Colin Woodard Interview


I needed a good laugh.

I honestly don’t know how Colin Woodard can watch the events we are seeing unfolding in this country and across its global liberal empire and draw the conclusion that civic nationalism and its established religion of anti-racism are sufficient to hold a nation together in the long term. Maybe he didn’t see that mob set the American flag on fire and lynch that statue of George Washington?

The post-World War II era has been defined by the American Empire which has upheld and extended liberalism and capitalism across the world. Americanism has been stripped of its ethnonationalist anchors – White identity, English culture and Christianity – which stabilized the system and previously kept it from self destructing. White ethnonationalism has been weakened, deconstructed and repressed for 80 years now. The current system has created the deracinated mobs of guilt ridden “woke” Whites who are destroying liberalism by taking “all men are created equal” it to its logical conclusion.

Tolerance has led to … bigotry, ritual shaming and intolerance.

Freedom has led to … repression and tyranny.

Equality has led to … hierarchy and inequality.

Rights has led to … ethnic duties, castes and privileges.

Meritocracy has led to … aristocracy.

Diversity has led to … suffocating conformity.

Anti-racism has led to … racism against Whites.

Cosmopolitanism has led to … provincialism.

Moral relativism and neutrality has led to … closemindedness, moral certitude and fanaticism.

Is this a healthy vision of “civic nationalism” or a system that is plainly in the process of self destructing before our eyes?

Note: Ethnonationalists haven’t been participating in recent events. Civic nationalists are making our case for us.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I have to say that the video on why they fight with the Greatest Generation was very funny and true.

  2. “Americanism has been stripped of its ethnonationalist anchors – White identity, English culture and Christianity – which stabilized the system and previously kept it from self destructing.”

    The USA resembles the Austro-Hungarian Empire alot.

    Many competeing ethnic groups (Germans, Slavs, Jews) all competing for power and ripping the place apart.

    That did not end well and neither will the USA me-thinks.

  3. Empires become too large, and become easily torn apart by competing tribes and interests. It’s our turn for destruction. As a history reader, I can easily accept this as a process that has been seen many times throughout the centuries. Living through this process is a disturbing thing to watch, though.

  4. Have you noticed that all of the alleged white supremacists who daily oppress innocent coloreds, were noticeably absent everywhere rioting occurred? It’s almost as if they don’t really exist.

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