Why Covidiots Will Kill People In The South

Here is a preview of the future:

Chambers County, AL, population 34,215, is the worst hit county in Alabama. There are now 213 cases and 8 deaths in the county. This disproportionate outcome in small town and rural Alabama is the result of one church service in Lanett that occurred before the lockdown.

Closer to home, Dougherty County, GA, population 94,565, is the worst hit county in Georgia. There are now 1,286 cases and 78 deaths in the county. This wildly disproportionate outcome in Southwest Georgia is the result of two funerals at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Albany, GA that occurred before there was a single confirmed case in Georgia.

Here is the situation 25 miles from my hometown in Randolph County, GA, population 7,719, which has 126 cases and 6 deaths and Early County, GA, population 11,008, which has 132 cases of coronavirus and 6 deaths. This is all the result of the two black funerals in Albany in late February and early March. The entire region has now been infected by a radioactive cloud of coronavirus.

Albany Herald:

“On the Georgia Department of Public Health’s map, the dark blue color distinguishes counties where positive tests for the coronavirus have been calculated at a rate of at least 200 residents for every 100,000. Randolph County has the highest rate; its 126 cases are the highest per capita rate in the state, with Early County close behind. …”

This puts the lockdown in perspective.

It was one church service and two black funerals that did all of this. Most people in rural and small town America still have only a few cases in their county. They have been spared from seeing the full force of this. Watch what happens when these governors “Reopen America.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Some went to in-person church in the north as well. They are also gobbed up in the Walmart with their friends, or stopping to talk on the phone about hand cream while blocking an isle of mask wearers.

    My favorite was the lady whose child coughed on all the chips while she half-heartedly reminded him to ‘cover it up Tristan!’ as she decided which ones they should get, which took her what seemed like thirty minutes of deep thought. He could barely walk and should’ve been in the cart but then there’d be less room in the cart for chips.

    Cue the banjos, they say: But everything you see people moan about in the south also takes place in the north.

    My favorite thing from the Walmart Files is the lady who watches the shoppers self check-out: she told me only one ground beef was allowed, so I had to hand her my other one, I had a whopping two.

    Coughing and getting right on top of folks to talk on phones, cool. Two beefs, no.

      • Unfortunately, Dear Denise, if we don’t go shoppin’ at Walmart where I live, we would have to go without more than a few items.

        Sadly, our economy has been utterly wrecked by what you rightly labeled as the treacherous policies of the United States’ Government the other day.

        My wife lost her herbal and vitamin shoppe to a Walmart Superstore, it one of the last remaining local-owned stores down in little Washington NC in the 1990s.

        All we have left are gunshoppes, restaurants, and pawn-shoppes. The rest are all corporate franchises, though, in my of the towns in my region, we do not even have them, this because, there again, The United States’ Government wrecked not only our mom & pop stores, and shipped out our manufacturing, they have even paid 3 generations of our Negroes to not do a godly labour.

        So, what was once a thriving Southland in my childhood, is now a wasteland.

        I still cannot get over it when my fellow Southerners wave the Stars & Stripes, instead of our own great flag!

        • Politicians; local, state and federal all around the country couldn’t wait to sell out their constituents by allowing predatory capitalism to thrive at the expense of local prosperity, among many of the other bad things they did. They were paid off, of course in bribes labelled as “campaign donations” and lucrative “jobs” for their families for doing the bidding of the likes of Wal-Mart. Anti-trust actions were never taken against these monopolies by those who were responsible for preventing the wrecking of local economies.

          Congress does do a good job of representing their constituents, their constituents just happen to all live within fifty miles of the Capitol in the D.C. beltway, not any of the states they ostensibly represent. The wonderful “democracy” we are afflicted with is based upon bribery and extortion, it’s working perfectly, this is its logical outcome. Unfortunately corona has, among other things pricked the financial bubble meaning the bribery and extortion thing won’t work when the government ruins the currency.

          There are likely to be many angry colored people this summer if the EBT, WIC, Snap etc. fail, there are no more 40 oz. beverages, 10 Lb. buckets of KFC or Mickey D’s available or the police try to enforce the six foot social distancing rule against them. Don’t be near them when they have their outbursts, it will be dangerous.

        • My wife lost her herbal and vitamin shoppe to a Walmart Superstore, it one of the last remaining local-owned stores down in little Washington NC in the 1990s.

          Sorry to hear that Ivan. That’s a real tragedy.

          All we have left are gunshoppes, restaurants, and pawn-shoppes. The rest are all corporate franchises, though, in my of the towns in my region, we do not even have them, this because, there again, The United States’ Government wrecked not only our mom & pop stores, and shipped out our manufacturing, they have even paid 3 generations of our Negroes to not do a godly labour.

          A macro-tragedy yet still.

