White America

Ian Jobling seems to have finally gotten around to launching his new site. Unsurprisingly, he finds himself surrounded mostly by Jews. Aside from the addition of a forum, I see little difference between Inverted World and White America. The layout is the same. Both sites are based on the flawed premise that rejecting anti-Semitism and endorsing conservative platitudes will garner mainstream support and attention.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In that Kvetsch thread they’re taking Jobling to task for writing this:

    “By racial consciousness, I mean the instinctive understanding among American whites that their country has a distinctive and precious heritage, that this heritage is rooted in the nature of the white race, and that only white people can be true Americans.”

    As for Jobling being “surrounded by Jews”: Jews will never flock to his site, because they see nothing for Jews there. There’s an unbridgeable gulf separating Jews and Ian Jobling. This Kvetsch guy may feel obligated to give Jobling publicity precisely because the virtual absence of Jews at Jobling’s might appear to support the Semitoskeptics like me who talk about “unbridgeable gulfs” between Jews and us. And that commenter “Latte Island” over there doesn’t sound like a Jew, he sounds like a Euro infiltrator at a Jewish site trying to sway Jewish opinion.

  2. Half Jew and Mark Jaws aren’t Jewish. (Both have some Jewish ancestry.) I strongly suspect Latte Island isn’t Jewish either. Jewish Race Realist posts there (seldom); White Jewish and Proud is nowhere to be seen; so he has, what, three Jews among his commentariat?

    By the way, I disagree that there’s a one-drop rule for Jewishness. I think viewing Sarkozy and Christopher Hitchens as Jews is totally ridiculous but I don’t make an issue of it because I know it’s the thought that counts.

  3. If you want to call them “mixed,” call them mixed, that’s OK, but calling them Jewish is ridiculous. Another one who gets called Jewish is Arthur Jensen (who has same proportion as Sarko and Hitch); there are lots of others of course. None of them is Jewish.

  4. I respectfully asked Ian what he planned on doing in order to make White America more of a success than Inverted World. His answer amounted to little more than opening up a forum and encouraging visitors to frequently comment on his posts.

  5. FS: “Half Jew and Mark Jaws aren’t Jewish. (Both have some Jewish ancestry.)…I disagree that there’s a one-drop rule for Jewishness…If you want to call them “mixed,” call them mixed, that’s OK, but calling them Jewish is ridiculous.”

    Science says otherwise FS – even 1/4 Jews are genetically distinct from people of White European descent: “In fact, even subjects with a single Jewish grandparent can be statistically distinguished from those without Jewish ancestry.” – http://dienekes.blogspot.com/2009/01/another-paper-on-ashkenazi-jewish_23.html

    See also – http://scienceblogs.com/gnxp/2009/01/how_ashkenazi_jewish_are_you.php

  6. Iceman, before I reply to you I need to know one thing: are you for or against government-enforced race-replacement of white people?

  7. “Science Says” is correct in reporting the results of that paper, results which I had also seen at Ephialtes Pontikos’ blog (I cited that paper yesterday in a comment I posted at TheCivicPlatform.com). However those findings (which I certainly would have predicted beforehand, as anyone would have with half-a-brain) don’t imply a need for a Jewish One Drop Rule the way there is a need for a Negro One Drop Rule. I deny the need in the case of Jews. (In the case of Negroes the One Drop Rule is of course mandatory, with racial life or death literally what’s at stake there.)

  8. Iceman, by the way, is NOT Jewish. I don’t understand all these people with part-Jewish ancestry who aren’t Jewish running around saying they’re Jewish. Time was when part-Jews wanted to hide their Jewish ancestry and would have died if anyone found out. What’s with all these non-Jews claiming to be Jews now? What, do they think it gets them IQ points or something, because “Jews are smarter”? First of all, Jews aren’t smart, they’re about average. It’s the goys who are fricking bovine morons so compared to the goyische kopfs Jews look like frickin geniuses when they’re not.

  9. There are plenty of Jewish morons and assholes out there, in fact most Jews are morons, assholes, or both. So no, going around telling everyone you’re Jewish when you’re not doesn’t make anyone think you’re smart, forget that. What’s your next bright idea, Iceman?

  10. Fred,
    I understand your point about a Jewish “one-drop” rule, but if a person has Jewish ancestry and identifies as Jewish, I see no reason not to take their word for it. If a person is 1/2 Jewish and spends most of his time arguing against anti-semitism, what’s the point of splitting hairs?

  11. What do you think the answer is? If you are familiar with my posts at all, you would know that I was for reduced immigration.

    I never claimed to be full jew. I do and always will claim to be part Russian Jewish. All my ancestry is between Poland and Russia.

  12. I also agree with you that the average Jew isn’t real that bright, it is just that the average non-Jew who holds power in America is dumb as shit like Bush.

  13. Jobling who does all he can to pull Jews in has fewer Jews commenting than Friedrich Braun who, let’s say, … doesn’t exactly try to pull them in.

    I repeat: Jews will never flock to Jobling’s site. He can decorate the home page with a Star of David, a menorah, a bagel and a bialy, a knish, an autographed photo of Joe Franklin of “Joe Franklin’s Memory Lane” interviewing Molly Pecon, Sophie Tucker, Al Jolson, and Georgie Jessel, anything he wants, they won’t flock to his site.

