Democrats Fall In Love With Liz Cheney

If you turn on PMC TV, all you hear these days is that there is a “civil war” in the Republican Party and that Liz Cheney is a True Conservative and a hero who is fighting for what she believes in, which is to say, American imperialism. The Bush-Cheney legacy in Iraq and Afghanistan is the source of her animosity toward Donald Trump. She represents the “defense hawks” who want to stay there forever.

Everyone who was affiliated with the George W. Bush administration is being toasted as a hero of the Resistance. Nicolle Wallace has a MSNBC show. David Frum edits The Atlantic. Max Boot and Jennifer Rubin write for The Washington Post. Neocons like Bill Kristol and Charlie Sykes are invited on MSNBC to share their thoughts on endless segments while people who oppose imperialism, torture, the surveillance state and lying for the establishment on principle like Glenn Greenwald or Jimmy Dore are blacklisted.

This is an epic troll when you think about it. CNN and MSNBC have convinced liberals that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney are on their side and represent their values. John McCain and Mitt Romney are also freedom fighters. The world has been turned upside down. We’re also “fascism” for consistently opposing imperialism and warmongers like John McCain or Dick Cheney for the past 20 years now. Progressives love all of these people now due to their nonstop positive publicity.

Note: How many segments can you do in 24 hours on Liz Cheney?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Cheney is the only COW the Lunatic Left worships…. the ‘Impossible Meat.’ Sorry, I’m NOT swallowing!

    “Oregon is now proposing a ballot initiative for the 2022 general election that would effectively ban most meat sales and consumption in the state.

    Initiative Petition 13 would turn Oregon into a “sanctuary state for animals” by removing exemptions for good animal husbandry practices, criminalizing the raising and slaughtering of food animals and reclassifying traditional animal husbandry practices such as artificial insemination as “sexual assault.”

    This falls in line with the net zero emission goals announced by the Biden administration, which aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, compared to 2005 levels, and reach zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.

    Forcing people to cut or eliminate beef consumption is part of the climate agenda. Gates spells this out in his book, and the EAT Forum, which collaborates with nearly 40 governments around the world to transform the food system, works closely with imitation meat companies, including Impossible Foods…”

    • @Fr. John…

      A huge problem with meat substitutes is that they often come from soy beans, and that heavily GMO-ed crop is also, after cotton, one of the most heavily soakt in synthetick chemical residues, this because soy beans are so heavily sprayed.

      And, if you can believe it – farmers, out here, have taken to spraying, according to the new evermore profit-oriented recommendations of Big Agra-Tech, defoliants to kill the crop, after harvest.

      So, instead of tilling the plants up, an ancient practice which enrichens the soil, the soil gets filled full of more carcinogens.

  2. Chuck Schumer:”There will be no African Negros for my precious Jew only Israel….”

    Chuck Schumer

    The USS Liberty…1967….This is was known as the Israeli Summer of Love….

    Dancing Israeli Art Students on a NJ Rooftop…..9/11….

  3. The departure of The Neocons from The Republican Party to the Democrat Party reminds me of an old star football player who, after playing ten big seasons with a certain team, signs a short term contract with another, not long after which, treads off the tire, he finishes his career.

    Neocons will not live in a party without being leaders, and, by the same token, Progressives will not live with Neocons at all.

    In either case, these events, such as the departure of Miss Liz from The GOP, will not have much significance.

    All that it means is that The Democrat Party has been a motley collection of everyone who is a anti-Nationalist Globalist type.

    In our own way, we are having a very long and informal referendum on Amerexit – an exit both from the Corporate/Globalist structure, created by the Anglo-Jewish alliance over 3 former centuries, and, as well from itself.

    In this Post WWII period, practically everything, of a political nature, will be reorganized…

    • And, yes, with the Neo-Con/Globalists gradually congregating themselves into one corner, it is a sign that Nationalists are taking back space – here, there, or anywhere, it does not matter.

      Just so long as it is done, and terrain is reclaimed, it is a sign of progress.

      Just imagine something like this happening just a few years ago, oh, let’s say, back in 2014?

      It’s really quite promising, if seen that way.

      • The departure of The Neocons from The Republican Party to the Democrat Party reminds me of an old star football player who, after playing ten big seasons with a certain team, signs a short term contract with another, not long after which, treads off the tire, he finishes his career.

        Neocons will not live in a party without being leaders, and, by the same token, Progressives will not live with Neocons at all.

        In either case, these events, such as the departure of Miss Liz from The GOP, will not have much significance, in and of themselves.

        All that it means is that The Democrat Party has been a motley collection of everyone who is a anti-Nationalist Globalist type.

        In our own way, we are having a very long and informal referendum on Amerexit – an exit both from the Corporate/Globalist structure, created by the Anglo-Jewish alliance over 3 former centuries, and, as well from itself.

        In this Post WWII period, practically everything, of a political nature, will be reorganized…

  4. IMO, this is just a move by GOP to get the populist vote next year, take over Congress, then resort to business as usual. Don’t forget what these pukes did to Steve King.

