How I Saw The Light

AR has an interesting discussion going on about white racial consciousness.

How did I see the light? I’ve written about this before. I don’t remember ever not being racially conscious. I grew up in an area which is roughly 50% negro. It was impossible for me not to notice racial differences. The lies about equality that are constantly being pushed in the media were always contradicted by my proximity to reality.

Racialism came to easy to me because everyone I knew shared my racial views. I never experienced any peer pressure to become an anti-racist while growing up. My grandparents hated Martin Luther King back in the day and still do. Their house was always filled with relics from the Jim Crow South. In my local area, political correctness was a source a ridicule. No one really believed in it. I guess we were like the Eastern Europeans that lived and chafed under Communism, but who never really internalized its values.

It was a small jump from there into nationalism. Back in the late 1990’s, illegal aliens from Mexico and Guatemala began to pour into South Alabama. I grew concerned about immigration and started to follow Pat Buchanan. I read his book Death of the West where I was exposed to the knowledge that Whites would become a racial minority by 2050. Parts of Alabama and Georgia are already like this. The danger lurking in the United States becoming a third world country was simple to grasp: it was already less than 30 miles up US 82.

The Jewish Question wasn’t as clear. Few Jews live in the Deep South. I had no experience with them prior to college. It was there that I was first exposed to theories about Jewish control of the mass media and their involvement in insidious political movements. At first, I wasn’t willing to believe this; it sounded like an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, but I was objective enough to delve into the original sources and check the facts out for myself. I had never been one to shy away from an argument.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that much of what the “anti-Semites” were saying was indisputably true. Jews really are overrepresented in the news media, the entertainment media, the government, the social sciences, the professions, anti-racist organizations, neocon warmongers, etc. They are vastly overrepresented amongst millionaires and billionaires. Jews alone account for more than 50% of the campaign contributions to the Democratic Party. They are the hub of the progressive left. Their influence upon our culture is massive.

I found that to be significant. In the years that followed, I saw my suspicions reconfirmed on countless occasions. Jews always seemed to be the ones “leading the charge” against racialism. It left with me with the unshakeable conviction that Jewish influence, whether in our culture or upon our government, has been a disaster for White Americans. Logically, we should respond by excluding them wherever possible.

So here I am today. What’s your story?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Was a Darwinist since 4th grade onwards, no ideology before that age.

    Noticed the intense Martin Luther King propaganda in 2nd classroom of Mrs. Sussman, and absence of similar celebration of U.S. presidents, the suppression of WASPs.

    Noticed in fourth grade the textbooks, newspapers, teachers were lying to me about racial equality of IQ. Knew something extremely bad was going on, but didn’t put my finger on the JQ until the internet gave me the info.

    Without the invention of the internet I would not have known even 1% what I now know about the JQ.

  2. Growing up in the Pacific North West (born in Portland) ‘minorities’ were a rarity.

    However over the years the ‘seasonal workers’ from that far off, exotic place named Mexico began to stay year round. Eventually there were more and more of them. I began becoming suspicious that something was going wrong in this Once White Area.

    For work reasons I moved to San Francisco in my mid-twenties. Exposure to this ‘liberal Utopia’ and its side-effects (complete lack of Order, complete lack of Organic Community, etc., ) moved me over to the Racialist spectrum of thinking.

    Eventually I have moved back (after getting laid off) to the Pacific North West and do not want this area, or any other area on Earth to become another ‘California’, a place ruined by immigration and ethnic diversity, broke fiscally by the high costs of these attributes and one where Whites are fleeing in droves!!

    Coming to the Jewish Question, as someone of partial Germanic Heritage I just got tired of the harping on the holo-hoax!

    ** Historical Events are supposed to diminish in importance as times marches on, not grow. **

    I also thought that perhaps Hitler was a misunderstood Leader (he was smart enough to be against Communists after all!) So entering into the Jewish Question and Historical Revisionism was relatively easy territory for me!

  3. My circumstances could hardly have been more different than from those of yours. White racial feeling is extremely controversial in the Netherlands. This is so because of the association with, primarily nazism but also other older ‘sins’ like slavery and colonialism. The other main stumbling block to racialism is the ingrained individualism here.

    I never questioned the assumptions underpinning this taboo, until I was about 17. The main event that set me on this course were the attacks on New York and Washington D.C. on September 11 2001. It caused a debate (finally) in the Netherlands concerning Muslim immigration/”integration”. At frist this was highly controversial and the elites fought it, but now it has become more acceptable.

    Without the internet, I am sure I would have not changed. I started spending time on forums, mostly reading other people. First Dutch forums, then American ones. I started receiving information that changed my thinking about immigration in a fundamental way. Before that, I never gave the subject much thought even though I was living in a very Arab part of town and had several bad experiences with them. I guess I just accepted their being there as somehow ‘natural’. It’s hard for me now to piece together how I thought before 9/11.

