Guy White, Reloaded

I logged on this morning to discover that Guy White had left us a present in the comments. He seems rather irate over the brief critique of one of his posts (the notion that Jews are inept at politics) that I blogged about the other day. For the record, we have a problem with trolls who post interracial pornography, so comments by new posters don’t appear automatically on this website. I don’t want anyone to get the impression that I practice the sort of censorship that goes on elsewhere.

Well, this will be the last I’ll read anything on this blog. Please don’t come to mine. Please don’t comment on it either. I don’t need your links and I don’t need your readers.

I don’t link to anyone out of charity. No one invited you here either. It looks like you just showed up. You happened to be spouting off nonsense the other day and I chose to respond. Aside from maybe Steve Sailer, Occidental Dissent generates more comments than any of the “race realist” blogs. I’m not interested in your readers.

You are either a lying piece of garbage or a complete moron.

// chuckles.

I never said that they are bad at getting elected, I said that they are bad at supporting proper policies.

You claimed they were “particularly bad” at politics. Certainly you know that “politics” is the acquisition and application of power. Jews are obviously a powerful minority in this country. Jewish concerns such as fighting anti-Semitism, supporting Israel, and attacking “white racism” are clearly reflected in American domestic and foreign policy.

Jews tend to get their way more often than not. Anyone with experience on Capitol Hill (or in state government) will tell you that much. How are Jews “particularly bad” at politics? You should have said “Jews are bad at perceiving their own interests.”

 I was criticizing their policy-making ability, rather than the ability to get elected.

I’m still not following you. Jews don’t seem to have any problem crafting public policies to advance their own interests. The federal civil rights laws have been undeniably effective. Israel doesn’t seem to have much difficulty spiriting away the largesse it sucks out of American taxpayers.

If you didn’t get that after reading what I wrote in that and other posts, you really are as dumb as I originally figured. That was just a spectacular inability to comprehend what you are reading!

It’s actually pretty dumb, or solipsistic really, to assume that Jews are “particularly bad” at politics because they don’t happen to agree with your own interpretation of their interests: Jews aren’t good ‘lil Pubbies, ergo, they aren’t good at acquiring and exercising political power.

Oh, and one last thing: there may actually be something to Jews not being good at getting elected. If you are 35-50% of the top lawyers and millionaires – the people among whom we choose politicians – then being 8-15% of the politicians isn’t really all that impressive.

Gosh, what an insight you have here! That’s exactly like saying Jews must be really bad at plumbing because they are underrepresented amongst plumbers; George Soros is bad at politics because he isn’t a politician. The obvious objection is that being an elite lawyer or a top Hollywood producer is much more lucrative than being a pitiful state representative from Ohio with little job security. It is much easier to simply outsource your interests to cat’s paws and lobbyists who will advance your agenda for a nominal fee. Come to think about it, isn’t that exactly  what the wealthy tend to do anyway, whether they are Jewish or not?

It doesn’t matter what your overall population numbers are. Truck drivers and plumbers won’t ever be Congressmen – star lawyers will be. So looking at the overall demographics rather than just the top lawyer and millionaires is a really bad way of predicting who’ll get elected to Congress.

1.) Jews are overrepresented in the House of Representatives, Senate, Supreme Court, the Cabinet, and the Civil Service.

2.) Jewish influence over our political system is understated by their actual numbers. As I mentioned earlier, Jews account for over 50% of campaign contributions to the Democratic Party. If I recall correctly (don’t quote me on this), Jews account for about 30% of campaign contributions to the GOP.

But in any even, that wasn’t my point. My point, which you somehow missed, was that Jews support bad policies.

Translation: I believe that Jews support bad policies!

The fact that you and your imbecile readers can’t comprehend that leads me to conclude that I simply do not want you as readers, nor do I want to read anything you have to save.

Translation: I’m pissed off because you had the audacity to contradict me!

If you could so grotesquely misunderstood what I wrote, your ability to understand other material is suspect as well.

I don’t mean to brag, but I have a master’s degree in political science. Freshmen tend to learn in introductory classes the difference between the art of politics and their own political views, which are not necessarily the same thing.

