About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Wright says ‘Jews’ keeping him from Obama (AP)”

    Thu Jun 11, 7:17 pm ET

    HAMPTON, Va. – President Barack Obama’s controversial former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, blamed “them Jews” in an interview this week for keeping him from speaking to the president, but later apologized.

    Wright, the former pastor of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ, said he hasn’t spoken to Obama since he became president.

    “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck, or in eight years when he’s out of office,” Wright told the Daily Press of Newport News following a Tuesday night sermon at the 95th annual Hampton University Ministers’ Conference.

    “They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. … I said from the beginning: He’s a politician; I’m a pastor. He’s got to do what politicians do.”

    Wright issued a statement Thursday that he was “disturbed and deeply saddened” that his comments were stirring discussion again.

    “I apologize for the way I framed my comments. I mis-spoke and I sincerely meant no harm or ill-will to the American Jewish community or the Obama administration,” Wright said. “I have great respect for the Jewish faith and the foundational (and central) part of our Judeo-Christian tradition.”

    Obama was a longtime member of the church but resigned from it and cut ties with Wright after videos surfaced during the presidential campaign showing Wright’s sometimes provocative sermons. Wright’s incendiary comment included shouting “God damn America” and accusing the government of creating AIDS.

    In the interview Tuesday, Wright also criticized Obama for not sending a U.S. delegation to the World Conference on Racism held recently in Geneva, Switzerland, saying Obama chose not to for fear of offending Jews and Israel.

    “Ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing (by) the Zionist is a sin and a crime against humanity, and they don’t want Barack talking like that because that’s anti-Israel,” Wright said.

    The White House declined to comment to the Associated Press on Thursday on Wright’s remarks


  2. It is a good thing that Jews like Cohen display his intellectual poverty and laziness by mocking an old man like Buchanan who is a devout Roman Catholic, then goes on to pull out the billion dollar holocaust card – and then goes on to equate American White Men with disgruntled Germans of the 1930’s. I think it is great that Jews show their lack of imagination and the fact that they are indeed stuck – I have read more profound depth on VNN Forum then any of these hacks can mange to conjure up. All they can do is this: “Anti-Semitism” Holocaust” “6 million” and then blame modern American whites for it(?) Somebody at the Huffington Post needs to remind this fool that Americans fought against Germans. That Americans are different, have a different history and different culture. To suggest that what happened in WWII will be repeated exactly the same, and that Germans are Americans is erroneous indeed. They are a bunch of pathetic parrots. Anyway I refuse to even give the Huffington Post the time of day since I saw Arianna Huffington on the BBC and she stated something like “ We at the Huffington post work under a specific set of assumptions the first being the Holocaust is a fact.” Huhh????

  3. This whole ‘Jews are White’ thing doesn’t make much sense.

    If Jews = White then that would mean that Hitler and National Socialists were NOT Racialist and only persecuted other Whites then right??? And the alleged Holohoax (if real) was not a racialist thing.

    Does this really make any sense??? Jewish crypsis logic rarely does.

    Race = Endogamous Mating Pattern and clearly this is something that Jews have, henceforth disproving the notion that they are some how a part of another Race.

  4. An excellent article by Takuan Seiyo about Kevin MacDonald and the Jewish problem. It’s the best take-down of MacDonald and one of the best treatments of the Jewish question that I remember reading. The main horror Seiyo points out about MacDonald type anti-Semitism, apart from its intrinsic falsity and evil, is that by absurdly seeing the Jews as a uniquely predatory, red-in-tooth-and-claw force seeking to destroy European civilization, rather than as what they are, a liberal, suicidal force typical of the entire modern suicidal Western civilization as a whole, the anti-Semites assure that they, the anti-Semites, can do nothing to help defend the West. Their distortion of reality, driven by a lunatic ideology and a sickeningly evil will, is absolute. At the same time, Seiyo speaks bluntly and truthfully about the actual harmful behaviors of organized Jewry in our time.

    I must say that Takuan and I se things iyo to iyo.

    Anybody that sees Ol’ MacDonald as needing a “take down” is no ally of ours.

  5. “Anybody that sees Ol’ MacDonald as needing a “take down” is no ally of ours.”

    “Takuan Seiyo” is an uber-nerdy jew, and nothing he says really matters, since ‘he’ is a DISSIMULATOR!

