White America Video

Ian Jobling has a new video up on YouTube about his website. It’s not a bad presentation; a bit jingoistic for my tastes with the flag and the music, but white conservatives lap up that sort of thing. Too bad no one who stumbles across White America will find much of anything (aside from standard neocon boilerplate) in the way of answers. Questions like who did this, why, and what should we do have never been thoroughly addressed there.

Well, I suppose Jobling can be given credit for trying to reach a wider audience. Personally, I have abandoned the internet as a means of racial outreach. My time is much better spent making contacts in my local area where whites have more traditional racial attitudes than elsewhere in the nation.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Personally, I have abandoned the internet as a means of racial outreach. My time is much better spent making contacts in my local area where whites have more traditional racial attitudes than elsewhere in the nation.”

    I agree that making local, state, and regional contacts is supremely important, but you ought not give up on the internet yet. It has given marginalized voices like the American WN/race realist movement a way to reach a wider audience and swell its ranks – and we are only in the beginning stages.

    The internet is THE KEY to getting around the lockdown censorship found in the Jewish owned and operated mass-media/academia/corporate complex, and in the long-run the internet will help WNs to gain a wider, more mainstream following.

    I hope you don’t end up totally depriving people of your often excellent insights in to the current and historical state of American racial issues. Even posting rarely or sporadically is better than nothing at all.

  2. I have plans to target a market of “Low brow” people who don’t care about image or respectability by using very specific web design. Though I am procrastinating on the project. This of course would be different from the news syndication website that Beria and I launched.

    Then I want to start selling dissident propaganda for profit.

    Screw the political process. My opinion is that America has chosen its consequences and I really don’t care if it gets destroyed as a result of its decision making. I can still go on living my life from a business perspective, and I can still have the same attitudes, even if the people around me continue to put themselves in harms way when it comes to racial common sense. They will eventually pay for their stupidity.

    Anton LaVey (a Jewish Satanist) said stupidity should be painful. In this case, it will be, and I won’t care.

    And my problem with Jobling is that he is going soft. My stance on Jews has nothing to do with going soft.

  3. nice

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