The Age of Conservative Illusions

In light of the events of the past month which appear to have shaken the faithful, I have created a list of the Top 15 Delusions that mainstream conservatives have believed in since I have observed them:

1.) Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Colorblind Utopia – For decades, conservative liberals have believed in the delusion that American society was steadily moving toward a colorblind utopia where everyone would be judged by “the content of their character” and not “the color of their skin.” When the progressive Left abandoned this idea in the late 1960s, conservative liberals thought it was real smart to pick up this credo and make it their own. As a rule, today’s conservatism is always yesterday’s progressivism. Now, they are looking in horror at a world where their own children and grandchildren will be demonized and oppressed on the basis of their race.

2.) “All Men Are Created Equal” – Conservative liberals bought into this line from the Declaration of Independence hook, line and sinker and made it their credo. They have gone along with the liberal consensus that there are NO HEREDITARY DIFFERENCES between human populations. Everyone is equal and inequality is the result of past discrimination and current prejudice. There are no natural limitations. A man can become a woman simply by putting on a pair of panties and a dress. It was easier not to challenge the destructive logic of this idea and allow our entire civilization to be delegitimized when millenarian promises of “equality” inevitably disappointed and failed to materialize.

3.) Monopolies – For generations, conservative liberals influenced by libertarian theorists have argued that free-market capitalism does not lead to concentrated economic power in the form of monopolies. Deregulation would lead to more competition which would be better for the consumer. Neoliberalism would not return us to the immiseration, social instability and oligarchy of the Gilded Age.

4.) Free-market capitalism is compatible with social conservatism – Rest assured, social conservatives can vote for a neoliberal economic agenda – massive tax cuts, deregulation and global free trade – and that would not enrich and empower their enemies while impoverishing their own communities. It would not empower an oligarchy that is totally opposed to their values.

5.) Ordered Liberty – Conservative liberals have insisted that liberalism is compatible with order, cohesion, continuity, stability, decency and normalcy. It has limits and boundaries. It is not a slippery slope that leads to novelty chasing and a perpetual state of social revolution.

6.) Civic Nationalism – Conservative liberals completely bought into the post-World War II vision that the United States should be based on nothing but civic nationalism. In fact, America would lead the Western world with this vision, which henceforth would be based on nothing but liberal ideals. Race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sex and other ascriptive characteristics NO LONGER MATTERED.

Everyone would agree on the universal self evident truths of liberty and equality which would usher in a new happy era of universal peace. Society would not become too heterogeneous to function and start to dissolve over irreconcilable differences after these things were all wished away by utopian dreamers. Liberalism alone was strong enough to stand on its own two legs and hold nations together.

7.) “At least I still have the Constitution” – Yes, it is true that Haiti has been through 23 constitutions over the course of its turbulent history, but as long as we have our Constitution that is all we really need. The sheer compelling force of the Constitution will be enough to hold America together. Every group of people on earth no matter what their ancestry or history has exactly the same capacity for self government because liberal ideals are universally true across all cultures and all countries at all times.

8.) Magic Dirt Theory – For generations, conservative liberals have believed in the notion that magic dirt is what makes us great and foreigners become Americans simply by landing on our shores and applying for the paperwork that makes them citizens of our glorious republic. We can completely replace with the population of, say, Detroit or London with a different population and the change wouldn’t matter in the slightest. Human beings are interchangeable units because “all men are created equal.” Clearly, our culture and liberal ideals will live on long after we are gone as they have in Zimbabwe.

9.) Universal selfishness serves the common good – This is the moral theory of free-market capitalism. A system built on universal selfishness will lift all boats and promote the general welfare of society rather than immiserate the working class so that a few corpulent billionaires can own mega yachts.

10.) Meritocracy – According to meritocracy, raising up a new American elite based on a nebulous idea called “merit” measured by SAT test scores would create a new elite that was a marked improvement over the WASP elite. This elite would not be selfish, alienated, hostile and unfit to govern.

11.) Anti-racism – Conservative liberals clutched this viper to their chest and went along with elevating it into being the supreme good in our society. If only they believed in the gospel of anti-racism hard enough, then racial inequality would disappear. Racial hatred would become a thing of the past. The clouds would part and racial discord would vanish. They could accept this and get on with business.

12.) More Liberal Democracy – More liberal democracy is always better than limiting democracy. As a society, we have progressed as voting rights have been steadily expanded so that our share of the electorate as White men has been steadily reduced in our own countries. An electorate in which a majority of voters are women and racial minorities is clearly better than the one we had in 1790.

13.) “Wait until reality hits them” – As for all the communists and anarchists and myriad types of social justice fanatics incubating in our universities, wait until they have to get a real job in the real world!

14.) Fair Play – Something conservative liberals believe in which their ruthless opponents absolutely do not. The conservative liberal is timid and weak and incapable of being mean, unfair or taking his own side. They have a chronic inability to say “NO” to anyone to their Left. Politics should be played by Marquess of Queensberry Rules. Bring a BB gun to a bazooka fight.

