New York Times: Biden Steps Up Federal Efforts to Combat Domestic Extremism

You’ve probably noticed the sharp change in tone around here since January toward the Biden administration. This is the single most important reason why that has happened.

New York Times:

“WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is stepping up efforts to combat domestic extremism, increasing funding to prevent attacks, weighing strategies historically used against foreign terrorist groups and more openly warning the public about the threat.

The attempts to more assertively grapple with the potential for violence from white supremacists and militias are a shift from President Donald J. Trump’s pressure on federal agencies to divert resources to target the antifa movement and leftist groups despite the conclusion by law enforcement authorities that far-right and militia violence was a more serious threat.

President Biden’s approach also continues a slow acknowledgment that especially after the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, the federal government needs to put more attention and money into tracking and heading off threats from inside the United States, after two decades in which it made foreign terrorism the security priority.

In an intelligence report delivered to Congress last month, the administration labeled white supremacists and militia groups as top national security threats. The White House is also discussing with members of Congress the possibility of new domestic terrorism legislation and executive orders to update the criteria of terrorism watch lists to potentially include more homegrown extremists. …

One strategy is to analyze federal travel data to trace the patterns of possible militia members and extremists, especially as American groups increasingly establish connections to Europe, the official said. Members of the groups can then be added to so-called no-fly lists, he said. …”

“Domestic extremism.”

Is there a phrase which better sums up the attitude of the political establishment? Evidently, they have learned nothing from their loss of legitimacy and their punishment of having to live under Donald Trump for four years. It seems that our arrogant and discredited progressive elites have settled on their strategy for responding to the forces which led to the Trump presidency:

  • Labeling vast swathes of public opinion that fall outside of a narrow woke progressive point of view as something called “domestic extremism”
  • Launching a Woodrow Wilson level assault on our civil liberties
  • Erasing the Mexican border
  • Intensifying political correctness into wokeness and pushing that into federal policy in the form of “racial justice” and “racial equity”
  • Redefining the term “racism” to mean systematic racism by White oppressors
  • Draconian censorship on the internet
  • Imposing a political litmus test on the U.S. military
  • Demonizing all White people in this country on racial grounds
  • “Journalists” giving an anti-White racial spin to the news cycle
  • Turning a blind eye to violence committed by leftwing groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter and using the law only as a tool to attack their political enemies on the Right

What could possibly go wrong?

We were pissed off with Donald Trump for years but he is gone now. Apparently, the Democrats are doubling down on pissing us off by drawing a ludicrous analogy between populism and foreign terrorist groups like ISIS or al-Qaeda and using national security language to criminalize their opposition. It didn’t work out so well in the Middle East and will become a far bigger disaster for them here.

I anticipate that one of the biggest problems for the Democrats in executing this strategy to counter “domestic extremism” in the same way that the U.S. federal government has attacked foreign terrorist groups overseas … is that all the “domestic extremists” are voters. Could such a strategy motivate those who are being maliciously targeted by the Biden administration on the basis of their political beliefs to believe that it is necessary to expedite the removal of the Democrats from power in 2022 and 2024?

I warned them how we would respond to this last month:

“There is nothing “extreme” about our politics. The things we believe only look “extreme” to established elites and the professional classes who are upset that we reject their values and interests. If they try to wage a “war against domestic extremism” during the Biden administration, we will respond by waging a cultural, class and political war against them, not a “race war” which is the tact they are expecting, but a bottom vs. top war against wealthy, privileged and arrogant elites who have lost their legitimacy.”

Violence is a stupid and counterproductive tactic.

With Joe in the White House, it doesn’t make any sense for the “far right” to engage in violence anyway. It makes much more sense to engage in politics now. They’ve already done a spectacular job throwing jet fuel on all the grievances that fueled our growth over the last decade. There is no argument that any of us could possibly make to persuade more people that we were right all along than having Joe Biden in the White House going around saying things like Georgia in 2021 is “Jim Crow on steroids.”

