Jews React To European Elections

… and condemn the philo-Semites like Geert Wilders and Nick Griffin! All that groveling for nothing! It’s the same way here in the United States. Just look at the hostility of American Jews to evangelical Christians. I pointed this out to Ian Jobling a few years ago. His neocon version of race realism is a loser because Jews will never support it en masse.

Auster kvetches that Jews are being irrational and tries to twist this into one of his self-serving arguments against anti-Semitism. At first glance, Muslim immigration to Europe doesn’t appear “good for the Jews.” It doesn’t seem rational. Hence, the “anti-Semites” must have it wrong. Haha … gotcha! But this only ignores the question: why does it have to be?

What if …. Jewish hatred, loathing, paranoia, and suspicion of white Gentiles, in particular white Christians, is primal and irrational? It means they can never be reasoned with. Every olive branch extended by the likes of Taylor, Jobling, Griffin, and Wilders will be slapped away. No amount of pleading or concessions will ever be enough to persuade Jews to call off their anti-white activism.

They can only be isolated and contained.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Everyone ignore GR. GR is a Judeo-American federal government agent/provocateur planted here deliberately to make crazed comments on pro-White boards and thus try to make all pro-White activists seem like murderous thugs.

    Please delete GR’s post immediately and block his IP range entirely, Prozium.

  2. I agree about GR. There’s defo something very wrong with the guy. We had experience with him over at a few weeks ago.

  3. Listen up slick, what good are you doing talking so irresponsibly???

    Also, worst of all, this is behavior unbecoming of an Anglo-American. This is simply not how an Anglo-Saxon gentleman should comport himself! Leave this behavior up to the enemy–believe me, they shall suffer as a result.

    Don’t know if you are either an A-S, and you are certainly not behaving like a gentleman, but maybe you should begin to, since OUR people’s honour is far more important than your silly, narcissistic outbursts, regardless the motive.

  4. Auster writes:

    These Jewish fools, these schlemiels, these shmendriks, these schmegeggies, think that the Jews are most threatened by people who oppose the takeover of Europe by a religion which commands the extermination of all Jews.

    It’s ok to call jews nasty name when arguing about what’s best for them.

    If, when it comes down to Islam versus Europe, Islam versus the West, organized Jewry sides with Islam, it will deserve the condemnation of history.

    What does he mean, “if”? Not only has a full-scale islamic invasion of Europe underway for decades now, jews have been playing both sides since there have been two sides to play.

    Larry should google “jewish golden age” and start condemning. I won’t be holding my breath waiting, I’m sure like most jews he already knows all about it.

    The hilarious thing about Larry is his self-righteous hypocrisy. He’s a schlemiel, a shmendrik, and a schmegeggie toward people who oppose the takeover of the Eurosphere by jews. Despite their arguing about what’s best for them, all the schlemiels, shmendriks, and schmegeggies always agree to join together against Whites. Larry, for the time being, just happens to think we’re more useful and managable than the other schlemiels, shmendriks, and schmegeggies do.

  5. By their actions it’s obvious the Jews (organized Jewry, whatever term you want to use) strongly favor 1) the Islamization of Europe and 2) the race-replacement of the Euro races with non-white peoples preferably Negroes and mulattoes, and they push both with everything they’ve got. It’s very strange when dissenting Jews appear unable to see that. It’s so obvious, it’s as if you set off — what’s the strongest bomb in existence, a hundred megaton H-bomb? It’s as if you set off a hundred megaton H-bomb two inches from the Jewish guy’s ear then afterward ask him if he noticed anything unusual, and he said no, he noticed nothing unusual, nothing at all, had no idea a hundred megaton H-bomb had just been set off two inches from his left ear. The magnitude of the strangeness when Jews don’t see what Jews do is the same. But they don’t see it and no force in the known universe can make them see it. Jews have like a turn-off switch in their brain or something, which they use to turn off awareness of stuff they’d rather not be aware of. There’s no force in the universe powerful enough to turn that switch back on when the Jew wants it off. No force, so forget it.