  6. Ben Cohen reminds us, as if we needed reminding, just where those pernicious race-based libels against Whites are coming from:

    When you consider the 6 million people the Germans managed to wipe out, there’s not much the Jews couldn’t take from Germany to make things right.

    White Europeans committed perhaps the biggest genocide in history when they came to the Americas. The native population was literally wiped off the land to make way for white settlers, and for those who managed to survive, a few crumbs were passed off to them decades later for their troubles.

    White people transported millions of African slaves to the United States, subjected them to horrific treatment, murder and cultural annihilation. Blacks have only been treated as equal citizens in America since the 1960’s, and the notion that centuries of enslavement, degradation and economic disenfranchisement could be reversed in a few decades is just laughable.

    Every minority in America has suffered at the hands of white people. It is a country founded by white people, built by white people and controlled by white people. To pretend otherwise is akin to holocaust denial. It is a fact.

  7. Who came up with the idea of “The Judeo-Christian Tradition” ? The concept is wholly American and not that old, right? I recall reading somewhere that it was put into play at the beginning of WWII as recruiting gambit, something that American soldiers would be going overseas to fight to preserve. It’s certainly thrown around by the clergy and politicians a lot , but European Christians never did much dialoging with Jews until Vatican II in l965. Does anyone know who, if anyone, actually coined this term?

  8. I don’t know of any Ashkenazi Jews who consider themselves anything other than white. There are many Jews who, when asked their ethnicity, say that they’re Jewish, but I don’t say that. I tell people I’m half Russian and half Polish. I would encourage more Jews to identify themselves that way.

    Is this Half Sigma coming out for the first time, or has he previously disclosed his jewishness?

    Likewise for Takuan Seiyo, who in his screed against MacDonald writes:

    The first time I became aware of leftist Jews was when, in 1956, I looked up from my lead soldiers’ formation on the kitchen floor and saw my Jewish father’s 2nd (and only surviving) cousin enter our assigned apartment in commie Warsaw, pushing a wicker pram.

    “Do you want these?” he asked. Under the baby blanket, the deep cart was filled to the brim with the combined works of Marx, Engels and Lenin in Polish, Russian and German. Nikita Khrushchev had just made a speech denouncing Stalin and shattering the utopian castle that my “uncle” and millions like him in the European intelligentsia had built in their heads, none more so than the Jews.

    Jews may be Caucasian, but they aren’t White. One big difference is that Whites don’t blog for months and years pretending to be jewish, telling jews what to say, think, and do, and then in an oblique off-hand way reveal themselves as White, while insisting that there’s no significant difference anyway.

    I posted a comment to Half Russian Half Pole 100% jews’s site I’m fairly certain he won’t approve, part of which was:

    Race realist tribe deniers are being only half honest.

    Jews aren’t White because if they were our anti-White regime would be anti-semitic, and we all know the regime is most definitely NOT anti-semitic.

  9. “Jews may be Caucasian, but they aren’t White. One big difference is that Whites don’t blog for months and years pretending to be jewish, telling jews what to say, think, and do, and then in an oblique off-hand way reveal themselves as White, while insisting that there’s no significant difference anyway.”

    Ah, Tan ‘the Man’ coming through for US again!!!

    Your value to our people is beyond words…!

  10. “There are many Jews who, when asked their ethnicity, say that they’re Jewish, but I don’t say that. I tell people I’m half Russian and half Polish. I would encourage more Jews to identify themselves that way.”

    — That’s funny. If he weren’t Jewish, he’d know that’s how most Jews customarily describe their background to us goyim.