Joe Biden is a better salesman for populism than Barack Obama or Donald Trump. He hasn’t been in there three months and has already succeeded in getting 90% of Republicans worried about the growth of anti-White discrimination. Trump could never carry the ball forward like that.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Bullies go after the ones that won;t fight back so that means Whites. Antifa, BLM and blacks will be free wreck havoc as usual. There a lesson to be learned here but Whites are too afraid to organize and stick up for each other.

  2. “. . . despite the conclusion by law enforcement authorities that far-right and militia violence was a more serious threat [than antifa and leftist groups]

    This is after those leftist groups looted and burned all over the country last summer. The dishonesty of the Swampers is absolutely breathtaking. One “authority” making this claim is the FBI. If it keeps lying like this, perhaps it should be renamed the FIB.

    • Antifa and BLM work as hired goons for the System. Armed and organized white militias therefore do pose a bigger threat to those who rule over us.

  3. “Politics under democracy consists almost wholly of the discovery, chase and scotching of bugaboos.” — H.L. Mencken

    Right now the bugaboo du jour is white supremacy. The American public changes their favorite bugaboo every 5-7 years. This Is Who We Are.

  4. Voting for people who aren’t part of the establishment will soon be seen as an act of violence. Therefore, it must be outright banned and anyone caught voting for the wrong person will be subject to imprisonment.

  5. President Bernie is declaring war on half of the country. Civil rights groups have remained silent as the US government targeted US citizens with drone assassinations. The regime media distracts Americans with nonsense about Floyd and Russia collusion hoax as the US government slowly deprives Americans of God given rights.

  6. “Biden Steps Up Federal Efforts to Combat Domestic Extremism’

    Let’s be clear : the very people who are ‘stepping up efforts to combat extremism’, have had, and DO HAVE, a lot to do in making so many Americans, ‘extreme.’

    Terrible policies, as you mention, and wildly unconstitutional behavior, unbroken for decades at a time.

    So, let’s be clear : if these people were actually serious about ‘combatting extremism’, they would do a 180 on a lot of things and create a country that defused a lot of this so-called ‘extremism’.

    But, they don’t, which means that they are not really interested in ‘combating extremism’, but, rather, using, and exaggerating the sense of present extremist danger as a justification to create circumstances whereby they amplify their power.

    Anyone who has studied tyrants and bad people understands that the way they usually sell their particular brand of poison is by cloaking themselves as ‘the good guy fighting the perilously bad.’

    No better examples of this than the Nazis and the Judeo-Bolsheviks of the20s, 30s, and 40s, both parties constantly screaming about the crimes of others, while they committed worse and more crimes than anyone else.

    On a final note, I’ll say this : what The Left considers ‘extremism, is any White Man who will not turn over to the United States’ Government the perogative to make of this country anything they want.

    Let’s be real – self-assured Whites, who will not consign ourselves to a minority White country, where our identity, our claim, and or our history is expunged, and, thus, our childrens’ future, are a real bogey man to those who believe it is there in inherent right to turn this country into an internationalist hotel that usually cannot find a vacancy for White.

    This kind of spiritual failure would be comick, if it would not so sinister.

  7. The Democrats, Republicans, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and others on the far left are Domestic Terrorists. Launched all the junk that happened in 2020. We White Nationalists are a sense of realism and calm these days. Deo Vindice !

  8. OT sorta…

    New evidence reveals Ahmaud Arbery claimed to be a ‘jogger’ as an alibi for criminal activity

    According to newly released court documents, multiple eye-witness accounts and police reports that were produced indicate Ahmaud Arbery’s history of criminal activities which included Arbery trespassing on property, stealing from stores, and then running away after being confronted.

    New evidence introduced in the criminal case against the father and son in Georgia accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery show that Arbery had a history of claiming to be a jogger to cover for his criminal activities.

    New evidence introduced in the criminal case against the father & son in Georgia accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery show that Arbery had a history of claiming to be a jogger to cover for criminal activities. #BLM— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) April 2, 2021

    On February 23 [2020], Ahmaud Arbery was killed while he was running through the Satilla Shores neighborhood near Brunswick, in Georgia. Two men were sitting on their lawn when Arbery passed, and they pursued him in their truck. The men proceeded to get out of their truck and shoot Arbery, which resulted in his death. [Actually Arbery charged the younger McMichael and tried to get the shotgun away from him and they both fought for control of the gun.]