  6. There is something to be said for Griffins strategy though.

    Whites who are afraid of being called ‘nazis’ will not be afraid to vote BNP since they have become crypto-philo-semitic. (certainly Griffin is just acting, given his History there is no way he has actually converted to philo-semitism!)

    Jews have been meddling in the Eurospheres politics to much. If they really are fearful of a new rise of anti-semitism then they need to make Aliyah to Israel. Remember it was created as a safe-haven, and so it should be used as such by these ferengi beasts.

    The days events by a Freedom Fighter at the ‘Holocaust’ Museum should be heeded by Jewry as a warning and that they should leave NOW to Israel for their own safety.

  7. “Listen up slick, what good are you doing talking so irresponsibly???”

    All I said was they could be shot at. You afraid Big Jew will prohibit our kvetching? It’ll happen sooner or later. With today’s (wildly stupid) incident, probably sooner.

    Look, it’s great to see someone writing about the Jews the way they should be — as an outbreak fatal to the rest of mankind, which in an ideal world could be contained. In this world, it can’t. But these people aren’t hiding. They walk the streets. They can be shot, point blank, where they stand. Your “Anglo-Saxon honor” is meaningless and a little retarded. Kvetching and posing don’t bother the Jews. But leaden projectiles seem to make them pretty dang nervous — which isn’t to imply that sweeping political consequences in our favor would ever follow from that. I suppose it all comes down to how you view your own life, what you’re willing to do and risk to make a point. The fellow today, an idiot. The effects of his “freedom fighting”? He’s given the goyish herd a new idol in the pantheon of black martyrs & demigods, one created inside the very temple of modern Jewry, completely subject to their interpretation. His action will also, I imagine, serve the Jews in concretizing their position as untouchable elites, in the form of tighter security, etc. All these “symbolic” attacks — Kaczynski, McVeigh, the 9/11 Sa’udis, this, others — had it wrong: symbols are meaningless in political agitation unless they occur to great numbers of people who can find them intelligible. These actions are desperate and meaningless. Do you ever see a negro rushing into a police station with a rifle to try to tag some cops? No. Why? Because the negro doesn’t have the characteristically whiteskin problem of obsession with “symbolism”. He gets the cop on the street, because he is the street. The whiteskin, in his tottering ivory tower, collapses under the weight of his own angst and desperate need to communicate that angst to people who don’t have ears to hear, and never will. “We need martyrs”, I’m told. No. Because martyrs, like the ideas they think they’re symbolizing through murder (of targets so wide of the mark we might as well call them aimless), aren’t intelligible to idiots, and the very small demographic to whom they are intelligible are utterly powerless, in fact subpolitical.

    Can’t contain them. Can’t vote them away. Can’t expect to waltz into their temple — second only to Capitol Hill in security — and take a few of them out. That leaves abandoning the “symbolic”, and remembering they live among us yet, walking the same streets, using the same crosswalks …..

    Not that I advocate that, nor planning or know anyone who is planning such dishonorable and illegal activity. Just saying what could happen.

  8. And honestly, I kinda feel bad for that negro. Politically he’s no different from a white security guard put on duty there. They actually have special training for these men. I met one outside a temple a few years ago; he told me he had to take a seminar on Judaism, be interviewed by a council of rabbis, etc., before getting the job. Probably our Toby didn’t have to go through all that at the ShoaPlex, but really, he was just a hapless human who was misled to believe the Jews are worth defending with his life.

    Again, the shooter: a fucking idiot, an embarrassment.

  9. “The days events by a Freedom Fighter at the ‘Holocaust’ Museum should be heeded by Jewry as a warning and that they should leave NOW to Israel for their own safety.”

    Or else ….. more negro security guards will die!! bwahahahahahahaha.

