How I Saw The Light

AR has an interesting discussion going on about white racial consciousness.

How did I see the light? I’ve written about this before. I don’t remember ever not being racially conscious. I grew up in an area which is roughly 50% negro. It was impossible for me not to notice racial differences. The lies about equality that are constantly being pushed in the media were always contradicted by my proximity to reality.

Racialism came to easy to me because everyone I knew shared my racial views. I never experienced any peer pressure to become an anti-racist while growing up. My grandparents hated Martin Luther King back in the day and still do. Their house was always filled with relics from the Jim Crow South. In my local area, political correctness was a source a ridicule. No one really believed in it. I guess we were like the Eastern Europeans that lived and chafed under Communism, but who never really internalized its values.

It was a small jump from there into nationalism. Back in the late 1990’s, illegal aliens from Mexico and Guatemala began to pour into South Alabama. I grew concerned about immigration and started to follow Pat Buchanan. I read his book Death of the West where I was exposed to the knowledge that Whites would become a racial minority by 2050. Parts of Alabama and Georgia are already like this. The danger lurking in the United States becoming a third world country was simple to grasp: it was already less than 30 miles up US 82.

The Jewish Question wasn’t as clear. Few Jews live in the Deep South. I had no experience with them prior to college. It was there that I was first exposed to theories about Jewish control of the mass media and their involvement in insidious political movements. At first, I wasn’t willing to believe this; it sounded like an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, but I was objective enough to delve into the original sources and check the facts out for myself. I had never been one to shy away from an argument.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that much of what the “anti-Semites” were saying was indisputably true. Jews really are overrepresented in the news media, the entertainment media, the government, the social sciences, the professions, anti-racist organizations, neocon warmongers, etc. They are vastly overrepresented amongst millionaires and billionaires. Jews alone account for more than 50% of the campaign contributions to the Democratic Party. They are the hub of the progressive left. Their influence upon our culture is massive.

I found that to be significant. In the years that followed, I saw my suspicions reconfirmed on countless occasions. Jews always seemed to be the ones “leading the charge” against racialism. It left with me with the unshakeable conviction that Jewish influence, whether in our culture or upon our government, has been a disaster for White Americans. Logically, we should respond by excluding them wherever possible.

So here I am today. What’s your story?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Daisein: “How do we break up this marriage?” Excellent question! We need to tell White elites that they are threatened by race replacement just as much as anyone else. That entails standing up and being counted, instead of vapid accepting slow death. How do we reach them?

  2. Daisein: “How do we break up this marriage?” Excellent question! We need to tell White elites that they are threatened by race replacement just as much as anyone else. That entails standing up and being counted, instead of vapid accepting slow death. How do we reach them?

    Make it hurt more. Maybe they’ll get the message when it’s their wallets; say, when mass immigration is more “cognitively elite.”

  3. Tanstaafl: Considering your track record of supporting neocon foreign policy, you have no right to be saying who the good guys are. Whatever your right wing beliefs are, I have MP3 players older than them.

    I hope that’s an individual criticism, as racialists in general can hardly be characterized as supporting neocons.

  4. “I hope that’s an individual criticism, as racialists in general can hardly be characterized as supporting neocons.”

    Tanstaafl was your standard unthinking neocon cheerleader until one day he hit his head, woke up dazed and decided he was a bad boy Jew hater. Now he thinks he’s the arbiter of political orthodoxy.

  5. I grew up in an urban county that was well over 50% non-white, with Jews being probably about a third of the whites. Everything that could wake a person up happened to me: black crime, hypocritical anti-white Jews, affirmative action, immigrants taking job opportunities etc.

  6. Actually, what happened was I discovered that I had a jewdar, part of the built-in friend-or-foe circuitry every White is conditioned to suppress. I lost all inhibition to using it once I realized who was jamming it.

    It’s beeping now.

  7. I’m sure Tanstaafl isn’t the only one with some neocon in his past. If someone became interested in conservative politics, especially after 9/11, odds were you’d be reading something by a neocon. I was trapped in that world for almost a year.

  8. Tanstaafl: “I discovered that I had a jewdar, part of the built-in friend-or-foe circuitry every White is conditioned to suppress ”

    I have always had a frenchdar, which I never tried to suppress: I felt there was a huge gap between French television/administration and normal Breton people around me, between French bogus intellectualism and Breton common sense, and so on. Now, I think part of that gap has to do with the antagonism between my European nature and Jewish influence on top French institutions.

