Occidental Dissent

A few months ago, I was convinced that I was losing my interest in blogging. I had been unusually inactive for a long period of time. I’m not sure what changed in the interim. I started posting again on almost a daily basis and the old habit quickly returned.

The results have been impressive. This blog is suddenly generating a lot more comments. The groundswell in activity seems to indicate a vacuum that is now being filled.

I have spent most of my time lately discussing the “moderate” tendency which is gaining traction amongst racialists. A number of “moderate” race realist blogs have sprouted up: Lawrence Auster’s View From the Right, Ian Jobling’s White America, Guy White, Mangan’s, Half Sigma, Accidental Dissent, Robert Lindsay. There are also paleocon websites like Taki’s Magazine and Chronicles which give lip service to our issues. VDARE and Amren have been around for a long time. All of these sites are critical of White Nationalism or would qualify it in some essential way.

In Europe, the “moderates” have made impressive gains. Geert Wilder’s PPV is the most popular political party in the Netherlands. Vlaams Belang is popular in Belgium. The BNP has gained more support in recent elections. Their recent success has inspired imitators on this side of the Atlantic. Friedrich Braun’s conversion to the “moderate” position is the most recent example of this trend.

The “radicals” are defined by their insistence on 1.) the ethnostate solution and 2.) the elimination of Jewish influence. I’m more inclined towards the “radical camp” these days. I don’t see much to be gained by self censorship.

In any case, we have spent a lot of energy on this issue. It is time to move on. What other topics would you like to see discussed at Occidental Dissent? I’m open to suggestions.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Prozium, I’d be interested to hear you comment on Blood and Politics (you’d said you recently received a copy). Maybe a history series on the WN movement, whose history I only understand superficially.

  2. Prozium,

    Perhaps we should be tolerant of discrete ideological experiments within the pro-white movement, in order to observe and see which formulations prove most fruitful of political gain. Auster, Jobling, Nick Griffin and like-minded individuals can continue doing the same approach. Let it play out. See if it works.

  3. Certainly delving more into ‘Blood and Politics’ is called for.

    Yosemite – your approach was first tried by Chairman Mao: “Let a thousand flowers bloom!”

    “The Hundred Flowers Campaign, also termed the Hundred Flowers Movement, (simplified Chinese: ????; traditional Chinese: ????; pinyin: b?ihu? yùndòng) refers to a brief interlude in the People’s Republic of China from 1956 to 1957 during which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) encouraged a variety of views and solutions to national policy issues, launched under the slogan: “Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy for promoting progress in the arts and the sciences and a flourishing socialist culture in our land.”


  4. I am familiar with that. The difference is that (a) Mao was already in power, and (b) he nipped the flowers before they could bloom.

  5. Some of these alternative pro-White positions are weeds, but they’re useful for the assault on that big, bushy tree called liberalism. Once the tree has died, the gardeners will do their job.

  6. You could do a map of varying political opinions.

    On 3D, anything with more than three axes would be hard to display.

    Another option might be to do a Venn diagram showing overlap between three categories of related opinions. Note that beyond three circles, a Venn diagram won’t accurately reflect all possible combinations.

  7. Hey I was just thinking though, instead of delving into ‘Blood and Politics’ which is about White Nationalism from 1974 to present, why not some posts dealing with prognostications about the FUTURE? I always find stuff like that interesting myself. There have even been some fictional works that could be utilized in such a venture: A review of ‘Camp of the Saints’, a review of ‘Civil War 2’ by Thomas W. Chittum, or maybe even one on the infamous ‘Turner Diaries’??????

  8. I’ll put in a request for a post (or two) on the death of our American nation, an event that is virtually certain to happen sometime in the near future. Feel free to speculate on any of the following questions:

    – How much more time (approximately) does the U.S. have left?
    – What will the death of America mean for Western civilization?
    – What does America’s death mean for the North American continent?
    – What does America’s death mean for modern liberalism?

  9. “What other topics would you like to see discussed at Occidental Dissent?”

    I’d like to see a discussion of “small ways” to awaken other members of the diverse white American peoples to the situation, along with testimony by writers as to their success in applying these “small ways” to local community affairs. We have a lot of big thinkers, but how are these ideas used?