    After a while I clicked on a link to an American Renaissance article, I think it was about how colonialism can’t be blamed for African backwardness. It didn’t take me long to read all of the back issues available then and I started to see the world more from a racial perspective. I’m glad now that I didn’t turn into some kind of race-blind, anti-Muslim neocon, babbling on about ‘defending our freedoms’ from the muzzies and complaining how unfriendly they are too gays, women and Jews, while at the same time remaining silent on non-Muslim Thirld World immigration.

    On some American boards I noticed people talking negatively about Jews. That greatly disturbed me because, as indicated above, the nazi past plays a large role in Dutch political culture, so any utterances about Jews that are not clearly positive are considered completely beyond the pale. In spite, or maybe because of, my problems with these statements I started to check the issue out for myself. Funny, I remember checking if Summer Redstone really was Jewish and really did own/run MTV and some other stuff.
    From Stormfront, I think it was, I learned about Kevin MacDonald. I decided to buy his book in a Dutch store, even though it had to be specifically printed for me which according to the store indicated that it was almost never read. His work, the Culture of Critique to be precise, blew me away with it’s deeply disturbing, highly controversial, yet heavily-sourced arguments.

    Last, but perhaps not least, I like to pay my homage to the owner of this blog. His many intelligent, informative and always thought provoking writings over the years have heavily contributed to my thinking. Fade remains for me, and will always be, one of the most remarkable, well-read and intelligent persons I’ve come across. I was quite shocked when you seemed to have some problems last year (I think it was) and started posting incoherently but I’m glad to see you turned out okay. It’s also good to know you are a married man and a father to boot. I have yet to get my life so organized again.

    *Looks above* Sorry for going on a rant like this :). Now let’s see if Federer can win his 15th Grandslam final…

  4. Growing up in the South where the majority of the black US population resides gives someone a better perspective on black group behavior, not just as individuals. That’s the key difference. Whereas someone not from the South may have only met them as individuals and thus say hey, they’re not really different from us. It’s the group behavior that is much more a significant factor.

    The same with Jews. It’s not necessarily individual Jews, who can vary, it’s their group behavior. In the South, at least where I am, there aren’t that many Jews. There are some, there’s a synagogue here, but there aren’t enough to have a detrimental or noticeable impact, as in say New York or California.

    My story is basically one of real world experience, having had black friends, Hispanic friends, Asian friends, white friends, and a Jewish friend, I have formed my opinions from first hand knowledge of racial differences.

    In my experience non-white races are much more “racist” than whites. It’s merely that whites are stigmatized for attempting the same type of group identity.

    As we reach puberty and grow into adulthood, racial differences and group identity becomes more important. We begin to look for kinship and like-minded people.

    For me racialism was just a natural development, an awakening to the reality of the world. Would I rather live in a white community or a non-white community, the first world or the third world? Not a difficult question to answer.

    I’ve heard all of these slogans that blacks and others have. Well I have one: Once you go white, you see the light!

  5. some kind of race-blind, anti-Muslim neocon, babbling on about “defending our freedoms” from the muzzies and complaining how unfriendly they are too gays, women and Jews, while at the same time remaining silent on non-Muslim Thirld World immigration. ( — van Speyk)

    The Fjordman/ position, in other words.

    On some American boards I noticed people talking negatively about Jews. That greatly disturbed me because, as indicated above, the nazi past plays a large role in Dutch political culture, so any utterances about Jews that are not clearly positive are considered completely beyond the pale.

    Which makes the Jewish race-replacement stab-in-the-back of the Jew-friendly Dutch, and other good Europeans like them, all the more sickening, morally criminal, and loathesome: Euro peoples who have nothing against Jews, who strive to show friendliness toward them, who endeavor to defend them at every turn, end up targeted by them for race-replacement genocide.

  6. Once you go white, you see the light! ( — Mark)

    That’s good. Or, how about, “Once you go white, you’re damned right!”

  7. I never questioned the assumptions underpinning this taboo, until I was about 17. The main event that set me on this course were the attacks on New York and Washington D.C. on September 11 2001.

    Good to know the bell was heard ringing across the Atlantic; I posted my “racialist origins” story at Amren but had to bowdlerize it to pass the censors – 9/11 woke me up not to race-realism, but to Jews. I had been raised with a kernel of “cool” anti-Semitism (an occasional statement by my father about the sons of bitches running the media, a habit of reading film and television credits), but it wasn’t until 9/11 that I decided to really open my eyes and look. Why? Because at that point it became impossible for me to ignore the fact that, even if a man didn’t go looking for racial reality, it was likely to come looking for him.

    If a man can go out a bit further west and create a life for himself, all to the good. But if evil insists on following, well…maybe it’s time to track evil back to its lair and put an end to it. I think this will be their undoing, when the tyranny becomes impossible to ignore or endure, a state of affairs that seems inevitable at this point.

  8. It’s hard for me now to piece together how I thought before 9/11.

    So true. At some point after awakening it becomes like trying to piece together a dream. When you become conscious, your thinking becomes ordered, and you realize that you can’t go back because prior there was no order and so, no frame of reference.

  9. 9-11 drove me even further to the left, the Noam Choamsky/Amy Goodman/Democracy Now anarchist left.

    One thing drove me to synthesizing my slowly budding anti-Semitism with my increasing racial awareness: the city of Oakland.