    The two men, Gregory McMichael, 64, and his son Travis McMichael, have been charged with murder and aggravated assault and are currently jailed in coastal Glynn County, Georgia.

    According to newly released court documents, multiple eye-witness accounts and police reports that were produced indicate Ahmaud Arbery’s history of criminal activities which included Arbery trespassing on property, stealing from stores, and then running away after being confronted…
    — “New evidence reveals Ahmaud Arbery claimed to be a ‘jogger’ as an alibi for criminal activity”, The Post Millennial, Apr 1, 2021 11:45 PM EST

    So the McMichael’s were correct — they were dealing with a crook and not some innocent jogger. The two men who just happen to be White were Right!

    • @Banned…

      The McMichaels should not have killed Arbery.

      That reaction was totally inappropriate, unnecessary, and a terrible thing.

      But, yes, the Media Narrative, as per usual (innocent Boy Scout Negro bushwhackt by demonic mean-spirited Whites) is diabolical anti-White race-baiting.

      • @Ivan

        I think the following was the original finding of the Georgia DA before the PC “Commies” took over:

        The video made by William Bryan clearly shows the shooting in real time. From said video it appears Ahmaud Arbery was running along the right side of the McMichael truck then abruptly turns 90 degrees to the left and attacks Travis McMichael who was standing at the front left corner of the truck. A brief skirmish ensues in which it appear Arbery strikes McMichael and appears to grab the shotgun and pull it from McMichael. The shot is through Arberys right hand palm which is consistent with him grabbing and pulling the shotgun at the barrel tip, the 2nd and 3rd wounds are consistent with the struggle for the shotgun as depicted in the video, the angle of the 2nd shot with the rear of the buttstock being pushed away and down from the fight are also consistent with the upward angle of blood plume shown in the video and that McMichael was attempting to push the gun away from Arbery while Arbery was pulling it toward himself. The 3rd shot too appears to be in a struggle over the gun. The angle of the shots and the video show this was from the beginning or almost immediately became–a fight over the shotgun. Given the fact Arbery initiated the fight, at the point Arbery grabbed the shotgun, under Georgia Law, McMichael was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself. Just as importantly, while we know McMichael had his finger on the trigger, we do not know who caused the firings. Arbery would only had to pull the shotgun approximately 1/16th to 1/8th of one inch to fire weapon himself and in the height of an altercation this is entirely possible. Arberys mental health records & prior convictions help explain his apparent aggressive nature and his possible thought pattern to attack an armed man.

        OCGA16-3-21 Use of Force in Defense, once confronted with a deadly force situation an individual is allowed to use deadly force to defend themselves or others OCGA16-3-23.1 Georgia’s No Duty to Retreat Law, an individual is not required to back away from or submit to an attack; OCGA16-3-24[b] The use of force which is intended or likely tocause death or great bodily harm to prevent trespass on or other tortious or criminal interference with real property other than a habitation or personal property is not justified unless the person using such force reasonably believes that it is necessary to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.OCGA16-3-24.2 A person properly and legally defending themselves is immune from prosecution

        For the above and foregoing reasons, it is our conclusion there is insufficient probable cause to issue arrest warrants at this time.

        Plus, Arbery had threatened the police before and threatened to attack. This man was a deranged crook who would attack almost anyone (even the police) who would dare question his actions and not believe his lies/alibis that he was “just out running”. His wicked I’m-just-running game finally came to an end when he probably shot himself by trying to pull the shotgun away from Travis McMichael.

        …According to newly released court documents, multiple eye-witness accounts and police reports that were produced indicate Ahmaud Arbery’s history of criminal activities which included Arbery trespassing on property, stealing from stores, and then running away after being confronted.

        “On August 21,2018, Burke County witness reports and Burke County Office body cam video reveals Mr. Arbery was caught by a stay-at-home mom who saw him in her backyard looking into the windows of her cars,” the documents stated. “She called the police who found Mr. Arbery at his grandmother’s residence. Police officers arrived to give Mr. Arbery a trespass warning about his conduct and behavior.”

