About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, it was certainly pathetic and telling.

    Dare I say good news?

    Such a move can only accelerate the process of alienation that conservative crypto-racialists (to borrow your terminology) need to undergo if they are going to separate themselves from the GOP at some point in the future.

  2. The leadership of the GOP are just as liberal as the left or Democrats are. The Jewish neo-cons are, of course, drooling over Obama. Even goyim like Newt Gingrich and Fred Barnes are too. The real issue is how the base will react to it all, and if they will (hopefully) start looking elsewhere for a solution. Either that, or they’ll just give up altogether.

  3. The powers that control America are making a mistake. The republicans serve to pacify lemmings of white christian ancestry. If they take away the pacifier, perhaps the lemmings will find something else.

  4. “Jindal or some other nonwhite will be their presidential nominee.” ( — Prozium)

    Jewish money, which is the biggest money game in town, will flow only to a non-white or a white race-replacer. It will not flow to any white opponent of forced race-replacement. Gingrich understood this long ago, of course. The Jews have had him on a choke collar for fifteen years now.

    How do Jews get so much money to spend? They’re smart with a special added knack for amassing fortunes for one thing (smart alone won’t do it — you have to also have that inborn Jewish grasping lucre-worship that no other race has embedded in its genes *), and for another they network ethnically, very strongly, a characteristic that greatly helps them beat goy wealth accumulation every time, lots of it done by teaming up to cheat goys out of their money and property. Now, once Jews have great wealth in their hands, they behave differently from goys in the sense that they aggressively put it to use politically, which goys don’t do nearly as much or as aggressively, and Jews are inbred enough that there is among them total uniformity of intense opposition to the continued existence of the white race — so you end up with a very aggressive, overwhelming in fact, all-fronts assault on the continued existence of the white race coming from the Jews right across the board from college teachers to Hollywood to the legal profession to Jewish control of the huge foundations to Jewish pit-bull disciplinary outfits like Bull Foxman’s ADL, Morris Disease’s SPLC, and the ACLJew to you name it, if it beats down the continued existence of the white race the Jews are attacking with it.
    ( * Take a hundred men all having the same IQ — let’s say, 140. Let fifty of them be grasping money-worshippers by nature, not above resorting to dirty tricks, and with a strong instinctive inclination to network with like-minded co-ethnics in the achievement of their goals, and let the other fifty be on the contrary decent, with morals and a properly balanced respect for things, and lacking a strong ethnic networking instinct, by and large “going it alone as individuals.” Come back in twenty years. Guess which group will have amassed more wealth, bearing in mind all have the same IQ. Clearly the first group. IQ doesn’t explain the whole of the Jews’ outperformance of Euros, not by a long shot.

  5. Does anybody around here agree with me that we need some kind of Pro-European party as an alternative to Dems and Reps?

    If such a party were formed it could push for some kind of union with the E.U.,wherein Euro-Americans can begin to recover lost terrain.

  6. Euro,

    “Does anybody around here agree with me that we need some kind of Pro-European party as an alternative to Dems and Reps?”

    What we need is for the current econocentric system to utterly collapse so that room can be made, within the modern European mind, for fresh alternative views with respect to how society can be organized. Presently, the masses are obsessed with satisfying their basest appetities while our technocratic elites are more than happy to profit off these appetites while manipulating the masse’s thoughts for fashionable (i.e. political) purposes.

    Those of us who correctly perceive the ethnic realities that undergird our society, and would endeavor to correct them, are isolated and suppressed because our perspective is both economically unprofitable (in the short run) and in stark contradiction to the multiethnic world that our technocratic elites want to create and sustain. In other words we would deny the capitalist his alien labor while telling the modern social engineer, among other things, that there is no room for African derived peoples in the modern economy, neither is acceptable to the preceding individuals. Hence, the tragedy of our current situation must play out until it reaches an apex of absurdity, from which nothing can function properly causing our global economic engines to finally stop.

    Degeneracy must pass through Chaos before we come to an opportunity for Rebirth.

    “If such a party were formed it could push for some kind of union with the E.U.,wherein Euro-Americans can begin to recover lost terrain.”

    The E.U. is inimical to our aims in that it represents the will of our technocratic elite and the econocentric society that they operate, only in Europe itself. The E.U. needs to be destroyed in order for a true and healthy expression of European identity to develop.

    For those of us who have prematurely awakened to our society’s tragicomedic condition, the only possible prescription can be patience and prudence; passing our ethnic torch to the next generation as best as possible.

