Just Another Day (Part 11)

President Barack Obama is speaking tonight at the NAACP’s annual convention. After moving White America “beyond race” in last year’s election, Obama will be addressing a race-based political organization and endorsing its race-based national agenda, an obvious nod to his co-ethnics who voted for him out of racial solidarity.

A few hours ago, Obama announced his race-conscious decision to appoint Jacqueline Berrien, an NAACP Legal Defense lawyer, as the new head of the EEOC. This follows in the wake of his race-conscious appointment of Regina Benjamin as the new Surgeon General, Eric Holder as Attorney General, and Charles Bolden as administrator of NASA.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Obama would have picked a black V.P. if he thought he could get away with it, but even his campaign team knew two blacks would be over the top even for liberal white America. Blacks are always complaining about the white male dominated “good ol’ boys network”, but once they ascend to positions of power they create a black good ol’ boys network.

    My guess is that blacks have been appointed to around 2/3 of the top posts which means at only 13% of the population they are grossly overrepresented. Anytime whites are overrepresented it’s cause for hand wringing, soul searching and shrill cries of racism and intolerance. Jewish journalists and talking heads would be beside themselves with anger and grief.

    Whites get the shaft from a negroid prez and nary a peep from the fairness and tolerance crowd. Welcome to the Kwa.

  2. It looks like the days of creating a defensive white political identity are here. Just 5% of us could tilt the balance with such an identity organization. And the need to do it can hardly be clearer.

  3. Blacks are always complaining about the white male dominated “good ol’ boys network,”

    So are the Jews.

    but once they ascend to positions of power they create a black good ol’ boys network.

    And once the Jews ascend to positions of power they create a Jewish good ol’ boys network. You won’t see any Eurochristians rise to significant posts in Michael Eisner’s Walt Disney Company, and that’s obviously not because no qualified ones are around trying. Same with every other big Jewish-controlled company.

  4. Yes, Blacks and Jews do have their “good ole boy networks.”
    I am almost convinced-if not fully convinced-that virtually all ethnic/racial groups like to do this, except White Gentiles.

  5. “It looks like the days of creating a defensive white political identity are here.”

    Yes we now FIRMLY have reason too. Large number of Blacks appointed. A racist mestiza appointed to the Supreme Court who thought that continued Affirmative Action is ok under these conditions.

    The Ricci decision could have been used to get rid of all ‘disparate impact’ non-sense that has been utilized to justify Affirmative Action. It wasn’t and now with the changing of the guard with all the appointments and with the changing demographics we can now create our own racial organizations! THE TIME IS HERE!

    What are some good ones???? That would make a good post. I like the Council of Conservative Citizens ( http://www.cofcc.org ) and NPI ( http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/ )

  6. “—I am almost convinced-if not fully convinced-that virtually all ethnic/racial groups like to do this, except White Gentiles.—”

    Realistically, this is to be found most severly amongst White, northern European Protestants.

    I am from the jew york city area, and there are still a fair amount of southern and eastern European White ‘gentiles’ who have some ethnic ‘networking’ going for them (of course, no where near the levels of Khazars, Indians, and Orientals).

  7. Of course, up until the middle of the 20th century WASP’s engaged in some ethnic networking of their own, so it’s not as if they are incapable of it. I have no idea why it became so taboo for them later on. Blaming it on a reaction against Nazism seems far-fetched since it’s pretty obvious there’s a huge difference between nazi-style racial discrimination and ethnic networking.

  8. They mean moving us beyond the white race, toward a miscegenated third-world population.

    It’s obvious race was a huge factor in Obama getting elected. A white man with the same profile and policies would have lost for sure.

    NAACP honors black porn stars. Anything to stick it to the white man or woman. They have no credibility to me. It’s extreme racial chauvinism.

  9. up until the middle of the 20th century WASP’s engaged in some ethnic networking of their own, so it’s not as if they are incapable of it. I have no idea why it became so taboo for them later on. ( — van Speyk)

    No idea why it became so taboo for them? The Jews bludgeoned it out of them. Took a few decades but they finally beat it out of them. All the while, the Jews were the undisputed masters at it. Still are, while the Euros are still moronically striving to root it out of themselves and banish it from their ethnic group habits.

