Last night on SNL, John Krasinski sang the Office theme song while Baby Yoda tried to rap to The Mandalorian’s music. ?https://t.co/Ks2FpmXlqh pic.twitter.com/9edazNPhRE
— IGN (@IGN) February 1, 2021
— shoe (@shoe0nhead) January 31, 2021
Double masking is where it’s at. pic.twitter.com/nCNhiVVhQJ
— Senator Scott Wiener (@Scott_Wiener) January 30, 2021
EPIC pic.twitter.com/0qMulbJ3xi
— Joel Fischer (@JFNYC1) January 31, 2021
I'm just gonna leave this here pic.twitter.com/Uz1pPi3CIH
— Orwell & Goode (@OrwellNGoode) January 31, 2021
Today is the 12th day that Biden has not sent a 3rd stimulus check for $2,000 “out the door.” pic.twitter.com/XmjA80CYyY
— Has Biden Done Anything Yet? (@WaitingOnBiden) January 31, 2021
Interesting video.
I’ve been enjoying the series.
Last summer, I began thinking more about the professional class after reading Michael Lind’s articles Hub City Riot Ninjas, The Double Horseshoe Theory of Class Politics and The New American National Elite. I also spent a lot of time reading through the Pew typology surveys and Voter Study Group reports.

Antifa tend to be the spoiled brat offspring of the professional bourgeoisie. This is why they are never punished for anything. They can just lay siege to a federal courthouse in Portland every night for months and burn down entire neighborhoods and the media, the mayor and the governor of Oregon has their backs. They are the embodiment of “white privilege” like their parents.

“Left” and “Right” are illusions.
The Solid Liberals or DILEs are the dominant group in the Democratic Party. These people are White upper middle class, college educated professionals who are modernists who prioritize cultural liberalism. Yes, this group includes the Jews, but it includes a larger cluster of deracinated White liberals. Collectively, they are about 13% of the electorate. They are one of the whitest groups in American politics.
The Core Conservatives or “True Conservatives” are the dominant group in the Republican Party. These people are also White upper middle class, college educated professionals who are modernists who prioritize economic liberalism. They are also about 13% of the electorate. Both wings of the professional managerial class enforce political correctness. They are scolds or tone policers.
In every election, these two dominant groups pass the baton to each other. As a result, the long term drift of American politics is always toward more cultural and economic liberalism. The neoliberal consensus stays intact. It seems like nothing ever changes and populism grows as stress increases in the middle of the electorate where most voters are socially conservative and economically moderate.

450,000 Americans have died from COVID and far more people believe other Americans are a greater threat to them because of non-stop media hysteria from people like Brian Stelter.

The United States is more polarized than at any point since the War Between the States. The political climate is tense. And yet, the polls also show that the polarization is an illusion. Over 80% of Americans supported the $2,000 stimulus check. There is overwhelming agreement that COVID and the economy are the two most important issues facing the country. There is a super majority level of support (2/3rds to 3/4ths) for at least half a dozen major issues: taxation, debt relief, infrastructure, health care, etc. The public agrees on these issues. It is the politicians who don’t because they are puppets of their donors. They divide the public on issues where there is a broad consensus by stirring up the culture war.
Congress is dysfunctional because it overwhelmingly skews toward elites. If you simply picked random working class and lower middle class people off the street and sent them to Congress and instructed them to figure things out, it would be like a miracle happened they would easily compromise.
I suggest listening to the “What’s Left” podcast with Aimee Terese and Oliver Bateman. They are “leftists” in the sense that they want the “working class” to have power – and they are critics of the fake “socialism” of the Professional Managerial Class. They explicitly state that “identity politics” – read “anti-whiteness” – is a tool of the ruling class to prevent class solidarity. Amazon using “diversity” to prevent unionization is a striking recent example.
Black people loved Huey Long. In a segregated system, Long simply appealed to everyone’s best interests without promoting “diversity” which of course causes nothing but racial conflict.
Our “PMC” use racial conflict to control the proles. See: Black Lives Matter. (Ask yourself, how many Black people actually care about “Transgender Rights” – a major platform plank of BLM?)