  7. Oh yes, the concept of America (along with its political representation) also needs to be destroyed if we are ever to improve our people’s condition on the North American land mass.

  8. (sorry about the frequent comments)

    America doesn’t need to be destroyed so much as it needs to undergo dissolution into political chaos, by forces already set in motion, before we can recreate a healthy civilization for the remnant of our folk here in North America.

    The “American” civilization can be defined as that society which elevates economic and moral considerations above all else. A society which is capable of great things, but only at the cost of cannabilizing itself.

  9. I don’t think mainstream politics is going to save America. But I think as America deteriorates and falls apart, there will be more room for balkanization and segregation. The system can’t last. Multiculturalism and globalism are fraudulent systems and they will eventually fail. When they do, there will be opportunities to introduce ethnic awareness in a futuristic way.

  10. For those of us who have prematurely awakened to our society’s tragicomedic condition, the only possible prescription can be patience and prudence; passing our ethnic torch to the next generation as best as possible.

    I must admit notuswind,I’m out of patience.

    The E.U. is inimical to our aims in that it represents the will of our technocratic elite and the econocentric society that they operate, only in Europe itself. The E.U. needs to be destroyed in order for a true and healthy expression of European identity to develop

    For all of its shortcomings,and they are legion I know,European consolidation is a worthy idea,and one to which Extra-Europeans may profitably adhere.

    What we need is for the current econocentric system to utterly collapse so that room can be made, within the modern European mind, for fresh alternative views with respect to how society can be organized. Presently, the masses are obsessed with satisfying their basest appetities while our technocratic elites are more than happy to profit off these appetites while manipulating the masse’s thoughts for fashionable (i.e. political) purposes.

    Yes,but when it does collapse European solidarity will be more necessary than ever.The (White) masses would be far better off within a European combine,and if this good tiding were made known to them they would flock to our standard,and the elites could be made to tremble.

  11. Jews see a sexual parallel between Nazi hatred of Jews and white American fear of blacks. In the American South, white men feared the much stronger black men on two levels: one fear was that the black man would rape the white woman whereby the weaker white man would be unable to protect his wife or daughter (the Willie Horton scenario where the negro raped a white woman while her man was beaten up and helpless to save her); the more humiliating was perhaps the scenario where the white woman would willingly choose the black man over the white man because she found the negro so much more masterful and stud-like(the Jack Johnson scenario where white women swarmed all over the studly and powerful negro and laughed at the flabby white men who’d been pummeled into hamburger meat by Johnson). Black men were a physical sexual threat to white men. As such, white men propped up the mythic ideal of the pure and dignified white woman who remained loyal to her chivalrous white knight warrior.

    In Europe, gentile men often resented the ‘ugly Jew’ using his superior intellect and talent to gain more money and power to charm and buy quality ‘white pussy’. There is some of this today. There’s no way any good looking woman would fall for Woody Allen if not for his fame, fortune, and celebrity attained through superior smarts and talent. The idea of ugly and hideous Jews using their smarts and cunning to ‘buy’ quality Aryan women was anathema to many proud European men. (A variation of this resentment and even fear applied to Asiatic men as well–the Fu Man Chu or Ming the Merciless, who sought to sexually conquer and enslave white women with their ruthlessness and wantonness. This, like the fear of blacks and resentment of Jews, was rooted partly in history as huge areas of Europe had once been conquered and raped by Mongol barbarians; also, the Ottoman Turks who conquered Greece and some of the Balkans and long posed a threat to Europe were partly of Asiatic origin.)

    Anyway, for these reasons, Jews have a felt a need to destroy the ideal of the pure white woman and the noble chivalrous white knight warrior. Jews have tried to turn white women into lowlife skanks aping and lusting after negroes or hopping into bed with a rich Jew. As for white males, they’ve been castrated into faggotyass dweebs who look upon this prospect of racial suicide with happy acceptance befitting a retard.


  12. “Anyway, for these reasons, Jews have a felt a need to destroy the ideal of the pure white woman and the noble chivalrous white knight warrior. Jews have tried to turn white women into lowlife skanks aping and lusting after negroes or hopping into bed with a rich Jew. As for white males, they’ve been castrated into faggotyass dweebs who look upon this prospect of racial suicide with happy acceptance befitting a retard.”

    Can’t argue with that.

  13. “Who wrote that? What a joke, sounds like some philosemitic creep with a fetish for negro men.”

    I second that.

