Western Morality

Is the Bible the fountain of Western morality? The Monitor seems to think so. I don’t. Read through this website and draw your own conclusions. Whether it be rape, murder, human sacrifice, slavery, or genocide, it can all be found and justified in the Bible. Contemporary Westerners and Bronze Age Israelites share only a handful of the same moral beliefs. A random guy on the street could put together a better list of moral commandments than the omniscient Jewish god.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Stupid village atheist.

    Why would you have any reason to think rape, murder, human sacrifice, slavery, or genocide are wrong? You’re just a material accident of genetics and matter. Where do you get off trying to impose transcendent categories on nature?

    The sort of rant you gave is the common coin of the Jewish leftists you pretend to hate. You’re a prissy little Victorian who wants a nice, safe White society without the duty attached to it.

  2. 1.) You’re the one who brought up the subject. I never said you couldn’t have your Christianity. That’s your business.

    2.) You haven’t answered my question in the previous thread. Are you saying the only reason you don’t lie, cheat, steal, rape, and murder others is because you hope to reap some supernatural reward for good behavior (or avoid supernatural punishment)? I hope not.

    3.) You haven’t responded to any of the points above: rape, murder, genocide, slavery, and human sacrifice can be found and justified in the Bible. Are you willing to acknowledge that much (if not most) of contemporary morality comes from secular influences?

    4.) The Bible is a Jewish document.

    5.) If you haven’t noticed, the Vatican, the mainline Protestant churches, and the evangelicals are all supporters of race replacement. In fact, the Protestant clergy was a trailblazer in this area as I pointed out at Majority Rights.

  3. “Are you willing to acknowledge that much (if not most) of contemporary morality comes from secular influences?”

    Seeing as how contemporary morality generally stinks, this seems to be a plus for The Monitor’s viewpoint. Monitor, I asked this on the other thread, but I’ll ask it again here in case it gets overlooked. Do you oppose race-replacement? If so, on what basis?

  4. On U.S. Christian Churches and race-replacement advocacy:

    Here Joe Guzzardi rates the Lutherans as the biggest race-replacement advocates of all U.S. denominations:

    http://www.vdare.com/guzzardi/080321_easter.htm .

    Here on the contrary, lawyer Juan Mann, judging by a different measure, rates the Catholics as the biggest, edging out the Lutherans in second place and the Jews in third:

    http://www.vdare.com/mann/lawyer_racket.htm .

    Here’s more on the Lutheran race-replacers in real-time, boots-on-the-ground action:

    http://www.vdare.com/letters/tl_020107.htm .

  5. Excuse me, I read the Juan Mann piece too fast – he has the Jews in fifth place, not third (behind something called the International Institute and another called the International Rescue Committee, both likely heavily funded and staffed by Jews anyway, but on a “secular” tribal-war-against-Euros basis instead of an officially “sectarian” tribal-war-against-Euros basis).

    By Juan Mann’s measure the Episcopalians are way down in eighth place (behind the Quakers). They must be spending so much of their money promoting homosexualism there’s little left to promote race-replacement, but one feels sure they intend to do much better at the latter in future.

  6. Dasein:
    1.) There is no ongoing government-enforced, Jewish policy to demolish the traditional racial makeup of Anglo-Saxon communities via race-replacement.
    2. ) If race-replacement existed, it ought to be opposed on the basis that the indigenous people of Europe and their cousins abroad should be able to live peaceably in their own homelands.
    3.) The survival and enhancement of Western nations and their institutionalized cultural expressions deserves support. Further, the West cannot be revived to health without recovering the transcendent moral order rooted in Christian revelation.

    Prozium and Fred:
    Liberal Christianity is not Christianity. Read the classic book Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen, the Southern Presbyterian theologian and race realist. It is a quick read.

    Your anti-Jewish pose is wearing thin. Most Jews today are secular and agree with you about materialism, naturalism, Darwinism, and all that rot. You want to whine about Jewish influence everywhere, yet you refuse to see it in yourself. If you hate the Jews so much, why do you watch HBO?
    2.) Where do you get off trying to defend morality? Matter knows not morals. It just exists.

  7. “1.) There is no ongoing government-enforced, Jewish policy to demolish the traditional racial makeup of Anglo-Saxon communities via race-replacement.”

    I don’t think it is a ‘Jewish policy’, but Jewish groups were at the forefront in starting the process and are key in keeping it going. The government, through its policies on legal and illegal immigration (none of which were voted for), is forcing race-replacement on Westerners.

