About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Muslim immigration should be encouraged.” ( — CounterSemite)

    The only Moslems who are racial Euros are the Albanians and the Bosnians (and also many Bulgarians — assuming Bulgarians are Euros, something I’m not sure of). You want Euros to change racially into something else? I don’t.

    “Muslim religion would probably be a benefit to the white race” ( — CounterSemite)

    How so?

  2. My point is that the Muslim “problem” in Europe is merely a distraction from the real problem – Jewish infiltration into white society. The Christian superstition pacifies the white race and leads to racial chaos and multicultural suicide. Islam would inspire and invigorate the West, and in this respect Islamic immigration should be warmly welcomed. The Arab and the Turk are Caucasoids after all, and not yet corrupted by Jewish ideologies. The Muslim is not our enemy, but our ally and brother against Israel in particular, and global Jewry in general.

    Jews like Auster, Jobling, and Spencer want to distract us from the real problem and target their own ethnic enemies. They want gentiles to do their dirty work for them. They want gentiles to secure a safe environment for Israel by whiping out the Muslims, for the Jew, ever the parasite, is too weak to fight his own enemies and uses gentiles to fight his genocidal wars.

    Both Muslims and European whites have a common enemy, and we should take advantage of this situation. Think about it: the more Muslims we allow to enter our society, the more anti-Jewish our society becomes, since the Muslim knows the Jew for what he is. The more Muslims in our society, the more they disseminate information about the crimes of the Jews and . And non-Muslim white Gentiles will read this information and learn from it. The Muslims will inspire the white Gentiles to attack the enemy, organised Jewry, by exposing the enemy.

    All other immigration groups are bad for Europe, but I take an exception to Muslims. Islamic influence in the West will bring about the turning point in Jewish-Gentile relations and may even result in the expulsion of Jews from our soil.

  3. So, sort of “use race-replacement to fight race-replacement.” You can count me out. I’m in this with the goal of zero race-replacement.

  4. You crack me up with this “racial euro” talk as if there is some binary genetic value that separates all euros from all non-euro Caucasoids.

    But IMO, all immigration must be restricted. Even if Muslims are racially similar, nationhood is something that is inherited. Even one type of European cannot transfer into another type of European.

  5. Is a Chinaman racially Euro, Iceman? Is a Sub-Saharan? A Mexican mestizo? A Tamil? A Polynesian? An Eskimo?

    Now, is an Albanian racially Euro?

    OK, so what’s your problem?

    DON’T … don’t …. please don’t ….. trot out clines.

    (You’re not “EA Steve” by the way, are you? Just wondering …. your IQs are a perfect match …….)

  6. Race 101, dumbass.

    The 4 main racial categories are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid and Australoid. Within those categories, there is genetic drift but it happens as much within the continents as it does between the continents.

    I don’t know much about EA Steve, but if you are comparing him to me, then he must have something going on upstairs.

  7. Brilliantly stated, Fred Scooby.

    Anyway, who is this clown named ‘iceman’? He gives this blog a bad name.

  8. Ha.

    He didn’t even respond to the points I made in my post, and you are cheerleading him as “brilliant.”

    He glossed right over my thesis and started talking about Chinamen and Negroes. I mean reading comprehension is something you have to take on the SAT. I hope this guy isn’t planning on attending a college.

  9. Variation within the Caucasoid race is very cumulative and very randomized.

    Nobody really denies this.

  10. Very cumulative indeed. Looks like Europeans constitute an identifiable subset of Caucasoids. There is your ‘White race’.

  11. The genetic material that forms Europe comes from outside of Europe in two different locations. South Asia provides DNA from the East and the Middle East provides DNA from the south. South Asia of course eventually traces back to the Middle East too. Depigmentation actually isn’t very important genetically.

    The DNA in Europe is hardly evenly mixed. The edges of Europe indeed blend into the other continents. Linguistic and national barriers are real and have been real. That is why there is no true Euro race, just a spectrum.

    It is kindov like paint. You can have different shades of the color red and pour them into the same bucket. But if the paint comes from other red buckets, and it is hardly evenly mixed, then it makes little sense to declare that a new color was created.

    So there are European Caucasoids, and you can usually match someone to their nationality. But the gap between a Greek and a Russian is a very large gap comparitively. The gap between a Greek and a Lebnonese is a smaller gap. And in the big scheme of things, all Caucasoids are actually close. And I support breaking people down in high levels of detail but it doesn’t fit so nicely around continents as WN wants it to.

  12. Re #3: “The Arab and the Turk are Caucasoids after all, and not yet corrupted by Jewish ideologies. The Muslim is not our enemy, but our ally and brother against Israel in particular, and global Jewry in general…the more Muslims we allow to enter our society, the more anti-Jewish our society becomes.”

    That is pure insanity. Only a terribly demoralized mind could dream up something like this. (Assuming you were once a pro-raciallyEuropean individual; the above is the sign of a mind degenerated into being anti-Semitic for its own sake… pathetic.)

    As someone who is raciallyEuropean (germanic), I would not want my people’s descendants to be heavily Turkic or Semitic(Arab), even if it does mean “beating the Jews”. I’m with Fred Scrooby.

    Re #3 again: “Islam would inspire and invigorate the West, and in this respect Islamic immigration should be warmly welcomed. …The Arab and the Turk are Caucasoids after all.”

    If you love Islam and the darker varieties of “Caucasoids” so much, why don’t you leave the West and go to Arabia?

    If philiosemite Jobling is one extreme, then this clownish philo-islamic ‘CounterSemite’ person [assuming he’s raciallyEuropean and not a nonEuropean Muslim troll] is an equally odious extreme in the other direction, IMO.

  13. The PC bullshit is everywhere in the text where they twist themselves into pretzels trying to avoid saying the word “race.” Read it, you’ll see what I mean. It’s unfricking believable.

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