Hearts and Minds

Re: silver mk. 4

I don’t care about the “hearts and minds” of the masses. I’m not going to change what I am saying to please anyone. This project of mine is analagous to a stamp collection. I like to collect information about the racial history of the United States and order it for my own pleasure. Sometimes people come here and learn the United States was not always today’s multicultural paradise.

What is your urgent suggestion? That we stop hating Jews? That we tone down the rhetoric? That we water down our message into palatable race neutral terms? This has all been tried before. In the mainstream, there is no difference between “moderates” and “extremists.” The “moderates” are tarred and feathered with the same opprobrium.

About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Silver why aren’t you off working on converting your brethren on the “left”? Why are you always hanging around sniping at the already-converted? There’s work to be done elsewhere: can’t you devote yourself to it? You claim to sympathize with The Cause. You claim you can be of service. Be of service as St. Paul was, then: go out among the nations and preach to the heathen. Your “preaching” isn’t needed here.

  2. (Silver is the commenter signing as “Bah” in the “White America” thread, and also signing lately as “Flemmard” at MajorityRights.com.)

  3. As you know me well enough, I am not so much against being “pro-Jew” if you call it that, but I’m against being naive enough to think that you’ll be a media sensation and a superstar in the spotlight just because you reject antisemitism. I bet people like Jobling secretly think Jews control everything and believe that by making friends with Jews, they can gain more power. lol. I used to think that.

  4. My issue with some people is that they reject antisemitism because they are trying to go mainstream. Not only does it not work, but it is going soft like when a rock band sells out.

    I may reject antisemitism but I’m at least as “extreme” as Prozium in my general viewpoints, and I equally share his “not caring” of how it effects my popularity.

  5. Yes, you are right that in the mainstream media no difference is made between ‘extremists’ like the VNN crowd and ‘moderates’ like Jared Taylor and his associates. But the difference, as you yourself once said, is that charges of ‘nazi’ don’t stick on the latter.

    The challenge is to tone down the rhetoric (I’m not talking about yours, just in general) without, and this is crucial of course, yielding ground to forces opposed to legitimate white interests.

  6. This project of mine is analagous to a stamp collection. I like to collect information about the racial history of the United States and order it for my own pleasure.

    All of which is belied by the commentary your blog produces. Your readership wants and agitates for racial change (as you do) and they’re counting on efforts like this blog to help bring it about.

    What is your urgent suggestion? That we stop hating Jews? That we tone down the rhetoric? That we water down our message into palatable race neutral terms? This has all been tried before. In the mainstream, there is no difference between “moderates” and “extremists.” The “moderates” are tarred and feathered with the same opprobrium.

    The differences between “moderates” and “extremists” are very real, despite mainstream perceptions.

    I’ll repeat myself: all racialists have done so far is to describe the racial landscape; the point is to change it (back) — or if you prefer, the point is to (re)whiten it. (Do you disagree?)

    You say moderate, race-neutral attempts have been tried before and found wanting. Well so has the Church of the Creator stuff.

    “Description” — Racial Timeline, Brimelow, Sailer stuff — in blunt but not offensive racial terms gets eyeballs. But it also raises pretty hefty “so what now”? questions. And when a blustering madman like Scrooby (and he’s one of the milder ones) wades in, what happens?

    (I haven’t read and won’t respond to any other comments. There’s little reason to believe I’d find anything other than the stupidity and non-responsiveness I’ve come to know and ‘love.’)

  7. “I’m not silver, and I’m not bah. Sorry.” ( — Flemmard)

    Right and you’re not “Peter North” either.



  8. And you’re not a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Sure. Definitely.

    Dipshit, I am “silver.”

    What the hell is it with this “calling out” people, anyway? Are you 60 or 16? You are most certainly not right in the head, feller. If you weren’t such a piece of shit I’d feel sorry for you. As it is, your delirium is morbidly comforting. Fuck off and die, or something useful like that. Creep.

