Two Asian women beaten with cinder block in Baltimore https://t.co/4AlTM9em5N pic.twitter.com/uuSg7lwCcD
— New York Post (@nypost) May 7, 2021
Two more Asian women were beaten with a cinder block by rampaging white supremacists in Baltimore.
GRAPHIC: Here is video showing Patrick Thompson walking up to & stabbing 2 elderly Asian women in Market Street in San Francisco. The 85-year-old collapses to the ground. Thompson, who is black but was reported to be white, has a violent criminal history. pic.twitter.com/4Y9K3oV7XN
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) May 7, 2021
Hi @dabeard. You’re an exec. editor at @NatGeo & you’re an alumn of @washingtonpost, @AP & @BostonGlobe. Why did you identify Patrick Thompson, the man arrested over the stabbing of two elderly Asian women in San Francisco, as white? https://t.co/48g6unafl0 pic.twitter.com/cUuPHHyvNO
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) May 6, 2021
“F— you Chinese people, I hate you.”
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) May 6, 2021
The DC Metropolitan Police Department are trying to identify a black male suspect who was recorded on CCTV punching an Asian store owner in the face in a possible hate crime. #StopAsianHate https://t.co/NdSbJf7R40 pic.twitter.com/nAQ8m9Y0IZ
There are reactionaries on the internet who are spreading misinformation about the nationwide groundswell of white supremacist attacks on the AAPI community.
They are saying that this spike in anti-Asian hate crimes has nothing to do with white supremacy or Donald Trump’s rhetoric about the Kung Flu virus. Instead, these people are arguing that the demonization of the police by the media, the calls to defund or abolish the police by woke progressive activists and the glorification of Black Lives Matter seems to have unleashed a massive crime wave in the big cities and that criminals have been emboldened to prey upon law abiding non-White citizens … people like, you know, the 85-year-old Asian grandmothers who are easy prey and live in these cities.
The “white supremacists” are protesting their innocence. They claim that delusional woke academics blame all violent crime on their hobbyhorse of “white supremacy” and that the “journalists” are mentally ill and woke now which determines which stories become a cause célèbre in the corporate media and which crimes are quietly swept under the rug in order to push the antiracist narrative.

Let them have each other, step back and keep it ring fenced.
Not only is the suspect a White supremacist, but the victim is too. Asians are considered White-adjacent and reap some of the benefits from White privilege, such as high SAT scores and privilege on eurocentric White supremacist math tests. Therefore this old Asian granny was complicit in White supremacy. She killed George Floyd with her complicity.
But he has a mask! Remember, we’re in this together!
Now do the Whites that are attacked by blacks daily. I bet it’s 10 Whites to every 1 Asian.
It is only a matter of time before the blacks turn their sights to the hipster colonizers/gentifiers who moved into their once all black neighborhoods. Then the woke are going to have their eyes open wide. It is only a matter of time.
@Robert Browning
Re: once the blacks turn on their white allies.
So the woke will get rudely woken up!
Couldn’t resist that one.
ABC played the grainy video and gave the name Patrick Thompson. A very White sounding name, and the race was uncertain from the video, so the media’s agenda was quite obvious.
Anti-White bottom line: It’s always whitey’s fault regardless.