Just Another Day (Part 3)

Takuan Seiyo (1/2 Jew) and Lawrence Auster (Jew) on the “horror” of “MacDonald type anti-Semitism” ; Kevin MacDonald responds. I particularly liked the conclusion of Seiyo’s screed:

Among the growing number of genuinely conservative and race-honest Jewish-Americans whose voices are worth listening to are names like Mark Levin, Michael Levin, Paul Gottfried, Michael Hart, Lawrence Auster, Dan Stein, Ilana Mercer, Julia Gorin, Nicholas Stix and others. Perhaps from them and others like them will come the impetus that can turn the left-tilting rudder of the multiculti ship of America’s Jewry.

… as if any of these Jewish men and women would support the exclusion of the “bad Jews” from America and other Western countries. Jewish ethnic loyalty trumps their ostensible commitment to “the West” every single time.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Auster et al. don’t want to deport “bad Jews” because they consider Jews to be “white”, just as they don’t advocate the deportation of “bad whites” in general.

    This is the sort of insanity that you get when you classify Jews as white.

  2. Mark Levin advocates free trade, and other “free” Jewish neo-liberal swindles in his book, “Liberty and Tyranny,” which I only read because it was given to me. Go figure, he is on exactly the same page as Thomas Friedman. It was a waste of my time and I regret reading it, like every book penned by a Jew lately. Anyone who does not understand the total imbalance of trade does not have a fucking clue. He is just another parrot for the mob of Kikes that he belongs to.

  3. Just reading KMac’s response now. Fortunately he seems to enjoy defending his ideas, so I didn’t have to write an essay.

    The more one deals with Jews, the more one is faced with the fact that they have an alien mind. The European typically thinks the other fellow has a point of view, and the search for truth is the point of discussion; the Jew typically thinks discussion is where he gives orders – after dealing with them for a while it becomes impossible to miss their substitution of assertion for argument (Auster and that cunt Half Sigma are perfect examples), their thoroughgoing lack of honesty or introspection, etc.

    They really seem not to give a fuck, in short. A conversation to them is the same as a conversation to a carnie; a way to get into the rube’s pockets.

    Which is why the vaunted intellect of Auster is constantly reduced to stupidities like those linked. He really thinks this Seiyo has produced the best critique of MacDonald’s work to date? I have news for him, Seiyo’s critique was utterly non-persuasive. First clue was the fact that he didn’t even read MacDonald’s work before critiquing it, lol! But WTF does he need to read anything for – he’s here for your pockets.

    One thing I found interesting is that Auster basically concedes defeat to MacDonald – Seiyo’s done far better refuting MacDonald than Auster has (according to the latter’s own words). And since Seiyo’s critique was a complete failure (not exaggerating here, it really was a waste of space), that means Auster has failed vs. MacDonald as well.

    You can be as smart or educated as you want, pick the wrong side of an argument and you’ll be defeated by less intelligent, less educated men.

    I suppose I should finish reading MacDonald’s response now.

  4. Just to make it clear, this is the first critique of MacDonald’s work that I’ve read (and I’ve read as many as I could find online…so not only do I know MacDonald’s work better than Seiyo – what with actually having read them and all – but I also know his critics’ work better than Seiyo!) that I was able to dismiss on rigorous grounds the author’s arguments almost as fast as I could read them.

  5. Well at least Nicholas Stix has apparently stuck up for the Heretical 2 so one must give the devil their due but also remember that Jewess Ilana Mercer helped to bring down the entirely common-sensical Apartheid Program in South Africa so is not to be trusted in the least bit on Racial matters and since she is a Jewess probably shouldn’t even be trusted… ABOUT ANYTHING!

  6. “…also remember that Jewess Ilana Mercer helped to bring down the entirely common-sensical Apartheid Program in South Africa so is not to be trusted…”

    One White nation down, another one to go.

    Maybe Sayanim Central will send her to New Zealand next:(?

  7. Maybe true justice would entail Ilana Mercer staying in South Africa, living in/near a crime-ridden area! Doesn’t she want to enjoy the benefits of “diversity?”

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