    For example, public criticism expressed loudly about local textbook vilification of Euro-Americans would be one way to link our cause with ideals of fairness. Or special ways to denounce those who defame us using their own tactics — attacking from the left in a variety of venues. We chose to establish a highly public anti-defamation organization which regularly speaks out, most frequently locally, to denounce those who denounce us, as well as to apply the doctrine of attacking from the left.

    It is astounding that those with the biggest ideas rarely link their ideas with action steps they have taken successfully on a local level. The propaganda sphere we live in provides a target-rich environment to shoot down many falsehoods about the diverse white American peoples. The snotty little poem sneaked into the base of the Statue of Liberty, the language of immigration law-making, and presidential politics (“a typical white person”) all provide a wealth of counter-attack material.

    We often hear that we lack a voice in public media, but in fact it is the easiest thing to create imaginative ways to get a public voice. And it is a lot of fun.


  10. In hindsight, I haven’t written much about Barack Obama or life under our first negro in the White House. That will probably change.

  11. How about exploring Saul Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals,” and the “Cloward/Piven Strategy.”

    They’re both a big part of what makes Obama tick.

  12. I agree with the others here that issues regarding the ethnic/racial future of the USA and other White-Western countries ought to be more discussed. Nothing like scaring complacent suburban middle-class Whites in to action by sketching out to a dystopian future in which feral Hispanics/Blacks/Asians/etc run rampant across the land and thus make decent lives difficult to impossible for hard-working and law-abiding White families.

    Whites, being more intelligent than Blacks or Hispanics, clearly have a better future time orientation…thus more Whites can likely be brought over to our side by examining the likely future condition of a USA which becomes overrun with non-Whites. We must be stark and even alarmist in this regard – we must continually tell American Whites that the USA will become a multiracial sewer lorded over a plutocratic Jewish elite who lives away from the chaos in walled compounds (see: Brazil) if Whites do not again regain a sense of White racial consciousness and work together as proud Whites to turn back the non-White tide.

    Keep noting to people that the increasingly pitiful condition of the now non-White U.S. state of California will become commonplace across the entire USA as Whites become less of a majority in the country overall – states will fall like dominoes to the non-White hordes and thus inevitably decline just as California has. Keep referring back to this, constantly pounding in to people’s heads that we’ll all turn out like California is the non-White tide is not turned back, that this is guaranteed if steps are not taken to prevent it – Pat Buchanan’s recent article on this topic – http://buchanan.org/blog/pjb-california-here-we-come-1585 – along with his excellent books, are very good reference points. Prozium: I know you like JH Kunstler, and maybe alarmist rhetoric such as his, but of course focused on America’s racial situation rather than his standard socio-environmental topics, would help to instill a sense of urgency within Whites that we must act ASAP to reverse the non-White flood or else White America will drown in it.

    A recent book review by some Jew in “The Atlantic” magazine somewhat hints that the non-Whitening of California has lead to its slow decline: “It was a sweet, vivacious time: California’s children, swarming on all those new playgrounds, seemed healthier, happier, taller, and—thanks to that brilliantly clean sunshine—were blonder and more tan than kids in the rest of the country. For better and mostly for worse, it’s a time irretrievably lost. … he lovingly and exhaustively chronicles such topics as the byzantine political, fund-raising, and public-relations effort to build Los Angeles’s Music Center (and in the process illuminates the central place choral music occupied in Los Angeles’s Protestant culture, as well as the tension—once intense, now faint but unmistakable—between the Jewish Westside and the ever-declining WASP establishment of downtown, Hancock Park, and Pasadena … These people were overwhelmingly white and native-born, and their common culture revolved around nurturing and (publicily) educating their children. … To a Californian today, much of what Starr chronicles is unrecognizable. (Astonishing fact: Ricky Nelson and the character he played in that quintessential idealization of suburbia, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, attended Hollywood High, a school that is now 75 percent Hispanic and that The New York Times accurately described in 2003 as “a typically overcrowded, vandalism-prone urban campus.” – http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200907/california

  13. I’d like to see a discussion of possible places to immigrate and retire to where I can live simply, cheaply and relatively freely like I did through the late ’60s to the mid ’80s. I’m a radical WN, but this wouldn’t necessarily prevent me from seeking out a place that isn’t 100% European. Where do WNs like to go when they travel outside the USA? This might be a place to start a discussion. I dream of disappearing, but don’t know to go.

