Paleo Cowardice

Briefly Noted

The flurry of paleo reactions at VDARE and Takimag to the recent New York Times editorial has been instructive. They cowered in fear at the charge of “racialist extremism” (i.e., Epstein: I was talking about culture, not race!). These people constantly flirt with the subject by voicing our concerns in a highly constricted way, but I am coming to see that they only do so as a strategy to attract viewers to their otherwise lame conservative websites. Their past treatment of racialist commentators was more revealing of their true attitudes.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What makes this whole fiasco even funnier is that Epstein isn’t even White! I believe he’s half Jewish and half Korean.

  2. These people constantly flirt with the subject by voicing our concerns in a highly constricted way, but I am coming to see that they only do so as a strategy to attract viewers to their otherwise lame conservative websites. Their past treatment of racialist commentators was more revealing of their true attitudes.

    Yes,and I’m afraid Chronicles may not be too far behind.The more bien pensant rightists marginalize unorthodox thought the more marginal they become themselves.

    I believe there are two reasons for this.Firstly, the orthodox crowd is a bit old.They are woefully anachronistic,mule-headed,and set in their (losing) ways.Secondly,all too much of “conservatism” is simply a means for a few pundits and personages to exploit desperate and gullible people in order to further their political/journalistic careers.

    Let us remember that when the tide begins to turn in our favor.

  3. I noticed at Chronicles that they will turn off the comments if the posters start to get a little to close to the truth. Hell, they didn’t even run Buchanan’s last column about ethno-nationalism, but they have a few in Spanish if you can believe it. Friggin’ papist cowards.

  4. I agree that paleocons are too cowardly to address race openly and honestly. Indeed, when they do talk about race it usually involves ambiguous hints and innuedos. In other words, no unabashed white nationalist (if you guys consider yourselves to be white nationalists?) should see the faileocons as allies.

    Also, it should be noted that most paleos look down on white nationalists. Don’t believe me, check out a site called “Conservative Heritage Times.” They bash and slander white nationalists regularly in order to appease liberals and make themselves feel morally superior.

    Besides, most paleos basically have a Marxist view of race anyway.

  5. Increasingly nervous economic Jew Robert Reich writes – with me filling in what he is really thinking when he speaks of “populism”…

    Typical [non-Jewish] Americans are hurting very badly right now. They resent [the Jewish] people who appear to be living high off a [Jew-corrupted] system dominated by [Jewish] insiders with the right [Jewish] connections. They [non-Jews] have become increasingly suspicious of the [Jewish] conflicts of interest, cozy [Jewish] relationships, and [Jewish] payoffs that seem to pervade not only official [Jewish] Washington but our biggest [Jewish] banks and [Jewish] corporations. In short, many [non-Jewish] Americans who have worked hard, saved as much as they can, bought a home, obeyed the law, and paid every cent of taxes that were due [to the Jewish-dominated IRS and FED] are beginning to feel like chumps. Their jobs are disappearing, their savings are disappearing, their homes are worth far less than they thought they were, their [Jewish levied] tax bills are as high as ever if not higher.

    Meanwhile, [the Jewish] people at the top seem to be living far different lives in a different [Jewish only] universe. They’re the [Jewish] executives and [Jewish] traders on Wall Street who have lived like [Jewish] kings for years off a [Jewish] bubble of their own [Jewish] making while ripping off small [non-Jewish] investors, the [Jewish] financial louts who are now taking hundreds of billions of taxpayer [i.e., non-Jewish] bailout money while awarding themselves huge [Jewish-only] bonuses and throwing lavish [Jewish only] parties, the corporate [Jewish] CEOs who are earning seven figures while laying off thousands of [non-Jewish] workers, the [Jewish] billionaire hedge-fund and [Jewish] private-equity managers who are paying a marginal tax rate of 15 percent on what they say are capital gains while [non-Jewish] people who earn a fraction of that are paying a higher rate, and, not the least, the [Jewish] Washington insiders who have served on the Hill or in an administration and then gone on to pocket millions as [Jewish] lobbyists for the same [Jewish] companies they once regulated or subsidized. To the [non-Jewish] American who’s outside the [Jewish] power centers—the places of [Jewish] entitlement and I’ll-scratch-your-[Jewish]-back-while-you-scratch-mine [Jewish] deal making—the entire [Jewish] system seems rotten.

  6. That’s my impression. They want our money and page views, but not our input. It reminds me of the “Rothbard-Rockwell” strategy of reaching out to the “rednecks.”

  7. I’d imagine it’s about time racialism completely breaks from conservatism, instead of waiting around for some table scraps. Alex Linder once said that conservatism is another word for cowardice, which is about right.

  8. I just checked out the link I submitted and found a post by “Pro-White Activist.” Am I wrong to assume that that was the work of Prozium?

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