Health Care and UBI

Where is the Center on universal health care coverage and Universal Basic Income?

I favor both. I also support the concept of Universal Maximum Income or an income cap somewhere in the $10 million to $500 million range. There should be a floor underneath the working class and a ceiling on the wealthy to promote social stability. Billionaires like Mike Bloomberg who can throw hundreds of millions of dollars into PACs to corrupt our political system should not exist.

Pew Research Center:

34% of Republicans and Republican leaning Indies believe that government has a responsibility to ensure Americans have health care coverage. 88% of Democrats support it.

Pew Research Center:

16% of White Republicans and Republican leaning Indies support UBI. 66% of Democrats and Democrat leaning Indies support UBI. 45% of Americans in total now support UBI.

In the previous article, we saw that 1 out of every 5 Republicans is basically a Democrat on economics. It seems likely this is also the cross-pressured group where Republican support for UBI and a single national government health care program is coming from. Social identity issues alone are what have pulled this group toward the GOP. Can backlash politics alone keep them there?

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I have said this before, based on anecdotal experience I would guess about 85% of mainstream Conservatives or Republicans are so because of social matters. It only makes sense because how does Trickle Down or Austrian economics impact your average White American. Not much. Their economic sensibilities stem from “team Republican” loyalty and listening to Conservative media.

    Socialism and Universal Healthcare is bad. Why? Who knows but Sean Hannity and Rush told me so. Your average white American just wants normalcy and stability. They dont want their children being taught by Drag Queens that they are evil or being replaced in their neighborhoods. HW, thanks again for helping me out with the post last night, a result of using too many other peoples computers or logging in elsewhere. I definitely owe you another donation since the last one five years ago. Youre a good man.

    • If there is no incentive for doctor’s to take call every single day and be at the predation of lawyers you won’t have anyone to go into the field spending astronomical amounts on education to become a physician before he makes his first dome at the avg. age of 32 years…. bunch of clueless borg communists … nothing will change until the political economy of usury theft is changed idiots!!

        • Neither Liberal Nor Conservative:

          “The biggest victory of the system is to have persuaded everybody not of its qualities, but of its fatal character. The system does not claim to be perfect; it claims that there are no other alternatives. Hence, if one cannot dream of a better world, then there is nothing that can be done.” Alain de Benoist

          “Both modern progressive liberalism, and the reactionary response to liberalism in the form of conservatism, are highly flawed manifestations of conflict-oriented, controlled politics. We thus reject them both. Dharma Nationalism is neither liberal nor conservative in the normative sense of these terms. Some of our positions will undoubtedly seem conservative to some people, while other positions will seem liberal. Rather, the Dharma Nation concept transcends such terms by integrating and surpassing the best of both flawed notions.” ~The Dharma Manifesto: Arktos

    • Problem is anyone who has life experience with lots of blacks. (Not some DC elite who only encounters their elite) knows that “Universal Basic Income” just means furthering their parasitic existence on civilization on steroids. What baffles me with these elitists on the east coast pushing this woke agenda is don’t the recognize the dysgenic effects these policies create? Are they cynical one iota? I sort of sense some of them are like Bloomberg and really just wants to use blacks at the ballot box and throw them away once they aren’t needed anymore, but a lot of them, particularly the young, seem to seriously believe this madness. Don’t they understand a huge number of the invasive species: Homo Africanus Criminalus, will destroy any advanced society they wish to create? They seem preoccupied in their struggle for this east coast jewish and yankee cognitive elite to gain hegemony, if that happens in a few decades they are going to have to come to grips with a real problem on their hands with useless 80 IQ low time preference idiots composing more and more cogs in the machinery.

  2. The UBI and total debt cancellation are going to be offered to you, just surrender your freedom and give up your right to own property and let Moshiach have his way. You are going to love the Moshiach, he is the real deal, forget Christ for Pete sake.

    • yes exactly, they have been totally reconstructed, they are no longer for individual and ethno-nation sovereignty with confederation for defense, but are now globalist messianic communist moshiach monarchists… what f-ing fools!! brainwashed to the core,,, they can’t even think or act for themselves anymore!!