  10. “All I said was they could be shot at. You afraid Big Jew will prohibit our kvetching? It’ll happen sooner or later. With today’s (wildly stupid) incident, probably sooner.”

    Yeah, with help from the likes of you.

    If you read my article a little more closely, my broader point was that this type of language is unbecoming of an Anglo-American gentleman–it is more befitting of Zionist settler fanatics in the West Bank or Gaza; or ANC thugs in South Africa!

    That simple.

  11. It’s very strange when dissenting Jews appear unable to see that.

    Fred, I don’t know if you were referring to Auster, but if you were it doesn’t fit him. Auster sees the crime, even if he won’t talk about it as bluntly as you do. He wrote in The cause of the white race will not go away:

    when I consider today’s systematic campaign, organized and backed by all the ruling powers of society, to put down, demonize, disempower, and marginalize the white race, I think it is shaping up as the greatest crime in the history of mankind

    By “white” Auster here and elsewhere seems to be referring to Caucasians in general, including jews. The thing is, jews are not in any way targeted by the systematic campaign he says he sees, only Whites are. He always glosses over this important point. Auster’s hangup is that he values jews way more than Whites, but he’s not able to be honest about it. He thinks we’re very useful to jews and he’s always telling us what we must do to please them. When called on this he echoes the charges mockingly, but never denies them. I went into all this in detail in Fruitloopable Presumption and other posts at my blog.

    Anyway, Auster is frustrated with organized schlemielery because he thinks he sees more clearly than they do what is good for jews. It’s not that he doesn’t see their aggression against us. He has pointed at and commented on it repeatedly. (Prozium wrote about one notable example in Amazing.) The simple fact is that he is incapable of condemning them for it. The “condemnation of history” rhetoric I quoted above reflects his concern about the “extermination of all jews”, not Europeans. The closest he’s gotten to caring about the extermination of Whites was a few months ago, and though I can’t find the link now he basically said he thinks the problem is nobody’s ever told jews that what they’re doing is wrong. In other words, he says we Whites are to blame for silently(!) permitting jews to harm us.

    Of course any White who actually tries to tell the schlemiels what they’re doing is wrong is an insane jew-hater and therefore doesn’t count.

  12. “The days events by a Freedom Fighter at the ‘Holocaust’ Museum should be heeded by Jewry as a warning and that they should leave NOW to Israel for their own safety.”

    I don’t know who the bigger idiot here is today, GR or Fio?

    C’mon man, that narcissistic crank ‘von Brunn’ is no ‘freedom fighter’–and what an unbelievably stupid thing to say considering the times we live in–not PC, just common sense!

  13. That leaves abandoning the “symbolic”, and remembering they live among us yet, walking the same streets, using the same crosswalks …..

    Not that I advocate that, nor planning or know anyone who is planning such dishonorable and illegal activity. Just saying what could happen.

    That’s dumb too. If you’re going do go for violence, why not just storm the office of some Jew “social science professor” (I can think of some candidates) and kick the shit out of him without killing him? Then suggest to the bastard there’s a better idea — racial reality and “positive separation” (separate to something good, rather than away from something bad) — and that it’d be really nice of him to get on board with it. Pin it on his back while he’s doubled over in pain.

  14. Scrooby, for a half-Jew, you’re such a dunce, such a pathetic, blustering, dunce. If immigration is wrong, if “diversity” is wrong, if “tolerance” is wrong, then, as far Jews are able to calculate, being a Jew is “wrong” — there’s no place in the world for a Jew, everything about the Jew’s existence is “wrong,” condemned always to be shunned. You’d better believe that can cause blindness.

    The Jewish dream’s a failure, it’s dead; even if it wins it loses. You may deplore its effects, but one is forced to wonder at your failure to appreciate that but for it you would scarcely exist. But don’t mind me, rant away. A few more attacks on Holocaust museums inspired by ranting like yours and, hey, victory could be within sight! Other people, if you don’t mind, would prefer to pursue a serious solution.