  10. For decades the Jews howled to high heaven that they were excluded from the WASP-controlled this-or-that, they couldn’t get into this WASP-dominated company or that WASP-owned country club or the other WASP-established college, they couldn’t get promoted to the top slots in this or that bank, or manufacturing company, or insurance company, or law firm because the Jews were discriminated against. (About ten percent of their howls were true, ninety percent their imagination, but no matter, the entire nation heard them howling non-stop for decades.)

    The WASPs made a determined effort to banish that tendency among themselves.

    What did it get them? Try being a WASP today and getting a top spot at Michael Eisner’s Walt Disney Company. Try it at any other big business concern, company, or corporation dominated at the top by Jews.

    Dream on, Mr. WASP.

  11. The Jewish program in a few years :

    We will abolish WASP supremacy
    For the sake of WASP equality,
    Then we will abolish the WASPs.

    This is adapted from a (sort of) poem by the Breton writerArmand Robin.
    I haven’t found an English translation.
    Here is his poem in French: Le Programme en quelques siècles,
    and here is my imperfect translation :


    We will abolish Faith
    In the name of Light,
    Then we will abolish light.

    We will abolish Soul
    For the sake of Reason,
    Then we will abolish reason.

    We will abolish Charity
    For the sake of Justice,
    Then we will abolish justice.

    We will abolish Love
    For the sake of Fraternité, (motto of the 1789 head choppers, in France)
    Then we will abolish fraternité.

    We will abolish the Spirit of Truth
    In the name of the critical Spirit,
    Then we will abolish the critical spirit.

    We will abolish the Meaning of the Word
    For the sake of words’ meanings,
    Then we will abolish words meanings.

    We will abolish the Sublime
    For the sake of Art,
    Then we will abolish art.

    We will abolish Writings
    For the sake of Commentaries,
    Then we will abolish commentaries.

    We will abolish Sainthood
    For the sake of Genius,
    Then we will abolish genius.

    We will abolish the Prophet
    For the sake of the Poet,
    Then we will abolish the poet.

    We will abolish the Spirit
    For the sake of Matter,
    Then we will abolish matter.

    For the sake of nothing we will abolish man
    We will abolish man’s name ;
    There will be no name left ;
    That is where we stand now.


    The good thing about this poem is that you can add new stanzas.
    For example:

    We will abolish the Past
    For the sake of the Future,
    Then we will abolish the future.

    We will abolish God
    In the name of Human Rights,
    Then we will abolish human rights.

    We will abolish Nobility
    For the sake of the Populace,
    Then we will race-replace the populace.

    We will abolish Difference
    For the sake of Diversity,
    Then we will abolish Diversity.

    We will abolish the Future
    For the sake of the Past,
    Then we will abolish the past.

    We will abolish Fred Scrooby
    For the sake of Prozium,
    Then we will abolish Prozium. 😉

    We will abolish the Spirit of Truth,
    For the sake of the Culture of Critique,
    Then we will abolish the Culture of Critique.

    We will abolish Western Civilization
    For the sake of Democracy,
    Then we will abolish Democracy.

    We will abolish race distinctions
    For the sake of the Whites,
    Then we will abolish the Whites.

    We will abolish Xxxxx / In the name of Xxxxx, / Then we will abolish xxxxx.
    We will abolish Xxxxx / For the sake of Xxxxx, / Then we will abolish xxxxx.

  12. Prozium,

    What do you think about Jobling getting a taste of his own medicine? He’s a victim of the policies created by Jews, the same type of censorship he uses to protect them.

    “Last Friday, YouTube disabled my video, “Islam: Religion of Injustice,” on the grounds that it violated their hate speech policy. (You can watch the video here.) By acting on today’s activism campaign, you will send a message to YouTube that legitimate criticism and hate speech are different things.”


  13. Great poem, Armor. Thank you very much for the translation and your added material too.

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