        “When confronted by the officers about the eye-witness reports, he lied and said he had ‘gone running in the street,’ and then became aggressive, confrontational, and repeatedly threatened that he would ‘whip the officer’s ass’ if they didn’t leave him alone,” the report continued.

        Another report from a Burke County police officer’s body cam video revealed another incident which included Ahmaud Arbery lying about his whereabouts.

        “On October 23, 2018, Burke County reports and Burke County officer body cam video reveal Mr. Arbery and two juveniles were confronted in a vacant mobile home by the Burke County Sheriff’s Office. Mr. Arbery ran when confronted by the authorities. He was later caught and lied, stating he was just out running when asked about being in the mobile home. He was charged with misdemeanor obstruction for running when given lawful commands to stop,” said the report.

        Other eye-witness accounts and video evidence details Ahmaud Arbery and his repeated misconduct of pretending to be out running and then committing crimes, which led to Arbery getting nicknamed ‘The Jogger’ by members of his community.

        “In 2019 and 2020, local convenience store witness interviews reveal Mr. Arbery became known as ‘The Jogger’ for his repeated conduct and behavior of running up, stretching in front, and then entering several convenience stores where he would grab items and run out before he got caught,” the report stated.

        “In 2020, witness cell phone video reveals Mr. Arbery was confronted at a convenience store by employees about his theft conduct and behavior. Mr. Arbery, concerned about his thefts, chose to fight a man who worked on location at the adjacent truck stop who tried to confront him about it,” the report stated of another eye-witness account.
        — “New evidence reveals Ahmaud Arbery claimed to be a ‘jogger’ as an alibi for criminal activity”, The Post Millennial, Apr 1, 2021 11:45 PM EST

        The McMichaels should be set free and Arbery should not be treated as some saintly innocent martyr but rather the low-down cheap thieving and lying trash he really was whose crimes and lies finally caught up with him.

        • @Banned…

          Excellent rebuttal. Thank you.

          One question : what were the McMichaels doing pursuing Arbery with a shotgun?

          • @Ivan

            I guess the trial will bring that out but Arbery would become aggressive and attack if confronted by police or anyone as the information I quoted above stated, The older McMichael, Gregory, was a retired police officer and if my memory serves me correctly he had some prior knowledge about Arbery’s criminal activity and apparently knew they were not dealing with some innocent “jogger” but a violent aggressive criminal. Plus, Gregory McMichael was on a cell phone talking with 911 when the fight over the shotgun between Arbery and Travis McMichael began. If the McMichaels were out to murder Arbery they would have shot him dead long before Arbery got close enough to attack Travis and would not have been on cell phone with 911 when all the violence erupted.

            Arberys mental health records & prior convictions help explain his apparent aggressive nature and his possible thought pattern to attack an armed man.

            “When confronted by the officers about the eye-witness reports, he lied and said he had ‘gone running in the street,’ and then became aggressive, confrontational, and repeatedly threatened that he would ‘whip the officer’s ass’ if they didn’t leave him alone,” the report continued.

            Here is a video of Arbery giving the police a hard time when they questioned him on what he was up to parking out in an area frequented by those involved with drugs.

            Ahmaud Arbery Was Confronted by Cops in 2017


            Retracing Ahmaud Arbery’s Final Minutes: What Videos And 911 Calls Show | NYT Visual Investigations


            Of course, the corrupt MSM sees that a white man won the fight (that was initiated by a black man) over the shotgun so he and his father are automatically racist murderers — no more questions/explanations needed.

  9. “No better examples of this than the Nazis and the Judeo-Bolsheviks of the20s, 30s, and 40s, both parties constantly screaming about the crimes of others, while they committed worse and more crimes than anyone else.”

    There is no valid equivalency between the commie kike murderers of at least 66 million Whites (whose descendants in the boardrooms & in the gutters are attempting to finish the job right now) and the only people who ever physically fought to stop them.

    The Nazis were the good guys, and itz been all (((downhill))) since their defeat at the hands of the jews’ whores of that era.

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