Oh and I also noticed that you never posted a link to the article you were criticizing, which means that you knew that you were lying.

No, I simply screwed up the link, obviously. It was copy and pasted twice in my previous response.

One Nazi blogger whose full time job it seems is to attack me just wrote that in this post I claimed that Jews have no political power. Obviously that is not what I meant. He probably knew it too, which is why he never linked to this article.

I’m not a National Socialist. You pulled that one out of your own imagination. In fact, I have little interest in the Third Reich or European issues. You write about those topics far more than I do; every other day it seems.

This blog has always been focused on North America. Hence, you won’t find me discussing the racial type of the Ancient Jews, arguing with Afrocentrists about Egyptian civilization, drearily rambling on about the Holocaust, etc. None of that has any relevance to the racial situation we are facing in the United States.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Guy White is clearly not the sharpest knife in the drawer (AKA he’s pretty dumb), or else he is is Jewish/part-Jewish and is trying to defend his co-ethnics. Either way, he’s still a censorious jackass who is better ignored.

  2. One of the most misleading arguments in this kind of discussion is the direct or indirect claim that numbers count. In fact, even though the diverse white American peoples vastly outnumber the Jewish American people, the African American people, and so on, the smallest minority groups possess grotesquely greater power because they have organizations and are not afraid to speak out in their own voice.

    The diverse white men and women feel constrained (1) to avoid any organization that would begin to provide a defensive white political identity, and (2) to phrase their goals in neutral language like fairness, universality, and equality while their adversaries trumpet their group goals and demand their own advancement on explicit group membership terms.

    So it is not “who is the majority” that matters, it is “who is organized and speaking out of their own voice.”

  3. According to Wikipedia, the Republican party got 35% of its funding in 2006 from ‘Jewish-funded Political Action Committees’ , which wouldn’t include individual donations from Jews.

    “J.J. Goldberg wrote in his 1994 book Jewish Power that 45% of the Democratic Party’s fundraising and 25% of that for the Republican Party came from Jewish-funded Political Action Committees.[26] Richard Cohen, a columnist for the Washington Post, updated those figures in 2006 citing figures of 60% and 35% respectively for the Democratic and Republican Parties. According to the Washington Post, Democratic presidential candidates depend on Jewish sources for 60% of money from private sources.[27]”

  4. Guy Whine thinks Jews are “particularly bad” at politics on account of their support of higher taxes, Islamic immigration, and the Democrat’s stance on Israel. In reality, they just care more about undermining America’s White Christian majority.

  5. That was quite entertaining. Thanks.

    White’s positions read like those of a 7th grader who believes he’s had some insightful thoughts no one has ever considered before.

    Congrats on the new blog “Prozium.” Interesting material, hope you stick with it. Hope all is well at home.

  6. Judging by their behavior jews value the destruction of the white majority in the United States more than they value their own lives.

    But don’t mistake that for incompetence. They do want the white race displaced and eventually wiped out, regardless of the cost.

    Most jews live close enough to diverse urban centers to know what will happen when whites are no longer a majority but they don’t care. They are driven by an irrational hatred for whites. Jews seem to have an almost sexual need to be in total control, and the fact that whites are intelligent enough to occasionally resist jewish domination fills them with a Samson-like rage. They will smash down the temple before they accept the white race’s right to exist.

  7. GW,

    George Bush was a politician in America.

    You can’t tell me with a straight face that our politicians are smarter than plumbers.

  8. Perhaps Jews aren’t good at getting elected as Guy White claims… but they ARE GOOD at making sure those who oppose their policies don’t get elected either! That assuredly is an acquisition and application of Power: the power of Negation!!!

    Lets look at some victims of the ‘Israel Lobby’:

    former Illinois Republican Sen. Charles Percy,
    former Illinois Democrat Adlai Stevenson III,
    former Arkansas Democratic Sen. J. William Fulbright,
    former California Republican Rep. Paul McCloskey,
    former Illinois Republican Rep. Paul Findley.

  9. “George Bush was a politician in America.

