St. Marys, KS is a town of 2,627 people which has been taken over by Trad Catholics who are acting out Rod Dreher’s Benedict Option. They run the town now.
“Half an hour down the highway from Topeka, Kansas, not far from the geographic center of the United States, sits the town of St. Marys. Like many towns in the region, it is small, quiet, and conservative. Unlike many towns in the region, it is growing. As waves of young people have abandoned the Great Plains in search of economic opportunity, St. Marys has managed to attract families from across the nation. The newcomers have made the radical choice to uproot their lives in pursuit of an ideological sanctuary, a place where they can raise their children according to values no longer common in mainstream America.
St. Marys is home to a chapter of the Society of St. Pius X, or SSPX. Named for the early-20th-century pope who railed against the forces of modernism, the international order of priests was formed in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church’s attempt, in the 1960s, to meet the challenges of contemporary life. Though not fully recognized by the Vatican, the priests of SSPX see themselves as defenders of the true practices of Roman Catholicism, including the traditional Latin Mass, celebrated each day in St. Marys. Perfumed with incense and filled with majestic Latin hymns, the service has an air of formality and grandeur. To most American Catholics under the age of 50, it would be unrecognizable. …”
I’m surprised that White Nationalists haven’t done this.
Of course, if White Nationalists ever did pick a small town in somewhere like Montana or Tennessee and started moving there en masse to create a community based on their ideals, they would immediately run into the problem of what the culture of the town should be. The Trad Catholics don’t have that problem because they have a coherent culture.
This is good news. It helps to have your own separatist language – in this case Latin. In Orania’s case Afrikanner.
I hope they also develop their own:
Media – radio might be best, no TV
Mr. Ryan,
Good to see you commenting. It is about time you write an article. Anyway even though my family are not members of the Society of St. Pius X group I have known 2 families of friends who have/or are living there.
. They are better overall than mainstream Catholics. I wonder how they account for Francis. It is my understanding that they are essentially 1950’s Catholics, especially the older ones. My opinion is based on what a couple of girls I have known who lived up there have told me.
1930s Catholics would be preferable.
I agree. Evidently the elder Catholics were around in the 1950’s and have an unrealistic nostalgia for that era before Vatican II arrived,.
The Catholics and their Jew allies control most city and large town governments as it is!
These so-called Trad Catholics when it comes down to it are just as goofy as Mexicans or Filipinos who scourge themselves with whips, and nail themselves to crosses etc. Catholicism is a totally crazy cult. All Hail the Infallible Pope!
That is quite a mouthful.
Krafty, you DO remember that before there were any Protestants, if you were Christian, you were Catholic?!
Christian sectarianism is what caused Constantinople to fall to the Turks. Instead of turning on each other, White Christians, be they Protestant or Catholic, need to unite. It is not just Catholicism which has been infiltrated by the enemy … there are a lot of Protestant sects who have fallen victim as well.
A good relevant comment.
If white nationalists tried to establish a community anywhere in this stupid, moronic country the local politicians, activists and media would make a huge stink about it, attracting the attention of ZOG and the SPLC. Then the whole project would collapse into lawsuits, violent (provoked) confrontations and mass arrests. So maybe for the time being most of us should remain under deep cover.
Zog would send it agent provocateurs in order for another Waco and/or Ruby Ridge scenario to play out.
Diversity means chasing down the last White person. Recently I read an article about a Norwegian island 650 miles from the North Pole. Yes, they have Diversity.
Don’t you remember? A town that was literally ‘for sale’ in Kansas was targeted by some WHite Nationalists, and they were KICKED OUT by the few useless remainder of the citizenry, rather than have a vibrant, homogeneous WHITE Society restore their area.
Truly, the world is insane.
@Fr. John:
Sorry, sir, but what was Craig Cobb thinking of moving to the one town that had a Black resident and one that was married to a White woman as well. There were other towns in the area that had absolutely NO diversity whatsoever.
I think Cobb was an SPLC plant, because they were in fund-raising mode and needed to invent a new threat to shake down butter and egg money from elderly Holocaust-era Jews.
I don’t know all the details. Just remember the vision of a Whiteopia that was self-conscious, but without God.
The fact that Jewlantic magazine is paying attention to that new cult commune might not be good news for the papists who want to move there. Not that I care one way or the other.