    • @More of The Same…

      “IMO, this is just a move by GOP to get the populist vote next year, take over Congress, ”

      If that is the case, Sir, then I do not know why Minority Leader McCarthy would pick Stefanik, as, if you study her votes, she is extremely similar to outgoing Cheney.

      In fact, Congresswoman Stefanik may even be more apart from the MAGA Nationalist movement, that is now driving the The GOP, than Miss Liz, this because she voted against the Wall, voted against negotiating with The Taliban, for for the Marriage Equality Act, etc, etc ad nauseum.

      What about Miss Elise is actually MAGA?

  5. Republicans are calling her a “homophobe”. Not my people, not my party. The RP is now totally queer. If that is your taste , go for it. Not me.

    • The Republicans are just as liberal as the Democrats. Open borders, Amnesty, Increasing Immigration, and moreover, the Anti-white agenda.

  6. It’s all just fake compliments. If people like the sleazy Schumer are complimentary toward Republicans it’s simply due to him and other Democrats extracting something more important in their minds. Saying nice things about Cheney, Romney or McCain when he was living simply was part of a higher plan to trash Trump in particular. Perhaps years back those other party compliments were real as in the Reagan years. Today? No way no how. It’s all fake.

    Just like it was fake when Romney was marching with Black Lives matter. All a stunt to hurt Trump because in the battle of the old men, Romney’s big ego was hurt more than Trump’s. So of course our evil, mostly Democrat media did the compliments to Romney. Left wing fruit balls on social media were saying nice things about him. Meanwhile when he ran against Obama, our mostly jewish controlled media piled on Romney. It was during that presidential race when I finally accepted American media is hopeless garbage.

    Bitter Republicans always run to the open arms of cnn, msnbc and others when they are mad at Trump support in particular. Cheney will be doing her rounds there soon getting fake compliments. Senator Cassidy from Louisiana of all places, is doing his back stab tour on these stations that never did and never will support him. McCain was loved by left wing stations until he ran against the brown privileged Obama. When he lost, McCain went right back to being the Democrats favorite Republican as long as he was bashing Republicans.

    The media is a giant scam. It’s all fake to incite hate. Look at the utterly absurd coverage on Charlottesville. You would think 100 people were killed. 1 was killed or died at the scene. Meanwhile that happens every 7 minutes in black areas. That just gets a yawn. But the immense influence of Jews in media was obvious with the never ending display of Charlottesville. It’s a giant circus.

    Even the names listed above by Hw regarding Bush people in nice television gigs are disproportionately Jewish. That’s on purpose. Just like Hollywood will always hire Jews disproportionately. Everything regarding media is a scam to incite, to hate, to give fake or not enough information.

    Blm is actually promoted as a group that’s fighting for rights instead of a domestic terrorist organization that only alpha female Marjorie Taylor Greene has the courage to say once again in Congress and on social media. For a change we have a right winger who puts fear into left wingers. Trump might have been a goofball but he did that as well.

    I can definitely see Cheney losing her next election and then running as an Independent to try to help a Democrat win. She needs to go and so does Cassidy.

    They are far more caught up with the riot( definitely not an insurrection) that took place January 6th than the months of terrorism by Blm and antifa to the tune of billions in damage and dozens dead. How many of those sobs were even arrested? But our disgraceful Fbi was sure on the Trump people. Truly sick stuff all backed up by the Democrats and our evil, fake media.

    • @Jeff…

      If Miss Liz wants to get back into office, she needs to move to at least a Purple State.

      That she could win another Wyoming Election seems a statistical impossibility.

    • @Jeff – GREAT post! Jan 6th, though, wasn’t a “riot”. It was in fact that ever elusive “mostly peaceful protest”.

      • Old Enough to be Your Mother: lol..Totally agree. It’s amazing Republicans win a thing with the 24/7 Democrat machine called ” American media” torching Republicans non ending. It seems Marjorie Taylor Greene is their next target because she has the ” nerve” to go after communist White hater Aoc and domestic terrorist Blm thug Corrie Bush.

        It’s become like just how awful and deviant is American media when they attack a woman in Greene calling out communists and White haters? The media is in love with Aoc in particular. I am even shocked at how low these rich owners of American media are and their dedication to destroying the country.

        The true insurrectionists sit in Congress in the Democratic Party backed up by most media. If these deviants continue to grow, most of the American constitution will be replaced by a mumbo jumbo Marxist mix of White hating, land stealing, massive taxation. an end to the 1st and 2nd amendments among others.

        Look at how monstrous Biden is by allowing and promoting the invasion South of the border. The pitiful old man thinks it helps him politically. He could give two riffs about the country. He wants his power trip ride before he dies.

        No Democrat is trustworthy in this era. This is why I promoted Trump on this site over Biden. It wasn’t even close despite Trump being more bark than bite. At least Trump would never be what Biden is- the most anti White president in history. And the lazy Catholic Church should ban Biden, Pelosi and other fake Democrat Cat- licks. A bunch of old people with tops 10 years to live who promote abortions with no problem and are championed by Planned Parenthood are truly awful, selfish and GOD less people.

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