    You can’t tell me with a straight face that our politicians are smarter than plumbers.”

    Let us not forget Joe Biden and Dan Quayle either!!! (*snickers*)

  10. Lets look at some victims of the ‘Israel Lobby’:

    former Illinois Republican Sen. Charles Percy,
    former Illinois Democrat Adlai Stevenson III,
    former Arkansas Democratic Sen. J. William Fulbright,
    former California Republican Rep. Paul McCloskey,
    former Illinois Republican Rep. Paul Findley.

    ( — Kunthjol)

    You forgot Gerald Bull and Jorg Haider. And if we’re going back as far as Adlai Stevenson let’s take it further back to James Forrestal (“fell or jumped” out of the top floor of a government psychiatric facility after opposing the way in which the new state of Israel was formed) and General Patton (died of injuries suffered in “a motor vehicle crash” after opposing the Jewish plan for exterminating the German race, erasing Germany from the map, and installing a communist dictatorship in every country in the world).

  11. “—Perhaps Jews aren’t good at getting elected as Guy White claims… but they ARE GOOD at making sure those who oppose their policies don’t get elected either! That assuredly is an acquisition and application of Power: the power of Negation!!!—”

    SO perfectly said that you cannot say anything more on this!

  12. Truly: who cares what Guy Wannabewhite thinks? I’ve just spent a good solid hour compiling a fairly decent list of dozens of much better pro-White websites (plus other important websites), and I’ll go ahead and post them here (not sure how good the formatting will be, but please feel free to offer additions or subtractions as you see fit). I do recommend that you copy/paste/save/print the following list of websites for your own future reference:

  13. Calling all bets! Who thinks is written by a Jew?

    See Jewish Genes.

    He admits he’s a jewish race realist, urges his children to marry within the Tribe, thinks most other jews do too, thinks too many jews are anti-White even though they’re “white”, but it’s not innate.

    Pretty much the same disingenuous thinking as the other “white” pro-jew “race-realists” he links, the gist of which is jews-are-white-but-better-than-white.

  14. It is painful to watch Jews like Auster, and now The Ice People blogger, flail for the last shredded thread of plausibility to bind the garment of faux long-suffering, enlightened, gentle nobles which conceals the vile deeds of their people committed against us, and the putrid wretchedness which produces it. They are, I believe, essentially good men, so far as a Jew can ever be when contrasted with the towering monoliths of honor who were the best men of our race. They are not traitors as Tanstaafl suggests in his byline, they were never ones of us; they are the murders in our midst whom conceal themselves in shadow so they can murder our children as they sleep in their cribs, figuratively speaking. They want to protect their people – from justice. For they know, justice is often necessarily harsh. May it be tempered with all due, and even undue mercy.

    It is painful to see, for a White man.

  15. Regarding, there’s clearly no need to bet about his obvious Jewishness (I assume the author of that blog is a male) because he freely admitted it a few days ago: – a bit courageously too, writing: “But it has to be recognized that many Jews, too many, are anti-white. Even though they are white.” He’s of course fully correct that “many Jews, too many, are anti-White” – that’s actually an understatement: the vast majority of Jews are not just vaguely “anti-White,” they are in fact rabidly anti-White, unconsciously seeking the near-total disempowerment and even permanent genetic elimination of their main Darwinian competitors so that they can eventually triumph in the eternal struggle for earthly resources; but he’s totally wrong when he says that “they [Jews] are White.” That last statement (“Jews are White”) is just typical Jewish dissimulation and self/collective deception — deep down Jews know full well that they are, at base, Near Eastern (Non-White/European) Semites/Asiatics, even if many modern Ashkenazim do have a small recentish smattering of White/Slavic genes.

    Just so y’all don’t think I was trying to ‘stack the odds’ or something, I first came across that blog about a couple weeks ago, and meant to make the first ‘betting’ post around that time, but it slipped my mind until earlier today before I had read his recent admission of Jewishness.

