President Biden Signs 2 Executive Orders On Food Security and $15 Minimum Wage

I’m already getting exhausted toggling between the two Joe Bidens.

New York Times:

“WASHINGTON — President Biden signed two executive orders on Friday to provide help to struggling families and raise wages for certain workers, turning once again to the power of the executive branch to advance his economic goals as the legislative chances for his broader stimulus package remain uncertain.

“The crisis is only deepening,” Mr. Biden said during remarks at the White House, calling the need to help those out of work and unable to afford enough food “an economic imperative.”

“We have the tools to help people,” he said. “So let’s use the tools. All of them. Now.”

Mr. Biden’s executive orders are intended to increase the amount of money poor families get for food each month and provide additional meal money for needy students whose schools have been closed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The president will also direct the Treasury Department to find ways to deliver stimulus checks to at least eight million Americans who are eligible for money but have not yet received funds.

A second executive order will lay the groundwork for the federal government to require a $15 an hour minimum wage for its employees and contract workers, while making it easier for federal workers to bargain collectively for better pay and benefits. …”

CBS News:

“Mr. Biden also issued a second executive order to improve collecting bargaining power and protections for federal workers, and direct the Office of Personnel Management to develop recommendations to increase the minimum wage for federal employees to $15 per hour.

In the first order, Mr. Biden asks the U.S. Department of Agriculture to allow states to increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits — commonly known as food stamps — by 15%. Congress recently passed a $1 trillion relief bill that boosted the maximum SNAP benefit by 15%, but that did not help the 40% of SNAP recipients who were already at the maximum benefit. Mr. Biden’s order tells the USDA to “consider issuing new guidance that would allow states to increase SNAP emergency allotments for those who need it most,” according to a fact sheet provided by the White House, which would mean that an additional 12 million people get enhanced benefits. …

Mr. Biden also issued a second executive order to improve collecting bargaining power and protections for federal workers, and direct the Office of Personnel Management to develop recommendations to increase the minimum wage for federal employees to $15 per hour.”

I find my reactions to his agenda changing by the hour.

A few hours ago, the news broke that Neoliberal Joe was taking the first steps to launch some kind of new war on domestic terrorism. Later in the evening, I heard that President Biden was back and had issued these two executive orders on raising the minimum wage for federal employees and expanding the SNAP program. We didn’t like Trump’s tampering with EBT and hated Paul Ryan’s push for welfare reform. I’ve never met anyone who dislikes SNAP and it was one of the things that convinced me that mainstream conservatism and libertarianism was retarded. The only problem with SNAP is that it should be an entitlement for all White working class and lower middle class people.

Does anyone else feel this way about Joe’s agenda? I don’t mind the health stuff, which is to say, asking people to voluntarily wear a mask, take the vaccine and passing a larger COVID relief package. I support most of the economic stuff like expanding SNAP and $2,000 stimulus checks. I dislike the climate change extremism, the woke racial equity stuff, open borders and the proposed amnesty for illegal aliens and the focus on all of these exotic DILE cultural issues like transgender locker rooms.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yea its very interesting to watch. The ‘deciders’ are obviously torn or walking a tightrope where DILE’s are on one side and populists are on the other. It does seem that news media articles and coverage are having an effect. Push the right buttons, get the right results. Realize that people with bottomless wallets are pushing the button on the other side…

    Good stuff Hunter

  2. Minimum wage is a state function. His $15 executive order is to bump up the drooling retards who do the lowest of government and government contracting jobs it has nothing to do with nation wide. State and federal employees already get way overpaid. I knew a man who pressed two buttons on a train car and he was clearing $90k a year and could speak about twenty words of English. Your average fast food worker and others are getting nothing nationwide

    • Most blue states already have a $15 minimum wage. It’s mostly red state workers who are trying to support families on $7.25-8.25/hour.

  3. I don’t know how you can call yourself White nationalist and feel anything else but burning hatred and contempt for this senile Irish traitor of the White Race and his assortment of sexual deviants, dumb colored monkeys,jude and other assorted freaks! Judging by your words you think that this illegal Regime on the Potomac will actually have positive impact on the lives of the Whites and yours in particular! Lol! I personally read only the news pertaining to the free stuff these scumbags are planning to give away by accelerating the printing machines but even there their incompetence is staggering and lies obvious.Now its going to be April before we see the 1400$, the refundable child credits and so forth. Good luck with these idiots!