  15. “By their actions it’s obvious the Jews (organized Jewry, whatever term you want to use) strongly favor 1) the Islamization of Europe and 2) the race-replacement of the Euro races with non-white peoples preferably Negroes and mulattoes, and they push both with everything they’ve got.”

    Was there an untruth or inaccuracy in that sentence I wrote, Silver?

  16. If immigration is wrong, if “diversity” is wrong, if “tolerance” is wrong,

    “Tolerance” is not wrong. It’s right. Taking it to the point of race-replacement of your own race is wrong. Ditto “diversity” and “immigration.” The problem isn’t any of those, it’s race-replacement. The Jews try to do a bait-and-switch (and they succeed), implying my side claims the problem is those, while refusing to admit it’s race-replacement. The gullible goys believe them.

    The problem is race-replacement, not any of those.

  17. Was there an untruth or inaccuracy in that sentence I wrote, Silver?

    Yes, much inaccuracy but since logic doesn’t appear to be your strong point I can’t be bothered explaining it all over again. Remember your last “who says A must say B” at MR? Remember? And remember the counter-example I provided that absolutely shredded it? Why do you persist in insisting that the only possible reason anyone could want something is the result you can see it producing?

    “Tolerance” is not wrong. It’s right. Taking it to the point of race-replacement of your own race is wrong. Ditto “diversity” and “immigration.” The problem isn’t any of those, it’s race-replacement.

    Ah, but where is the formula by which you can calculate when enough is enough?

    1965? No, wrong. Dead wrong. Again, you’re not one for logical explanations or else you’d have understood that the minute I explained it, because it’s pretty damn simple. But I have explained it and you insisted on not understanding it, brushing me off with “I’ll take my chances.”

    The pointlessness of bickering about history and Jews is this: the holy Founding Fathers got it wrong. It’s that simple. They got it wrong. They thought they had it right, and people certainly acted as though they’d gotten it right, and for a long time it seemed that they’d gotten it right, but in fact they’d gotten it wrong, all too wrong. Case closed.

    Now, if you want to undo the damage that’s been done, that is still being done and that yet threatens to be done you’d better put all that crap aside and focus squarely on the sorts of things that might persuade people to take up racialism, to demand a race-based order, a race-based society, and eventually race-based country — not just to “oppose race-replacement” (Which means what? Requires doing what? You’re completely silent!). It’s not enough to say “I oppose race-replacement” and leave it at that. Not nearly enough.

  18. Am I the only one who is sick of Silver’s verbose trolling and never wants to read another word written by him ever again?

  19. It never occurred to the Founding Fathers to write such obvious things as “America is a white man’s country” or “marriage involves a man and a woman” or “English is our national language” into the Constitution. Such concepts were taken for granted in the eighteenth century. They couldn’t imagine a world in which this would one day not be the case.

  20. Right, Prozium, so you agree: assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups.

    ATBOTL, you’re a funny fellow. Why do you call it trolling? It’s either true or it’s not true. If it’s not true, point it out. If it’s not helpful, point that out. You can judge whether it’s helpful by considering what would be the outcome of adopting an attitude such as mine. For example, if you Founding Fathers saw the world as I see it, they would have never made their fatal oversight; if the leaders of my countries of origin saw the world as I see it, they would now, though the hour even there is late, make every effort to protect the racial basis of their existence (and if they did it my way, it wouldn’t include one iota of the naked hostility you creeps express towards others).

    Your problem, like so many of your compatriots, is that you think because you believe in race you know everything there is to know, both about the world and about how to save your race. But you don’t. You don’t even come close. Prozium, though he has a sharp mind, is also guilty of this. I put it down to the despair he feels. But logically, it just doesn’t follow that because he feels passionate about his race and that he is knowledgeable about its history that he is best positioned to devise the formula that will save it.