    Also, I did want to point out that Jew’s blog (among others) because it further demonstrates how more and more Jews these days are trying to infiltrate the pro-White/White nationalist and race-realist/racialist movement(s), at least in the USA. Thus we must remain very wary and extremely vigilant of these current Jewish attempts at slow infiltration, because if they manage to become too entrenched in The Cause they’ll clearly wreck and corrupt it by twisting it to their selfish needs and goals just as they’ve done with everything else that they have managed to hijack.

    Still, the question begs to be asked: why would Jews want to become even partly involved in such a movement or cause that has such a large percentage of outright and very outspoken ‘Jew-haters,’ along with the rest who are often at least quite ‘Jew-skeptical’? My answer is: by infiltrating The Cause, Jewry seeks to mold and shape (as best they can) the growing American pro-White/White nationalist/race-realist/racialist movement in order to make it BECOME AS SAFE AS POSSIBLE FOR THE JEWS.

    Once one begins to get a grasp on evo-psych as it relates to the Jewish problem (especially how it so starkly reveals the conscious/unconscious subversive psychological motives behind organized Jewish activism in White nations), exposing and unmasking the hostile anti-White actions and methods of organized Jewry is quite a cinch. God bless you and your brilliant work, Dr. MacDonald! 🙂

  16. Re:CaptainChaos #20 – Great comment CC.

    It is indeed a rather sad spectacle to behold, that being the circus act of the most ‘aware’ or acute Jews simultaneously clinging to their rotten Jewish lies while at the same time starting to grovel a bit too as they sense we are beginning to gain the upper-hand and that the inevitable backlash against them is indeed stirring and growing ever-stronger still.

    And regarding your powerful writing/rhetoric CaptainChaos, I still insist that you become strongly involved as a pro-White speechwriter (or join up with a pro-White speechwriting team) when the need arises sometime in the future (as it inevitably will). If you’ve got some spare time, please start putting together some basic/foundational pro-White speeches so that they’ll exist once the need arises – stuff like the following which you wrote is especially good:, though if that piece (for example) was fleshed out in to a longer speech for a potentially large pro-White audience it may need to be toned down just a bit for the newcomers and the others who are fresh to the pro-White scene, as the masses (of whatever race) are inherently averse to too much complicated intellectualizing.

    As the pro-White movement continues to grow, we must continue to retain the ever-expanding mental momentum, impetus, and morale on our side as much as possible, because contrary to what the pro-White hyper-rationalists and ultra-materialists think, the centuries-long clash with Jewry is not or has not been merely a material or socioeconomic struggle, but is and has also been a struggle of ideas, of rhetoric, of inspiration, and of course (most critically) Spirit.

  17. As the pro-White movement continues to grow, we must continue to retain the ever-expanding mental momentum, impetus, and morale on our side as much as possible, because contrary to what the pro-White hyper-rationalists and ultra-materialists think, the centuries-long clash with Jewry is not or has not been merely a material or socioeconomic struggle, but is and has also been a struggle of ideas, of rhetoric, of inspiration, and of course (most critically) Spirit.

    What struggle? Nobody is struggling with you. Most Americans support Jews.

    Secondly, all Caucasoids, yes European Caucasoids too, trace their roots to North Africa by proxy. So proving that Jews have links to the ME does not prove they have Mongol or Australoid or Negroid blood (which is the only definition of non-White). Any other definition of non-white is unscientific.

  18. It is indeed a rather sad spectacle to behold, that being the circus act of the most ‘aware’ or acute Jews simultaneously clinging to their rotten Jewish lies while at the same time starting to grovel a bit too as they sense we are beginning to gain the upper-hand and that the inevitable backlash against them is indeed stirring and growing ever-stronger still.

    As the pro-White movement continues to grow

    It’s not growing. The power and control you image the tiny WN movement to possess is non-existant.

    Also, I did want to point out that Jew’s blog (among others) because it further demonstrates how more and more Jews these days are trying to infiltrate the pro-White/White nationalist and race-realist/racialist movement(s), at least in the USA. Thus we must remain very wary and extremely vigilant of these current Jewish attempts at slow infiltration, because if they manage to become too entrenched in The Cause they’ll clearly wreck and corrupt it by twisting it to their selfish needs and goals just as they’ve done with everything else that they have managed to hijack.

