"The crux of Biden’s dilemma: The promise of a gentler, more humane immigration policy was central to his campaign — but that very message has prompted an influx that the administration is finding hard to control." https://t.co/gsXUltHY0d
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) March 16, 2021
how it started: how it’s going: pic.twitter.com/o7r2yV2Lka
— Mrs. Brassenstein (@MBrassenstein) March 16, 2021
The Biden administration came in guns blazing and delivered on their promise to merge immigration policy with wokeness, open borders, multiple amnesties and impractical leftwing slogans like “Abolish ICE.” The result was entirely predictable and will be devastating for the Democrats.
“The poll findings, based on surveys conducted before and after Donald Trump’s presidency, show that Republicans are becoming more unified around the former president’s hardline views on immigration, even as the rest of the country has become more welcoming.
Seventy-seven percent of Republicans said in a Feb. 18-24 poll that they want more fencing along the southern border with Mexico, up six points from 2015. And 56% do not want illegal immigrants to have a path to citizenship, which is up 18 percentage points from a 2018 survey.
Republicans are increasingly expressing deep concerns about immigration as waves of unaccompanied children and families continue to show up at the U.S.-Mexico border. …”
Democratic voters got what they wanted.
The Republicans are milking this gift horse for all it is worth. The sheer number of illegal aliens arriving at this border this year is expected to reach the highest level in 20 years. This influx will likely be worse than the 2014 migrant crisis that created the populist backlash that Trump rode to power.
This is how the Republicans are going to rile up and hold Trump voters, infuriate Independents and make deeper inroads into the “Latinx” vote. Rep. Henry Cuellar is on FOX News all the time now blasting his fellow Democrats. It is wall to wall coverage in rightwing media of Joe’s border crisis.
Does anyone remember this moment in the first Democratic debate?
Does anyone remember when Joe said that illegal aliens shouldn’t be stopped when trying to cross the border? They’re saying he promised them this in Central America now.
Does anyone remember when Joe made good on his promise and sent his amnesty to Congress on Day One? Does that have anything to do with the rush on the border?
Does anyone remember when Joe overturned the Remain in Mexico policy that was working and Joe’s DHS implemented the promised 180 day pause on deportations of illegal aliens?
Note: This crisis on the border and the 24/7 coverage of it is more effective at persuading people we are right than anything people like us could say or do. Joe is a better salesman for our politics than all of us combined. In addition to this, he has also gone full woke on race relations. White people are perpetrators of systematic racism. It is shifting public opinion across a range of issues in our direction.
Yeah…like the “R” side of the Two-Party-Jew-Party is going to do anything to stop or discourage illegal immigration. I’ve seen this movie before, many times, and I know how it ends.
Don’t fall for this again. Remember that after Obama won in 2008, the GOP suddenly become anti-immigration in rhetoric. National Review even published a racialist article about low Hispanic IQ. Once the GOP got the House back in 2010, we saw immigration being mentioned less. The GOP House leadership and GOP Senators tried an amnesty again in 2013.
I’m not.
The intense focus on immigration is good for us though regardless of what happens to the GOP. It is hardening attitudes on the issue. Ultimately, we are in the game of changing public opinion on the issues we care about.
Who’s “we”? Your posts suggest you’d exclude non-Christians, nonwhites, LGBT, Northerners, and educated white women who refuse to be second class citizens from your coalition even if they agree with you on many of the important national issues.
I have no idea how you continue to read things like this into my blog posts. All I am doing is analyzing and trying to understand our politics as an amused spectator for my own purposes. I’m an Independent voter, a populist, a nationalist, a moderate and a social conservative. I don’t really identify with either side and currently have no plans to vote for anyone.
I don’t see how you’re a moderate when you mention far right talking points and went to Unite the Right in 2017 where the far left and right clashed. Most moderates were sickened by both sides at that farce.
I’m a moderate because I have left and right leaning positions. National socialists are economically left wing, so can you tell me how you’re any different from a national socialist who’s partial to the old Confederacy?
1.) I’m a social conservative
2.) I’m an economic moderate
3.) My politics are in the very middle of the electorate
4.) There is no such thing as the “far right.”
5.) The “far right” is actually in the middle of the electorate and to the left of mainstream conservatism. The “far left” is just the far left
“educated white women who refuse to be second class citizens ”
Oh, god, not this shit again. Get over yourself, no one cares that much about you.
Hunter Wallace:
1.) I’m a social conservative
2.) I’m an economic moderate
3.) My politics are in the very middle of the electorate
4.) There is no such thing as the “far right.”
1. Conservatives want to conserve. Reactionaries want to go back in time. Your blog posts on Miley Cyrus, Milo Yiannopoulos, working or single women, environmentalists, homosexuals, and Hollywood show you’re in the second camp.
2. A maximum wage and maximum wealth are moderate? Lmao. Since when? Even Bernie Sanders and AOC don’t propose that. That’s economic leftism just shy of socialism.
3. Try running for office on your “moderate” beliefs and let’s see how far you go.
4. So you know more than political scientists and the American Nazi Party and BNP aren’t far right, but the GOP and UKIP are? Gotcha. lmao!