It’s like Orania but for our papist frens. 🙂
HW, Craig Cobb attempted to create a Ben-Op for racially conscious Europeans. He bought cheap houses in Leith, North Dakota, but he failed due to the resistance of white locals, media slander, low-IQ lackeys, and general incompetence. We will establish our own Orania Colony when floods of diversity force high IQ upper-middle class people to establish ethnically homogeneous colonies in the Northern reaches of the Canada and the US. We need high IQ, wealthy leaders in this movement. Unfortunately, white separatism mostly appeals to the white underclass and lower middle class incels. Our movement’s composition must change before we can realize our dreams.
I’m glad you brought this up. I was about to. The main downfall was their bad behavior and White cuck virtue signalling in mostly nordic ND.
I can’t say I blame the Leith residents for evicting Cobb. They probably knew that if they didn’t get him out of there, they’d find low-income housing full of Somalians being constructed in their neighborhood.
Too many of them hate each other, anyway. Much of the dissident Right, while generally going the same way politically, is always in a Mexican stand off with each other… sigh…can you imagine, Styxenhammer, TRS, E. Michael Jones, Richard Spencer’, Jay Dyer, etc, etc, trying to live in the same town together….
And naturally, they ‘ve been accused of being Nazi’s and Anti-Semites by ‘responsible conservative Catholics’ and those (((people))).
“I’m surprised that White Nationalists haven’t done this.
Of course, if White Nationalists ever did pick a small town in somewhere like Montana or Tennessee and started moving there en masse to create a community based on their ideals, they would immediately run into the problem of what the culture of the town should be. The Trad Catholics don’t have that problem because they have a coherent culture.
Its not rocket science. You just be Pro White and otherwise fit into the existing culture.
Either way Whites are not allowed to have their own towns, as you well know White anything is illegal.
Also whenever WN try to organize anything, they are infiltrated by federal spies and informants. They are attacked by every anti-White billionaire funded NGO in the country. Attacked by the mainstream media. They are deplatformed and get their bank accounts canceled. They are set up and sued out of existence. You got a little of the “White Nationalist Treatment TM” at Charlottesville, remember? I don’t blame you for giving up street demos after that.
Show me Catholics coming under 1% of that amount pressure. You can’t.
The establishment doesn’t mind if Catholics organize, since they turned all of South America into a brown third world hell hole and are inviting Africa into Europe. Catholic Ireland is now fast turning brown just like Italy and France.
Only Catholics and Jews are allowed on the Supreme Court, while real Protestant nominations are blocked. That should tell you that the (((establishment))) and Catholics agree on what is most important: That being all White countries must turn brown.
“I’m surprised that White Nationalists haven’t done this.
Of course, if White Nationalists ever did pick a small town in somewhere like Montana or Tennessee and started moving there en masse to create a community based on their ideals, they would immediately run into the problem of what the culture of the town should be. The Trad Catholics don’t have that problem because they have a coherent culture.
Its not rocket science. You just be Pro White and otherwise fit into the existing culture.
Either way Whites are not allowed to have their own towns, as you well know White anything is illegal.
Also whenever WN try to organize anything, they are infiltrated by federal spies and informants. They are attacked by every anti-White billionaire funded NGO in the country. Attacked by the mainstream media. They are deplatformed and get their bank accounts canceled. They are set up and sued out of existence. You got a little of the “White Nationalist Treatment TM” at Charlottesville, remember? I don’t blame you for giving up street demos after that.
Show me Catholics coming under 1% of that amount pressure. You can’t.
Do they, though? Mexican catholics and whites are as segregated and different as anyone can be in my hispanic colony state.
If these are white catholics, sure. Race>denomination according to everything Ive ever seen in my diverse and unrecognizable economic zone.
I think white nationalists could do it, and I could easily make an argument that the american suburbs are an inherently racist and quasi white nationalist movement as well. In the case of the white flight suburbs, both shitlibs and nominal conservatives live together in low crime high trust, boring bubbles.
This in and of itself shows the primacy of race over even ideology.
As someone who would be called a racist neo confederate nazi, I am choosing to live around other whites, whether conservative or shitlib – 100% of the time. And so do all other whites who can afford to in this country.