    In the grand scheme of things, every reader of this blog is thorough irrelevancy. It doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference how white you are, how white you feel, how much you despise all others. None of that will ever convince more than 2% of people you encounter of anything at all. Just look at what emanates from publications that aren’t immediately turned off by you (Takimag etc) — does that sound anything like support? If not, why the hostility, ATBOTL? Why on earth the hostility? Because you’ve become a human worm, so overcome with loathing that you can no longer communicate sensibly with others? Sorry pal, the issues are bigger than “I hate dem muds and that’s it.”

  21. silver,

    I’m not sure where you live (Australia, I think), but where I live far more than 2% of the population is already racially conscious.

  22. What on earth are you blabbering about? I don’t make statements like that. What are you’re “countries of origin” this week? Your presence here and other places serves no purpose other than to disrupt. You argue endlessly without ever saying anything clearly enough for other people to know what you are arguing about. You are a troll.

  23. “You argue endlessly without ever saying anything clearly enough for other people to know what you are arguing about.”
    Yeah, I think he is right about this.
    BTW, what is Silver’s ethnic background?

  24. Fiotheth on 11 Jun 2009 at 2:50 am10

    DUH! The only reason a white ethnic nationalist sucks up to Jews is to convince THE GOYIM of something. I’m pretty sure ALL of the suck-ups know that.

    It’s one thing to call a rapist a rapist, and another to call a chaste man a rapist.

    If changing Jewish minds and behaviors are important to us we might as well pack it in right now.

  25. Right, Prozium, so you agree: assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups.

    No, failing to teach one’s children to be men and women is the mother of all fuck-ups; the American people dropped the ball, not the founders (not that I wouldn’t change a lot if I could have the founding again, even only knowing what they knew).

    A people that is not aware of itself is doomed for the dust bin. Write any pretty documents you wish, they won’t change that.

  26. “what is Silver’s ethnic background?— Does anyone know?”

    No, no one knows. At first he claimed to be Pakistani, then Serbian, and finally half-Greek, half-Serbian.

    I have never believed he was Serbian or any variety of European.

  27. He tries to come across as someone who “thinks like a southern European” but he gets it wrong, ESPECIALLY if he’s supposedly “Serb.” Serbs aren’t southern Europeans and don’t think the way he’s always trying to depict. He’s always putting words in their mouths, and thoughts and resentments in their heads, that were never in Serb mouths or heads: Serbs are Slavs and don’t think like, or identify with, the sort of southern European “dagoe stereotype” Silver’s always harping on. They’re eastern Europeans. By getting it so glaringly wrong about how Serbs think he shows he is of some other ancestry, and I’d say the most likely is Paki or another non-Euro.

  28. When someone points that out he suddenly throws in that he’s “half Greek” — but sorry, that “half-Greek” bit never came out till he was confronted with the above, and its coming out then, as an afterthought, as an “out,” is unconvincing. He spent his first year of confrontations with everyone at spouting about how he was a Serb and all his “dagoe mentality” was typical of the Serb mentality. It isn’t, never was, and I’m not buying his newly-claimed “Greek” ancestry when someone calls him on the other.


    David Letterman’s hate is as old as some ancient Hebrew prophets.
    Speaking of anti-Semitism, it’s Jerry Falwell and other fundy leaders who’ve gleefully predicted that in the future EVERY nation will be against Israel (an international first?) and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed, right?
    Wrong! It’s the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah who predicted all this in the 13th and 14th chapters of his book! The last prophet, Malachi, explains the reason for this future Holocaust that’ll outdo even Hitler’s by stating that “Judah hath dealt treacherously” and “the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this” and asks “Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother?”
    Haven’t evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish? Then please explain the recent filthy, hate-filled, back-stabbing tirades by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard and Kathy Griffin) against a leading evangelical named Sarah Palin, and explain why most Jewish leaders have seemingly condoned Palin’s continuing “crucifixion”!
    While David, Sandra, and Kathy are tragically turning comedy into tragedy, they are also helping to speed up and fulfill the Final Holocaust a la Zechariah and Malachi, thus helping to make the Bible even more believable!
    (For even more stunning information, visit MSN and type in “Separation of Raunch and State” and “Bible Verses Obama Avoids.”)