15.) BLEXIT and Jexodus – Blacks and Jews are always poised to abandon their allegiance to the Democratic Party and start voting Republican. Conservative liberals are absolutely obsessed with pursuing core Democratic voters who never end up voting of them.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Top 15 Delusions that mainstream conservatives have believed in since I have observed them”

    Yes, Sir – you sure have observed them and bravely decried them, in public, no less, for many years.

    I remain sceptical, however that John Doe Conservative will see them.


    Because John Doe Conservative has become expert at only seeing what he wants to see.

    Sad to say, but,this is doubly so for my White Southern Brethren, who, above all, have the most at stake to actually see what has long been before their noses.

    They won’t see it, however, because, drunk on the maxims of Organized Jewry and New England Yankee Puritan dogma, they have learned that virtue is blindness, and, being honour-oriented, as they are, and always have been, they will demonstrate that virtue, over and over again.

  2. We need to be more diligent.

    “During the 2016 presidential campaign, while Garland remained before the Senate, Trump released two lists of potential nominees. On May 18, 2016, Trump released a short list of eleven judges for nomination to the Scalia vacancy.[14] In September 2016, Trump released a second list of ten possible nominees, this time including three minorities.[15] Both lists were assembled by the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation.[16] Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society played a major role in the creation of the second list, which included Gorsuch.[17]”

    “Leo has led campaigns to support the Supreme Court nominations of John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. In 2017 (before Justice Kavanaugh’s appointment and confirmation), legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin wrote that Leo was “responsible, to a considerable extent, for one third of the justices on the Supreme Court.”[2] Leo described himself in 2019 as “a leader of the conservative legal movement.”[3]”

    1 out of 4 is abject failure – 1 strong (Alito), 2 failures (Roberts, Gorsuch), 1 weak (Kavanaugh)

    Is Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society incompetent or compromised?

    (((Compromised))) – has someone been whispering in his ear?:

  3. Absolutely idiotic. This was written by a liberal. Only liberals dont support Tax cuts. And I never care what color skin someone has. Liberals do.

    • @jen

      See, folks? This is why conservatives are useless. You’ll notice that conservatives never said a word when Jared Kushner’s friends at Larry Fink’s Blackrock got trillions of dollars to pass out to all their Wall Street buddies.

      Then these conservatives have the nerve to pretend to be “fiscally conservative” and “against welfare.” What they really mean is, “Jews get all the welfare, and you get your jobs sent to India, plus more LEGAL immigration!”

      White people will never be free until we drop these conservative lunatics.

    • “And I never care what color skin someone has.”

      Not yet? It will come if you live long enough.

      Well, I care what color skin someone has especially when they date my son or my daughter.

      Enjoy your diversity, I won’t interfere.

      By the way, don’t move next door to me. You have the potential for trouble with that kind of foolishness. We won’t get along too well. Think “Pacific Heights.”

    • Those liberals are winning in case you haven’t noticed. What you and your fellow conservatives have been doing has completely failed. The left has been running the tables on conservatives for over 50 years.

      Conservatives are in love with virtuous failure but it should be obvious a change in tactics and beliefs is needed.

  4. 11.) Anti-racism – Conservative liberals clutched this viper to their chest and went along with elevating it into being the supreme good in our society. If only they believed in the gospel of anti-racism hard enough, then racial inequality would disappear. Racial hatred would become a thing of the past. The clouds would part and racial discord would vanish. They could accept this and get on with business.

    I guess the Conservative liberals didn’t read the word of God because:


    Obey God and don’t be a:

    FREAK OF NATURE!!!!!!!

  5. The Republican Party is rooted in Northern machine politics. Political Machines are good at grinding or bulldozing their way to power, I.e., winning elections. But they don’t know what to do, other than to pay off their donors, once they get there. They just cannot govern, or learn how to govern.

    In any case, real political parties seek the political extinction of their rivals and opponents. In other words, to win. Permanently.

  6. Not sure where this one fits, but it’s definitely an illusion – I call it the illusion of a caricature of communism: The Biden campaign is saying Trump is a communist, and Never-Trump Republicans are also calling him “Comrade Trump.”

    You also did not mention the very important illusion of the “foreign enemies that are preparing to destroy America,” including “Radical Islam,” Russia, China, Korea, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela. In reality, there is no foreign enemy trying to destroy the U.S.

    There is also the illusion of the Almighty Dollar, “the god in whom we trust.” It is a fiat currency forced on the rest of the world, who must pay our debts and give us their labor and resources for the privilege of using it.

    • Both parties call each other communists because both parties are controlled by the Jews, who hate Communism more than anything. If there really were a communist government in America, it would be the end of Zionism.

      • Jews hate communism? Yes, for themselves but they want everyone else living under the most severe form. Communism & zionism’s origin (zionism’s not Vienna) are out of the city of Frankfurt, Germany (hometown of Rothschild, Schiff, et al.). They control both zionism and communism….. the illusion of opposition. For crying out loud this inforrmation is readily available…. everywhere.

  7. Jesus, Hunter, you’re firing on all cylinders today. I remember hearing most of this drivel 20 years ago, and none of their Pollyanna ideas have borne fruit, things have only gotten light years worse.

