Sen. Josh Hawley: It’s Time To Stand Up Against The Muzzling of America

I agree with Sen. Josh Hawley on standing up to Big Tech.

I’ve been blacklisted from countless Big Tech platforms – PayPal, Stripe, and Google Pay, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube – including those that I never used because of my populist political beliefs. I was banned from YouTube which I only used to watch history documentaries and recipe videos. The progressive censorship regime is by far the single most important issue for online populist influencers. Everyone now agrees on standing up to Big Tech. What does this translate into in practice though?

New York Post:

“Have you checked your social credit score lately? You might want to. Mine seems to have taken a nosedive this month. You might want to see how yours is doing.

Everyone knows what a credit score is. But social credit scores are new. They’re the latest corporate import from Communist China, where government and big business monitor every citizen’s social views and statements.

And they’re the latest form of cancel culture in this country, as corporate monopolies and the left team up to shut down speech they don’t like and force their political agenda on America. For those who still believe in free speech and the First Amendment, this is the time to take a stand.

Like the old-fashioned kind of credit score, your social credit requires a lot of maintenance. You’ll need to get good grades in school and stay out of trouble with the law. But that’s just the start — you have to earn your right to live in polite society these days. So if you want to get a good job, stay at hotels and be served at restaurants, you will need to do a few other things. You will need to voice the right opinions. You will need to endorse the right ideas. You will need to conform. That’s what the corporate chieftains tell us, anyway. …”

I don’t want to hear “repeal Section 230” anymore. That’s not an adequate response to the concentrated political, economic and cultural power wielded by the tech oligarchy.

Here’s a real solution:

No more debates.

Confiscate their wealth.

Redistribute their wealth to promote “equity” (LOL).

Propose a wealth cap of $50 million to abolish oligarchs.

Nationalize, break up or regulate these corporations like AT&T.

There should be no difference between making a phone call and using social media. We don’t need a technocrat nanny monitoring our communications to impose a political orthodoxy. We’ve used state power to break up these corporations many times in the past. Only conservative and libertarian free market ideology stands in the way of it. It was populists who first proposed the idea.

The last thing that we want to see is more of these bullshit congressional hearings where people like Rep. Jim Jordan and Sen. Ted Cruz engage in performance art politics only to do nothing of substance about the issue and hold the next hearing about censorship a few months down the road. After Trump was wiped off the internet on a whim, we don’t need to be convinced that censorship is a problem anymore.

Note: Trump monitored the situation for four years and was unpersoned in the end. He was even cut off from banks. Let this be a lesson to whoever comes next and solicits our political support. Corporate power in this country must be obliterated, not coddled and rewarded.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Conservatives” never cared about “right wing extremists” getting “muzzled”. Now it’s happening to them. Free speech is indivisible. You either have it or you don’t.

  2. He’s about the right age and he’s a white guy. He’s saying most of the right things and hugging close to Tel Aviv. Seems like phony, but here we are.

    He is at least aware that he’s a step from assassination and or being murdered by leftists for even saying what he’s saying.

    Could do worse.

  3. Why do you care about cuckservatives getting censored? They didn’t speak when they had to, and now they suffer the consequences. Serves them right.

    • I care about us getting censored and being banned from fundraising platforms. Insofar as it has since become a slippery slope and has now become a problem for the entire Right, we told them so.

  4. “Confiscate their wealth.”

    I’m 100% on board with HW’s Huey Longism, both rhetorically and substantively.

    Let’s start reasonably: no one should have more than 1 billion dollars. Bill Gates is rich, and good for him, but no one elected him anything so using extra billions of dollars to interfere in society and politics simply cannot be allowed.

    If Gates wants to run for office, he would likely win, as he is famous and respected and of course can actually fund his own campaign.

    The Gates Foundation should not exist, its corporate charter and tax status should be immediately revoked, and the assets disbursed by a court.

    • 1 billion is way too high. But using an absolute number as the cap is a mistake anyway because it doesn’t account for inflation or deflation. Using a statistical definition similar to Gini index to define a wealth cap yearly would make more sense than just using an absolute number.

    • @BannedHipster There are people who think if you make over 80k, you’re rich, and that you should pay MORE taxes to support them. There are always people who think you are rich. “Tax the rich”, they say, and we all know who gets the tax increases.

      The politicians always go on about “free healthcare”. They say “the poor” should get free healthcare. They already do, and have, for a long time. They don’t pay a penny.

      But it’s the Middle Class that pays big time, covering all of that “free healthcare” for “the poor”. Some people can’t afford it, or are financially crippled, or even file bankruptcy.

      But if you’re willing to give up everything you have, or be lazy and not work, you can have the government take care of you. Section 8 housing, EBT food, free utilities–that the Middle Class pays for, free phones, free public transportation, and free healthcare.

  5. Hawley, if you are reading this, just tell people you’ll try to take some of the burden off the shoulders of the common man.

    It’s not complex.

  6. Its a pity conservatives can’t get elected any more. Oh well! Better support tech that can’t be censored instead, because conservatives have proven they are an utterly useless movement for anything except socialism for Israel and very rich people.

    Something you have forgotten is the corporation. A corporation is treated the same as an individual by the legal system. Corporations use their billions to socialially engineer the population. What are we to do about the corporations who have billions?

  7. The so called right might have done better if they hadn’t spoon fed us all the bullshit about tax cuts and deregulation. The big corporations, especially the tech monopolies need regulated and badly.

  8. Censorship is not a bad thing in of itself, just like the cathode ray tube was not inherently anti-White. It all depends on who is in control. People who share our beliefs should’ve organized and bought up big tech in the late 90s, that way we would be the ones censoring anti-White Jews and their brainwashed tools today. We missed a golden opportunity just like we did 100 years ago with motion pictures and now we are paying the price.

    Absolute freedom of speech is an abstract concept that can never exist in reality. There will always be agenda-driven forces attempting to control and silence others. The key is to seek and obtain power, not to appeal for fairness that will never be forthcoming.

  9. “Corporate power in this country must be obliterated, not coddled and rewarded.”

    And that is why I crossed into the NC primary in the Spring to support Senator Sanders – because, even though I disagree with the Vermont senator on a whole host of issues, he was the only major candidate I could identify with the right impulse on such an important issue as this.

    Yet, alas, Sanders was taken out, in exactly the same nefarious manner as would be Trump, just a half year later, and so back to the Obama/Bush years we go.

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