    • Re: “The UBI and total debt cancellation are going to be offered to you, just surrender your freedom and give up your right to own property”:

      It will certainly not diminish THEIR freedom and take away their “right” to own property. They deserve to own property because they are better, superior people.

      Martyred Colonel Gadhafi never lived in a house. He lived in a tent He said he would not live in a permanent structure until every Libyan citizen was able to live in one. But the leaders of the United States, including top politicians and “Deep State” oligarchs, live in mansions in gated estates, and they often own second and third homes in other states and countries. The wealthy also have access to better health care than the vast majority of the U.S. population.

      • @ anonymous, yes! Yes!, they most certainly do, but what does it profit them, to gain the world and lose your soul!? When you are reliant upon someone or something, for your daily crust of bread. They own you !!!!

    • Can’t have UBI, national health care, public transport, public education, social security etc. or a welfare state in any country filled up with stone age, third world people, it just doesn’t work. Civilization and the third world cannot coexist in the same space at the same time. Visit Detroit or Baltimore for examples of this principle in action, just don’t go at night.

  3. Excellent new update by Robert Campbell on the current state of knowledge of Covid, concentrating on infection and transmission. Those here who still claim to believe it is just a cold, or just a hoax, a Bill Gates and George Soros conspiracy, Chinese conspiracy, etc. need to finally open their minds. There is so much to learn.

    I highly recommend watching all of it:

  4. Children’s school textbooks and supplements have been full of communist-socialist propaganda since the 70’s – 80’s—the trouble is no one looked at the nonsense being pushed on children as facts.

  5. Gotta love those affluent Christian conservative boomers who support tax cuts for the rich and throwing everybody who can’t pay off their student loans or medical bills into debtor’s prison. ‘Cause otherwise we’d have communism, like they got over there in Russia.

    • They’re not really Christian, many of that sort are of the Israel-firster Evangelical heresy and follow today’s Jewry they worship into kneeling before the Golden Calf, the Almighty Dollar.

  6. Re: “school textbooks and supplements have been full of communist-socialist propaganda”:

    That propaganda is inoculating them with international-globalism to confuse them and immunize them AGAINST socialism.

    Internationalist-globalist “socialism” is different than ethno-national socialism.

  7. “All incomes and wealth must be earned through personal creativity, hard work and positive ingenuity with abolition of all incomes unearned by work.

    The private takes precedence over the public.

    Neither Liberal Nor Conservative

    Both modern progressive liberalism, and the reactionary response to liberalism in the form of conservatism, are highly flawed manifestations of conflict-oriented, controlled politics. We thus reject them both. Dharma Nationalism is neither liberal nor conservative in the normative sense of these terms. Some of our positions will seem conservative to some people, while other positions will seem liberal. Rather, the Dharma Nation Concept transcends such terms by integrating and surpassing the best of both. Dharma Nationalism is a radically new way of understanding politics that is based upon eternal principles and a common sense approach.

    Neither Socialism Nor Capitalism

    Socialism is the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few via the mechanism of impersonal centralized government institutions. Capitalism is the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few via the mechanism of impersonal centralized financial and corporate institutions. Dharma Nationalist economics, on the other hand, is the unleashing of the natural resourceful creativity of human persons in the local context.

    The unnecessary conflict over the antithetical economic theories of socialism and capitalism have led to the death of untold millions, the polarization of the world, and economic stagnation (especially during the post-Cold War period). Dharma Economics is thoroughly opposed to both economic extremes of Socialism and Capitalism. Both systems have arisen as a direct result of materialism, selfishness and greed. Both systems exult the importance of quantitative acquirement over the inherent qualities of human dignity and spiritual value. Both systems have dehumanized the individual person, have purposefully destroyed the traditional family unit, and have turned the natural beauty and inherent value of the Earth into a devalued commodity designed merely for selfish exploitation.” ~
    S.D.P. Acharya, PhD Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison

    • Re: “We uphold the values of hierarchical diversity over that of radical egalitarianism. Truth, freedom and depth are expressed vertically, not horizontally”:

      That sounds vaguely like the Hindu caste system. “Hierarchical, vertical, freedom” might mean that the highest hierarchy has the most freedom, which tapers off in the middle to lower classes or castes, until there is finally very little freedom or no freedom at all for those at the bottom of the “hierarchy.” “Truth expressed vertically” may mean those at the top are correct, those in the middle only half-true (or half-wise) and those at the bottom are absolutely wrong.