    Proximity to Blacks was all it took to undo 20 years of indoc.

  10. When you become conscious, your thinking becomes ordered, and you realize that you can’t go back because prior there was no order and so, no frame of reference.


    I owe the ordering of my thoughts primarily to Richard Weaver, and secondarily to Edmund Burke, Russell Kirk and the other old anti-interventionist, original National Review righties.

  11. I grew up a good little liberal, believing what I was taught in school, loving Star Trek, expecting the shiny happy future just around the corner, knowing that everyone was the same. Started having some very low-level second thoughts in college, particularly the year when I had a black roommate who kept screwing white girls.

    In my mid/late 20s, I got a job in an urban/suburban area. Lots of immigrants, even/particularly at my workplace (an IT company).

    I had gotten this shortsword at a sci-fi convention a few years earlier, for some ridiculously cheap price – it was crap, but it looked cool, and could probably be used to whack somebody a few times before it fell apart. One night, I had a dream. There was someone knocking at my apartment door. I went to the door. There was a young black man there, grinning at me in a sort of sly way, standing there, sort of shifting from foot to foot. I knew he wanted in, wanted a place to sleep for the night. I wasn’t comfortable with it, but I didn’t want to seem racist. I let him in. He came in, sort of moved around, poking about here and there. The shortsword was on the sofa in the living room (where I had been leaving it, for lack of a better place). He ignored it. He went into the bathroom, started doing stuff in there, banging around. I wished he would leave, but didn’t want to seem racist. I looked at the sword and decided to leave it where it was. I went back to bed and to sleep. I woke up (dreamed I woke, rather – this is all still the same dream) to find him leaning over me, his face just inches from mine, grinning. He put his hands on my chest and started pushing down. I tried to sit up. He was pushing me down. I remembered the sword, briefly, and bitterly regretted not keeping it near me. I strained as hard as I could. I felt like I was lying at the bottom of a river with about 8 feet of water over me, drowning, from the pressure on my chest. Then suddenly I was sitting bolt upright in bed, really awake this time. I went into the living room, got the sword, and went back to sleep with it in my bed.

    Since that night, being racist has not been something that bothers me. And I have better self-defense tools than a cheapo toy sword now, too.

  12. There was never any one event or revelation that convinced me; rather it was the constant, relentless bombardment, the grind that our enemies hope will wear away our resistance, in my case awakened me.

    I was forced to live near a large community of negroes (yes, there are a few in my Appalachian location); the first time in my life I had to be especially sure to lock and bolt the doors, all of them, just to have some peace of mind, whether I was home or not. Constantly having to confront negroes who begged, requested and often demanded everything from cash to household items. Watching a negro at work not get fired after missing almost a month, while a fellow White male (who is only 22 years old) is canned after missing six days with illness (the union has done nothing to help him, het still robs my paycheck); these were fuel to the fire…Having to sit through HR’s “anti-racism” presentation, where it was proclaimed that if one considers basketball to no longer be a thinking man’s sport, one is “racist” (Honest-to-God that was the example).

    Watching a group of (physically) strong (much more than myself), young, boisterous White men (and self-proclaimed “rednecks” on top of it all), when asked about an employee who very nearly killed a family of three while driving out of the plant, described him as having a “shaved-head”, as “a little chubby”, “a newer employee”, and finally by name; the person who they were talking to still didn’t know who they meant. Finally, after five or more minutes of this hideous and cowardly chirade, a mutual friend of theirs (a man in his upper 50’s) walked over and added, in a very hushed voice, “he’s the black guy”. A silence fell on them, as if they had done something morally wrong in becoming angry at a negro who very nearly wiped out a family of three Whites.

    I had observed this disgusting display, waiting anxiously to see, hoping that somehow, one of the young men, the “future” of this nation, would simply state a fact, a god-damned fact; no, none had the courage to tell the simple truth.

    It has been many things, each one reaffirming my awakened racial consciousness. This last one, one of the most recent, has reaffirmed my other conviction, that Europe will be the final battleground.

    Thank you,


  13. Some great posts above, thanks to all who contributed. Here is a thin slice of my own story:

    Like Prozium, I don’t remember ever not being racially conscious. The seismic shift for me, the “light” that I saw, was in my view of America itself. Coming of age in the 80’s, I was very much a patriot. I saw America as, fundamentally, a white nation. It was my nation, and I was proud of it.

    I had been interested in history from a very early age, and was a big World War II buff from early elementary school and on. The first books that I read as a child were about the exploits of the Marines against the Japanese in the Pacific. One of my grandmother’s brothers was a Marine wounded on Iwo Jima, and saw first hand the famous flag raising. Another was a paratrooper, killed in the Solomons. I was steeped in the tradition of America as a great nation, and to me it was just a given that it was a great WHITE nation. And, while I would have been appalled to be considered a Nazi (I was not and am not), I always had an admiration for the Germans. When it was white Marines versus Japanese, well, now you’re cooking. When it was white Americans against Germans, I was much more ambivalent. Again, while I am not and was not a Nazi, I think that I sensed even back in my earliest childhood that they were not the bad guys. I did not enjoy hearing about white soldiers killing other white soldiers. Dead Japanese, or just good old fashioned dead Indians, lol, much more to my taste. (of course, another irony here is that I have since developed a great deal of respect for the Japanese – but even LESS respect for the Indians lol).