    “2.) If race-replacement existed, it ought to be opposed on the basis that the indigenous people of Europe and their cousins abroad should be able to live peaceably in their own homelands.”

    Race-replacement is as old as human history. It’s described repeatedly in the Old Testament. It happened in Brixton, it will continue to happen all over the West. Do you think what happened in Brixton is race-replacement?

    “3.) The survival and enhancement of Western nations and their institutionalized cultural expressions deserves support. Further, the West cannot be revived to health without recovering the transcendent moral order rooted in Christian revelation.”

    I tend to agree with you. I think Christianity has to be understood as altruism limited to the race, a gentler form of group selection. I’ve posted about this at MR.

  8. It’s hard to believe that a just God would allow America to be defiled in the way that it has been over the last 60 years. Pretty much everything that this country valued ever since its founding has been perverted and destroyed.

    Anyone who considers themselves a Christian should take a field trip to the Congo. Do you really think that those people are God’s children?!

  9. The Monitor,

    Don’t you realise that Christianity was invented by Jews? It’s based on the Old Testament, a Jewish document. Why should we base our morality on the insane beliefs of a lowly Semitic tribe? Jews and Jewish values have no place in Europe. Darwinism and Atheism are a step forward. In order to save the white race, we need to fumigate the nation so that every parasite can be exterminated, an action which Christianity would deplore. Christianity only serves to hold us back and prevent us from doing what is necessary to save the West and to save the Environment.

  10. There is nothing in the world more offensive and more disgusting then the Christian concept of hell. Christianity declares that anyone who thinks differently then what it commands will spend an eternity in hellfire, which makes them the first communists. And above this hell fire will be the Christians forever mocking and laughing at the infidels. This is exactly the message passed down form Christian fathers. It is gross and absurd and no feeling person wants to spend eternity laughing at people burning in hell.

  11. Where do you get off trying to defend morality? Matter knows not morals. It just exists.

    Morality arises from matter.

  12. “There is nothing in the world more offensive and more disgusting then the Christian concept of hell.”

    If Hell is the most offensive mental image ever, I think second prize has to go to the traditional suction method used to remove blood from circumcision wounds.

    Feb. 2, 2005
    City health officials are investigating the death of a baby boy who was one of three infants to contract herpes after a rabbi circumcised them.


  13. A collaborated effort is in place to confuse and destroy any dissent of disgruntled whites against money power which is overrepresented by the jewish race. “Liberal,” “liberalism” has morphed into an absurd abstraction, that applies to everything evil.

    This insidious obstruction is absolutely necessary to disguise the fact that jews are liberals and the only liberalism in exsistance is economic liberalism. And it is this liberalism that that most profoundly damages the private lives of whites, not Darwinism or Rousseau or any other European thinker that jews would wish to blame.

    If the private lives of Whites being destroyed by the private interst of well heeled and moneyd jews is of no concern to Christains then they do not belong in any political debate concerning the White race. And if they desire to obstruct this reality by dwelling on perverse turn the other cheek Christian morality or insisting on more morality on the behalf of whites, instead of pointing directly to the immorality, usury and overrepresentation of the jews private interest in government policy – then the White racialist cannot afford to have this idiocy forever stuffing up any reasoned debate. If a majority of Christens and their preachers and pastors just refuse to remark on it then they secretly support this corrupt system.

    Notice: the most evil incarnation to jews is always the rise of sentiment in whites demand representation in government or for government officials to stand between them and the population of whites they wish to continue to plunder, exploit, impoverish through taxation and debt creation. Their biggest fear is whites uniting to prevent them from robbing them and to thwart their administering of codified standards of speaking, thinking and writing.

    The small jewish race is allocated literally billions upon billions of dollars to serve their interests and it is done in the dark of night and against the wishes of the white majority. While more whites on average then jews find themselves in poverty, uninsured, and totally unrepresented in government we have the jew smirking and whipping up non existent “anti-Semites,” meanwhile, the jewish race uses the monies allocated to them through illegal and immoral taxation and debt to work directly against our interest, through lobbying and non-governmental organizations – and worse, to comment on this corruption and injustice represents a “Darwinian anti-Semite.” Day and night we have to be exposed to the offensive repetitive untrue outbursts and accusations endlessly – “Nazi” “Holocaust” “Anti-Semite” like the chattering of a retarded idiot. There is no thanks only hate, and they will point to anything to blame us – Darwin, evolution, Nietzsche whatever to distract whites from their total influence and money power.