    Dasein: ” If someone became interested in conservative politics, especially after 9/11, odds were you’d be reading something by a neocon. ”

    After 9/11, I started reading Instapundit, maybe after John Leo mentioned that website. It was a relief from the silly, far-left propaganda against the Iraq war (“Bush is a nazi”, “it is all about oil”, …). I also thought the anti-French propaganda by the neocons was funny, although very shallow. After some time, I got tired of Instapundit because of its immigration enthusiasm, and the fact it seemed to be part of a small Jewish world. Now only, I realize that the Iraq war had a lot to do with the Jewish preoccupation with the Middle East.

  9. As regards the OP, I was ethnically conscious from a young age. Although a Nordish blend, I’ve always considered myself Scotch-Irish (the predominant ethnic component). As a child, I spent some time in Northern Ireland during the Troubles and this imprinted a group ethnic identity on me. When I was younger, I never really thought about being White. I didn’t have any non-White (even non-Nordish) friends and I didn’t have a lot of contact with non-Whites. It was after having negative experiences with Negroes that I started to develop a broader racial consciousness. Squabbling between White ethnies (especially Nords) seems pointless at the moment, which is why I accept the label of WN. It’s like arguing whether you want Heinz or other-kind ketchup on your hamburger when someone’s about to garnish it with a turd. My awakening to the JQ came after reading CoC and Imperium.

  10. “While I agree with your overall message (the races should agree to an amicable breakup), there’s one thing I haven’t seen you discuss, which is that non-Whites will always want to be around Whites. This is especially true of Jews, but I think it’s also true of Negroes.”

    Very true and Jews especially will fight tooth and nail to stay around. Parasitic Jews literally CAN NOT survive on their own without a host.

    Attempts to get them to farm on kibbutzes in Israel all proved to be massive failures… Jews can not even feed themselves!! These ‘beings’ have evolved into blood-suckers over a very long period and there is no going back to self-sufficiency now!!!

  11. John Bonaccorsi: “In Philadelphia, this sudden change took place after the release of Spike Lee’s movie “Jungle Fever.” According to, that was in June 1991.”

    Yeah, I have a buddy from Philly. It started in many places at about that time, give or take a couple of years. Some of the more conservative areas lagged a bit, but not by all that much. My opinion, explained at some length on a another thread, is that one reason for miscegenation taking off in the early nineties is none other than our dear deceased Michael Jackson. He really dominated the airwaves in the early to mid eighties, and it was clear to me back then that he was going a long way to popularize blacks, including sexually. His fan base in the early eighties? Very, very young white girls. I’m talking lots of pre-teens. As those women aged and came to dominate the 18-25 cohort, which would have happened in the 90’s, miscegenation got under way in earnest. They had been taught, implicitly, that miscegenation was natural, normal and desirable.

    The point is that the groundwork for miscegenation had been prepared earlier, and there is a time delay at work. But once that crop of women had hit the mating and dating scene in large numbers, the problems began. We see what our enemies do: propagandize the young, including the really young, before they know any better. Even young people who are 17 or 18 are far more resilient than the 14 and under set. Same thing happened with rap. When MTV switched to massive promoting of rap, even the older white teenagers (quite young by any reasonable standard) didn’t really get into it. Intead, it was the very, very young. But pretty soon a few years go by, and then a few more, and it seems like “all” of the young are into rap.

  12. Kunthjol: “Very true and Jews especially will fight tooth and nail to stay around. Parasitic Jews literally CAN NOT survive on their own without a host. … Attempts to get them to farm on kibbutzes in Israel all proved to be massive failures… Jews can not even feed themselves!! These ‘beings’ have evolved into blood-suckers over a very long period and there is no going back to self-sufficiency now!!!”

    Yes, exactly right. For farm labor in Israel the Jews there use Palestinians or imported Asians. In construction they use Palis, Asians, and Eastern Europeans. They even have trouble filling standard restaurant jobs in Israel with native Jews, relying increasingly on foreign labor for those routine jobs as well.

    The Jewish attempts at trying to live the settled agrarian/farming lifestyle have for the most part failed. Jews can grow orchards and other food-tree groves because they don’t take too much labor, but anything that is too labor intensive the Jews fail at because they are parasitic in the extreme.

    Case in point – in the late 1800s-early 1900s some rich Jews started something called the “Jewish Colonization Association” – see:

    These rich Jews tried to take many thousands of ‘persecuted’ poor Jews from Eastern Europe and settle them in agricultural colonies in Canada, the USA, parts of Latin America, and so on. Predictably, ALL of those Jewish agricultural colonies failed as the Jews there scurried away like cockroaches to the nearest city as soon as they could manage.