    Still, the question begs to be asked: why would Jews want to become even partly involved in such a movement or cause that has such a large percentage of outright and very outspoken ‘Jew-haters,’ along with the rest who are often at least quite ‘Jew-skeptical’? My answer is: by infiltrating The Cause, Jewry seeks to mold and shape (as best they can) the growing American pro-White/White nationalist/race-realist/racialist movement in order to make it BECOME AS SAFE AS POSSIBLE FOR THE JEWS.

    A race realist means we apply the scientific method to race and reject political correctnes. It has nothing to do with wanting to suck WN cock or respecting WN. We apply the scientific method to WNs too and realize they are often as dumb as the third world they bitch and moan about.

    The answer is that we have a viewpoint and we push our platform and don’t care if it gives you nightmares. You can do anything; you can pull a gun on me and tell me to stop being “racist” because it competes with your pathetic WN movement, and bribe me with 1 million dollars, and it still wouldn’t matter. We have the right views. You have the wrong views. And that is that. It really isn’t more complicated or related to infiltration.

  19. There is an implication here that any “pro-Jewish” person who is simultaneously “racialist” is actually part of a Jewish conspiracy.

    I’m exposing how idiotic this thinking is. Someone has to do it. Stupidity can’t go unchallenged.

  20. Show me the material evidence that the WN movement (ie, majority rights, stormfront, vnn, david duke, etc.) is growing in a way that makes it a substantial threat to Jews and that politically incorrect Jews who explicitly reject the WN label and call themselves race realists instead are trying to infiltrate it.

  21. Guy Jewish will make a statement about something then when you repeat his words back to him he flies into a rage and claims you’re taking his words out of context. He says Jews are “particularly bad” at politics then when outed by Prozium he shifts gears and denies saying Jews are bad at politics and meant that they just support bad policies. Since the bad policies that Jewish politicians and organizations support are doing irreparable harm only to European Americans it would appear they are quite successful at the game of politics.

    And isn’t it a canard to say Jews have a dominant presence in the legal profession? Yet, Guy claims they comprise 35-50% of lawyers. No doubt they are overrepresented in that profession and I really don’t know by what factor, but when gentiles make that same claim it’s considered hateful and anti-semitic. And I’ve seen no evidence that while Jews may comprise 35-50% of the legal profession a similar percentage of them are running for seats in either house of Congress but only winding up with 8-9% in the House and 12-13% in the Senate, thus proving their supposed ineptness at politics.

    The fact remains that Jews are overrepresented in the House and Senate and Jewish politicians work in tandem with Jewish lobbying organizations. Further, our foreign policy and increasingly our domestic policy is a reflection of their ethnic agenda for America more so than any racial/ethnic special interest group. It’s no wonder, then, that Washington is dubbed Tel Aviv on the Potomac.

  22. The Jews fought hard for decades to scale back the proportions of whites represented in these various elite positions. It’s entirely appropriate for whites now to fight hard to scale back the proportions of Jews.

  23. “The Jews fought hard for decades to scale back the proportions of whites represented in these various elite positions. It’s entirely appropriate for whites now to fight hard to scale back the proportions of Jews.”
    –Fred Scrooby

    It sounds like ‘fair game’ to me! It’s a group level tit for tat, serving as a disincentive to betray White Gentiles, on the racial quota issue.

    After Sotomayor is confirmed as Supreme Court Justice, if the Jews succeed in getting another non-White confirmed-and thus bring Whites to a proportion of two-thirds- maybe we should work to make the Jews proportionately represented. As they are only 2%, far from the 1/9 point, they would have no Supreme Court representation, following the departure of Ginsburg and Breyer. If I were to support this, I would be willing to support a pro-White Jew. With the other Jews, they need to put their money where their mouths are.

  24. ” Show me the material evidence that the WN movement (ie, majority rights, stormfront, vnn, david duke, etc.) is growing in a way that makes it a substantial threat to Jews and that politically incorrect Jews who explicitly reject the WN label and call themselves race realists instead are trying to infiltrate it.”

