Response to Gottfried

Why are whites so degenerate? Why have they imposed race suicide upon themselves? Here.

– Having followed the WN scene for about eight years now, I can say that in all that time I have never heard a white racialist argue that whites are genetically partial to sound ideas (quite the contrary), so I fail to see what WNs in particular should have to answer for in this case.

– Any given individual, white or nonwhite, is capable of entertaining a bad idea. Why have whites alone come to see their own race replacement as morally justified?

– Humans are social beings. We also rely upon authority figures to discern truth from falsehood. The vast majority of humans are not independent thinkers. They mimic elite opinion in order to preserve their own social status. At the moment, white racial consciousness is deeply taboo and associated with low social status. This explains why 90% of non-elite whites feel the way they do about race.

– Why then has white, Western elite opinion come to associate “racism” and “anti-Semitism” with low status?

– This was not always the case. Up until the 1920s, “racism” and “anti-Semitism” were not taboo in the West, but the transformation was complete by 1965. Why did white, Western elite opinion change during this time period?

– A combination of reasons:

#1. The revulsion against Nazi racism in the West during the Second World War.

#2. The victory of the Allies in the Second World War and the rise of the United States to an interventionist world superpower, which spread the triumphant anti-racism around the world to countries like Ireland and Sweden..

#3. The anti-racist ideology of the Soviet Union. In order to compete with the Soviets for influence in the Third World, Western elites adopted the anti-racism of the USSR as their own.

#4. The reigning liberalism of the day in Britain and America explains their negative reaction to Nazi racism.

#5. The attack on “racism” by insurgent Jews in the social sciences (anthropology, sociology, psychology) undermined the scientific basis of “race.”

#6. “Anti-Semitism” became taboo in the West after WW2. Afterwards, the barriers to Jewish professional advancement began to fall. Jewish enrollment at Ivy League universities exploded. As Jews became more powerful in the U.S. and other countries, they used their wealth and power, especially their influence in the media and other elite institutions, to attack and stigmatize white racial consciousness.

#7. Racial distinctions were always a nuisance to the sheer greed of Western capitalists, who aligned themselves with anti-racist white liberals and upwardly mobile Jews.

#8. The rise of the anti-racist “conservative movement” of William F. Buckley and National Review in the United States, which quickly became and has remained the false opposition to the liberal status quo ever since.

#9. The revolutionary impact of modern telecommunications (radio, television, internet).

#10. The equalitarian strain within Christianity in the context of 1 – 8.

#11. Higher enrollment at American universities since the GI Bill after WW2.

#12. The degenerate, unnatural living environment of suburbia which three generations of whites have been raised in.

#13. The ideal of expressive individualism promoted in the media which is corrosive of all collective affiliations.

#14. The racial homogeneity of the areas where anti-racism has sunk the deepest roots, such as the American Deep North, insulates anti-racist whites from the consequences of their bad ideas.

#15. Disciplinary institutions like the SPLC and ADL which maintain the status quo by threatening the income and social status of dissident whites and their organizations.

#16. Generations of bad ideas and the hyperindividualism of American racialists continues to stiffle their attempts to form an effective resistance.

#17. In some countries, ethnic opportunism has been a factor: white ethnics (Slavs, Italians) siding with non-whites (other ‘outsiders’) against the native white majority (‘insiders’).

#18. The vast majority of whites still feel like ‘insiders’ in their countries. This inhibits their ability to develop a feeling of alienation from the status quo and explains their attachment to organizations like the GOP.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Prozium,

    Thanks for the support in the TakiMag thread.

    I certainly agree with all of your enumerated contributing factors, many different elements came together in order to generate a perfect storm of anti-racism. However, at present, I think our most distressing problems are related to #9 and #11. The Left monolithically controls just about all of our information & education societal organs and as a consequence they are not only able to brainwash the weak-minded (seemingly at will) but they are also so strong as to be able to determine what ideas have social capital in mainstream culture.

    On the bright side our societal decay is now so advanced, the latest outrage being a negro president, that more people will be receptive to our arguments. I already know a few patriotards whose faith in America is beginning to waiver and for whom the ideas of secession ,and/or separation, are becoming more appealing.

  2. Yes, I suspect millions of white patriotard conservatives are feeling like ‘outsiders’ for the first time in their lives. Virtually every racialist in America feels like an ‘outsider’ already.

  3. Prozium,

    “Yes, I suspect millions of white patriotard conservatives are feeling like ‘outsiders’ for the first time in their lives. Virtually every racialist in America feels like an ‘outsider’ already.”


    You would think that the natural solution to this problem would be to create a new nation in which we no longer felt this way. Is holding on to the idea of a nation that has long since committed suicide worth this much agony?!

    On that note how cohesive could a country possibly be if a majority of its denizens felt like outsiders?