    As long as jews imagine the resistance to this form of economic tyranny as “anti-Semitism” and as a threat, the continued expulsion of whites from government, from education, from representation will be justified in their hearts and minds. The harassment, continued plunder, and the denial of free association and free political speech for whites – the plight of whites with in this system will be totally ignored, whose side are the Christains on?

  14. “Read the classic book Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen, the Southern Presbyterian theologian and race realist.”

    Race-realist? That is usually code for Philo-semite. Is this guy a Philo-semite?? If so it is something One should assuredly pass on!!!

    “Most Jews today are secular and agree with you about materialism, naturalism, Darwinism, and all that rot. ”


    Professor Kevin Macdonald is a hard-core Darwinian Evolutionary Pscychologist and the Jews are doing everything they can to try and bring him down.

    Jews are not on board with Darwinism and where it leads (‘expulse the parasites to be a Healthy Social Organism’ to put it into a heterodox Darwinian/ Spenglerian Form).

    That Darwinists think Jews are a negative influence, along with Evolan Racialists points towards Truth as there are most likely multiple methods of ascertaining Truth.

  15. Monitor,

    Stupid village atheist.

    Did you spend any time at a forum called “Challenging Atheism” around the turn of the millennium? I think “village atheist” was popularized there.


    Morality arises from matter.

    The nature of matter is far more complex than it seems at first glance. I’m not a bible-believing Christian but I’m no doctrinaire atheist, either; though it can probably never be proved, there’s good reason to think the spirituality inherent in all religions points to something.

    Some cockroach,

    In order to save the white race, we need to fumigate the nation so that every parasite can be exterminated,

    Biological revulsion is such a disgusting thing. There’s no question it’s what motivates a piece of filth like this character. It does make me wonder, though, why groups like One People’s Project, JDL etc sit on their hands rather than attempt to identify scum like this and nip them in the bud with a nice little bullet through the skull. Perhaps they find the scum useful, given the scums’ ability to turn normal people away from racialism.

  16. “Perhaps they find the scum useful, given the scums’ ability to turn normal people away from racialism.”
    Perhaps ‘they’ are the ‘scum’ themselves, the ‘One People’s Project’–doing a little sock puppet trolling to make us ‘Righties’ look bad.

    As much as I disagree with the sentiments in the quote you sourced from ‘some cockroach’ about ‘fumigating parasites’–your call for the OPP bolshie bastards to ‘nip em inthe bud’ with violence and murder makes me wonder about you all the more, Silver.

  17. Monitor,

    1.) Jews did not pioneer Darwinism. They have been extremely influential though in resisting the implications of Darwinism (Boas, Gould, Montagu, Klineberg, Kamin, Rose, etc.) in the human sciences.

    2.) I don’t watch much television.

    3.) Why does consciousness seem to be a product of the physical brain?

  18. Boas did not reject the theory of evolution. He rejected orthgenesis-“a determinate or teleological process of evolution in which change occurs progressively regardless of natural selection.” He also rejected social Darwinism, as did Darwin himself. Darwin was not a social Darwinist and this is where the depth of Auster’s mendacity, buoyed by Klinghoffer’s rant at NRO, which was really a tour de force effort to suppress hate speech, is visible.

    “While it must be very clearly emphasized that the gentle-souled Darwin himself never supported ill treatment of any race or group, his words inspired a movement to “scientific” racism.”

    Darwin’s thought crime! Scientific racism=genocide. Of course, mass messianic genocide never existed until after the promotion of Darwin’s thought crime.

    “Was David’s sacred war of extermination against the Amalekites founded on an underlying, crude, might-makes-right, social Darwinism?”

  19. Stupid village atheist.

    Why would you have any reason to think rape, murder, human sacrifice, slavery, or genocide are wrong?

    I can’t speak for Prozium, but you of all people have NO reason to believe that rape, murder, human sacrifice, slavery and genocide are wrong. After all, these things were perfectly fine by the founding prophets of your religion.

  20. Are you saying the only reason you don’t lie, cheat, steal, rape, and murder others is because you hope to reap some supernatural reward for good behavior (or avoid supernatural punishment)? I hope not.

    His position is even worse than that. Ontologically speaking, he must pretend to believe in the preposterous creation myths of a genocidal God, or else he might go out and kill someone.

  21. Silver writes:

    Biological revulsion is such a disgusting thing.

    Yeah, thinking about puke makes me want to hurl, but it’s difficult to portray “biological revulsion” as anything but normal and natural, a healthy reaction to something noxious.

    That doesn’t stop some people from trying.

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