          I’ve been all over the country, and I’ll tell you, outside of the major metropolitan metropolis’, Wal-Mart, and Dollar General in more rural areas, is the only shopping experience in most of these towns.

      • As Ivan says, Denise, for me as well the closest store is one hour and twenty minutes away, and it is the den of iniquity that I used to avoid at all costs, Walmart.

        We have a small mom n’ pop size store thirty minutes away and I do buy what I can there. There’s a lot they don’t have and what they do have is marked up.

        Walmart has one competitor in the city here that people make jokes about, the overpricing of items is literally several dollars more than you’d find it anywhere else.

        I survived Walmart. In 2020 that has more than one meaning.

  2. Better have a strict shelter in place then Hunter, just like the other states, so no fishing and camping with your buddies, if you want to be truly safe.. and intellectually consistent.

    • Does being this stupid and juvenile come naturally to you, Virtus, or did you need to practice it?

    • I respectfully disagree, Virtus – the bubonic plague this is not – not even close.

      Everyone in my area, The Olde Confederacy, is huntin’ and fishin’ up a storm, and the only cases we have had took place in one old home, but, have not spread.

      Yes, Virtus, caution and prudence are good – but to a point when the cure becomes worse, far worse, than the disease.

      This virus is on the wane, and, will be a non factor by the end of Spring.

      Next Winter, however, is a question mark, that a hurdle which will be the ultimate judge of whether President Trump was actually helpin’ or just posin’.

        • Oh, i see, Dear Denise. Well, I always was good at hitting fastballs and change-ups as a youngun’, but, not so much screw- & knuckleballs!

          I reckon this one just kinda got by me!

          • Virtus was being subtle. I am usually as subtle as a brick flying through a window – but I appreciate the quality in others. I also appreciate gentle sarcasm. Virtus was gently needling. Hunter.

      • Ivan,

        Thank you for the respectful response, and while I was being somewhat ironic, I largely agree with what you are saying.

        Here is my position: I just believe that anyone here who supports shelter-in-place orders, should not just support it ‘for thee. but not for me’

        Basically, as long as it’s happening to yankees, and other areas outside the South, or in cities and non-rural areas, some of these fellas are all for it. I know life might not have changed much for some country folks, but it’s a big world outside the rural areas, and the South.

        Again, if you truly believe that the virus really is easily spread, the argument that you don’t want to be an asymptomatic bio-carrier of it to infect others, then you should support strict lockdowns everywhere. Anyway, that’s the point I was trying to make.

        Btw – I am very happy you fellas down South have it easier, and are not couped up like they are in other places (like Michigan, the governor there doesn’t even want people visiting friends or relatives, or even going to their summer homes upstate, let alone for fishing or hunting). I was stationed down South when I was in the army, and I loved the time I spent there, especially in Alabama.

        • Thank you so very much for your very kind reply, Virtus!

          To be clear, most of us, down Dixie way, are NOT happy the Corona virus is hitting y’all, up yonder.

          I would like to be clear that, as much as I would like The South and The North to not be married anymore, I know a lot of great Northerners, lived with my wife on the New York/Vermont border for many years, and, yes, I have some dear friends from Michigan – both in Ann Arbor and way far away in the wild upstate area.

          Life is easier down South – if for no other reason than we don’t have long winters, have little snow to blow, and generally have a laid-back attitude that sticks with us from our agrarian days.

          Yes, I agree with you that cherrypicking is bad. I don’t like it on The Left and I sure don’t like it on The Left.

          I am glad you enjoyed Alabama. My wife is from there. You probably would enjoy all of Dixie then, because, with just our large cities excepting, we have the same culture from East Texas all the way to mid-Virginia.

          Though we have our share of problems in Northeastern North Carolina, life is good here – a kind of magical sylvan land that still has not quite gotten the news that the 1950s are over!

          As to my response, yes, you are very welcome – civility and kindness are, I am quite sure, the only way to treat folks.

          Any Southerner who does otherwise is a Southerner in name only.

          When I see people advocating for a political point of view, yet speaking to other folks in a horrid and dismissive way, it boggles my mind that they do not see how that undermines all that they would wish to convey!

          At any rate, all the best to you and yours!

          • “… a kind of magical sylvan land that still has not quite gotten the news that the 1950s are over!”

            No wonder I sometimes get the feeling I’d fit right in there.

          • As to my response, yes, you are very welcome – civility and kindness are, I am quite sure, the only way to treat folks.

            Any Southerner who does otherwise is a Southerner in name only.

            When I see people advocating for a political point of view, yet speaking to other folks in a horrid and dismissive way, it boggles my mind that they do not see how that undermines all that they would wish to convey!

            At any rate, all the best to you and yours!


