Zaid Jilani: Denying the Crime Wave, Progressives Are Abandoning the Most Vulnerable

We’ve heard a great deal about “the insurrection” and the relentless assault on the AAPI community by “white supremacists” so far this year. There has been a lot less attention paid to one of the largest spikes in homicide in decades going on in Democratic-controlled cities.


“While federal lawmakers mobilized enormous resources—including thousands of National Guard units—to protect themselves following the riot on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6th, there has been less attention paid to last year’s wider surge of criminal violence in Washington, D.C., where there has been a 350 percent increase in carjackings.

Over the past year, America had one of the largest increases in homicides in its modern history. This could mean as many as 4,000 extra murders over the previous year. …

New York City, for instance, saw a 97 percent increase in shooting incidents from 2019. And as in every other year, 2020’s violent crime wave was not equally distributed. Low-income, minority areas tended to suffer the most; the city’s official data shows that around 74 percent of shooting victims were African-American and 22 percent were Latino.

These statistics aren’t just numbers on a page; they represent real people whose lives were suddenly and abruptly upended by terrifying acts of violence.

Sadly, there is little evidence that 2020’s national violent crime wave is letting up. A New York Times analysis of FBI data found that “a sample of 37 cities with data available for the first three months of this year shows murder up 18 percent relative to the same period last year. …”

FOX News:

“Violent crime rates surged in 2020 after the May death of George Floyd, a Black man who was handcuffed and pleading while Derek Chauvin, a White former Minneapolis police officer, pressed his knee against his neck for more than nine minutes, as seen on moments captured on video. Chauvin is currently standing trial on murder and manslaughter charges.

Between Dec. 11, 2020, and March 28 of this year, murders in the city rose 46% – to 19 – compared to the 13 reported during the same time period last year, statistics show.

And going back further, there have been 49% more homicides since the initial budget cut in July 2020 – 58 murders between July 22, 2020, and March 28, compared to the 39 reported year-over-year.

Total violent crime in Minneapolis between July 22, 2020, and March 28 was also up 22% year-over-year – 3,692 this year compared to the 3,025 last year; the violent summer months appear to have caused such a significant increase, an analysis of Minneapolis Police Department statistics show. …

In December, the Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a budget that shifted approximately $8 million from the police department toward violence prevention and other programs. The cuts did not affect staffing level goals for sworn officers after Mayor Jacob Frey threatened to veto the budget if the council capped police staffing as it had originally intended.

The plan redirected the nearly $8 million from Frey’s $179 million policing budget to mental health teams, violence prevention programs and other initiatives. …”

Black Lives Matter, amirite?

We’re on track for a long hot summer.

A bunch of upper middle class White people who live sheltered lives in wealthy suburbs around the country put those BLM signs in their yards as a big virtue signal. Unlike all of those “white supremacists,” the allies and their brats truly care about black lives and the way you show your support is for White people to go out and hold mass demonstrations and demand that big cities “Defund the Police.” Once the police are abolished like in Minneapolis, no one will be around to kill black people anymore.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If I were a cartoon racist who just hated black people and “people of color” for no reason and wanted to harm them, then I would probably do most of what the progressive left has been doing over the past year, like defunding the police and allowing anarchists to burn down inner city businesses. Not to go full Dinesh or anything, but BLM and antifa have killed more black people in one year than “far right extremists” have in the last decade.

    • It’s still true. And I might add they have provoked whites into a serious siege-mentality for the long haul.

  2. @ ” we are on track for a long hot summer”, good, i love hot weather, would much rather do my soldiering when it’s hot, than cold.

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