  9. Why do you think, Cappers? It’s in my genes! I’m a product of evolutionary psychology, dude. The traits evolution honed over the long years distant ancestors of mine spent spitefully wrangling better deals in the bazaars of Damascus (Greeks are “Levantines”, remember) have recrudesced in the form of Silvio bah Silver, sneering antihero (“Is it a turd? Is it insane? No, it’s Mighty Captain Chaos!”).

    Look. That Frederique, that anthropoid entity, that embodiment of all that is wrong with movement WN as manifested among its lesser lights, has not given me a moment of respite since he first got on my case. And what does he hang it all on? Does he take issue with any argument I’ve put forth? No, of course not. That would require possession of an autonomous critical faculty as well as the rudiments of empathy, but he is an automaton. No, the bot has simply seized on a handful of “anti” comments I made long ago and set to work applying that template to parse every comment I’ve made since. It tests my patience and saps my strength to have to justify myself to such imbeciles.

    By the way, Cap’n, since I have you here, I wonder if you read the comment by ‘homelander’ at Amren on the OccQuarterly/separation thread. He was addressing gung ho win-it-all-backers like you, idiotic almost beyond belief win-it-all-backers like you. So what’s your answer, hardass? Why simply stop at the Rio Grande? Why not all of Mexico, too? You’re a “White Man” aintcha? Why not the Philippines? That was once in your hands, too. Why not win that back also? Why not the world? Or, if not Puerto Rico, if not the Philippines, then why the megalomania that insists on New Mexico and Arizona and Florida? Because you’re a fucknut like your ancestors were. The “Negro problem” became such a problem because none of those flaming fucknuts — “White Men” like yourself — could countenance the thought of granting the freed negroes their own land by partitioning some of the territory they controlled. Boy Genius can correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m not aware of the idea ever even being broached. Quite unbelievably, when you think about it, they earnestly pursued the objective of shifting them thousands of miles across seas, yet aware of the logistic difficulties of the undertaking, difficulties appearing almost insurmountable and thus themselves part of the reason the project failed to receive critical levels of support, never considered parceling off a portion of their own territory — an obviously more straightforward undertaking.

    So, to sum up, Cappers, that’s why I’m such a “prick” — me, the prick. Not you. Not assholists like you or Fulminatin’ Freddy. Me, who is more than prepared to leave past spats dead and buried in the past (where they belong, because they are completely and utterly immaterial), who prefers to focus on the simplest way of getting from A to B, and for no more than the simple reason that B would be better for all concerned. That’s real “prick” material that is.

  10. Just to answer Frederique’s question, which I didn’t read earlier, because having to answer to bastards like him saps my vitality, he asked: “Silver why aren’t you off working on converting your brethren on the “left”? Why are you always hanging around sniping at the already-converted?”

    The answer is it’s because pricks like you undo all the good work. There is no essential reason that people with generally leftwing views (insofar as they are based on reality, and not a product of reality-avoidance like loony leftism) cannot agree that since multiracialism is a deficient social arrangement it should be undone. But as long as assholes like you exist, who insist on the most needlessly strident positions, who’ll follow people all the way to Brazil to call them creatures from the Island of Dr. Moreau, the sort of kind, caring, nurturing people on the left will be rightly horrified and repelled no matter how eminently sensible racial separation is. Sadly, you can’t be completely done away with, but the more thoughtful among you might come to your senses, even if only because you never considered that “racialism”/WN/whatever could ever appeal to “normal” people.

  11. Prozium, why do you allow this troll to post here? Isn’t this a case of the “discourse poisoning” That you have decried in the past?

  12. In response to Bah:

    Cite to me a single “leftist” who is willing to admit that multiculturalism is a deficient social arrangement or that it should be changed. This market of “compassionates” on the “left” that you describe, and that we are supposedly “driving away”, simply don’t exist.

    I agree that sometimes the discourse at WN areas does get a bit bloodthirsty at times, but that is to be expected when your people are subjected to genocide. We are not the fulminating psychopaths you caricature us as – we’re just decent people who want to live in normal, non-racially diverse White societies in peace. But we are not allowed to do so, so would you have us just lay down and die? Especially in the face of ever worsening bigotry and violence? Apparently so, which makes me wonder how “compasionate” you really are.

    If discouraging us is your intention, it seems to be having the opposite effect.

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