      Re: “The private takes precedence over the public”:

      Sounds like it does in your system, as in American capitalism. When “self interest,” the evil side of human nature (pride/selfishness/greed) is allowed to “take precedence,” the public, common good is trampled. You cannot serve BOTH God and Mammon.

      Re: “We demand the abolition of all incomes unearned by work. All incomes and wealth must be earned through personal creativity, hard work and positive ingenuity”:

      If banking and buying-and-selling, which are often very creative or ingenious, are work, and if slave (employee) management is work, and if military “service” is work, then you have a capitalist system, with Hindu characteristics. So if you work hard or well enough, and have enough “positive ingenuity,” you deserve to become wealthy, in Dharma-ism. And those who cannot work, or don’t work “well enough” or ingeniously or creatively enough, can just starve, unless it gives someone pleasure to throw them pennies or crumbs as a private act. So the “unearned” incomes of those who fail or cannot compete are abolished, in “Capitalism with Hindu Characteristics.”

      There is no third road. There are only two roads throughout human history. The so-called new third road is really the same-old, age-old, road of greed and inequality with merely a different language on the sign posts.

      Do I read you correctly?

      • Nope, read the book… it is not Hindi or Buddhist, it is far far older, Arya Sanskrit in origin and is not caste system at all which is a corruption that came much much later from those who would enslave!

        • Thank you for the respectful, interesting and thorough clarification.

          I have not read your book, only the table of contents available online. I noticed that in chapter three, you include among systems in opposition to Dharma nationalism (or the systems that Dharma-ism opposes): “Pauline Christianity,” “Marxism” (I assume you mean communism), and “Radical Egalitarianism,” all three of which I actually subscribe to.

          By “Pauline Christianity,” I assume you mean orthodox Christianity. Rejecting Pauline scripture (and its application) takes away half of the New Testament and is heresy. I also believe that direct democracy with full participation on the local level is NOT “tyranny,” but the natural and necessary foundation for a party-guided (note that the party should also be democratic on the local level) meritorious representative leadership on the higher-than-local levels. Perhaps by “hierarchical” you mean somewhat the same as I do by “meritorious” (having demonstrated merit, superior ability, fitness to lead) but “the private takes precedence of over public” seems incompatible with ethno-national socialism/communism.

    • BS – Germany was going to become a White National Socialist success story free of the shackles of International Jewry but Germany got ground into dust to prevent that from happening. You cannot argue about the negatives of a Socialist society when the parameters include leeches like jews, Blacks and brown-skinned shitholers. “Capitalism and Communism are 2 sides of the same jewish coin.” – Adolf Hitler.

      • AH did espouse at first rhetorically: “All incomes and wealth must be earned through personal creativity, hard work and positive ingenuity with abolition of all incomes unearned by work.”

        “We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency coverage of gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced. . . .we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency is regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a state bank.” -Adolf Hitler, 1937 (CC Veith, Citadels of Chaos, Meador, 1949.) “And it proved sound. It worked. In less than ten years Germany became easily the most powerful state in Europe. It worked so magically and magnificently that it sounded the death knell of the entire (Zionist) Jewish money system. World Jewry knew that they had to destroy Hitler’s system, by whatever means might prove necessary, or their own [system of usury] would necessarily die. And if it died, with it must die their dream and their hope of making themselves masters of the world. The primary issue over which World War II was fought was to determine which money system was to survive. At bottom it was not a war between Germany and the so-called allies. Primarily it was war to the death between Germany and the International Money Power.” –William Gayley Simpson, ‘Which Way Western Man’ (p.642)

        But he throw the architect of moral political economy, Gottfried Feder to the curb, and replaced him with for “internationale” financialization.

