The Jews First Conference

Briefly Noted

Apparently, the purpose of organizing the “Preserving Western Civilization” conference was specifically to create a forum for the discussion of racial differences which would exclude anti-Semites; the goal being to create a safe, “good for the Jews” version of racialism analagous to contemporary conservatism. Tanstaafl and others have correctly pointed out that for Auster and friends the imperative of Jewish inclusion supercedes every other consideration: moral, political, ideological, etc. This has been shown in spades and here we see yet another example.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jews apparently want to preserve western civilization after they’ve spent so long trying to destroy it. What they really mean, is that they want to preserve the current philo-semitic zietgiest, the wealth and power that Jews have secured, and ensure that Israel continues it’s hate assault on the Arabs.

  2. The first thing that catches the eye on their website ( is The Star of David.

    Who are they kidding? If Judaism is “European”, then why not Islam too? Both are religions practiced by strange-looking Middle Easterners that have historically been poisonously anti-European.

  3. The first thing that catches the eye on their website ( is The Star of David.

    That is pretty shameless, heh. But so what? It’s precisely the inclusion of Jews that might make the kind who dry retch at a hint of “raaycism” sit up and take notice. There were speakers at that conference under no illusions about the role malicious Jews have played. But they’re just realistic about it, rather than possessed by an implacable anti-jewish fervor like yourself and the above brainiac, bongoparty, et al. They’ve probably rightly judged that this would be a more intelligent, more humane way to turn around the ship of civilization than sending in the Hammerskins.

    I wouldn’t leave it up to Auster & Co to finalize the job either. But it really is hard for an intelligent man to deny making racial discussion politically palatable (ie able to be stated forthrightly by politicians) is a necessary first step for greater change farther down the track. The more doltish among you who want to just… just what? You’ve never really come up with anything. That’s why I say bah.

  4. “Realistic” about what, silver? Amren has been around for almost twenty years now and have included Jews from the beginning. Larry has been blogging away at View From the Right since the 1990s. Jobling has been posting at Inverted World for two years. What do they have to show for it?

    Hart, Auster, Jobling and Taylor are just as marginalized and ignored as anyone else on the racialist right. Honestly, you need to give up this shtick of yours that you have a magic bullet solution (which you never outline) that will garner mainstream attention and support. No one does.

    Racialists are excluded from mainstream discouse simply because our enemies are more powerful than us and we are a threat to their interests, not because of anything we say or do.

  5. “Realistic” about what, silver?

    Realistic about the role and extent of Jewish influence and intelligent, morally palatable methods to counter it, alter it or perhaps enlist it, Prozium. I thought that was clear.

    Amren has been around for almost twenty years now and have included Jews from the beginning. Larry has been blogging away at View From the Right since the 1990s. Jobling has been posting at Inverted World for two years. What do they have to show for it?

    GLR, The American Nazi Party, The National Alliance et al were around for a good thirty before that and had, by my reading, even less to show for it.

    And The Hundred Years War lasted for (over) 100 years. I’m no historian but it’s reasonable to presume that tactics and strategy changed vastly over that period.

    Honestly, you need to give up this shtick of yours that you have a magic bullet solution (which you never outline) that will garner mainstream attention and support. No one does.

    Schtick or sensibility? Magic bullet or solid reasoning?

    As for never outlining it, are you kidding? I can’t get two words in sideways without your hounds barking. You don’t see it or feel it (how could you?), but the solemn, oh so solemn, tones that so much of your discourse takes place in is just supremely unnerving and off-putting. A man, even a sympathiser, even one of your own, with racial feelings/loyalty who’d never miscegenate, can’t help but think to hell with the lot of you, if you’re so tired of “sitting around” then grab a fucking gun and start shooting, loser; go on, it’s a target rich environment out there. You’ve spent long enough on the boards to know this is true. (And it’s certainly true of Australian “racial nationalists”. I don’t know whether to shudder or laugh at the sight of such imbeciles taking themselves so seriously.)

    Two years ago, Prozium, you could get away with charging me with insincerity. I made the mistake of charging into debate (sucked into it, I like to believe, much like poor Alec here has been) with only inchoate views to defend. Will you now accept I’m in (or believe that I am in) possession of a (reasonably) fully-formed racialist worldview that informs my postings, regardless of your familiarity with its particulars or any agreement with them? There’s little point in ever stating much unless I’m granted that courtesy. (Not that I really have all that much to say beyond, yes, God yes, you ought to tailor your views to conform to as much of “liberalism” as possible. It’s the most reasonable thing in the world to think such “organic” changes stand a better chance than radical makeovers, as attractive as the thought of getting it all over with quickly can be.)

    Racialists are excluded from mainstream discouse simply because our enemies are more powerful than us and we are a threat to their interests, not because of anything we say or do.

    That you’re in dire straits isn’t news. The widespread misapprehension of your own role in landing you there is. Of course things you (your side) have said or done have shaped perceptions of you — and I would say, quite correctly. Sorry.

  6. 1.) Jewish influence has played a major role in undermining the concept of race.

    2.) Hart and Auster seek to enlist racialists in the promotion of Jewish interests: fighting “anti-Semitism,” subsidizing and defending Israel, exclusion of Muslim immigrants, etc.

    3.) The “realists” are the ones who point out that the Jewish subversion of the conservative movement has been a disaster. The hijacking of “race realism” by Jews will only produce the same results.

    4.) Amren, VDARE, Jobling, Hart, and Auster are as marginalized and excluded from the mainstream as the National Alliance or the American Nazi Party ever was and for the same reasons. I have seen no evidence whatsoever that they are in the possession of superior tactics and strategy.

    5.) You still haven’t outlined your “intelligent” and “humane” alternative.

    6.) I haven’t followed your saga over at Majority Rights. I’m only vaguely familar with it.

  7. White people rallying under the Six-pointed emblem of an alien, hostile people…are already defeated. Whites slavishly embracing Jewish nationalism and whites slavishly embracing Islamic militantism are two sides of the same coin; both pathetic, both failures.

    If respectability is the only goal, why not just join up with Michael Steel and the Republicans?

  8. Silver is a troll. He wants to engage in endless pointless arguing about semantics and trivialities. He changes his positions and persona to keep the charade going. He is best banned and ignored.

  9. Racialists are excluded from mainstream discouse simply because our enemies are more powerful than us and we are a threat to their interests, not because of anything we say or do.

    This needs to be amended, or it becomes a recipe for misbehavior. “I can kill all the little old Jewish ladies I want, because I’ll never get a fair shake.”

    No, Jews don’t care what value you substitute for x or y in the equation, [Jews are not us, we want x for us, and oh by the way y], but their useful idiots do. And since their useful idiots are our recruiting base…

    Many white men can still tell the difference between a smear job and an accurate portrayal. Making that distinction easier is a goal that should be kept in mind.

    That said, knowing what I know about Jews, I can only point and laugh at the anti-anti-Semitic racialists.

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