  11. Here’s my quick response to HS’s “Jews Are White” that he never posted:

    Ashkenazi Jews don’t look anything like Northern Europeans. They look like a cross between people from the Caucasus and the Near East. The lightest pigmented Jews look like Chechens or Albino Arabs. Many Ashkenazi Jews are very dark and Arab looking. Most Ashkenazi Jews are not more European looking than Syrians are. Anyone who can’t tell the difference between Jews and ethnic Russian or Polish people must be blind.
    Jews see themselves as a group totally apart from Europeans. They see Europeans as their enemy. That’s ultimately what matters. Why should we accept Jews as part of us when they came to Europe from the Middle East and still to this day consider themselves a separate and superior “chosen” race? They don’t see themselves as part of us, but want us to do so.
    White Nationalists have been doing “HBD” since way before your little internet movement existed. The study of HBD was thriving in the early 20th Century until Jews like Boas snuffed it out, with the aid of the larger organized Jewish community. How can you internet HBD clowns ignore that?
    The reason why most racially conscious whites are hostile to Jews is because Jews are in fact the driving force behind most of what we abhor in America today. Once you start researching the history of efforts to allow non-Western immigration, feminism, negative portrayals of traditional America in the media etc., you will see that Jews were the main force behind all these things. Look further back and will see that this stuff started as soon as large numbers of Ashkenazi Jews arrived in the late 19th Century. This all far predated the Holocaust.
    Trying to hide in their host population is an old tactic that Jews have used throughout their diaspora history. It’s a kind of deception. They want gentiles to not see them as a distinct group, but they will still see themselves as distinct from their host and will continue to engage in ethnic nepotism and cultural subversion. What HS is proposing only serves the purpose of Jews enjoying the benefits of ethnic cohesion while denying such benefits to their host population. Their is no comparison between Jews and more ethnocentric European groups like Greeks because the later do not have massive power and influence in America and are not deeply hostile to the founding people and majority population of the country.

  12. Well said ATBOTL. Especially this:

    Jews see themselves as a group totally apart from Europeans. They see Europeans as their enemy. That’s ultimately what matters. Why should we accept Jews as part of us when they came to Europe from the Middle East and still to this day consider themselves a separate and superior “chosen” race? They don’t see themselves as part of us, but want us to do so.
    White Nationalists have been doing “HBD” since way before your little internet movement existed. The study of HBD was thriving in the early 20th Century until Jews like Boas snuffed it out, with the aid of the larger organized Jewish community. How can you internet HBD clowns ignore that?

    They ignore it of course because they are either jewish, or afraid someone who is jewish will scold and ostracize them. In the past it was also because “the jooos” were easily ridiculed as a conspiracy theory.

    Nobody is laughing about the “conspiracy theories” any more, jews least of all, and lots of people are beginning to understand that their scolding isn’t nearly as bad as watching ourselves be displaced, dispossessed, and ultimately exterminated.

  13. “…and lots of people are beginning to understand that their scolding isn’t nearly as bad as watching ourselves be displaced, dispossessed, and ultimately exterminated.”

    ‘Tan the man’!

  14. From J. Spiro’s recently released biography of Madison Grant:

    “Secure in the knowledge that his students were finally accumulating the data he needed to refute biological determinism, Boas now decided to take his arguments to the public. Starting in the mid-1920s, he managed to publish at least one anti-Nordicist book or article a year in the popular press. His basic thesis had not changed since the 1910s, when he had first attacked Madison Grant. But this time he was armed with a mass of ethnographic research showing that environmental factors were at least as important as genes in determining mental and social [cultural] traits. In writings like “The Question of Racial Purity” (1924), “What Is a Race?” (1925), “This Nordic Nonsense” (1925), “Fallacies of Racial Inferiority” (1927), and ANTHROPOLOGY AND MODERN LIFE (1928), Boas accused Madison Grant of being the foremost inciter of racial antagonism in America, and charged him with being “swayed not by scientific arguments but by prejudice.” In a campaign that Lothrop Stoddard dismissed as “the desperate attempt of a Jew to pass himself off as ‘white,'” Boas relentlessly denounced the immigration laws as being unscientific, attacked the army intelligence tests for being culturally biased, provided biological evidence to show that mongrelization did not lead to deterioration, and cited the findings of cultural anthropologists to show that culture, not biology, accounted for the mental (and a good deal of the physical) nature of man.”

    – SOURCE = http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1584657154

  15. My view of Jews not being white consists of a few things.

    First of all, we know by their history, genetics, and culture that they are not European. I equate European with white, and northern Europe as the white core.

    Secondly, Jews themselves have chosen not to be white. They could have easily assimilated into Europe, but they chose not to. They chose to be separate, to work against white nations, and continue to do so.

    Thirdly, white can be very relative, and is often used merely to distinguish between black Africans and others. For example, racially mixed people in Brazil who are of a lighter skin tone may self-identify as white, but by American or Northern European standards they are not.

  16. “Rev. Wright names the Jew,”

    I believe his Jewish handlers want to protect his image. They probably also don’t want him to hear any politically incorrect views regarding Jews. Rev. Wright still influences Obama, and they don’t want him to give Obama any ideas about issues affecting Jews!

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