        It is a shame Hitler abandoned the economic doctrines against “interest slavery” of Gottfried Feder — he kept the “”outward racism” (although he was always working with Zionists, Zionist Bankers and Industrialists, the German General Staff) and he moved to corporate monopoly capitalism (essentially privatized state-socialist apparatus — big finance, big business, without competition or disbursed ownership and control of the means of production.) Hitler killed his populist supporters who were attracted to Feder’s economics against “interest slavery” — going forGerman supremacism to counter Jewish supremacism (a big mistake) and taking money from the men who ultimately changed his revolution from Feder to “Bush-Clinton”-style privatized state war corporatism.– Dick Eastman

        • Antony C. Sutton
          Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
          ISBN-13: 978-0945001539, ISBN-10: 0945001533

          See also: Antony C. Sutton
          Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists
          Illustrated Edition
          ISBN-13: 978-1905570355, ISBN-10: 190557035X

          War and Usury profiting from their use of “ conflict-oriented, controlled politics“ on the continent:…

  8. Re: “Socialism is the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few via the mechanism of impersonal centralized government institutions”:

    Nonsense. Genuine socialism involves full, direct democracy at the local level, with one-party-guided indirectly-representative meritorious leadership on the higher, regional and national levels.

    It is NOT “the concentration in the hands of a few” but the full public/people’s ownership of means of production, land, resources, housing, etc. Everything belongs to every one of the people, everything is free, and there is a maximum of personal liberty for ALL.

    Certain kinds of work that are highly regarded and most profitable in capitalism would be illegal and punishable in genuine socialism.

    • Non sense, direct democracy is tyranny, only a true republic of representative democracy (hierarchy of true leadership (see book) not bought and payed for via usury theft and “conflict-oriented, controlled politics“ (aka the false dialectic you all have been brainwashed into of right-left, liberalism-conservatism, etc. (ie. Only they worthy of leading can and should lead ( ie. the “Thing” of our island and nordic history … )

      • Our ancestors also refused the balderdash of perpetual hereditary Monarchy (the chief of the clan, tribe, nation was place based on merit and wisdom via the “Thing”! Our ancestors did not believe in hereditary monarchy as the A-brahmic so called “out of Egyptian” Jews do (and at the most the Egyptian hereditary monarchy proceeded ONLY from the Queen, if the claiment to the Kingly throne was not the spouse of the hereditary Queen (white mitochondrial DNA) he was not KING/Pharaoh, ie. no usurpers … and y’all want a so called “jew” (aka Hasmonean Levites by their own law cannot be monarchs nor high priest!, The Hasmoneans, though Kohanim of the tribe of Levi, IE. NOT OF JUDAH OR DAVID, were not in line for the high priesthood or for political leadership, which they usurped) hereditary messianic global communistic monarchy, of, by, and for …well you know who and their sycophant followers and operatives ( ) … wake up, christianity is a baldface lie!! Y’all have a giant “Nazareth” problem too boot:

        The “Maccabean” monarchs (the originators of the Hasmonean dynasty) were originally Levites (in fact, Kohen priests) according to the Biblical (or Apocryphal, depending on your point of view) books of Maccabees. However, there is considerable doubt as to whether all of the monarchs in the Hasmonean dynasty were Levites. Herod the Great, for example, is believed *by some* to be a foreigner to the Jewish people who passed himself off as a Jewish person.

        If they were “part of the Davidic line”, they are not so through paternity. This is probably why they were never considered to be fulfillers of the Messianic prophecies. Even though they re-established the Kingdom of Judah (more or less), they were not of the House of David.

        Now the WASP British-Israelist claim that they are Ephraim and the Ulster Scots Judah. Why would they enslave their own people’s with what their “biblical” law states is lawlessness and theft from their own, aka usury?