            Thank you Ivan! I absolutely love the South, especially because of their kindness, civility, and overall good nature and friendliness. Yes indeed, speaking to each other in dismissive ways does undermine so much of what we are saying .. worst still, it prevents us from learning from each other in a good-faith debate, and with it, the enhanced and better understanding that comes with it through seeing an issue from different perspectives. Best wishes, brother!

        • Virtus- You said: “as long as it’s happening to yankees, and other areas outside the South, or in cities and non-rural areas, some of these fellas are all for it. I know life might not have changed much for some country folks, but it’s a big world outside the rural areas, and the South.”

          HW said: “This is all the result of the two black funerals…”

          So, are you beginning to see the light? If this virus is attacking Jews and N*ggers, and those two are the ‘Xenoi’ that this land (covenanted to be a Christian Nation) should never have allowed to become citizens, or voting members of the Christian Republic Franchise, OR PART OF THE BODY OF CHRIST- Why should we think- or act- any differently?

          Irresponsible behavior by ANY group is shameful. BUT ALLOWING BLACKS AND YIDS AND SPICS, etc. TO REMAIN IN OUR LAND, when we are being decimated by a PLAGUE that the Almighty has sent (first hurdle to jump over for many, I grant you, but there you are) for our miscegenation and perversion sins (sodomy, trannyism, feminism, abortion, etc.= all sexually degenerate behaviors that are related to ‘racial [sic] supremacism’- and, cohencidentally, how Israel is acting all along)…

          when the legal document that binds us all (i.e., the Bible) says specifically:

          “…And I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Sea of the Philistines, and from the desert to the Euphrates. For I will deliver the inhabitants into your hand, and you will drive them out before you. 32You shall make no covenant with them or with their gods. 33They must not remain in your land, lest they cause you to sin against Me. For if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you.”… [ Ex. 23:31]

          And, as Christ noted, ‘The scriptures cannot be broken’ [John 10:35] ….

          ALL MODERN APOSTATE CHRISTIANS (RC’s, PROTS, and the SCOBA-dox) are covenant breakers… and worse than the Pagans around us, for countenancing such hominids in our midst.


          “Chrysostomos loudly declares not only heretics, but also those who have communion with them, to be enemies of God.” – St. Theodore the Studite, Epistle to Abbot Theophilus

          Y’all want a secular, God-absent ‘final solution’ to this Chinese Origin- VD (the allusion to perverse sexual tastes is deliberate- what with AIDS like characteristics being a part of this engineered virus) FOR THE SIMPLE FACT THAT Y’ALL ARE IN REBELLION AGAINST GOD AND HIS CHRIST.

          But the carnage will continue. Blacks do not worship the same God as Christians – indeed, apart from a EUNUCH in Acts, no black is said to be a part of the Kingdom- Greeks and Hebrews are the only two racial/ethnic groups the Bible says are the Adam of God-

          “For I am not ashamed of The Gospel, because it is the power of God for the life of all who believe in it, whether of The Judeans first, and then the Hellene.”- Rom. 1:16

          God is a racist, and HIS seed [Ez. 9:2] alone is the only “Chosen People’ there are… and, after 20 centuries of Jewish inbreeding, and Cainitic miscegenation, only those racially pure Aryans we call Nordic Whites, are worthy of God’s election, frankly.

          As Fr. Seraphim Rose noted, a generation ago, ‘In the end, ALL the churches will serve Antichrist.’ And what is an antichrist? Someone who denies that Jesus incarnated in ONE RACIAL FLESH, for the express purpose of ‘to save HIS PEOPLE (His RACE) from their sins.’
          [ Matt. 1:21]

          THAT’S WHY THIS VIRUS IS INDISCRIMINATE, but is also concentrated in certain ethnoses.
          They are the damned. We Whites are the covenantally disobedient. but both of us are being judged for our sins.

  3. Stupid SHOULD hurt.
    In this case, it’s a roll of the dice if stupidity is fatal.

    Take the Coronavirus challenge to prove how “it’s just the flu” and get back to us once you’ve been weaned off the ventilator. If you’re lucky.

  4. While those two guys were fighting, I realized I should’ve said ‘aisle’.

    But America isn’t yet great ‘again’ so it might’ve gone unnoticed. Shwew.

    Speaking of things going unnoticed: Trump told some reporter to shut his yap for daring to bring up something he said literally ONE day ago. As if in the attention span of Americans one day is the distant past akin to ancient history.

    Then he revised history and said the opposite of what he said yesterday. They comply with his demand they shut up, lest they be called a ‘loser’ or someone who ‘is lousy at reporting’ or my favorite that he called the one today, drowning him out with his hollering, a ‘loudmouth’.

    Every day is opposite day and Hollywood and Washington are intertwined like conjoined twins.

  5. “Every day is opposite day and Hollywood and Washington are intertwined like conjoined twins.”

    They both have the same Jewish nursing mother, a whore.

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