
I’ve spent the last two weeks on the Florida beaches. I saw more negroes there this time around than ever before; much more in Panama City Beach than Destin, though. There were also more interracial couples.

That’s just the sight you want to see in the morning: a sweaty 200+ pound human turd floating in your swimming pool.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And those beaches are along the panhandle of Florida, I am sure that it gets much worse the farther South you go. Too bad.

    [quote]That’s just the sight you want to see in the morning: a sweaty 200+ pound human turd floating in your swimming pool.[/quote]

    Welcome to the New America.

  2. Better than seeing said turd sticking his turdsicle in a White woman. Oy vey, what will Silver think, we’ve got to stop the hate!

  3. There were also more interracial couples.

    White female/black male I presume.Race realist need to take a cold hard look at womankind.

  4. Re Euro, “a hard look at womankind”? How about all those white-male/Oriental-female couplings? Miscegenation is miscegenation.

  5. Euro certainly had a point, but one has to give credit also to Lenny for an excellent retort. Bottom line: they’re both wrong, white men who seek out Oriental women and white women who accept to go with Negro men. Of the two, who’s worse? No question and not even close: white women miscegenating with Negro men. But both are in the wrong.

  6. Of the two, who’s worse? No question and not even close: white women miscegenating with Negro men

    I would also add;white women have been at it a bit longer than white men.And if they hadn’t,at least some of those white male race traitors would have found a suitable white mate.

  7. Euro, The important thing is to stand against miscegenation, not stand against women-engaging-in-miscegenation. Lots of white men did it in the distant past in this country too, both with slaves and with Indian squaws; but playing that game is pointless.

    (OT- I much prefer the pronunciation “Miss-kedge-enation”; it has a harder, bitter edge to it; that harsh K sound sounds like you’re expressing disgust just by saying the word.)

  8. Better than seeing said turd sticking his turdsicle in a White woman. Oy vey, what will Silver think, we’ve got to stop the hate!

    Hehe, what have you got me on the brain or something?

    Sure, it’s revolting beyond words but I don’t see the point of being such a jerk about it. I think it’s more important to focus on what sort of world (country, society etc) that’s going to leave us all with and stress the importance of averting it than to throw your lunch up at every sighting.

    Of the two, who’s worse? No question and not even close: white women miscegenating with Negro men. But both are in the wrong.

    Women who end up with negroes half the time probably only intended to have a fling (bad enough, I know) but ended up sticking around out of female emotional vulnerability. They’re probably mostly only low-grade women anyway, so in the event of any sort of racial separation their act will have been eugenic.

    There’s something much more calculating about men who go for Asian women, as though they think they’re putting one over on society.

    (Most ridiculous of all (it literally makes me laugh) is white women with Asian men — wtf is going on there?)

    Welcome to the New America.

    Please, as if negroes just began swimming at the same beaches yesterday. This is what makes me think you people are just sick or insane or something. At least F. Braun (who I’m otherwise no fan of) has the sense/(guts?) to point out that north-south mixing is miscegenation too, and in that sense a northern woman is far more likely to take a s.euro man than a negro, so what about that “New America”?

  9. Any white woman who has ANYTHING (especially sex) to do with a person from the Negroid race is TRASH. What this is about is simple: she is a loser (in her own eyes and in reality) and cannot attract a decent white man. So, she must accept a lower form of companionship – a negro. It is all she is able to attract. Either she is: fat, ugly, druggie, prostitute, criminal in some other way. No chance in hell that a white male with any sense would be interested in her. So, she takes the dregs of society: a monkey faced black.

  10. (Big?) Silver: “Hehe, what have you got me on the brain or something?”

    Only as often as the image of Crisco used as a substitute for hair gel comes to mind. LOL!

    “Sure, it’s revolting beyond words but I don’t see the point of being such a jerk about it.”

    Merely offered in jest in the spirit of Prozium’s post. “Revolting beyond words” is your characterization I might add. Paki, Jew, Med, Nord, what have you, most probably do truly have that visceral reaction.

    “I think it’s more important to focus on what sort of world (country, society etc) that’s going to leave us all with and stress the importance of averting it than to throw your lunch up at every sighting.”

    My Crisco goes in the pan and my lunch stays in my stomach, but thanks for your concern. It may surprise such a morally refined crusader such as yourself, but I know Blacks and like them personally. And some how I manage to square that with my “hate”.

    “At least F. Braun (who I’m otherwise no fan of) has the sense/(guts?) to point out that north-south mixing is miscegenation too,”

    There you go again with your (greasy) sowing of dissent amongst the ranks. Let’s get real, the product of a Nord-Med coupling will be White, I know such people and can attest to that. Whatever dispute over the justice of how to preserve both Meds and Nords is an in-house matter. It is a mystery to me why some Meds become so hysterical at the idea that Nords would wish to go on being themselves, which is what I should expect from Meds. Why not make that your tack, Silver, and leave the Crisco in the cupboard.

  11. I haven’t been to Florida in a couple of years, but the last time I was at Fort Lauderdale beach I was thoroughly disappointed by the amount of minorities everywhere. They do seem to steer clear of the water though so I made sure I swam a lot. There’s less chance of getting bitten by shark than roughed up by one of the darkies.

  12. Who cares about those who’ve miscegenated. Miscegenation is really overrated and shouldn’t be a topic of concern. Those engaged in it are not just conceptually in the wrong, but are in fact probably not worth anything anyways for society.

  13. Wow this is really depressing. Intelligent human beings arguing about the immorality of interracial unions. If you are saying this is immoral and wrong then you don’t even understand the concept of morality. The only issue with interracial couples are those who are only engaged in a sexual relationship without any true commitment to each other. Of course this is not any worse than an immoral relationship between two people of any culture. The issue of concern is not the ethnicity of an individual, rather it is the education and character of that person. People who are afraid that we will lose “white” culture need to make sure that there is some culture worth saving. There was originally only one race in existence and there will only be one race again. We are all the human race and only a fearful and ignorant person will judge another human being on their racial heritage. Look at yourselves and see what character you have that makes you deserving to sit in judgement on another human being.

  14. To Aaron,
    The plot of the New World Order has been unfolding for centuries before the Eye of History and can be seen today in the relentless destruction of, in the words of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, “all collective forces except ours.” These “collective forces” are all things that underpin human existence and give society cohesion and individuals’ identity, meaning and purpose but, especially, the concepts of RACE, RELIGION, NATION and FAMILY, all of which are products of NATURAL MORAL ORDER. And, it is this Natural Moral Order, brought about in its entirety by the WILL OF GOD, which is the true target of the Dark Powers acting on Earth.

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