  13. A female acquaintance stated that she was first attracted to black men after watching the movie “Mandingo” (James Mason, Ken Norton) directed by Richard Fleischer, son of Max Fleischer… released in 1975. 1967 gave us “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” (Spencer Tracy, Sidney Poitier and Katharine Hepburn, and featuring Hepburn’s niece Katharine Houghton). Directed by Stanley Kramer, “a multi Academy Award-nominated Jewish-American film director and producer responsible for some of Hollywood’s most famous “message” movies.[1]”

    It started long before MJ arrived on the scene.

  14. Silver:
    “That’s not incorrect, but you need to keep a distinction between intention and result. The result of the present power structure’s policies is race-replacement, but that is not necessarily their intention.”

    Before answering, Silver, let me say that I enjoyed the Rotten Tomatoes thread. I assume that was you posting over there. A lot of fun.

    As to the issue at hand, my short answer is: see what Fred Scrooby wrote above. He’s spot on.

    My much longer answer is that the “present power structure” is in actuality made up of any number of subparts. Intentions may vary from one subpart to another. Intentions vary, but results do not. It is clear, however, that the Left (whether Jewish or non-Jewish) clearly intends race replacement. It’s not just some unforseen result – it is their clear motive. They love that it is happening, and crow about it. Sure, there might be some short sighted businessmen who look out for short term profits at the expense of long term consequences, but so what? Does this really change the situation all that much?

    Fundamentally, what matters is the result. And when guys like Monitor troll the board, knowing the result full well as he does, and yet spends his time undermining good men who seek to stop the madness, then I think it is fair to consider him morally culpable for the policies that he advocates and/or provides cover for. Consequences of those policies include rape and murder of innocent white women and children. He owns it.

    Here is the heart of it: we need to redevelop a strong white racial consciousness. It still exists, but it has been suppressed greatly. We must revive it. Whatever the “intent” of our enemies, whatever their mens rea, we need to redevelop a strong sense of racial identity. Why? The results of the current policies are killing us, literally and figuratively. Once we redevelop a sense of our selves, then we can move to the next stage, whatever that may be – real political activism, massive peaceful protests, secession or outright civil war to take the whole country back. But however things turn out, and whatever avenue (or avenues) of resistance is ultimately taken, it’s all moot unless we recover our identity and are willing to fight for it.

    And THAT is where the Monitor always steps in, to attempt to undermine that identity. He knows that without it, we will never even get off the ground, and will remain just a bunch of internet grumblers. With it, however, there is no doubt that amazing things can happen, including having our own white nations. We are going to get our own nations eventually, I have no doubt. The only question is how many innocent whites will be raped and murdered in the interim. This clearly bothers the Monitor immensely, and he is here to undermine, undercut and obfuscate. He wants to get us back to gelded paleo territory – that he knows is a dead end. He wants the rapes and murders to continue, or at least he is indifferent to them. One can speculate as to why he is doing this, but let’s just say that, like Tanstaafl, I’m hearing some beeping too.

    But you know what? At the end of the day speculation about intent doesn’t matter all that much. By their fruits ye shall know them, to use Monitor’s schtick against him. It’s the result that counts. Once we have reaffirmed a white identity on a great enough scale, we will have the power to confront our enemies, whether it is the hate filled leftist professor who maliciously intends our demise, or the sell out businessman who simply doesn’t care as long as he is making an extra nickel, or any other “intent” that you can come up with. Again, the bottom line is that we need to muster more strength through a solid racial identity- without that everything else is moot. And that’s why the Monitor needs to be kicked around like a mangy cur, or not responded to at all – because his trolling always seeks to undermine that key objective.

    We face all sorts of complexities, but some of this is really simple: our enemies are attacking and killing us AS WHITES, and right now we aren’t even fighting back. Why? Because we don’t have a sufficiently developed identity AS WHITES. However, this identity is latent, and could become quite explicit. It’s not dead, and it’s not going to be dead. That’s why our enemies are so anxious to swamp us and breed us out of existence. They know that what is latent and implicit can become explicit at any time. They understand their peril. That is why they have to supress and oppress our view as much as possible. They know its potency and its potential. Too bad more of us don’t.

  15. “It started long before MJ arrived on the scene.”

    Of course it did. The point is that the crop of young girls in the early to mid eighties received massive and sustained exposure to pro miscegenation propaganda, much more than simply watching a particular movie. It was day after day, year after year. Propaganda is cumulative.

    Hollywood was promoting miscegenation long before the 80’s, but Michael Jackson took it to a new and far more sustained level. Most people probably never saw the movies that you mentioned. But, back in the 80’s, much like the last couple of weeks, you simply couldn’t escape Michael Jackson. As strange as it sounds, I think a freak like Michael Jackson did far more damage than a Sidney Portier, though of course I don’t discount the damage of ol Sid.