Racial maps proved this 10 years ago, and my life in a very diverse state corroborates this in every single way.
My two cents.
Note: if you say “no way, I hate white shitlibs and their communities – Id rather live among nominally conservative minorities as a minority myself,” youre simply lying. Period.
And if you offer the demographics of your city as proof that you live among diversity, then give me your zipcode or your particular neighborhood and let me racially map it. Because youre lying.
The town is an example of what I’ve suggested we do. I’m open to whatever cultural affiliation(s) people want to use to form their nationalist enclaves, but common religious association will probably be the standard entry point for such communal enterprises. Faith often supersedes political attachments. If nationalism does catch on with larger segments of the population, it will probably do so through this seemingly unrelated aspect of religious faith. Ideologies like civic nationalism are the last stand for anti-White globalists. If that ridiculous mindset loses hold over us, many small towns could become like autonomous pan-European republics.
One thing I don’t believe people understand, is that the SSPX and other Trad Catholics have been put at “The Children’s Table”. The autism among these people is through the roof.
I’m not surprised. Tom Kawczinski’is trying. The “Northwest” project went nowhere,or else it’s on the deep-down-low. TWP’s in just about the same place. TBH,fam, nobody’s in a big hurry to get “Waco’d”.
Good for them.
Traditional Catholicism, pre Vatican II mentality with Latin mass and all the accoutrements is a wonderful thing. This type of positive influence can legitimately save a town.
(The powers that be will fight this tooth and nail. As for a inherently White nationalist town, it has been tried and outside forces have made a point of legally wrangling away their land and making a point or bussing black folks in. I have seen several documentaries on the very subject over the years. Some of the people doing it were cringey Klan/Wignat jerkoffs, while others were more low-key and presentable. The result is always the same though)
I think BoomerX has exactly the right idea how this will eventually happen. Almost all faiths in the US are racially, or ethnically decided up, and attempts to integrate congregations hasn’t really worked. People want to worship with people like them. Goverment can’t really force this issue, so places like this place in Kansas are almost inevitable. Where I live there are large Amish colonies. How is Goverment going to force them to “intergrate” for instance.
I hate to tell you this – but foolish young Amish women have already gotten knocked up by Negroes during Rumshpringa. The Amish have been courted by Jews, and are undergoing subversion as well. There aren’t many Amish Mudsharks – but it happens. And there are mulatto Amish babies. of course the girls take their spawn back to the farm, once Jamal slinks off.
Not all Amish go on Rumspringa, and most won’t do what those few idiots did. It’s expected that during that time young people will experiment and do crazy stuff before coming home. You’re speaking of a minority of a minority within a minority. Does that completely cancel out the idea of living in separate communities? Do you believe there will be flourishing mulatto Amish areas anytime soon?
Children of the Corn: Benedict Option
“The Trad Catholics don’t have that problem because they have a coherent culture.”
No, they don’t have that problem because Catholicism is majority nonwhite worldwide and isn’t a threat to the powers that be.
Imagine anyone getting outraged by “It’s OK to be Catholic” flyers.
They hate you because you’re white. Religion is a distraction.
I see a lot of push back against HW saying Catholics have a coherent culture… He’s right you know.
I started reading WN sites right before the alt right really got going. 2008 era.
I started reading sites like white rabbit or bob Whitaker because I knew whites were under attack but sites like VNN made me want to stay far away from WN’s.
Largely because it was so painfully obvious people were hamfistedly insisting their version of whiteness is the true whiteness, while every other white person else is Judaized.
Unfortunately this still exists to lesser degree today. But a WN town sounds terrible. The only group that could maybe pull it of is LoS but itd have to be only them.
A big part of why that is, is because of the politics of personal responsibility and actually believing some random plebs actions is causing societal decay. This mind set ensures purity spiralling.
It’s interesting how no one ever points out the potential for the Asatru Folk Assembly. Asatru is a religion literally made for our race, based on the beliefs of our Indo-European ancestors. It’s Gods are unquestionably in our image as we are in theirs.
All the problems that could arise between the inhabitants of a WN town could be mediated if everyone there shared not only a political ideology based around their race, but a RELIGION too.
You bring up an excellent point. However, look at how Poz’d Neo-Paganism has become.
A fake religion, is no religion, Kronos. Your clock must be off….