  14. whodareswings: “I’d like to see a discussion of possible places to immigrate and retire to where I can live simply, cheaply and relatively freely like I did through the late ’60s to the mid ’80s.”

    You don’t need to leave the USA to find places like this – you ought to retire to the Western part of my home state of NC (the Appalachian Mountains), which is nearly 100% White. Beautiful scenery, plenty of outdoor activities to do, cost of living is pretty cheap, low crime (because few non-Whites live there), and very nice weather during the Spring/Summer/Fall – Winters are quite harsh there, but you could always rent another place in a warmer part of the state or region during the Winter. Many Whites in Appalachia are also very racially-aware and have thus retained a strong sense of White racial consciousness and pride.

    If you don’t find the Appalachian Mountains in NC to your liking, you can always try to the same mountain chain in other states like Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, etc.

  15. “Your insights circa Jan-Mar 2008 were right on.” ( — Tanstaafl)

    People may or may not remember that, but I certainly join Tanstaafl in reminding everyone. At the time, I thought Proze was being overly alarmist. Irrational, even. I dismissed him. As the world now knows, he wasn’t beingi overly-anything, not at all. Quite the contrary, in fact.

    Whether or not Proz is any good at economic forecasting in general, or should do more of it as Tan suggests, I have no idea. But as regards that one time period and the alarm bells he kept sounding in his posts over a period of months, my hat is off to him: impressive!

  16. Prozium described the financiers as having strapped themselves with explosives (over-leveraged securities) in preparation for blackmailing taxpayers. It was an image that stuck in my mind, and some six months later that’s how it played out.

    Sailer points out Diversity angle of the lendee/foreclosure portion of Financial Reorg 2.0, but soft pedals the rich and powerful making a killing in lending and securitizing. His recent sparring partner Barry Ritholtz bashes the bankers, but his Big Picture on finance excludes race.

    We could use more analysis focused on the race/diversity angle at the top of the pyramid.

  17. At the time, I couldn’t imagine the extent to which the big banks would ultimately get away with ripping off taxpayers, or how such little controversy they would arouse in doing so. I won’t ever again underestimate the stupidity and complacency of the American public.

  18. I won’t ever again underestimate the stupidity and complacency of the American public.

    Neither will our enemies. Revolutionary bills like the “stimulus package” and “cap and trade” have followed the “bank bailout” template: ram it through quickly, before the public even knows what happening. “Health care reform” and “immigration reform” will follow the same template.

  19. ” ‘Health care reform’ and ‘immigration reform’ will follow the same template.” ( — Tanstaafl)

    As did the Jewish immigration bill of 1965: zero public awareness of any significance before the Jewish genocide-of-whites bill was snuck through.

  20. That’s a broad brush you are painting with. I think you have to distinguish the paleocons who downplay the importance of race from racialists. The former should be mocked until they grow some balls and admit that race is very important.

    We also have new phenomenon of Jewish and philo-semitic “race realists” on the internet. These are people who who are totally estranged from all the pro-white efforts that have come before them. They hold the people who have been saying the same things that they are saying for much longer in contempt. I consider this group to be dangerous to white interests. If racialism were to start gaining more traction with the public in the future, a not unlikely event, we could see these people start to get backing from mainstream sources and essentially eclipse real white racial nationalists. In other words, they could do to racialism what the neocons did to conservatism, usurping to movement to promote their ethnic interests instead of ours. I don’t think that is a far fetched scenario.

  21. The defining difference between “moderate” race realism and “extremism” is the lack of white nationalism be it the white-only state solution or stopping all nonwhite immigration. “Moderates” tend to reject pro-white only sentiments, outright racial selfishness e.g. identity politics and actually think about the welfare of other races. How much traction are you going to get when you explicitly think a country with minorities is inherently bad, even if there was no anti-white racism present simply due to aggregate effects from minorities? I think onestdv.blogspot.com does a good job of arguing for the moderates (what most would call “liberal” in the HBD-sphere), promoting a view of ending anti-white policies/restricting immigration to politically palatable levels, and stopping “diversity” obsession.