American’s Professional Managerial Class are the modern expression of “Cosmopolitans” and they absolutely despise the “lower classes.” They also quite obviously are “racist” – they cynically use BLM, but notice what happens to any Black man that says something about “Jews” – he gets shut down quickly.
Aimee Terese has said that racial identity is bourgeois. The “Dirtbag Left” are diversity loving retards. They say they’re against anti-whiteness, but their opposition to white racial solidarity is a form of anti-whiteness in itself. And, as far as I know, they’ve made no real effort to get non-whites to give up their own racial identities. Their rhetoric seems to just be reserved for their mostly white audience. They remind me of libertarians.
It may or may not be a good idea for white racialists to ally themselves with non-whites to oppose the plutocracy, but I’m definitely not interested in some cringe, civnat socialism as an endgame.
“they’ve made no real effort to get non-whites to give up their own racial identities.”
One can make the obvious assumption that is because they are all White and their audience is all White.
“ally themselves”
Whoa, whoa – I suggested listening to a podcast, not starting a political party.
“cringe, civnat socialism as an endgame.”
There is no “endgame.” There is no “movement.” There are no “civnats.”
No one is allying with you. You are just a pseudonymous poster on a fringe internet blog. Let’s not LARP White Nationalist Sim City here.
[One can make the obvious assumption that is because they are all White and their audience is all White.]
When they start inviting on non-white guests and telling them their racial identity is bourgeois, I’ll take the dirtbag left more seriously.
[There is no “endgame.” There is no “movement.” There are no “civnats.”]
By endgame, I mean ideal society. The dirtbag left’s ideal society is not white nationalist. They are civnat (insofar as they are nationalist at all). They have no problem with racial diversity. And as long as they working to prevent the rise of white racial consciousness, they are stooges for the Judeo-liberal establishment. I don’t see how they have much more to offer intellectually than any other Marxists, but you do you. As for whether there is a movement, I’d say there is. It’s just mostly online.
[No one is allying with you. You are just a pseudonymous poster on a fringe internet blog. Let’s not LARP White Nationalist Sim City here.]
I was talking about white advocates in general. It was a reference to the “One Struggle” idea that’s been going around our circles that white racialists should be friendlier and more open to work with non-whites against the plutocracy. It’s similar to what Aimee Terese advocates for except white identity is not discouraged and at the end of the day, the races would separate instead of joining hands and singing kumbaya. Aimee Terese is like a Marxist Tucker Carlson.
Chapo Trap House sucks. I listened to a few episodes and the only time they said anything remotely interesting is about the “White Fragility” nonsense.
What’s Left is far more interesting. Their collaborator Angela Nagle wrote the “Left Case Against Open Borders” and the half-African, half-Swedish guy is so totally “based” on race he helped organize brown Muslims to vote against more Muslim immigration to Sweden. Terese said, “so what if white workers are ‘racist?'”
What is the difference between Chapo Trade House and What’s Left?
Well, what do you think? Chapo has a bunch of Jews and What’s Left does not.
They are just stupid and repeat leftist shibboleths that have no basis in history. In reality, the bourgeois liberal revolutions introduced anti-racism. Tons of Africans were imported to Paris after the French revolution. Racism has always been the norm everywhere, while anti-racism is an ideology created by the bourgeoisie to benefit market expansion.
The problem with the “left” is that they are bourgeois themselves. They just want to expand bourgeois norms to the entirety of society. All of marxist and anarchist theory is derived almost whole cloth from liberal enlightenment political-economic theory of locke, hobbes, etc. so there is really little distinction between liberals and “leftists.”
Yeah – I like the Enlightenment. I like Liberalism. I like bourgeois norms, for the most part – or at least the bourgeois norms that were normal before the era of anti-whitness.
Anyone seriously proposing “Monarchy” like NRx, or “Fascism” like the NSDAP fetishists – or even worse some moronic “Traditionalist Catholic” bullshit – are just as ridiculous as orthodox Communists.
Aimee Terese’s analysis of economic class and “idpol” is far more interesting and insightful than 90% of “White Nationalist” and reactionary analysis.