    Even back then, I was very much concerned about the racial issue, but I didn’t yet comprehend the radical change that would be necessary to address it. As a small child in the 70’s, and a high schooler and college student in the 80’s, the threat didn’t seem as grave, though of course far sighted men knew better. I don’t think I ever saw a mexican back then. I had never seen a single black male/white female pairing at either high school or college (though there were some rumours about a black boy that lived in our neighborhood and a couple of the neighborhood white girls, rumours which greatly concerned and disgusted me, but I never saw any direct evidence). In short, I was concerned, and I sensed that there was trouble on the horizon. But the threat didn’t seem imminent, and I was still thinking in conservative and/or libertarian terms. White racial cohesion seemed fairly solid back then, not as solid as I would have liked it, but it seemed strong enough to hold the line.

    How wrong I was.

    My “radicalization,” so to speak, started to happen in the 90’s. I suspect that a main driver behind it was the explosion in miscegenation. Younger guys (under 30) may not realize how rapid the transformation really was. It seemed like one day virtually no white girl would even consider getting involved with a black, and then the next day it was everywhere. For some time, I was baffled at this transformation. Why had it come on so strong and so quick? And why the hell was every major institution in the country cheerleading it? And why could no one speak out against it, except in whispers and after looking over their shoulder? What the hell is going on here?

    Keep in mind, this was all pre-internet for me (I didn’t get online until the very end of the 90’s). I worried a great deal about what was happening, and began to see this country as a place more and more hostile to whites. I grew more disgusted and radical by the year. Basically, I began to see America as simply the Kwa. It wasn’t America at all, not really, not the America that I knew. It wasn’t the America of my ancestors, nor was it likely to be an appealing place for my posterity. I began to understand that I was smack dab in the middle of a terrible transition period, and I was none too pleased about this, to put it mildly.

    Then somewhere around 1999 or 2000, I got online. I quite literally made a bee line straight for white racialist sites. No joke: the first minute that I got on, I was doing searches for racialist sites, so great was my hunger for real content on the racial question. In time I started listening to Pierce’s Dissident Voices, and found Linder’s site, and of course many others. Also, back around that time (just before I got online) a friend from college that I hadn’t seen in many years gave me a copy of the National Alliances’s “The Best of Attack!.” I was starved for this kind of content.

    Even then it took me quite some time to reach the ultimate conclusion that the only real solution is for whites to have their own exclusive nations. Point is, it takes time. I was racially conscious from the get go, but it took me until well into my thirties to understand the problem in both its nuances and its magnitude. And well into my thirties to understand the solution. That’s why I try to have patience for people who are coming our way but haven’t quite made it yet. My guess is that a lot of white folks are, slowly but surely, heading our way. They aren’t there yet, but it’s in the post.

  14. Monitor, I find it ironic that someone can claim to be a Christian and yet advocate policies that lead to the rape and murder of innocent white women and children.

  15. I don’t “advocate policies that lead to the rape and murder of innocent white women and children.” I explained this before. There is no Jewish plot to kill of white gentiles. That does not mean that interracial crime is not real.

    If you insist on this paranoid nonsense, you merely distract people from serious issues affecting our civilization. Worse, your irreligion allows you no defense against the culture of cheap sex that allows the abuse of women you detest.

  16. Monitor, your ability to pack so many lies into so brief a post is impressive. Bottom line: the policies pushed by the Kwa lead directly to the rape and murder of innocent white women and children. You do in fact advocate these policies, and pathetically seek to undermine those that oppose these policies. There is nothing paranoid about this, it is simply a statement of fact. Either you support the policies of integration and race replacement, or you don’t. In my past “debates” with you, you have never opposed these policies, and have indicated that you support them. Have you changed your mind? If so, state it clearly without hedging. Have you now come to oppose both integration and race replacement of whites? Again, no hedging.

    Now, assuming that you haven’t changed your mind, and moving from the realm of fact to the realm of opinion, it is my view that the blood of innocents is on your hands every bit as much as any overt leftist. Perhaps even more than some leftists. Many of them don’t really know about the rapes and murders, living as they do in a bubble. But with your trolling of white nationalist sites, you do know these things. You know the consequences. Yet you still advocate the policies that lead to those consequences, and that makes you morally culpable.

    I have never seen you directly oppose integration and/or race replacement. Do so now in order to redeem yourself. lol. Otherwise, you own it nancy, and you might as well accept responsibility for the consequences of the policies that you advocate. Your responsibility is heightened by the fact that you endlessly troll white nationalist sites in an effort to undermine good men who seek to stop the rapes and murders.

  17. Who does not know Bottecelli’s “La Primavera” ? That delightful garden of beauty where the a divine Race is resurrected with inspired imagination. As in Genesis, a sacred grove provides the setting, the allegorical birth of this blessed race.