  30. Lol, what a perfect encapsulation of WN kookiness.

    Fred, you’re a proven fruitloop. Only a fruitloop could possibly keep repeating that “paki” stuff. I don’t think any of the interminable crap that emanates from your mouth better demonstrates how bereft of ideas you are than your attempts to dismiss me with this “paki” line. (For anyone who wasn’t there: it lasted an entire one post and was stated was a “I’m a London paki”. They never tell you that London bit. I was just curious what sort of reaction I’d get out of Guessedworker.)

    I stated I was Serbian because that’s what I spent most of my life identifying as. That’s the identity my father tried to instill in me and the language I speak far better. Race changes a lot of things, however, and the reality is I tend to have much more in common with Greeks racially (a fact manifested in who most of my friends have been), so I have had to give greater emphasis to that aspect in recent times.

    I have never believed he was Serbian or any variety of European.

    Who cares what you think, Fred? About anything. Your opinions are the opinions of an unreasonable and unreasoning idiot. (How long did you spend running around telling everyone “Indians are white”? Don’t deny you did. I can easily dig up the link.)

    Serbs aren’t southern Europeans and don’t think the way he’s always trying to depict. He’s always putting words in their mouths, and thoughts and resentments in their heads, that were never in Serb mouths or heads

    As a matter of fact, you’ll struggle to find one post where I’ve ever presented myself as speaking for them. Actually, it’s you who does that, claiming no Serb ever in history would have described himself as “non-white,” which may be true in America, but certainly wasn’t the case in Australia, where identifying as “white” historically would have meant an attempt to identify yourself as the racial equivalent of founding stock Australians, which, in the vast majority of cases, would not have flown.

    Look, give it up Fred. Either get your head around the facts of reality or just shut the hell up. You’re by far the stupidest of the ostensibly intelligent racialists I’ve ever come across.

    He is Southern European. That’s his other big theme.

    “Theme”? What are you talking about?

    “Southern European” is not an unreasonable broad identity. It aptly reflects the bonds that have typically formed among New World immigrants from the region. It’s on much sturdier legs than National Alliance propaganda that attempts to shoehorn everyone from the continent of Europe into one fictive unified “White Race.” (And then you bastards have the nerve to complain that pointing out the facts of this lunacy is an attempt to “divide” you, when in fact it is you who is introducing discontent into stable group identities.)

  31. Silver’s problem, imo, is he is deeply scared by the fact he was rejected by the blond-haired blue-eyed chicks he was attracted to. To furthur agtivate his sick mental condition, the white-boys made fun of him when he was in grade school, which in turn, he wrongly attributes that overall rejection to his southern European heritage. Or maybe silver is just physically unattractive?

  32. Wrong on all counts. More interestingly, though, I’m curious, CU, why the hostility towards me? Just what am I saying that’s so at odds with reality that I have to be torn down at every turn lest somebody find himself in agreement with me? It’s only in these sordid circles I get such a reaction, so I’m certainly far from bothered by what any of you think of me, but I sure as hell am stumped by it. (And please, if you’re shmilver/kublai/crimson tard, don’t bother. You’re another proven schmuck.)

  33. I’m quite sure I’m not wrong on all counts.

    That said, I’m one of the few that acually understood where you were coming from in your first post at MR. I, too, can’t understand why most of those intelligent people that comment there couldn’t see you were just testing the water. Go figure. Perhaps JWH had undo influence over them?

    Anyway, silver, I’m not hostile towards you, I’m just trying to figure out people like you.

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