Right-wingers get one thing right: race is real. They get virtually everything else wrong.
As we can see, a huge amount of “WN” are just Libertarians that don’t like Africans but love Asians. The people on What’s Left have a far, far more realistic understanding of economic class than Libertarians do.
I’d be more than happy to work with other groups to destroy the plutocracy. That doesn’t mean I want to live next to them, or join some political party with them.
Haxo makes it simple for ‘ya:
Jews + shabbatz goyim.
on a related issue,
30 minutes and counting.
Re: “They divide the public on issues where there is a broad consensus by stirring up the culture war”:
But the population REALLY IS divided, because it is not mono-ethnic. A more accurate expression is that the real, natural division of multiple ethnicities is being exploited, being used, by the powerful.
Theoretically all the ethnicities in the U.S. population could be interbred and blended to a brown average, erasing all genetic distinctions and cultural differences, but that project will take many years to complete, meanwhile the public REALLY IS divided.
“Theoretically all the ethnicities in the U.S. population could be interbred and blended to a brown average, erasing all genetic distinctions and cultural differences, but that project will take many years to complete,”
Evidence points to this being exactly the intended plan. It is an evil, ugly, anti-nature, genocidal plan.
@ anonymous ” that project”, will never be, because it’s not meant too be, next subject?
“U.S. population could be interbred and blended to a brown average, erasing all genetic distinctions and cultural differences”
You mean White Genocide. Just like Trotsky, the anti-Slavic Jew bigot, always wanted.
No thanks.
Anonymous (red) is literally pushing for White genocide vis the infamous Kalergi Plan.
This DILE or PMC or whatever you call it, seem to be almost a unique problem of Anglosphere countries, especially the US and the UK. The Upper Middle Class liberals in other European countries do not have such contempt and hatred for White working class people. Why the Middle Class in Anglo countries are particularly obnoxious and deracinated from their roots? Has anyone got an explanation?
All priestly classes do this. “I collect, I collect!” they scream as they foreclose on you and make widows homeless.
The US dodged this for a while as a white man’s republic. Australia also dodged this problem as a working class republic.
Davos Men are hardly unique to Anglo countries, and Merkel hates the German people so much she won’t even touch their flag.
In America, at least, the anti-whiteness is driven by Ashkenazi Jews – the American ruling class – who have the typical Jewish hatred for non-Jews, and especially “whites.”
Angela Merkel has lots of ashkenazi blood in her, and she was a Stasi asset in the DDR.
Have you ever seen the side by side photos of Hitler riding in a convertible through throngs of adoring Germans with Merkel riding in an armored limo with security forces in black sedans in front and behind her?
Tale of two Berlins.
Perhaps I didn’t explain myself clearly (English is not my first language). I agree there is liberal problem in every Western country. But, one unique feature I observed in Anglo Middle Class liberals is their utter contempt for poor White people and their worship of money and the rich people. In other European countries, the Upper Middle Class liberals are more sympathetic towards poor Whites.
Or, at least, this is my observation.
Responding to both Visconte and BannedHipster above –
Yes there is a large ‘multi-cultural cuck’ aspect to West European elites, but the open blunt anti-whiteness is a bridge too far for them, even in the UK, where even non-white UK government ministers have said they will not support the anti-white ‘critical race’ rubbish from the USA
The model in Europe is more the French model, ‘equality before the law’, taken to such an extreme that they don’t publicly count or acknowledge minority ethnic groups, that or any kind of ‘affirmative action’ etc being ‘racist’ … the way that people guess France is 12% Muslim now is via indirect methods, such as cataloguing the baby names that get registered and what they probably signify
The idea in Europe is more, just don’t ever ever mention these things … the gangs in the street are ‘youths’ etc
Western Europe, whose societies are still 80%-plus white, is significantly shifting … e.g., Le Pen’s National Rally in France is polling nearly half now versus Macron, and Macron is moving significantly to the right to cater to voters, ‘no apology’ for colonialism, harder on immigration, etc
As with many things such as legal system corruption or health care, the USA on ‘anti-whiteness’ is just the worst friggin abuse case in the entire developed world