        • @ anonymous: socialist-communism is no right to personal property, not even your own being in the final analysis of it… Whether a monarch has absolute ownership right to all property including the people, or all the people have “communal” ownership right to all property and people, no individual in either has right of personal property, not even of his own being… ie. Totalitarianism communism either way! Either the king dictates your being or the “communal” mob does … either way you are a slave …

          • “the king dictates your being”:

            A monarch (king, prince or queen) does not dictate alone. He/she is a member of an upper class or “nobility” (self-described “nobles” who, if you trace them back far enough, every royal line began as a gang of thieves) that exploits the vast majority. Monarchy, whether hereditary or not, always involves a class or caste system. Their power is based on private property, private wealth (because the services of the armed thugs, Praetorians, police etc. that protect the wealthy have to be paid for) and their private property/wealth is stolen from those who produce.

            But revolutionary ethno-socialism does away with class and imperialist war by doing away with all private property and the profit motive, thus preventing the few from exploiting the vast majority (and preventing the vast majority from trying to do the same to each other) – it is not “mob rule” or slavery at all, but the maximum of freedom and quality of life for the greatest number.

            There is no “third road” and no “centrist” position between the two opposite ways is possible.

    • Whether a monarch has absolute ownership right to all property including the people, or all the people have “communal” ownership right to all property and people, no individual in either has right of personal property, not even of his own being… ie. Totalitarianism communism in both scenarios, one oligarchic monarchical the other despotic mob rule, … ie. They will steal everything not tied down and will produce nothing (no incentive to produce), ie. Nihilistic Death either way !

      • The King exists to ensure that a man’s property is more his own. The English Civil War in the 1640s was fought over this idea. The Cromwellian Commonwealth was tried and Christmas was cancelled along with theater and alcohol. So the King came back and good order was restored. To some extent the President is an elective constitutional monarch. All society needs a hierarchy to sort the bad and the good.

        • “The Cromwellian Commonwealth was tried”:

          It was only promised, never really tried. Cromwell’s sons, especially, were on the side of the elites not the peasants. The rights of the commons who fought for the Parliamentarians were ignored immediately after they had won the war. Gerrard Winstanley tried to implement it, but the experiment in common wealth was soon shut down.

          The British people believed “Babylon” had fallen, but it had not really fallen:

        • The King did nothing wrong. Used to admire the Parliament but have since realized several things. Look up what happened to William Dobson, Charles ‘s court painter.

          • The “English” monarchial plutocracy did plenty that was wrong, and the people were mostly GLAD to be rid of it, thinking or hoping that “Babylon is fallen, to rise no more.” But “Babylon” had really only stumbled a little.

            “Look up what happened to William Dobson”:

            So without the king, Dobson the king’s favorite pet portrait painter was without an income. He had made his living flattering the tyrants with 2-D media, making the evil look good and marking himself as an enemy of the people, as well as of Parliament.

            I do not agree with Parliament’s continuation of the monarchial DEBTORS PRISON policy, however. Parliament continued and even increased the punishment of the poor for being poor, and it did not renounce imperialism (imperialist war), international finance, and almost everything else wrong that the monarchy did. As I wrote in the previous comment, “the rights of the commons who fought for the Parliament were ignored immediately after they had sacrificially fought, and won the war for the Parliament.” It was NOT a true, people’s revolution.

            Your hero in action:

    • Gottfried Feder’s or AH’s big business “internationale” corporate war machine version?

      Antony C. Sutton
      Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
      ISBN-13: 978-0945001539, ISBN-10: 0945001533

      See also: Antony C. Sutton
      Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists
      Illustrated Edition
      ISBN-13: 978-1905570355, ISBN-10: 190557035X

      War and Usury profiting from their use of “ conflict-oriented, controlled politics“ on the continent:…

  9. I favor universal health care in a White nation. I strongly oppose it in the zoo that is Amerika. In the zoo, it would have the basic effect of whites subsidizing the poor behavior of brown people.

    • @ powell , good sir if i may explain myself, at this juncture in my life, i dont have any grandkids yet, but! If and when i do, i am quite certain, that they will be as white as white on rice, i assure you good sir, retaining thee integrity of my noble bloodline, is of thee highest priority.. Good sir, humph!

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