    The reason why the extremists are not going to get mainstream traction is due to the liberal-minority effect-you can’t possibly have nonwhites on your side if you’re essentially a white special interest group, and as long as the percentage of liberals among whites is higher than 25%, they will never command a majority. Just count how many whites voted Democratic and say 70% of those will not join any sort of WN movement. sOme people say their tactics are just a response to anti-white sentiment, that’s true, but because so much of the mainstream and liberals have bought on to it, the more vehemently you promote white interests the more marginalization you get (you win some closet WN supporters) but nobody else pays attention, whereas making a “moderate” argument without emotional racial bias forces people to respond logically instead of calling racist.

  22. The thing about being a racialist is the tendency to paint everything in groups i.e. Hispanics are not as intelligent as whites thus seeing them do worse in school is natural due to racial differences, leads to emotional backlash from the left when they argue that there are no differences between races. So either you have to win the HBD argument (maybe science will turn the tide in the coming years) or go argue like the paleocons (downplay the importance of racial identity in politics which means you can still believe for HBD, just on an aggregate level and not an individual level) because the alternative is saying “race is very important” and coming out pro-white, which is political suicide. And anything else they say about HBD will be ignored.

  23. The reason why the extremists are not going to get mainstream traction is due to the liberal-minority effect-you can’t possibly have nonwhites on your side if you’re essentially a white special interest group, and as long as the percentage of liberals among whites is higher than 25%, they will never command a majority.

    Christ. You sound like the Republicans with their hispandering. You’re not going to win non-whites over to any policy worth pursuing. Politics is a zero-sum game. If it’s in our interest, it’s not in their (or your) interest.


    What country do you reside in? What is your ethnicity?

  24. One interesting question is whether the “moderate” racialist audience is made up of people who have softened up, or whether in fact more and more whites are moving from the non-racialist status quo into at least White Nationalist Lite. In other words, which way are people flowing? If it’s the latter, then at least more people are moving in our direction. They just aren’t as far along as we would like them to be, but the trend itself is good.

    I believe we are growing. We are gaining some traction, and our ideas are indeed spreading. As this happens, there will be many variants of WN. Not everybody is going to be a radical – that’s just human nature. But the beauty of it is that you don’t really need many radicals to have an enormous impact. History is littered with such examples. As White Nationalist Lite grows, there will be significant numbers of people who are at least receptive to more radical ideas. Of this group, more and more people will graduate to the radical position. I can’t see that as being anything other than good. Most people don’t radicalize overnight. Time takes time.

    Of course, it will be up to the more radical WN to maintain a clear and convincing presence in order to siphon off more and more of the Lite audience, and continuously push the definition of “Lite” in a more and more radical direction. This is how the Left won. Now, we can’t recreate what the Left did in many of the particulars, but we should be able to benefit from some of the dynamics of radicalization, just as they did.

    Frankly, with the deteriorating conditions in the Kwa, and the enormous obstacles that the system will likely face (and be utterly incompetent to handle), I see tremendous opportunity ahead. More and more people will see the system as inadequate and incapable. This is already starting to happen. For example, there has probably been more talk of secession in the last year or so than in all the years since 1865. Things that would have seemed beyond the conversational pale just a couple of years ago are gaining a level of normalcy. Can the idea of the white ethnostate be far behind? I think not.

  25. “Economic analysis. Your insights circa Jan-Mar 2008 were right on.”

    By the way, the archives direct links only go back to June 2008, and by using the search function it seems that posts can be located only as far back as June 2008. However, just doing a search for “Jan 2008” doesn’t seem to do the trick.

    So if anyone has particularly noteworthy articles from Jan-Mar 2008, I’d appreciate links.

  26. “coming out pro-white, which is political suicide”

    Last Man makes an interesting point. You can be pro any group except the most successful group. The problem with deferring to this language (pro white is suicide) is that it implies whites want special privilege, when they really want fairness. Ever since Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, whites have wanted fairness. Tired of being used by the kings and aristocratic elites, people just wanted opportunity. Now the US, Europe, South Africa, Australia etc., all the countries made successful when whites got their freedom, are expected to carry the whole world on their back as the penalty for success.

    We need to bang the same drum Jefferson was, equality, no special privileges for anyone.
    No privilege for elites, victims etc.
    Rule of law, not of men.
    We need the original franchise: male, over 21, property owner.
    Most especially, property owner, originally that meant tax payer.
    Voting rights for taxpayers only.

