Summer Taylor Has Died

How about another joke?

“Summer has been there since Day One standing up for Black lives. Staying out all day and night, while still working full time taking care of animals,” Hoberecht said. “Summer talked me about the protests, and how incredible it was to be a part of something so huge. A part of history.”

She died as she lived … fighting racism.

Unlike Heather Heyer and George Floyd, Summer Taylor will be forgotten by next weekend like David Dorn or the 14-year-old black kid who was shot and killed in CHAZ/CHOP. Deaths only matter so long as they can be used by the media as propaganda fodder to push the right narratives.

Note: Summer Taylor’s deracinated body reflects the sickness and shallowness of American popular culture. Anthropologists should study it and others like it to understand liberal cultures.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Where were the police? Where were the civil authorities who are paid to keep order? Why were BLM and Antifa allowed to blockade a major freeway?

    “… the threat of aggression by any group anywhere can no longer be tolerated. There must be security for all or no one is secure. Now this does not mean giving up any freedom, except the freedom to act irresponsibly. Your ancestors knew this when they made laws to govern themselves and hired policemen to enforce them…” Klaatu’s speech.

    • 3500 years by our current knowledge’s.

      Meet King Tut’s Father, Egypt’s First Revolutionary

      This is the place where white people got their first warning.

      Ancient Egyptians did not had the credit cards, no public educations, Jews, video games or whatever. But they had liberal madness and they had time to take good look on it.

      So they discovered that some people are extremely interested with democracy, human rights, dignity, reason, facts, science….to put it short, some white people are mad.

      Ancient Egyptians did not had computer tomography, so they just crushed the white liberal skulls to see, why some people are mad and evil .What they discovered, was the very strange brain structure which remanded this time number combination.

      After that discovery, the legend hanged around Middle east approx 1000 years until landed in bible with infamous 666 devil sign in the liberal forehead.

      Nothing is changed, Liberals still have the devil sign on the forehead and we can find out them with computer tomography.

      Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults

  2. Getting hit by a car at a low speed results in horrific injuries so I can’t even imagine what kind of damage the two freedom fights received because the negro was driving quite fast. The noise of impact was vomit worthy.

  3. Terrible stuff. She might have looked alright with a decent haircut and a nice dress.

  4. I feel sorry for the paramedics and firemen. This sort of call is sickening to the stomach for firemen. It’s the nastiest element of the job.

  5. So why the blue hair why do woke lefty girls do this so often? Was her natural brunette or dark hair not good enough? She was non binary so what like bisexual?!

    Not a bad looking ass if I’m being honest, not a big fan of tattoos though and the blue hair and shaved sides is just silly like I could understand if it was cosplay but as a permanent hair color is just attention seeking. Aquaman i think on her left thigh and spock on her right.

    Just a sad loss of life all because she was brainwashed by leftist propaganda to do this stupid blm antiwhite mob shit. The mainstream news media and politicians who advocated this is evil

    • The cartoon character hair is a statement against whiteness. They’ve been brainwashed that whites are pure evil, so they dye their hair a ridiculous non-human color to declare they aren’t really white.

  6. Summer was an utter piece of garbage. This is what happens when you “free” women. It is absurd to “free” a creature that is utterly enslaved by nature. Woman should never participate in politics because a woman’s entire purpose is to surrender.

  7. As Dissident Right White Nationalists, we should have a day of mourning for Summer Taylor. ALL White Women are special princesses and Karens and Antifa especially since they are ALL clearly victims and only conforming to the norms of society. If Summer Taylor was born in Nazi Germany, she’d be a passionate National Socialist.

    The death of Summer Taylor is a tragedy as her life has a million times more value in it than a disillusioned White male who stays inside and plays video games.

    R.I.P. sweet goddess, if only 18 year old White men had the balls to intervene, you may still be alive and pregnant with a beautiful White baby upon whom you could put your trashy tattoos on.

    • Actually, the fault devolves to us, allowing evil ((spirits)) to take over our media an degenerate to this.

    • Outlander says: As Dissident Right White Nationalists, we should have a day of mourning for Summer Taylor. ALL White Women are special princesses and Karens and Antifa especially since they are ALL clearly victims and only conforming to the norms of society.

      lol This is why white nationalism goes nowhere even in countries like Brazil and S. Africa where whites are a beleaguered minority. It always attracts the fringes and dregs, because they feel empowered when Springer and Maury guests are placed on the same level as geniuses and scientists. Socioeconomic status is just as real as race and a typical white professional in the burbs will prefer to socialize with a nonwhite/Jewish neighbor on his block than a white trailer park or shack dweller.
      When I explain the importance of white majoritarianism, my friends (including the nonwhite ones) are receptive, but white nationalism is an automatic turn off for them.

      When homeless white junkie bums bug me for money when I’m in the city, I don’t donate to them just because we happen to be of the same race. A collective awakening is needed to prevent our nation from becoming a Third World hellhole, but I refuse to embrace trashy low IQ people who will lower the European-American stock. No, not all our people are princes and princesses.

  8. At age sixty-six, I’m rarely brought to tears, but my eyes got watery when I thought of Dawit Kelete’s ruined fender.

    • John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia says: At age sixty-six, I’m rarely brought to tears, but my eyes got watery when I thought of Dawit Kelete’s ruined fender.

      One of the top comments of the day lol

  9. Just noticed happy little painter account got suspended lol I guess he got mass reported when summer trended and they saw his tweet.

    The mental gymnastics some of the lefties are doing about this case is baffling completey thunderstruck at their justifications and uncritical basic bitch takes on this

  10. The crying shame , is that our society is so degenerate that it has tolerated our youth to spiral out into depravity.

    A healthy society would keep ppl within the bounds of sanity.

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