City Journal: The Child Soldiers of Portland

I’ve been involved in this scene for 20 years now.

I’m old enough to remember when conservatives used to believe we were crazy, evil racists for believing that race exists and for being pro-White. It was people on the “fringe” who were pro-White. They were progressing toward a colorblind society. They believed in Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Dream. They believed in civic nationalism and liberalism. This was the “mainstream” consensus on race. Conservatives used to routinely purge people who expressed any doubts or skepticism about this belief.

This began to change toward the end of the Obama presidency with the rise of Black Lives Matter. The Left became pessimistic and gave up on Martin Luther King, Jr. era liberal antiracism. The Great Awokening was going on in the 2010s and it spilled out into the streets in the Trump presidency. Now we have this new version of “antiracism” which is the “successor ideology” of progressive liberalism.

City Journal:

“There are only a few places on earth where radicals and their children ritualistically burn the American flag and chant “Death to America”: Tehran, Baghdad, Beirut, Kabul, Ramallah—and Portland, Oregon.

The City of Portland, a cloud-covered metro on the south bank of the Columbia River, has become known for its political protesters. Anarchists, Communists, ecofascists, and various other agitators regularly denounce the police, politicians of both parties, and America itself, and flag-burning has become part of the protesters’ liturgy. Last summer, protesters associated with Antifa upped the ante with chants of “Death to America” and participated in months of violent protests to avenge the death of George Floyd while he was in police custody in Minneapolis. Children as young as four marched with the crowd to the federal courthouse, raising the Black Power fist and chanting “Fuck the Police!” …

Famously the “whitest city in America,” Portland has become the unlikely headquarters of race radicalism in the United States. The city has elevated white guilt into a civic religion; its citizens have developed rituals, devotions, and self-criticisms to fight “systemic racism” and “white supremacy.” The culminating expression of this orthodoxy is violence: street militias, calling themselves “antiracists” and “antifascists,” smash windows and torch the property of anyone transgressing the new moral law. …

Which brings us to the last plank in Tigard-Tualatin’s antiracism program: enforcement. As soon as Un took over as equity and inclusion director, she formulated a new “hate speech” policy designed not just to prevent truly discriminatory speech but also to pathologize any political opposition to the new order. The cultural cues in the district are clear: teachers must support Black Lives Matter protests and oppose anything that smacks of conservatism. …

If the cities of Tigard and Beaverton represent the categories of theory and praxis, Portland represents their result: power. In recent years, Portland has emerged as the leading hub of left-wing, Marxist, and anarchist movements. After George Floyd’s death, Portland’s radicals attacked police officers and laid siege to federal buildings. They armed themselves with rocks, bottles, shields, knives, guns, bricks, lasers, boards, explosives, gasoline, barricades, spike strips, brass knuckles, and Molotov cocktails. A year later, many downtown businesses remain closed, and insurance companies have either raised premiums or refused to issue policies because of the ongoing risk of property destruction.

Meantime, Portland Public Schools has institutionalized the philosophy of social justice and codified political activism into every aspect of the bureaucracy. In the district’s 2019 Racial Equity and Social Justice Plan, the administration pledged to make “antiracism” the district’s “North Star” and to create “an education system that intentionally disrupts—and builds leaders to disrupt—systems of oppression.” The superintendent hired a new equity czar and announced a “Five-Year Racial Equity Plan,” which promises a dizzying array of acronyms and academic catchphrases like “intersectionality” and “targeted universalism.”

A decade ago, White Nationalists were becoming interested in memes. Bob Whitaker and the Bugsters started pushing the ANTIRACISM IS ANTIWHITE meme. Who can disagree with that now?

It is stunning when you read this essay how right we were about the trajectory of this country and how wrong the conservatives were about the future. The idea that ANTIRACISM IS ANTIWHITE has gone mainstream. They will still invoke Martin Luther King, Jr. and talk about how horrible racial identity is like making the sign of the cross before making observations that we used to make.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is what happens, when liberals live in a prosperous, isolated world of virtue signalling. Portland is symbolic of much of Americas isolated populations.