    • “accelerating the printing machines ”

      It is truly shocking that the poorest white people in America shill for the hard monetary policy of JD Rockefeller.

      I’ve linked a number of articles from a blogger than explained how this scam worked – after they destroyed the Populist party and the Klan, opposition to FDR was “conservative” – so everyone hopped on board with the right-wing bankers.

      So you have poor people, up to their ears in debt, whining about “money printing” – which of course helps them get out of debt.

      Then you have idiots who should know better – like RamzPaul – complaining about “inflation” while at the same time cheering the stock market going up.

      Did these people not pass high school economics or something?

      I blame Ron Paul. He was great in opposing these wars but his idiotic Austrian goldbuggery ruined an entire generation of white men.

      Here is what I propose:

      Keep printing money as fast as possible, exporting inflation, and inflate away the debt.

      The Triffin Dilemma explains why we cannot stop printing money even if we wanted to so the only question is, who gets the newly printed money?

      Some of us want that new money to go to the American people.

      Others, right-wingers and conservatards, want all that newly printed money to go ONLY to Jew bankers and foreigners.

      Pay no attention to Trump handing over the entire economy to his private Jew bankers at Blackrock. Look over there, a nigger on food stamps!

      Right-wingers are literally retarded.

      • Your ideas would have some merit if the Nation actually printed its money as you suggest. Unfortunately, we borrow the money at interest from the central banks. Not only that, but all the money subsequently created from the fractional reserve banking system is also distributed at compound interest. The problem isn’t the debt or inflation, it’s the parasitic interest payments.

        • @MPO

          “Your ideas would have some merit if the Nation actually printed its money as you suggest. Unfortunately, we borrow the money at interest from the central banks.”

          This is exactly what I mean by Ron Paul’s goldbuggery ruining an entire generation.

          Please, go read a freshmen years macro textbook and pay close attention to the section on monetary policy.

          We aren’t on a gold standard. Interest rates are virtually NEGATIVE at this point.

          Your ideas may have had some merit in 1930. But you’ve missed nearly one hundreds years of economic developments, so you are stuck misunderstand even what the Fed does.

      • “Did these people not pass high school economics or something?”


        Said by someone who:
        1. wants something for nothing (like millions of current Whites who think this way)
        2. thinks you can inflate away debt.

        Yet you call others “retarded”.

        Do you expect an increase in your SNAP benefits so you can put an above ground pool next to the trailer you rent, or perhaps buy a new confederate flag?

        Here’s a novel concept… turn off the f**king TV and read a book. Educate yourself. Be presentable, work hard, live frugally, learn the “system” and use it to your advantage and STOP ACTING LIKE SOMEONE ELSE OWES YOU ANYTHING. Accept and Internalize that the FIX IS IN and the Government has deemed you “Second Class”, and use that White brain that God gave you to overcome the shit hand we’re all being dealt.

        • @Gunny

          Yep – exactly as I said.

          Right now, the entire financial system is printing money as fast as they can and passing it out to banks, foreign banks, hedge funds, corporations, etc.

          What is Gunny upset about? Poor white people in trailer parks not working hard enough.

          “read a book. Educate yourself.”

          The irony.

      • Re: “So you have poor people, up to their ears in debt, whining about “money printing” – which of course helps them get out of debt. Then you have idiots who should know better – like RamzPaul – complaining about “inflation” while at the same time cheering the stock market going up. Did these people not pass high school economics or something? I blame Ron Paul. He was great in opposing these wars but his idiotic Austrian goldbuggery ruined an entire generation of white men. Here is what I propose: Keep printing money as fast as possible, exporting inflation, and inflate away the debt. The Triffin Dilemma explains why we cannot stop printing money even if we wanted to so the only question is, who gets the newly printed money?”

        Here is a much better idea, proven in practice: In independent Korea (DPRK), no money is needed because housing, food, health care, education, and nearly everything else is free for the people. Salaries are tiny, essentially symbolic, because money is not needed. Koreans, except those under U.S. occupation and its puppet regime, do not worship wealth, live by the Korean “Donghak” moral principle: “Serve people like Heaven.” Similar to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” instead of the capitalist “moral” principle which is “Do it to others before they do it to you.”