  14. Here’s another negro and jew worshiping screed from “Andrea Freiboden.” With friends like this, who needs enemies?

    “Look, I’m not saying race being black makes you automatically fast or strong. I’m saying the so-called $%& gene is more likely to be found among blacks. Why is it that tiny Jamaica produced faster runners than all of China(1.3 billion), Japan(100 million), Koreas(65 million), Taiwan(25 million), etc? Of course, not all Jamaicans are fast, but blacks are generally more likely to have the badass gene than others.

    Never mind all this fancy gobbledygook. Just look at any documentary on West Africans. Even people who are not well-fed have hard muscles. Now, just look at most people of China, especially Southern China. They are geeks. Sure, there are some Bruce Lee’s and the like, but most of them are not impressive physical specimen. Asian advantage is in emotional stolidity and ability to work together. They are neither intellectually brilliant for the most part–like ashkenazi Jews–nor physically powerful. We are talking about the rule, not exceptions. I dare anyone to randomly match Asians vs blacks in fights, and 95 times out of 100, blacks will win. And, blacks will beat whites 8 times out of 10. I’ve seen it all my life. I grew up in integrated neighborhoods, and EVERYONE understood blacks were the top dogs in the social hierarchy in schools. Only dweeby liberal whites who live in safe, mostly white neighborhoods and get their information from liberal pc news and PBS documentaries think otherwise.

    Races are like breeds of dogs. There is only one species of dogs, but many different breeds or races. And, some breeds are more aggressive, more intelligent, more sensitive, more alert, more powerful, and/or whatever than other breeds. Suppose dogs with the &&& gene tend to be faster. Would it be wrong to say greyhounds are more likely to have the &&& gene than bulldogs? Sure, there could be slowass greyhounds and an odd bulldog that can run like a motherf*****.

    There are always exceptions. Some women kick their husbands ass, but most spouse abuse is male-on-female. Why? Generally, men are stronger. Is that sexist? Okay, then sexism is truth. PC namecalling doesn’t cower my ass.”

  15. [quote]“Blacks will beat whites 8 times out of 10. I’ve seen it all my life. […] There are always exceptions.” ( — Andrea Freiboden)[/quote]

    One of the exceptions just announced his retirement (undefeated) from professional boxing today:


  16. I agree with ATBOTL: a personal physical attraction to the Negro male seems to be part of what Andrea Freiboden is expressing in her rambling but remarkable essays.

  17. The powers that control America are making a mistake. The republicans serve to pacify lemmings of white christian ancestry. If they take away the pacifier, perhaps the lemmings will find something else.

    The perversion that invaded and took over liberalism will invade and take over conservatism. So the eventuality you suggest is probably inevitable.

    The only way to prevent being taken over by globalism/genocide is to explicitly oppose it. There’s no “nice” way to do this, because “nice”=genocide.

  18. I agree with ATBOTL: a personal physical attraction to the Negro male seems to be part of what Andrea Freiboden is expressing in her rambling but remarkable essays.

    Freiboden is German for “FREE BOOTY”.

  19. Wow, those “Freiboden” remarks are very fishy.

    My thoughts:

    Of course, not all Jamaicans are fast, but blacks are generally more likely to have the badass gene than others.

    And this is why, I suppose, Whites conquered and controlled 90% of the world’s surface while Negroes have never conquered anything. Because we’re not “badasses” like those cool Negroes.

    Never mind all this fancy gobbledygook. Just look at any documentary on West Africans. Even people who are not well-fed have hard muscles.

    Sounds homosexual.

    They are neither intellectually brilliant for the most part–like ashkenazi Jews

    Rubbish. Jewish IQ is overstated. Jews never produced a Bacon, a Galileo, a Tesla, etc.

    And, blacks will beat whites 8 times out of 10.

    I wouldn’t know. They always attack whites in gangs and armed.

    I grew up in integrated neighborhoods, and EVERYONE understood blacks were the top dogs in the social hierarchy in schools.

    Oh? Where I went to school there were two elites: Jews and Whites. Blacks, though they were present in numbers, were insignificant.

  20. I’ve talked to Andrea for a few months online. I think he/she seems very intelligent and well read. I say he/she because I have never seen a picture of Andrea. Andrea only portrays he/she as that anime character and many people who have talked to Andrea online has speculated that Andrea’s personality has a decidedly masculine overtone, bringing up suspicions that Andrea may be really a “he.” My personal opinion? Regardless as to Andrea’s sex, I think Andrea is either: insane or a fake online persona (although with the amount of long, rambling, half sophisticated blogs that Andrea writes I have a hard time believing this). Although Andrea makes some good points, Andrea is extremely quarrelsome and behaves like he/she is more interested in showing everyone how “extreme” he/she is.

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