    Here, the apple is the apple of discord, of chaos and war, that Mercury is reaching. On order from Zeus it was tossed to extol the Race of the Demi-Gods – to rule the united Latinium, the empire of flowers. In the center we find Venus pregnant, Mother to Anead. On her right is Zephyrus, creature from the underworld in the act of grasping a fleeing girl Chloris., recalling the rape of the Sabine woman. This act transforms Chloris into the stunning Goddess of Flora who touched Juno with a flower. Juno then gave birth to Mars who is the father of Romulus and Remus.

    It is through Flora that all is born. This is the Genesis of the Empire of Flowers, and “Florence.” It is an expression of racial fervor.

    In this sensuous Eden, one does experience an Elysian revelation, and that is – indeed, We are Equal! Equally, we all gaze upon the same stars, it is the same air and universe that surrounds us all, and yet, there are a few blessed with some inexplicable divine providence who make of it something more sublime and Nobel. Surely, this is the Spirit that separates the Races of man.

    ”The force that through the green fuse drives the flower.”
    -Dylan Thomas

    Who could not be but convinced by the endless well of European genius and beauty? His mingling of scientific curiosity on the one hand and mystic revelation and sensuality on the other, not to be discovered in any other race of men.

    “Clothed in great warring,
    Monuments of Glory,
    How has it changed you
    How slowly estranged you,
    Solely arranged you
    Death of you will give you life and free from a vile fate
    But it is getting late.”

    -Jim Morrison

  18. “You do in fact advocate these policies…”

    1.) There is no ongoing government-enforced, Jewish policy to demolish the traditional racial makeup of Anglo-Saxon communities via race-replacement.
    2. ) If race-replacement existed, it ought to be opposed on the basis that the indigenous people of Europe and their cousins abroad should be able to live peaceably in their own homelands.
    3.) The survival and enhancement of Western nations and their institutionalized cultural expressions deserves support. Further, the West cannot be revived to health without recovering the transcendent moral order rooted in Christian revelation.

  19. The Christian moral order will not be revived until the Church denies those that deny Christ.

  20. “1.) There is no ongoing government-enforced, Jewish policy to demolish the traditional racial makeup of Anglo-Saxon communities via race-replacement.”

    What kind of fantasy world are you living in, Monitor? The traditional racial makeup IS being demolished. That’s just a fact. It has been massively damaged/altered just in my lifetime, and I’m not that old. When I was born, whites made up nearly ninety percent of the population. Now, officially, it’s down in the mid sixties. In reality it is probably even lower. That’s a MASSIVE reduction…and I’m Gen X. The government’s own figures show where we are heading. This isn’t even in dispute by normal people…yet of course you dispute it. Whites aren’t being reduced and displaced out of thin air, it is a matter of public policies pursued by the government. Or is it the Tooth Fairy that is doing it? As to the Jewish issue, clearly Jews have had an enormous and disproportionate impact on promoting the public policies that have as their clear and undeniable result the turning of America into a non-white nation. But whatever emphasis one places on the Jews, the bottom line is that whites are in fact being reduced to minority status as a result of policies followed by the government. Either that, or again, maybe the Tooth Fairy is doing it.

    “2. ) If race-replacement existed, it ought to be opposed on the basis that the indigenous people of Europe and their cousins abroad should be able to live peaceably in their own homelands.”

    IF race replacement existed? IF? Dude, this isn’t even in dispute by sane people. The only dispute is over whether it is a good thing or not. The government’s own figures show whites becoming a minority, and then a tiny minority, as the result of non-white immigration. The Left says this is a wonderful thing. White nationalists disagree. And yet you deny it altogether? Unreal. In the past, you served as a useful foil to demonstrate for readers the infantilism and impotence of modern conservatism. But with these incredibly stupid comments, it’s clear you aren’t worth the time of day. Scrooby was right. Beyond this post, I’ll respond if it suits me, but after your ridiculous statements I see no point in continuing. There is no arguing with nuttiness.

    “3.) The survival and enhancement of Western nations and their institutionalized cultural expressions deserves support. Further, the West cannot be revived to health without recovering the transcendent moral order rooted in Christian revelation.”

    The “transcendent moral order rooted in Christian revelation” needs a reasonable and honest advocate, and you don’t meet the specs. I don’t know why Prozium indulges you. Yet I have to apologize to Prozium for engaging in this debate with you here. This thread was supposed to be about how people became aware. Naturally, you trolled it, and I realize now that I should not have responded at all.

    But since I did respond, I’ll finish with this: I noticed that you did not answer my question from the earlier post. I asked, quite clearly and simply, whether you had changed your mind and now opposed integration and race replacement. You had a clear and easy opportunity to simply say yea or nay. You didn’t. Instead, you ignored integration altogether, the most direct cause of the rapes and murders. And then you obfuscate on race replacement, absurdly claiming that it doesn’t exist. Those twin policies are directly leading to, among other things, the rape and murder of innocent white women and children. You had the clear and easy opportunity to oppose those policies, and you didn’t. You simply ignored one and obfuscated the other. That is why I say that you are morally culpable for those rapes and murders, and the blood is indeed on your hands. I’m not just engaging in hyperbole. You advocate the policies, or attempt to provide cover for the policies, therefore you get moral responsibility for the rapes and murders that are their direct and undeniable consequence.