  27. You can be pro any group except the most successful group. The problem with deferring to this language (pro white is suicide) is that it implies whites want special privilege, when they really want fairness.

    The same thing happened in Russia during the Soviet Jewnion: The largest group, the most successful, the ethnic Russians – and only the ethnic Russians – were expected to surrender and forget their identity and interests for the good of “diversity.” Minorities were treated as privileged citizens by comparison. Accounts of that time in history mirror our situation.

    And people say “Communism is dead.” I tell them that there is no difference between Judaeo-Capitalism and Communism, save that business suits replace military garb. They are both merely extensions of Zionism.

  28. “What country do you reside in? What is your ethnicity?”
    If that’s directed to Last Man in Europe, I won’t speak for him, but if it’s at me, I’m white and momentarily in Taiwan.

  29. I have spent most of my time lately discussing the “moderate” tendency which is gaining traction amongst racialists. A number of “moderate” race realist blogs have sprouted up: Lawrence Auster’s View From the Right, Ian Jobling’s White America, Guy White, Mangan’s, Half Sigma, Accidental Dissent, Robert Lindsay.

    There is an essential difference between my views and that of those you lump me with: mine permit a wholly white America on the larger part of the lower 48. (Between you and me, even on all of it. It’s just that some form partition would be much easier.)

    My view on extremists.

  30. “If that’s directed to Last Man in Europe, I won’t speak for him, but if it’s at me, I’m white and momentarily in Taiwan.”

    Thanks Dawo, but the question was meant for ‘The Last Man in Europe’.

    And the crickets ARE STILL chirping!

  31. Speaking for my position, when I talk to regular California Whites around here, one thing that really resounds hard with them is when I hammer on 3 themes:

    Discrimination against Whites.
    Hate crimes against Whites.
    Hate propaganda against Whites.

    I often throw in some White ethnocentrism too, and in most Whites, there is some latent pride lurking, and they go along with this too. I usually leaven it with anti-racism, and say that I am just opposing all racism, and if we oppose racism, we need to oppose it against Whites too.

    I realize this is not the line of the readers of this blog, but this line has a pretty profound impact on your average, non-racist to anti-racist White person around here. They really jazzed up, especially about the first three. Many of these folks are wiggers, some are living with non-Whites and have mixed kids, but nevertheless, they have often been physically attacked just for being White. Even these folks get really angry and aroused when I mention the first three.

    I think a very large % of Whites would rally around a movement against the first three, provided it was leavened heavily with non-racism or even anti-racism. Adding in anti-White racism to the anti-racist mix really starts to make things interesting.

    I am tying to appeal to the 73%. 73% of US Whites say they are proud to be White and don’t want White culture to disappear. My project is, how to I pitch a pro-White project to appeal to them?

  32. Prozium,
    I’m glad you decided to post on a more regular basis. The insight in your blogs is second to none from a white nationalist perspective. So you have my vote to keep on trucking.

    I, too, am of the opinion that the so called “radical” approach has a place within the broader white nationalist movement. The philo-semitic wing of WN seems very intolerant of those of us who want the Jewish question out in the open and fairly debated. We shouldn’t hamstring and muzzle ourselves and try to force all WN into a narrow ideological framework.

    Some ideas for future posts:

    1) Is Christianity hostile to white racial interests?
    2) Is Christianity compatible with white nationalism?
    3) Should white nationalists consider Jews as allies in our struggle?
    4) Do whites have a future anywhere on this planet?

    I may think of a few more but this is a start.

  33. Prozium’s previous blog, Odessa Syndicate, is offline. Here’s a fragment I saved:


    Intelligent observers have known for the longest time that the USA is a sick country with a death wish: the hollowing out of the U.S. economy by so-called “free trade,” the widening trade deficit pushing down the dollar, the doubling of the national debt under “W.”, how we squandered the oil wealth of our nation, the anemic savings rate, a sick culture poisoning our youth, the fantastic entitlements that the government has promised but can’t possibly afford, seemingly endless wars, lies about racial equality, promises to defend every nation on earth, the financialization of our economy (i.e., “structured finance”), importing millions of immigrants from the third world to work in the service sector while real wages stagnated, the broken and unresponsive political system, the whole degenerate culture and economy that grew up around consumption, the debt (credit cards, student loans, auto loans, home mortgages) that we collectively piled up – the kindling – trying to sustain Fantasyland. We knew it couldn’t go on like this forever.