BannedHipster said: “educated white women who refuse to be second class citizens ”
Oh, god, not this shit again. Get over yourself, no one cares that much about you.
I told you I’m not interested, so why are you stalking me? Nobody cares enough to ban you and hipsters typically don’t believe in QAnon so get yourself straightened out.
1.) Conservatives are people who are social conservatives and economic conservatives. I’m not a conservative. I’m a moderate and a populist. I’m a social conservative who is an economic populist. My disagreement with conservatives is over economics.
2.) Yes, I’m not a social liberal, but neither are conservatives. We largely agree on Miley Cyrus, Milo Yiannopoulos, feminism, environmentalists, homosexuality and Hollywood. I’m a Southerner, a Protestant and a social conservative. I dislike cultural degeneration. I’m a reactionary in the sense that I reject liberalism and modernism. More so the latter though. I wouldn’t say that cultural liberalism is the sort of liberalism that existed in the 18th and 19th centuries.
3.) Universal Basic Income and Universal Maximum Income are straight from Huey Long and American populism. Huey Long wasn’t a socialist. He was a populist who believed in economic fairness. He didn’t want to get rid of markets or private property or the wealthy. He just thought that there should be limits and that wealth should be distributed more equitably. Social democracy is mainstream in Europe.
4.) Objectively, I would go further in Alabama than a social liberal because of my views on almost all cultural issues. The fact that I am pro-White, pro-Southern and pro-Christian and that I have traditional moral values is hardly a strike against me here.
5.) There is no such thing as the “far right.” My views are not “far right.” I’m a White moderate, an Independent voter, a social conservative and an economic populist. I’m to the left of conservatives because of my views on economics, but to the right of progressives because of my views on culture. I’m a swing voter in the middle of the electorate, not the fringe. My views are common among moderate and Independent voters.
Hunter Wallace:
3.) Universal Basic Income and Universal Maximum Income are straight from Huey Long and American populism. Huey Long wasn’t a socialist. He was a populist who believed in economic fairness. He didn’t want to get rid of markets or private property or the wealthy. He just thought that there should be limits and that wealth should be distributed more equitably. Social democracy is mainstream in Europe.
4.) Objectively, I would go further in Alabama than a social liberal because of my views on almost all cultural issues. The fact that I am pro-White, pro-Southern and pro-Christian and that I have traditional moral values is hardly a strike against me here.
5.) There is no such thing as the “far right.” My views are not “far right.” I’m a White moderate, an Independent voter, a social conservative and an economic populist. I’m to the left of conservatives because of my views on economics, but to the right of progressives because of my views on culture. I’m a swing voter in the middle of the electorate, not the fringe. My views are common among moderate and Independent voters.
3)I’ll give you credit for being supportive of both Yang and Tulsi over Trump last year because they offered a breath of fresh air. Most of your blog followers seemed to oppose them though. UBI would shrink the welfare state and immigration and send direct aid to all Americans. Maximum income and a ceiling on wealth aren’t endorsed by social democratic parties in Europe though. They’ll likely fail which is why I’m not as excited about them as you are. If they’d actually work, then I’d agree with you.
4)Judge Moore was too extreme for your state though. Even most millennials and zoomers in AL are pro-same sex marriage, so what makes you think you’d win them over? Why don’t you consider running for office?
5)You skirted over my previous question though. Are the ANP and BNP part of the far right and why would most political scientists classify them as such and say a far right exists? If the far left exists, it’s only common sense for a far right to exist too.
I find myself agreeing with many of your nationalistic populist posts, though some of your cultural issue stances can be a put-off. But I’d rather you be honest about your views regardless of how reactionary they may be instead of brushing them under the carpet to gain a wider audience.
1.) I’ve always supported UBI and have been opposed to imperialism since George W. Bush invaded Iraq. UBI was Huey Long’s idea. William Jennings Bryan was opposed to imperialism.
2.) Huey Long’s Share Our Wealth program offered UBI and Universal Maximum Income in addition to a number other programs like Social Security (Francis Townsend’s idea) and free college for students with high IQ.
3.) Most Republicans are still opposed to gay marriage. Especially here in Alabama. The fact that I don’t support abortion or gay marriage and support gun rights and oppose illegal immigration is normal for my area. Maybe where you live most people are social liberals. That’s not and never has been the case in the Deep South.
4.) There is no such thing as the “far right.” Even in Britain, the BNP and UKIP attracted support from former Labour voters who supported BREXIT. In the United States, Trump voters were overwhelmingly Indies and former Democrats. It is the same trend all over the world. The so-called “far right” is overwhelmingly conservative on social issues, moderate on economics. These people are moderates who in the 20th century supported Center Left parties like the Democratic Party in the United States. The “far right” is located in the middle to the right of Democratic voters and to the left of conservative Republicans. We can trace the genealogy of the “far right” in the United States from Trump back through Buchanan and Perot and before him to the Reagan Democrats and before him to the Wallace Democrats and before the 1960s to the New Deal coalition and back even further through history to William Jennings Bryan and the populist movement of the 1890s and before them to Jacksonian Democrats and before them to Jeffersonianism.