  21. There are essentially two types of people motivated enough to know the kind of things Monitor knows to the depth he knows them. Those with us, and those against us.

  22. —1.) There is no ongoing government-enforced, Jewish policy to demolish the traditional racial makeup of Anglo-Saxon communities via race-replacement.”—
    [Monty’s relentless, ad nauseum claim :-(]

    “Your responsibility is heightened by the fact that you endlessly troll white nationalist sites in an effort to undermine good men who seek to stop the rapes and murders.”

    “…in an effort to undermine good men …”
    “There are essentially two types of people motivated enough to know the kind of things Monitor knows to the depth he knows them. Those with us, and those against us.”

    Consider yourself “schooled” Monty!

  23. Trainspotter wrote this:

    “My ‘radicalization,’ so to speak, started to happen in the 90’s. I suspect that a main driver behind it was the explosion in miscegenation. Younger guys (under 30) may not realize how rapid the transformation really was. It seemed like one day virtually no white girl would even consider getting involved with a black, and then the next day it was everywhere.”

    In Philadelphia, this sudden change took place after the release of Spike Lee’s movie “Jungle Fever.” According to, that was in June 1991.

  24. “My “radicalization,” so to speak, started to happen in the 90’s. I suspect that a main driver behind it was the explosion in miscegenation. Younger guys (under 30) may not realize how rapid the transformation really was.”

    Yes you are right to describe it as an EXPLOSION.

    Racial Miscegenation was something so rare, so far in left field, as to not even be on the radar screen until the ’90s.

    Although it is portrayed as relatively main-stream now, as a Gen. Xer who remembers very distinctly how rare it was I to this day still find depictions of Miscegenation to be shocking… and I am only 32! Not some old man from the South like the Jewish media would like to have you think!!!

  25. Trainspotter,

    But whatever emphasis one places on the Jews, the bottom line is that whites are in fact being reduced to minority status as a result of policies followed by the government. Either that, or again, maybe the Tooth Fairy is doing it.

    That’s not incorrect, but you need to keep a distinction between intention and result. The result of the present power structure’s policies is race-replacement, but that is not necessarily their intention. If you don’t make this distinction, the Monitors will, and subsequent discussion will be much less likely to result in increased understanding.

  26. 1.) Yes, the traditional racial makeup IS being demolished. That has as much to do with White capitalists’ desire for cheap labor and the feel-goodery of multiculturalism than with some Jewish plot. They like Indians and Hispanics because they are a more acceptable helot class, with better manners and work ethic than blacks.

    White, gentile elites today are self-consciously alienated from their subject kinsmen and could care less of their welfare. In fact, they have every possible Machiavellian interest in encouraging an invasion of Third World barbarians. These are whites who hate fellow whites as trailer trash losers. If anything, their hatred for Christendom exceeds that of the oft-discussed Jew.

    2.) People will accept racial and national loyalties if they think the larger group is an extension of their own family or clan. White, gentile elites do not care about other whites, who they see as class enemies, so they have no problem with multiculturalism. Unless religious, cultural and civilizational ties are rebuilt, that isn’t going to change.

    3.) White, gentile, non-leftists say their own decline is a wonderful thing. As long as whites have cable TV, 24-hour supermarkets and Starbucks, they could care less? Why should they think otherwise? After all, they have been programmed to think God is dead and that nothing matters but the present, conscious existence.

    3.) “I asked, quite clearly and simply, whether you had changed your mind and now opposed integration and race replacement.”

    That’s a fallacious question, like “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” No, I don’t support “race-replacement” any more than I support the New World Order or a nuclear holocaust.

    Tanstaafl: Considering your track record of supporting neocon foreign policy, you have no right to be saying who the good guys are. Whatever your right wing beliefs are, I have MP3 players older than them.

  27. I find it ironic that a bunch of non-Christians talk about how they “saw the light.”

    Have trouble with metaphors?


    Didn’t see your story at that Amren link.

    I never bought into the Multicult, but I never thought about race in a serious way until I encountered VDare and Steve Sailer. I grew up in an all-white town (not really, but close enough). My parents never mentioned race or racism.

    I became a paleo-libertarian during my freshman year in college, due to the libertardians opposition to the Iraq Invasion, as well as a reactionary opposition to the general leftist milieu of the university I attended. I discovered VDare through a link on some libertardian website during my junior year, and I got my introduction to both the race and immigration issues. I was still generally left-leaning in my thinking on a lot of issues, and I initially rejected race-realism and immigration restrictionism. I’m pretty good at giving fair hearings to ideas that I disagree with, however, and it was only a few days after being exposed to Sailer that I began to come around.

    From that point on I exchanged Lew Rockwell for AmRen. Once I embraced race-realism, it was a simple move to ethno-nationalism. It was easy to see who actively pushed race-denial (leftists, non-whites) and who benefited from it (ditto), and who was being fucked by it (me).