  16. young people

    YES! This is why I’m so disgusted by racialists unwilling to reach out to their own families to impart the simplest, most basic psycho-racial tools. Especially for kids. It only takes a word here and there and they can start thinking for themselves and observing patterns.

  17. Once we have reaffirmed a white identity on a great enough scale, we will have the power to confront our enemies

    That means we need a million* dedicated, solid white men. I.e., willing and able to run for office and win, and otherwise do the work that needs doing, and/or contribute 1000 dollars a year to the cause.

    In the first year alone that would be a billion dollar endowment, which could reasonably bring in, what, 100 million or more a year in capital gains?

    *That’s probably a high figure.

  18. “That means we need a million* dedicated, solid white men.”

    When we get that, we win. And we can also win with far, far less, though the process would almost certainly be far uglier and dicier. I suspect the latter scenario is more likely. History is littered with examples of relatively small numbers of men making huge impacts.

    One thing’s for sure: we’re not there yet. We need to grow. The way things are going in the world, the next few years should be ripe with opportunity, if only we can properly exploit it. We are entering what could well be the chance of a lifetime for us as individuals, and perhaps the last chance for our people. The stakes couldn’t be higher.

  19. Trainspotter that was an excellent post and really gets to the nub of the issue! You use the term ‘Identity’ (I think) and that is fine but there is also ‘ethnocentrism’ out there and both Alain de Benoist (who I originally learned the concept from) and Prof. Macdonald have been working on this issue.

    Here is a Vdare article by Prof. Macdonald dealing with the implicit/ explicit divide that is an issue before us! (We must go explicit!!)

    White ethnocentrism: Can Americans really be brainwashed?

  20. For anyone who’s interested in implicit attitudes, here’s the link to Project Implicit:

    The goal of the researchers (about which they are explicit in their publications) is to find ways to brainwash people to overcome natural racial prejudice.

    You can do online tests to measure your own implicit bias (I was heavily biased- didn’t cheat, am not bragging :)).

    If you want to send a friend a link on this topic without citing MacDonald, this is a recent review:

  21. VanSpeyk, thanks for the kind word.

    Dasein, the implicit bias stuff fascinates me every time I read about it. Maybe that would make a good opener, forcing whites to confront their own implicit bias and choose between themselves and their own nature, or the regime and its demands.

  22. Oh, speaking of Amren, can someone explain their censorship policy vis-a-vis Christianity? I tried twice in that thread (and I seem to recall trying in the past) to point out that Christianity includes the Old Testament, the world’s pioneering work of racialism, and was censored twice.

    I didn’t go into much detail so I’m pretty sure it’s my point, and not some tangent, that is not acceptable at Amren.

    What gives?

  23. Svigor the best I could guess is that Amren has a heavy Atheist bias. I seem to remember reading an interview years ago by Jared Taylor (he has given many interviews so I don’t recall which one) where he stated that Amrens subscribers are like 40% Atheist.

  24. Svigor the best I could guess is that Amren has a heavy Atheist bias. I seem to remember reading an interview years ago by Jared Taylor (he has given many interviews so I don’t recall which one) where he stated that Amrens subscribers are like 40% Atheist.

  25. “Svigor, I think this gets too close to the JQ for Amren.”

    The real question then is why does Amren have SUCH A FREAKING “PROBLEM” EVEN REMOTELY TOUCHING THE “JQ”???

  26. I can’t say too much about this, but I know Jared Taylor. There is a common myth out there that Jared has no interest whatsoever in the Jewish Question. Rest assured that this is not true at all. OTOH, I’m not quite of his opinions on the JQ.

  27. I am not quite sure what to make of Taylor.

    I have heard he is pretty good friends with Mark Weber of the Institute of Historical Review and that is not the kind of association one would expect a ‘philo-semite’ to make.

  28. Being a generation Xer in the North and growing up an an almost all white environment I never had serious thoughts about race until I entered college. It was there that I was around blacks in appreciable numbers for the first time in my life and began to observe stark differences between white and black.

    My sophomore year the mostly black dorm on the other side of campus closed for renovations which forced many of these blacks into the mostly white dorms. Needless to say interracial friction soon developed and there was heightened racial tension throughout the the remainder of the year. At one point I had a physical altercation with a boisterous, obnoxious black and I knocked him to the floor. Little did I know that I was on the floor with the most blacks in the dorm and they soon emerged from their rooms after hearing the hallway commotion. Most of them began attacking me and to this day I don’t know how I was able to get away with no more than a few scratches.