  4. “I support most of the economic stuff like expanding SNAP and $2,000 stimulus checks.”

    Yeah, just wait, you’ll see how this devalues our currency and we’ll pay, in inflation, in food prices, especially.

    Biden is going to be another Jimmy Carter, but much worse!

      • Even in 1972, now looked back on as a golden age, there was immense inequality. “Democrats for Nixon” in 1972 frightened working class voters into voting Republican by saying “George McGovern will put half of Americans on welfare” and that they will have to work to pay for it.

    • @Arrian

      “Yeah, just wait, you’ll see how this devalues our currency and we’ll pay, in inflation, in food prices, especially”

      Hi there! How about you learn some economics first, before you make a fool of yourself?

      Also, we WANT the currency devalued. What is your alternative, sell the entire country to China and the Arabs?

      If you are worried about inflation (snicker) then just buy gold coins, or real estate or Bitcoin. Or stocks – that way you benefit from inflation.

  5. Joe Kamala doing the things that, overall, give the most aid to Non-Whites and permanent Non-White foreign “visitors” ( with or without documents. ) This was always the plan.

  6. Socialist elements like SNAP, housing subsidies and the like can be good things in a reasonably homogeneous society. For example, in a predominantly White (90+%) society with narrow Bell curves in regards to intelligence, work ethic, health, mentality etc. of the population; the social benefits tend to be distributed “every which way” depending on relative need and time. In a mongrelized society like America with extremely wide Bell curves, the social benefits represent a net flow of money (productive labor) from right to left, i.e. from Whites to nonwhites. Politics can’t be applied in a vacuum, it all starts with the racial, cultural makeup of the Nation.

    • Funny how you and me can understand this, but the morons running the show can’t. Perhaps they’re just evil and believe that an unstable society based on lies is easier to exploit.

  7. “The only problem with SNAP is that it should be an entitlement for all White working class and lower middle class people.”

    Of course, the only problem with that is it would be discrimination and hence against the law. You seem to ignore the fact that these entitlements you cheer are being paid for by white middle-class taxpayers while being consumed by non-white people, in a grossly disproportionate fashion.

    Federal employees not already earning $15/hour are largely minorities, not white people. Been through a TSA line lately?

    If we still lived in a white country I could get on board with some of your economic ideas, Hunter, but our current demographics make the entire system unsustainable.

    • @Mick

      “You seem to ignore the fact that these entitlements you cheer are being paid for by white middle-class taxpayers”

      Again – these right-wing libertarians do not have a CLUE about the real economy.

      Instead, they believe in the magical religion of “Austrian Economics” and think we’re on a gold standard.

      Do you know how Richard Spencer makes his money? His is paid $100,000 a year by the government to not grow food on the land he inherited from his great-grandparents.

      THAT is what middle class taxpayers are paying for.

      • Whites are paying for everything, we all know that. Hunter’s position sounds like ‘Well if we all get a $2000 check, that helps some white people. If we have universal health care, expanded SNAP benefits, Medicaid, and a federal minimum wage, that helps some white people. Maybe Biden isn’t so bad…’ All the while ignoring the fact that Biden is offering amnesty to tens of MILLIONS of non-white immigrants, all of whom would immediately become eligible for these benefits. Hunter’s got the cart before the horse. We can’t address the class issues until we deal with the race issues. But he seems to be moving closer to a “Heimbach worldview” that is based on class and ignores race altogether.

        • The reality of the situation is that Joe Biden has the narrowest Democratic majority in decades in Congress and needs 10 votes to get his amnesty for illegal aliens. This assumes all Democrats will vote for it.

      • “Richard Spencer (…) is paid $100,000 a year by the government to not grow food on the land he inherited from his great-grandparents”:

        The land is the heritage of the Lord, belongs to everyone, and everyone deserves a share of it.

        “Was the earth made to preserve a few covetous, proud men to live at ease, and for them to bag and barn up the treasures of the Earth from others, that these may beg or starve in a fruitful land; or was it made to preserve all her children?”

        Gerrard Winstanley, a Digger

  8. He just like Trump probably have good ideas, wanna be popular, and represent We The People. However the extremists in both parties cause problems for them. The way forward is focus on what’s good for everybody…you can’t lose on Election Day! Deo Vindice !

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