    The JQ took a little longer (I was hanging around at AmRen, after all). Spending time around white racialist sites I couldn’t help but see some commonalities among the most fervently anti-white activists. Larry Auster’s hysterical, hypocritical fulminations on “anti-semitism” turned me into a full-bore anti-semite.

  28. “The result of the present power structure’s policies is race-replacement, but that is not necessarily their intention.”

    That’s my point. These guys GENUINELY BELIEVE that the Jews push multiculturalism as a deliberate scheme to kill off the white race. It is an article of faith that cannot be questioned.

  29. “Have trouble with metaphors?”

    Without secularism and its twin, liberal Christianity, White people would not be facing the rootless and cosmopolitanism that destroys them from within. Whites were poisoned by liberalism in the name of reason, science and free inquiry even before the Jews were emancipated.

    Any white nation that tries to survive on secularist, rationalist grounds will simply revert to liberalism and destroy itself again. The current demographic crisis is just another stage in a longer civilizational challenge.

  30. The result of the present power structure’s policies is race-replacement, but that is not necessarily their intention. ( — Silver)

    It has to be their intention because the portent of their behavior, namely race-replacement, is obvious. You can’t plead ignorance of the obvious, since it’s obvious. It being obvious, they’d stop what they’re doing if they didn’t want its obvious, inevitable result. Their refusal to stop means they want its result. Race-replacement, therefore, has to be their intention.

  31. As for why they want race-replacement, that’s another question. That they want it is inescapable.

  32. I don’t reply to The Monitor because I generally don’t enter into debates with cancerous tumors.

  33. “Their refusal to stop means they want its result.”

    Or they are forced to want the result. While “elites” encouraged mass immigration to reduce wages in the 19th century, “elites” (Boston Brahmans, like Grant and the Immigration Restriction League) also opposed it. Today the difference is there is no “elite”opposition.

    The Christian moral order will not be revived until the Church denies those that deny Christ.

  34. It has to be their intention because the portent of their behavior, namely race-replacement, is obvious. You can’t plead ignorance of the obvious, since it’s obvious. It being obvious, they’d stop what they’re doing if they didn’t want its obvious, inevitable result. Their refusal to stop means they want its result. Race-replacement, therefore, has to be their intention.

    You have to differentiate between partial and complete race-replacement. Partial replacement is the unavoidable consequence of unlike immigration. That they want immigration is obvious, and that they “want” (ie accept) its obvious result (partial replacement) is also obvious.

    But the final result, many years from now, will be complete race-replacement of, initially, founding stock whites, and eventually every form of white/caucasian. There is no evidence that this is their intention. There is good reason to think that it isn’t: WNs themselves, even WN luminaries like Sam Francis, are seldom aware that the ineluctable result of multiracialism is complete race-replacement. If people invested in racialism are unaware of the final outcome, there is little reason to think those divested of racial concerns would be.

  35. “WNs themselves, even WN luminaries like Sam Francis, are seldom aware that the ineluctable result of multiracialism is complete race-replacement.”

    One could counter this and say that Southerners were in no danger of eventual race-replacement in the Jim Crow South. Nor were White South Africans. Rather than the trickling into the gene pool of non-White allele combinations (extremely rare under those systems), the real danger is the political instability of multi-racialism. The type of instability that can lead to dispossession (race-replacement). In the future, however, one-drop rules may become increasingly difficult to enforce (

    Silver, in what sense did you mean it was ineluctable? Through miscegenation, or forceful dispossession?

  36. ” It is an article of faith that cannot be questioned.”

    Sort of like your own Judeo-Christian faith, huh Monitor???

    No in fact there is plenty of evidence to support this contention about the Jews. I might have more on this latter, but heck there is enough evidence just here on other posts on Proziums blog!!!

    “The current demographic crisis is just another stage in a longer civilizational challenge.”

    Then why are only Whites having this issue?!?!?!??? (I will admit that perhaps only Japan is having a similar crisis. )

    Monitor, you are a Judeo-Christian so why would your Omnipotent ‘God’ allow this to happen to ONLY Whites??? Why are not Negroes, Arabs, Mestizos, etc., having demographic crises as well???

  37. Just as partial and complete genocide are genocide. When the Jews killed fifteen million Ukrainians in 1931-3 and fourteen million Germans after the 1945 German surrender, and when the Turkish crypto-Jews (the Donmeh) killed a million Armenians in 1915, those qualified as genocides although there were still some Ukrainians, Germans, and Armenians left alive (not many, but some) after each mass-killing. Also, as Silver says (I think he says — I haven’t gone back and checked) partial race-replacement usually puts you on the road to eventual total race-replacement because of political factors that inevitably come into play at that point.

  38. Factors that decrease rights and power of the traditional race of the place, so its ability to protect itself is weakened, and increase rights and power of the newcomer, so it can push for ever more and more race-replacement until the job is completed.

  39. You don’t want to get on that conveyor belt if you’re the traditional race of the place: better not to let the process start, because once it starts it’s hard to stop. The Jews, if there are any around, are going to be your worst nightmare: they’re going to ally with the minority race and powerfully help it to overthrow you.