  8. 1.) Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Colorblind Utopia – For decades, conservative liberals have believed in the delusion that American society was steadily moving toward a colorblind utopia where everyone would be judged by “the content of their character” and not “the color of their skin.” When the progressive Left abandoned this idea in the late 1960s, conservative liberals thought it was real smart to pick up this credo and make it their own. As a rule, today’s conservatism is always yesterday’s progressivism. Now, they are looking in horror at a world where their own children and grandchildren will be demonized and oppressed on the basis of their race.

    MLK was a plagiarist, rape abettor, womanizer, and self-admitted socialist. Most people don’t realize today that most Americans DISAPPROVED of him during the 1960’s. According to an early 1968 Harris Poll, MLK died with a public disapproval rating of nearly 75 percent. It was only decades after his death and millions spent by his family in a publicity campaign to rehabilitate his image did he become the ludicrous martyr celebrated today. To his credit, amnesty Reagan did veto a MLK holiday before Congress, with the help of Republicans and Southerners, overrode his veto. Even in the ’80s, the GOP was trying to win over more black votes with such lame virtue signaling. Replace the holiday with Civil Rights Day!

  9. White people have very few good options at this point.

    1) Democracy won’t help because whites (especially right-wing whites) are a dwindling minority with declining birthrates (both in the USA and worldwide). Democracy is the noose the Hutus will lynch whites with, as in South Africa. It’s very likely the USA’s borders will be opened wide in the near future.
    2) People are still in denial, clutching at straws like “Tucker for President.” That’s just more loser politics. Candidates, parties, and elections simply don’t matter, at all. (Even the left recognizes this, and resorts to arson and rioting.) Donors (and corporations) control everything, and they can’t be voted out. Killing the Republican party certainly feels good from a revenge standpoint (and should be done), but it doesn’t actually move the ball. Any new party will be controlled by the same donors.
    3) How about an ethnic alliance between, say, Hispanics and Whites? That won’t work either due to 2).
    4) Appeals to justice and fairplay won’t work. 3rd-worldists are driven by REVENGE (“eye for an eye” justice). When whitey appeals to justice, they laugh and say: Were your ancestors fair and just? Also, the courts and “suing people” isn’t going to help, as James Fields and the recent SCOTUS decisions show.
    5) Calls for funding, organization, and our own institutions won’t work. Funding is obviously no-go because even tiny income streams for white advocacy will be immediately shutdown. We all know this. Local organization might help for a while, but will eventually be criminalized as racist, like mutual aid networks to protect farmers in South Africa. You simply can’t protect yourself with any legitimacy when your enemies outnumber you and control all the levers of power. All you can really do is blubber, kneel, lick the boot, and hope for the best. A lot of white people, including the Republican party, are already at that point.
    6) Violence won’t succeed because right-wingers all over the West are old and fat. Look at the right-wing protestors in the UK. Hate to say it, but they’re disgusting. Those optics alone — old right versus young left — tells you the outcome. Old people don’t win wars against the young. Trump and Mitch McConnell and Peter Brimelow aren’t going to bury AOC and Ilhan Omar.

    So to recap, we can rule out: democracy, voting in new candidates, creating a new party, ethnic alliance with Hispanics, appealing to justice/fairplay, appealing to the courts, developing funding/organization, and violence.

    Of course, strategies like the above may have *some* utility. But they’re all highly flawed, and it’s necessary think outside the old box.

    Some routes that show promise are:

    1) Adapting to ethnic prison gang conditions

    2) Fleeing the USA

    3) Withdrawing all support for the USA. Doing everything in your power, in everything you do throughout the day, to throw sand in its gears. This harks back to dissidents in the USSR.

    4) Powerful new technologies are in the offing, like AI, that may alter the balance of power between minorities and large militant majorities or organizations. It’s not clear this will help, but it’s coming anyway, so might as well start thinking about it. For example, IQ differences between Whites, Blacks, and Jews are likely to be a moot point when an AI shows up that is 100 times smarter than anyone.

    5) Destabilizing the financial system: For example, doing what you can to promote higher and higher levels of government debt, or a crash of the dollar

    • Very good comment. I’m still hoping that the US will break apart like the USSR, and that there’ll be a few safe new countries to join. Nomad Capitalist is good for your number two solution. However, there doesn’t seem to be any good country as compared to the US. Though, if the reeducation camps start forming, any Caribbean island will do.

  10. THE Republicans ARE making an alliance with Hispanics. As everyone in the US is; the media and the Dems. This BLM kurkufle uprising has put a temporary halt on that [ though already PBS and NPR and CNN are back to talking about the poor Latino immigrant and Dreamers who love their families and love to work more then any other group of people ever and are more traumatized then any other group by covid]! The pandering to Latinos is ubiquitous all across every institution and across political divides. American supremacism; we are different and better then all other countries and people on the planet ever!, narrative can only now survive if it is not seen as racist. So making brown people and culture from Latin America , part of US culture/people allows the US to maintain its supremacist /nationalist ideology with brown people/ Spanish language/culture as cover [ see how we not only tolerate but love our brown people and their culture which is now our culture; we cant be supremacist /nationalists, imperialists!

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