protestantism always has a Judaizing effect but Calvinists took this to an extreme, especially in America. That is how you get to modern American Christianity, which has abandoned worship of an individual Jew in favor of worship of the Jews as a collective.
This is UTTER BULLSHIT. YOU don’t like it, because consistent Augustinianism leaves the sinful ego of man, nowhere to hide, and no supposed ‘autonomous sphere’ to turn to. IT IS BIBLICAL RELIGION, but it is also reductionistic, especially in the areas of Liturgiology.
But your comments? utter lies.
Christ was born a Jew however everything he did while on Earth as God in the flesh went against what the Jewish leaders and priests were saying and doing which is why they persecuted and then killed him. The two people kikes hate the most are Jesus Christ and Uncle Adolf. What does that tell you?
Sadly, for the pagans on this forum (and they are legion) they cannot get past their own antinomianism and hatred for God’s rule, to make that connection. They think that worship of a dead German is more important than worship of a live King, who is their ethnic countrymen. They have bought the lies of the Jews (cf. martin luther) and exchanged it for Truth incarnate.
A live King? Where is he? Why does he let the crimes of the jews continue? If worshiping this King is so important, maybe he should do something to earn it.
John Wesley with Methodism fits in here with a contrast to Calvinism. I grew up in a evangelical Methodist church my Grandfather started.
He broke away from the Methodist church and started his own conference (EMC) with the movement, with the Methodist becoming to liberal in the 1940’s.
It started in yankee county, Pennsylvania, however the south is the strongest in faith with the conference, many growing churches in Tennessee.
My Grandfather before becoming a Christian was a hard core agnostic, stuck in Jewish scientific intellectualism of western infiltration.
His break from the chains?
Christ is the only insurance policy to the after life of.
The moment you worship a foreign God – you’re lost. “Gods” are the emanation of a Folk Soul.
Yup, and YHWH GOD is the God of the White Man and his ONLY true Religion.
Yahweh(not scared to type its name) is the mythical, tribal, childish demon-god of a murderous, roving group of desert scum.
May God Damn you for your blasphemy. Have a nice day.
Fuck off, Father dickhead. Any god that rules this world must be evil. Maybe he’s dead, or just doesn’t care.
Even a Baptist knows this Truth:
“The old truth that Calvin preached, that Augustine preached, that Paul preached, is the truth that I must preach to-day, or else be false to my conscience and my God. I cannot shape the truth; I know of no such thing as paring off the rough edges of a doctrine. John Knox’s gospel is my gospel. That which thundered through Scotland must thunder through England again.”—C. H. Spurgeon
HW- Here. Read a calvinist’s appraisal of American History, for a change.