  4. Very nice to see you are posting semi-regularly again Prozium.

    Your ideas and writing is as clear and excellent as ever — keep em’ coming, please.

  5. Obviously, I don’t agree with your goals at all, but Prozium did an excellent job of summing the nature of White deracination and even self-abnegation. Most such analyses by racialists slip into gutter racism and irrationality, and his miraculously does not.

    I don’t give a damn whether White folks survive or not, or whether blonds and redheads and blue and green eyes survive without hair die and contacts, and I think White racism sucks.

    But as I recently got back into feeling proud to be White, and I feel a lot better this way. For a long time, I was into White self-hatred, but this is better. I’m now a guy who wakes up every morning and thinks, “Thank God for making me White!” It’s almost like getting religion. Atheism feels like crap, and religion feels good. Racial self-abnegation is hip, but ultimately it doesn’t feel that great, and feeling good about your heritage is a much better feeling.

    I also think that pride in your ethnicity – race – tribe is perfectly compatible with loving other groups.

    I don’t think White self-abnegation has been healthy, and I think it is doing damage to society right now. For instance, we apparently could care less that 12 million illegal alien criminals have invaded our land and are proceeding to turn it into Northern Tijuana. We probably could not react that way unless we were deracinated.

  6. In some countries, ethnic opportunism has been a factor: white ethnics (Slavs, Italians) siding with non-whites (other ‘outsiders’) against the native white majority (’insiders’).

    They (we, I) have also “disarmed” native whites by being generally likeable and capable, thus weakening native resistance to the sort of further immigration most of us reflexively (and usually sincerely) supported.

    One for the Rienzi files:

    [Australians Against Further Immigration] have regularly stood candidates at both state and federal level, but have never won a seat. The party has been criticised by opponents as being racist, with links to the Australian League of Rights. In 1994, the outspoken MLC Franca Arena denounced them in the New South Wales parliament, quoting an AAFI candidate who had said “My policy on refugees and illegals is to reopen the second Yallah meatworks, creating up to 500 local jobs, and convert them to blood and bone.”

  7. Patriotard Conservatives likely feel no more like outsiders than they have since 1964. They harbor a childlike and undiluted faith in the efficacy of System remedies, and they will continue to sublimate their dissatisfaction by indulging in politically correct ”opposition” bandwagon recreation of the sort that made clowns like Limbaugh and Hannity very rich men. They are now, and always have been, craven cowards. You are already hearing rumblings from the usual suspects about a Palin bid for the Oval Office in 2012. It seems the cuckold conservatives are so concerned with not appearing ”out of touch”, that they only feel comfortable in defending themselves when a woman is available to lead them. Its funny and pathetic.

  8. American conservatives are not even close to feeling like ‘outsiders’ in the sense all of us do. That will take many years. We’re at the beginning of the process though where sheer demographics in the Southwest (California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona) kills the electoral map for the GOP.

  9. Thomas777,

    I wouldn’t give up on the White “conservative” set just yet.

    The tectonic plates that underly conservative group psychology move slowly, but they do move. It should take at least a few more years before we can expect them to properly digest the consequences of the latest campaign cycle.

    What does a non-White presidency mean?

    What does it mean when Texas becomes 40% white and joins the fold of “Blue” states?

    The White conservatives haven’t had the courage to tackle these questions, but coming events will force them to.

    It is incorrect to think that we will be interminably stuck in the feedback loop from Hell that is post-WWII American politics.

  10. “#17. In some countries, ethnic opportunism has been a factor: white ethnics (Slavs, Italians) siding with non-whites (other ‘outsiders’) against the native white majority (’insiders’). ”
    This is exactly why pan-european nationalism based purely on that idea is wrong. “White” isn’t good enough. Classic nationalism means rejecting pan-Europeanism. Nationalism must be more detail-oriented than to just say “white / non-white.”

  11. The tectonic plates that underly conservative group psychology move slowly, but they do move. It should take at least a few more years before we can expect them to properly digest the consequences of the latest campaign cycle.

    I just read a Garrett Hardin essay on his experiences at the forefront of the abortion debate in the late 50s and early 60s. It’s his opinion that it generally takes about five years to truly change a person’s mind on taboo issues. That seems excessive to me, but Hardin’s general point is still important even if he’s a bit off on the time frame. It’s going to take some time to dissolve the racial beliefs that have been built up over a lifetime, especially because we’re just a few small voices of wisdom (some of us, at least) fighting against a massive propaganda machine. As notuswind noted, Obama’s election and the continuing browning of America will wake a great deal of conservatives up; we just have to show a little patience. And that means treating conservatives with respect and not contempt as we attempt to guide them to our position.

  12. “#1. The revulsion against Nazi racism in the West during the Second World War.”