  14. So much for “high-IQ Jews.” (Or maybe French Jews were at the end of the line when Yahweh was handing out Jewish brains, I dunno ….)

  15. “you won’t see Majority Rights growing big either.” ( — Iceman)

    You always have to get your last digs in, don’t you, Iceman.

    As a matter of fact, MajorityRights.com is huge, given the subject matter it deals in, and is growing. Thanks to Jobling’s brilliant strategy, on the other hand, his blog ranks “right down there” with the market segment that might be dubbed The Nanoblogs. (It’s like what used to be called “The Penny Stocks” on Wall Street.)

  16. This entry was posted today over at Ian Jobling’s:

    I particularly like this quote:

    “The premise of Leonard Wibberly’s farcical novel, The Mouse that Roared, which was made into a Peter Sellers movie, was right, Medved notes. The best way for a nation to be rebuilt and modernized was to conduct — and lose — a war with the United States.

    ( http://whiteamerica.us/index.php/blog/blog/the_10_big_lies_about_america/ )

    I was going to submit the following comment in reply, but all comments there have to meet with Jobling’s approval before they’re posted, and I knew in advance this one wouldn’t, so I’ll post it here instead:

    I guess Leonard Wibberly never heard of the fiendish plan for the defeated, prostrate, ruined Germany which General Patton was assassinated for questioning and for starting to resist, the horror known as the the Kaufman-Morgenthau plan? I guess Wibberly never heard of Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows POW camp genocide of surrendered and disarmed German soldiers deliberately put to death in their hundreds of thousands, and in their millions? I guess he never heard of … well, let’s start with those two for now, shall we? …

  17. If one accepts Jews, why not Arabs? Why not Turks? Why not products of miscegenation who ‘look white’ [say, 1/4 Orientals]? If one accepts the idiotic ‘Judeo-Christian’ thing, then why not octaroons who are fervently “pro-Western”?

    Pulling on this string, you wind up with a laughingstock “PANF” kind of thing, sooner rather than later.

  18. The first step to bringing back nepotism and tribalism is to destroy America. That is what people similar to Jobling don’t understand. America is the center of capitalism. Destroy it and you will slow down globalism. Don’t bring back 1960’s America. Destroy America.

  19. What is the slogan “destroy America” supposed to mean? How does that translate into something someone can do?

  20. Scrooby, you ranting, raving doofus, you made your bed, now lie in it!

    You’re out Scrooby, you’re a Jew. Get over it. All the ranting in the world won’t change that. And if they all start ranting like you rant, it won’t matter a wit that you were there ranting among the earliest: simply, if a quarter-Jew is acceptable, then all quarter Jews are acceptable, no matter their previous silence or anti-racism; if one half-Jew is acceptable, all halfs are acceptable. (And won’t every one of them without a paper trail to prove otherwise all then claim to have been the most resolute pro-whites?)


    If one accepts Jews, why not Arabs? Why not Turks? Why not products of miscegenation who ‘look white’ [say, 1/4 Orientals]?

    And yet, how many people do you think you’ll convince to reject Boris Johnson? How many will be turned right off racialism/WN on learning that it requires rejecting him? How do you propose to overcome that? More ranting a la the Scroob? Supposedly so, since that’s the only thing you clowns have shown yourselves capable of so far. (Not so, you say? True, but then what has Boy Genius here provided? Ooh, his “racial timeline”. That’s going to swell the ranks of racialists, I’m sure. Face it, when it comes to “hearts and minds” you’re as stumped as a Bushman holding a sextant.)

    Pulling on this string, you wind up with a laughingstock “PANF” kind of thing, sooner rather than later.

    And now you know why anti-racists — even ones who can see clearly — are anti-racists. Race is hard. It isn’t easy, not like the Scroob thinks. It’s hard. And you pathetic idiots only make it harder.

    What is the slogan “destroy America” supposed to mean? How does that translate into something someone can do?

    Hey Lenny, do you really want something you can do? Do you really want a program you can put to people, something you can sink your teeth into? Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer to content yourself with poking fun at non-whites and castigating Jews?

    Iceman, you’re half right. It’s not capitalism that needs destroying, it’s “late capitalism”: the colonization and commoditification of every aspect of life. In fact, it’s reform, not destruction that is required. The fat cats will resist destruction to their dying breath. But as the eastern Commies showed, fat cats are amiable to reformation; they’ll accept power sharing with non-elite technocrats.

  21. Boris Johnson is 1/8th “Turk” via a great-grandfather. That man [‘Ali Kemal Bey’] was one of the upper-class-elite Turks who look totally racially-European. (http://www.turkiyegazetesi.com/images/PDF/haber/07.05.2008akemal.jpg). Accepting all Turks, though, is idiotic and foolish.

    The original point stands: If white-Americans want to make some kind of stand on grounds of blood ties, then eagerly embracing racial-Jews as a whole is pure insanity, even setting aside the question of Jewish politics. If the coarsest, most Semitic-looking Jew is “white” [i.e. “us”], then what Caucasoid on Earth is not? No, the Jews are a separate people, let them live separately and leave us alone.

    “Bah” is a dime-a-dozen snide cynic and is completely unimpressive.

  22. The view of “white” was never as narrowly defined as revisionists try to say it was today.

    Nepotism should prevail over racialism in my ideology. REAL nationalism not white racialsim.

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