    . . .

    Well, not exactly. It’s really a stimulus package for your creditors who are being f***** over like Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction by bankrupt Joe Six Packs all across America. They are exposed to mortgage debt, credit card debt, auto debt, student loan debt, corporate debt that is all going south in the deteriorating economic climate. If this were not bad enough, the banks and hedge funds have spent the last ten to fifteen years strapping all types of “structured finance” dynamite to themselves that no one wants to touch anymore. There are trillions of dollars worth of these financial explosives out there. The only thing keeping them from igniting is the “guarantee” by the big insurers that they are not worthless.

    See also The Subprime Primer slideshow. Not sure who the author is, but Prozium linked this in Feb or March of 2008. It provides a concise and amusing overview of how financiers transformed piles of worthless liar’s loans into “securities” that they then pawned off on the rest of the world.

  34. “Is Christianity compatible with white nationalism?”

    It depends on what doctrines get allowed as “Christian.”

    1) Thomas Jefferson made his own edit of the gospel. TJ was also of the opinion that blacks could not be citizens of a white country. If TJ counts as a Christian, then Christians can be WN.

    2) British Israelites were WNs with no Jewish genes. If British Israelites count as Christians, then Christians can be WN.

    3) If Hillaire Belloc counts as a WN, then Christians can be WNs.

    4) I’m pretty sure Father Coughlin doesn’t count as a hard-core WN, but he’s of interest to WN thinkers.

  35. You raised a very good point, Robert Lindsay.
    If we are to have any political success, we will probably have to start slowly; starting very moderately.

    The same thing happened with Black civil rights. First, they started with desegregation of the military; then of schools; then of transportation systems; then, even private businesses and neighborhoods. Then “voting rights” came. This doesn’t count for Black rights; but, for the Left’s agenda: immigration reform was next. And then the most filthy Supreme Court forbade states from banning inter-racial marriages. Then came abortion, followed by affirmative action and forced busing; and now gay issues are at stake.

    (I am not objecting to Roe v. Wade and/or gays rights. I am using them as non-racial examples.)

    We will probably need to start with getting rid of the most anti-White books in the schools. Thereafter, we need to focus on affirmative action and forced busing. Our other issue is legal and illegal immigration. With immigration, we may actually have to side with the Blacks.

    We also can’t just advocate White interests. We need to be populist, advocating for the common worker and the Middle Class!

    I dislike the Nazis; but they had a great formula, combining worker populism with their main message!

  36. or go argue like the paleocons (downplay the importance of racial identity in politics which means you can still believe for HBD, just on an aggregate level and not an individual level) because the alternative is saying “race is very important” and coming out pro-white, which is political suicide. And anything else they say about HBD will be ignored.

    So the only choices are denial, or denial-lite? Bullshit. Everyone knows from grandma there’s the “if you can’t say anything nice” option.

    “Conservative” denial-lite points to “conservatism” as liberal-lite.

  37. If racialism were to start gaining more traction with the public in the future, a not unlikely event, we could see these people start to get backing from mainstream sources and essentially eclipse real white racial nationalists.

    I disagree. If they pretend to co-op our message, we win. If they actually co-op our message, we win.

    So a bunch of Jews get mainstream penetration for AR-style racialism. How is this a bad thing?

  38. Basically, I think if you try to construct a scenario where your fear is played out, you’ll see it fall apart again and again and again.

  39. “Is Christianity compatible with white nationalism?”

    It depends on what doctrines get allowed as “Christian.”

    I think the Jewish compulsion to destroy/control/corrupt (in that order) Christianity is instructive.

    What happens when pastors start leading their flocks off the reservation? Disaster.

  40. And I don’t think it’s so much Christianity per se that frightens Jews, just it’s potential in terms of organizing groups.

    Another convergence of Jewish and Totalitarian interests! Gotta strangle that competition.

  41. Can the idea of the white ethnostate be far behind? I think not.

    I think the idea of a white ethnostate should be joined at the hip to the idea that a free real estate market and an end to Orwellian “anti-discrimination” (anti-freedom) laws make ethnostates inevitable.

    Which is OBVIOUSLY why we have anti-freedom laws and an unfree real estate market in the first place.

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