    Are you still pushing that theory? And it’s your number one reason, no less! “Nazi racism” was significantly less pronounced than the racism of Anglo-Saxons before and during W.W. II. There was nothing spectacular about Adolf Hitler’s racism, for example. He espoused views that were very much in the mainstream of European and American thought. Now, if you’re talking about the Holocaust, Revisionist scholarship has debunked the standard storyline.

    As well, you’re underestimating the role of the Jews in fostering liberalism and delegitimzing ethnocentrism among Whites in Europe and elsewhere. That should be your numer one factor.

  13. “I don’t give a damn whether White folks survive or not, or whether blonds and redheads and blue and green eyes survive without hair die and contacts, and I think White racism sucks.”

    Whites like Lindsay fascinate me. Frank Salter in his work on ethnic genetic interests points out the highly maladaptive nature of today’s Europeans and European-derived peoples. Let me ask you a question, Lindsay, do you give a “damn” about the wellbeing and survival of your family? I presume you do (although maybe I shouldn’t). What’s an ethny if not a extended family? Racial replacement and dispossession is genocide. As I’ve pointed out elsewhere, the U.N. definition of genocide should be looked up, as it includes the idea that conditions that prevent the survival of any group can be considered genocide. Thus, multiracialism – leading to displacement and mixing – IS genocide.
    And, it doesn’t matter if the aliens are “high IQ” or not.
    In essence, Lindsay is indifferent to genocide of Whites, a highly maladaptive stance.

  14. Are you still pushing that theory?

    It was one reason, amongst others; almost two dozen come to mind, but it was the immediate catalyst.

    And it’s your number one reason, no less!

    The most dramatic change in white racial attitudes occurred between 1937 – 1945.

    “Nazi racism” was significantly less pronounced than the racism of Anglo-Saxons before and during W.W. II.

    This is true. It was easier to denounce the racism of foreigners at the time. After the war, the Allies internalized their silly wartime rhetoric and dismantled their own race regimes.

    As well, you’re underestimating the role of the Jews in fostering liberalism and delegitimzing ethnocentrism among Whites in Europe and elsewhere. That should be your numer one factor.

    I didn’t arrange the above in any particular order of significance.

  15. “The most dramatic change in white racial attitudes occurred between 1937 – 1945.”

    How can that be? I don’t know where you got that from. Jews were barred from migrating to all western nations in the ’30’s and ’40’s (except for the U.K.! And even the U.K. had quotas). Western governments opened the floodgates of non-White immigration in mid and late ’60’s. Had they tried to do same only 15-20 years before there would’ve been a revolution.

  16. Weston #13 — That man’s thoughts on the “5-year gestation period” for taboo-shattering ideas is right on. It’s an important concept.

    But, most people aren’t true believers anyway: they’re just following Polite Society. It takes an introspective kind of person to actually “change his mind” at all. So, ironically, there may be more fertile ground in people like Mr Lindsay than in most Bush-voters. (I mean, the classical ‘let’s improve society’ mold animates many millions, usually leftists. What better way to improve US society today than to assert vibrant local identities based on ethnocultural ties, meaningful communities people care about again, and so on? That would sure be an “improvement” over this putrid deracination and impending decay-and-death that you can sense in today’s USA when you look past the bright lights and the golden arches.)

  17. I mean, the eugenics movement of a century ago was basically just a part of the respectable, middle-class, “progressive” movement of the time. The one that brought us temperance, women’s suffrage, national-parks, and immigration-control. [It was a mixed bag to be sure]. They wanted to improve a declining America. It’s what we all want, isn’t it? (The progressive-era nationalist immigration policy was overturned by certain ethnoreligious interests in 1965, of course).

  18. “As notuswind noted, Obama’s election and the continuing browning of America will wake a great deal of conservatives up; we just have to show a little patience. And that means treating conservatives with respect and not contempt as we attempt to guide them to our position.”

    Probably wouldn’t hurt to hand them Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis, and Kevin Macdonald books (in that order) to help them along the transition!

    IMO the GOP is going to die soon just like the whigs did and probably 2 new parties will be taking their place in the next decade (one neo-con, the other WN/ Populist) that is if the US even survives for another decade as the recession (and ensuing ethnic chaos) may bring on a Collapse similar to the Soviet Union or Yugoslavia. As Evola said… RIDE THE TIGER!

  19. Racial attitudes were made to change by the power elite here. The Federal government, Hollywood and the mass media programmed and/or forced the people to accept change. The breakdown of the family, working moms and kids in childcare – this gave the social engineers the opportunity to take over socializing the kids. It had nothing to do with Nazis and everything to do with our own power elite. The people were reprogrammed. The power elite wanted to break down the racial barriers, and they did, just as they are continuing to break down the attitudes towards “gender” in this era.

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