  40. Silver, in what sense did you mean it was ineluctable? Through miscegenation, or forceful dispossession?

    Miscegenation. But miscegenation doesn’t take place in a vacuum; it warps the political environment in which it occurs, such that forceful dispossession is always a possibility. But even without that it’s simple miscegenation itself that eventually does you in — at least it does with the sort of numbers that obtain today. As McCulloch says (he really has said it all*), racial average is racial destiny and the status quo is terminal: races can be assigned racial values such that the distance of their products from the founding stock can be racially compared and an average racial value of a society taken, that average — barring wildly diverging fertility rates — being its racial destiny, today’s average being terminal for whites.

    *Almost all: a racial plan of action and the racial attitude necessary before a critical mass can accept and promote such a plan remain to be determined. Ask yourself Dasein, do you want to spend the rest of your life bickering about historical who-said/did-whats and whining about the present course, hoping that “someone” will “do something”? Or would you prefer a political course that will deliver racial salvation, however imperfect it may otherwise be, one that can appeal to the best traditions of the American can-do spirit? We can all laugh at “hopenchange” but Hope is an essential component of a healthy mind, of an optimistic, forward-looking mind; despair, on the other hand, is poisonous, and people rightly avoid association with it. One can hate what is happening, but one can love what one is doing to address (and redress) it, and by giving people a way to do so — particularly one that is consistent with their vision of justice and morality — one can inspire Hope in them. The alternative — endless recitation of wrongs suffered, real and imagined — only inspires despair.

  41. Tanstaafl: Considering your track record of supporting neocon foreign policy, you have no right to be saying who the good guys are.

    When I permit enemies to dictate my rights I’ll be sure to consult Commissar Monitor.

  42. Formula One Racing Chief Praises Hitler, Saddam Hussein

    Sunday , July 05, 2009

    Bernie Ecclestone, the man who controls Formula One auto racing, said Friday that he preferred totalitarian regimes to democracies and praised Adolf Hitler for his ability to “get things done.”

    In an outspoken interview with The Times of London, the 78-year-old British billionaire chastised contemporary politicians for their weaknesses and extolled the virtues of strong leadership.

    Ecclestone said: “In a lot of ways, terrible to say this I suppose, but apart from the fact that Hitler got taken away and persuaded to do things that I have no idea whether he wanted to do or not, he was in the way that he could command a lot of people, able to get things done.

    “In the end he got lost, so he wasn’t a very good dictator because either he had all these things and knew what was going on and insisted, or he just went along with it … so either way he wasn’t a dictator.” He also criticized democracy, claiming that “it hasn’t done a lot of good for many countries — including this one [Britain].”

    Instead, Ecclestone endorsed the concept of a government based on tyranny.

    “Politicians are too worried about elections,” he said. “We did a terrible thing when we supported the idea of getting rid of Saddam Hussein. He was the only one who could control that country.

    “It was the same [with the Taliban in Afghanistan]. We move into countries and we have no idea of the culture. The Americans probably thought Bosnia was a town in Miami. There are people starving in Africa and we sit back and do nothing but we get involved in things we should leave alone.”

    [Max Mosley, a close friend of Ecclestone and president of the Paris-based world racing body the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, is the son of pre-World War II British fascist leader Oswald Mosley.

    Last year, Mosley won a libel suit against the London tabloid News of the World after it published photos of what it said was a “Nazi sex orgy” involving him and five prostitutes.],2933,530106,00.html?mrp

  43. Silver, I have hope that the future will be better, otherwise I wouldn’t even bother discussing racial issues. While I agree with your overall message (the races should agree to an amicable breakup), there’s one thing I haven’t seen you discuss, which is that non-Whites will always want to be around Whites. This is especially true of Jews, but I think it’s also true of Negroes. They may bitch about Whitey, but they know on which side their bread is buttered. It’s just a load more rank hypocrisy. So, how do we convince non-Whites to leave us alone (without using the Freikorps)?

  44. Tanstaafl: Why am I an enemy? If you’re going to claim I support race replacement, that’s nonsense.

    Dasein: Don’t forget how much our fellow whites LOVE cheap labor and are willing to socialize the costs as long as they can privatize the profits. Not only that, white elites resent the bourgeois piety and morals that keep society going, so they glorify barbarians as noble savages free from ordinary restraints.

    Take it this way. Cigarette smoking doesn’t kill you directly. It leads to cancer, which kills you. Likewise, liberalism is the catalyst that creates the demographic crisis. If people didn’t smoke the wacky tobacky of equality and rootless capitalism, this crisis would not be happening.

  45. “Don’t forget how much our fellow whites LOVE cheap labor and are willing to socialize the costs as long as they can privatize the profits.”

    What we see is an unholy alliance between elite Whites and Third World labour reservists, presided over and sanctified by a Jewish priestly class, and cheered on from the pews by our brainwashed brethren. How do we break up this marriage?

  46. No doubt they imbibed of the same “rootless capitalism” in the 19th century yet by 1924 the love of cheap labor lost was severely curtailed. Why did it happen then and not now?

    And why has the Christian church embraced those that deny Christ?

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