    • Yes, they have enough money to not be affected by high taxes or inflation. They think everyone can have two homes. They have no concept of us or them.

  2. When my wife and I watch these people on the idiot box mounted to my wall, I tell her “The true enemy of white people are brain washed white people who have forgotten their ancestors.” These people will be given no quarter when the time comes. I will show no remorse or empathy, like the noble negroe.

    • Whenever the counter-movement against the SJW’s commences, (and it will), I hope it is bloody and cruel.

  3. > Famously the “whitest city in America,” Portland has become the unlikely headquarters of race radicalism in the United States. The city has elevated white guilt into a civic religion; its citizens have developed rituals, devotions, and self-criticisms to fight “systemic racism” and “white supremacy.”

    It’s a religion, a Christian heresy, and of course it’s in the whitest city in America because only white people do this particular version of religious fanaticism.

    • Portland is not the “whitest city in America”. Not even close. Or perhaps they are confusing it Portland, Maine?

    • Please, what do you think is the origin of the psyop of collective white guilt”? Why it’s origin is that book that claims a jew is god and y’all have “original sin”. What balderdash!!

      What TF does “chosen ones” mean if not racially superior to all others?? And the Jews would have us believe God, the creator of all life made Jews superior. What a load of crap, these Jews are trying to sell in addition to the notion of an immoral vicarious “salvationism” via a jew no less!!!

      The jew man-god says it’s like this: “I created goyim with original sin. Then I destroy most of them for “sinning” ( see Egyptian history, Sumerian history and WWW I & II). Then I impregnated a jewish women no less with myself as her child, so that I could be born. Later I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself (an abortion of myself!!) to save all of you from the original sin I gave you in the first instance!

      Wake up people from the fairytale lies of logical fallacies and absurdity!!

      • Their hubris is astounding, but agree we Dixian’s must wake up from all their psyops toward their goal of a “messianic” tyrannical despotic “dominionist”thieving (usury) communistic (ie. only they will own any property including you as slaves) global monarchy, would be treason if they waged war (which they are with their massive invasive “immigration” 4th generational war force) against the sovereign Republic’s of the Confederacy and the Yankee Union!!

  4. 1965

    1967…The slaughter of the crew of the USS Liberty

    2021…White Genocide is real….

    Who ordered this?

  5. The Pacific Coast, from San Francisco to Seattle, was settled by ship, by New England Yankees. All of this violence and unrest is the final, fatal fruition of the New England Moral-Political Paradigm. Puritanism is the poison that will finally kill America.

    The original Southern Nationalists were right. They get more right, every day.

  6. “I’ve been involved in this scene for 20 years now.

    I’m old enough to remember when conservatives used to believe we were crazy, evil racists for believing that race exists and for being pro-White. It was people on the “fringe” who were pro-White. They were progressing toward a colorblind society. They believed in Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Dream. They believed in civic nationalism and liberalism. This was the “mainstream” consensus on race. Conservatives used to routinely purge people who expressed any doubts or skepticism about this belief.”

    We need to remind new people more that we are winning. I see too many negative, pessimistic comments, never from long timers, always from the people who have been in this less than ten years. The thing is, 20 years ago was not the low water mark for these boomer-cuck clowns. They got worse after 9/11. More globalist, more pro-Israel, more-neocon, more pro-immigration, more dumb on economics. Things only started to turn around with mainstream conservatives around the time the GOP Congress got slaughtered in the 2006 midterm. Only then did the boomers and
    “dittohead” imbeciles realize that Dubya’s open borders globalism was not working. Right up until that point, they were sure it was.

  7. “Famously the “whitest city in America,” Portland has become the unlikely headquarters of race radicalism in the United States”

    The Pro-White Movement: “Lets defend the White Race!”

    White cities like Portland: “Lets defend Blacks, Jews, and every other race except Whites, who don’t exist anyway!”

    Mainstream conservatives and liberals alike have a point about something: Ideology and values trump race. If race was central to identity, then anti-white White cities like Portland wouldn’t exist. And yet they do. The most fanatical opponents of White Identity and the reality of biological differences between races aren’t spiteful Jews or jealous non-whites, its other Whites.

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