    What really changed my attitude toward blacks was the few who I thought were my friends would not speak to me after this incident. It didn’t matter that I was right and the black punk was wrong, it dawned on me that what mattered to these blacks was not principle but race. You see, blacks rarely judge someone as an individual like most whites do.

    Some black students would regularly write letters to the editor of the school newspaper denouncing whites for “crimes against humanity” and a host of other imagined wrongs. The school newspaper even had a couple resident black radicals on staff to pillory and attack whites every week. Bearing witness to all this had the effect of awakening my dormant racial conscious.

    By a strange twist of fate, and about the time I graduated, I came upon National Alliance material and began listening to the ADV weekly broadcasts hosted by Kevin Strom and later William Pierce. It was through these broadcasts and material available from the NA that provided me an in depth understand the vexing race problem and provided context for my experiences with blacks and other minorities. The John Birch Society turned out to be milquetoasts who shied away from race.

    Just as importantly I learned of the parasitical and destructive nature of Jews upon gentile societies and especially 20th century Europe and America. Yes, we all know there are exceptions and not all Jews are bad (as the NA regularly conceded) but their collective role in the ongoing demise of Western Civilization is undeniable.

    I was never a member of the NA but always respected Dr. Pierce for his uncompromising stand on behalf of white men and women. He wasn’t a profiteer or a professional white nationalist. He had no equal and his passing impoverished our people and our cause.

  29. “;I have heard he is pretty good friends with Mark Weber of the Institute of Historical Review and that is not the kind of association one would expect a ‘philo-semite’ to make.”

    Nor is his association with a Jewish wife, or for that matter, Michael Levin, Rabbi Schiller (a personal friend of his, in addition to being a writer for AmRen), and the many other Jews of American Renaissance.

    Let’s face it. Jared Taylor is a philosemite, pure and simple. He is on record stating that Jews are “white” and are “fine by me”.

    When the revolution comes, traitors like Jared Taylor will be the first to be liquidated.

  30. I have no doubt that Taylor knows the score on the JQ and that his position is a tactical one.

    As for atheism as the reason, it doesn’t wash because there was already an ongoing discussion about Christianity and I was responding.

    I think it’s because of the connection between Hebrew racialism and the JQ.

  31. Scratch that, I think it’s because the censor (whichever one was in charge) is overworked or not the sharpest knife in the drawer. The policy at Amren is forbid anything but very mild, sensitive criticism of Jews, but allow Jew-boosting. The censor seems to have conflated crediting Hebrews for their pioneering work on racialism for criticism of Jews, which doesn’t make sense in a racialist unless he’s being too-careful, even obtusely so.

    In other words, if we’re going to go with Amren’s policy, we’ve gotta hang a lamp on it. We should be SHOUTING how proud we are that we’re bosom buddies with Avigdor Lieberman, that Jewish ethnic nationalists and Euro ethnic nationalists have SO MUCH IN COMMON.

    Taylor may need a new censor.

  32. Just as importantly I learned of the parasitical and destructive nature of Jews upon gentile societies and especially 20th century Europe and America.

    ZOG was invented in England in the 1600s. Story here.


    May 22, (2009) I commented on White Nationalism at Takimag. In Comment 29, I explained my awakening:

    “….It will likely include White Democrats, as well. I used to be as loyal and Blue of a Democrat as the next person. But what made me leave the Democratic Party was its excessive support for illegal immigration, in 2006. The traitors supported giving every Hispanic and Asian illegal alien free U.S. citizenship, for (in effect) raising a hand in the air. This would include bringing in every Jose’s relatives up to 10th cousins. Estimates of 200+ million non-White immigrants in less than 20 years, resulting from just one bill; and this would even add to the number of annual non-White legal immigrants. I apologize for digressing, but this infuriated me, even as I wasn’t racially aware. I didn’t think much about race, but I wasn’t ready for the U.S. to turn into Mexico within 20 years!

    I at first thought about Immigration Restrictionism for an extended period of time, before becoming officially racially aware. What actually developed my racial views was when I unintentionally found National Vanguard on a search engine.

    My point is that with enough alienation, even White Democrats will start to convert to White Nationalism/White Preservation. And it will be like leaving a trail, or savenger hunt along the way.”

    I was temporarily awakened when I heard demographic reports. But, I wasn’t officially awakened until the Senate first passed the 2006 Amnesty Bill.

  34. “’Etc’ means, among other things, being willing to relocate.”


    On my blog, I made the suggestion of moving Whites from South Florida, to the Northern half of Florida. In the medium-term, our southernmost Floridian counties may be Pasco, Sumter, Lake, Marion, and Volusia counties.

    I haven’t posted it on my blog yet, but I think Whites should leave the American Southwest.

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