5.) My views on social issues are as follows: pro-gun rights, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti-gender fluidity, pro-American heritage (statues and monuments), restrictionist on immigration, anti-multiculturalism, extremely anti-political correctness or wokeness, Lutheran in religion and morality, pro-White on race, pro-Southern on my own ethnicity. Across the board, I am a traditionalist and a nationalist, not a modernist, on all social issues (i.e., I define my identity in traditional terms like race, ethnicity, religion). My views on social issues are normal and typical for my area.
I also don’t really care what people think so I allow people to post whatever they believe in the comment section within reason. This skews the comment section because the comments are rougher than the overall audience.
I come to this blog and others for kicks. I find your posts more grounded than the rest, Daria. You should just give it up trying to have a reasonable dialogue with wingnuts though. Some of us aren’t into labels but they’re always labeling because it’s hard for them to think outside their worldview. To them, it’s always black and white, never grey.
Neither party will do anything about the brown wave. They both support it for different reasons.
Doesn’t anyone think it’s weird about all of the kids at the border?
Same trend as in Europe where many arriving identify as minors, though clearly many are not. “Beard babies”, some of them; but all of them, regardless of age, a calculatued and cynical attack on Western (White) softness. Think of ‘Camp of the Saints’, and add in Jewish manipulation and propagandic comparisons to the children of Europe who were sent to safe countries during WW2.
It is seen as “monstrous” to be “cruel” to children. That is why the invaders send their children. They are the monstrous and cruel, as they use their own offspring to establish a foothold in the dying corpse of America.
When you promise to give citizenship to anyone who happens to stumble across the border, then they might take you up on the offer.
The USA makes it almost impossible for White people to move here, but any brown person can just walk in and stay forever. I have a friend who married an English woman and had a hell of a time getting her over here. Despite being married to an American, educated/employable, and from a similar Anglo culture, she was still held up for months. It’s proof that our immigration policy is just designed to be anti-White, not to benefit the country.
In a few more years, whites won’t even matter anymore. That’s why both parties are catering to the other groups.
Foreign peoples flooding across the borders of the base of the Empire is a symptom of the real problem. Focusing on the immigration is a distraction from seeing the real problem.
I agree. The real problem is that, throughout history, far too few commies have been given bullets to the head.
I have a commitment to not be active here but your comment was so good I had to salute you.
Twenty-seven MILLION Soviets died as the result of the anti-communist Operation Barbarossa. Undoubtedly tens of thousands of these casualties had bullet head wounds. Not enough yet? I could add tens or even hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, Korean and Chinese bullet-to-head deaths. How about Indonesia, where communists were literally exterminated in 1965-1966? I can name many more cases.
I also agree. There’s a lot of “conservatives” who go on about “legal versus illegal immigration”. Do they really think the legality of an invasion is the problem? If 50 million were here legally, would it be alright? Right now, they are entitled to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. This is why people need to wake up. Most of are going to work, working hard, paying taxes, and this money supports these people. Most of them here do not work. That’s another lie, that they come here to work.
Joe also has border issues with Russia, which the U.S. continues to attack, in an illegal aggressive hybrid war.
In the news today: The Russian ambassador to the U.S. has just been recalled after Joe called Putin “a killer” yesterday, and threatened Russia will now “pay a price” for “interference in the 2020 election.”
I think awhile back, Putin said something about Biden having a low IQ. It really shows, when Biden won the 2020 election, but claims Putin “interfered” with the election.
He also says, very stupidly, that Putin “doesn’t have a soul.” Excerpt from the official transcript of the interview where he says that he said that:
“GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: The Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under — denigrate you support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay? PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: He will pay a price. I, we had a long talk, he and I, when we — I know him relatively well. And I– the conversation started off, I said, “I know you and you know me. If I establish this occurred, then be prepared.” GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You said you know he doesn’t have a soul. PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I did say that to him, yes (…) I wasn’t being a wise guy. I was alone with him in his office (…) Look, most important thing dealing with foreign leaders in my experience, and I’ve dealt with an awful lot of ’em over my career, is just know the other guy. Don’t expect somethin’ that you’re– that– don’t expect him to– or her to– voluntarily appear in the second editions of Profiles in Courage. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So you know Vladimir Putin. You think he’s a killer? PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Uh-huh. I do. GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So what price must he pay? PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: The price he’s gonna pay we’ll– you’ll– see shortly”: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/transcript-abc-news-george-stephanopoulos-interviews-president-joe/story?id=76509669
Re: “There is no such thing as the ‘far right’ (…) The so-called ‘far right” is overwhelmingly conservative on social issues, moderate on economics. These people are moderates who in the 20th century supported Center Left parties like the Democratic Party in the United States. The ‘“far right’ is located in the middle to the right of Democratic voters and to the left of conservative Republicans”:
I can see your point. Everything to the right of true left (socialism/communism) is right, and I describe the U.S.’s two-party system as “the two right wings” of the same Beast, neither of which is really left. What is called “the far right” is in fact not quite as economically right (capitalistic) as the conservatives. But this is also splitting hairs, because the Empire is right entirely, throiugh and through; it is the seat or center of rightness on the Earth.