    Laugh out loud, such a challenge is a walk in the park:

  25. “There is an implication here that any “pro-Jewish” person who is simultaneously “racialist” is actually part of a Jewish conspiracy.”

    That depends upon what is meant by “pro-Jewish,” “racialist,” and “conspiracy.” If “pro-Jewish” denotes the continuation of Jews as the gate-keepers of political power, finance and media in the West then there is a glaring contradiction between that and their being “racialist,” for the reason that the interests of our race – however broadly or narrowly one cares to define ‘our race’ – is not served by the former. The implication of the arguments of people like Auster is that there is nothing of the essence in play regarding the pernicious behavior of Jews to what is alleged to be the rest of their race. If that be so, let it be that Jews cease to harm us.

    “I’m exposing how idiotic this thinking is.”

    LOL! Bang up job so far, champ.

    “Show me the material evidence that the WN movement (ie, majority rights, stormfront, vnn, david duke, etc.) is growing in a way that makes it a substantial threat to Jews and that politically incorrect Jews who explicitly reject the WN label and call themselves race realists instead are trying to infiltrate it.”

    The behavior of Auster vis-a-sis the “anti-Semites” and of Michael Hart against David Duke says it all. The clear implication is that those Jews wish to gain mastery of the actual, and anticipated, rising tide of ethnonationalism in the West in a way which is not a threat to Jews, and inseparable from that, Jewish power. Get this, by definition, our nationalism means WE exercise decisive power over our lives, NOT Jews. So, Jewish power within our societies must go, as we take it from them and for ourselves. And if “pro-White” Jews don’t like that, to hell with them.

  26. “”

    He is not pro-white. He takes an interest in genetics and anthropology only to refute racialism. To him it’s just an intellectual and rhetorical exercise.

    He’s an anti if anything. He’s said flat out he doesn’t care about white America and if it is destroyed. Even though he lives here and benefits from white America.

    He claims to be Greek and has some degree of ethnocentrism, but at the same time rejects racialism and racial purity. He’s an odd sort.

  27. “Get this, by definition, our nationalism means WE exercise decisive power over our lives, NOT Jews. So, Jewish power within our societies must go, as we take it from them and for ourselves. And if “pro-White” Jews don’t like that, to hell with them.”

    Thanks for putting it SO PERFECTLY!!!

    We all need to ‘school’ the Kul-aks!

  28. When JWH had his blog, WesternBiopolitics, he clashed repeatedly with the Iceman over technical questions of population genetics and described a series of technically incorrect posts by the Iceman as “The Iceman Dumbeth,” a pun on the title of the Eugene O’Neill play, “The Iceman Cometh.” About 25% of the Iceman’s commentary is neutral/inoffensive or only slightly wrong, the rest, about 75% of what he posts, being completely, absolutely wrong and generally also glaringly moronic. Maybe something like 2%-3% of his output could be called right as opposed to flatly wrong, bizarre, strange, neutral/neither-right-nor-wrong, or so laughably idiotic it could have been typed by a chimpanzee, which characterize the rest of what he comes up with. A relatively minor but somewhat annoying facet of his is this pretense of being Jewish. He isn’t Jewish. That he endeavors to give the impression he is is itself strange. The whole Iceman package is unpleasant, a time-and-space-waster, an annoyance, and a mild irritant.

  29. (As illustration: Iceman’s comment #28 is an example of how asinine and wrong he is, and #29 of the bizarre way he tries to get others to think he’s Jewish when he isn’t.)

  30. JWH is a joke.

    I laugh at the fact that you think he is credible.

    I also laugh at the fact that you question my ancestry.

  31. Fred Scrobby, are you accusing me of lying about my ancestry. That is libel?

    Or are you arguing that I’m technically a Gentile because of the paternal origins of it.

  32. If Prozium considers the French President a Jew, then he’d have to consider me a Jew if he goes by ancestry and not by identification.

  33. I will state with proud satisfactions that I am a member in good standing in the anthroscape/dodona community and support the views of Dienekes.

    Honestly Fred, fuck the fuck off back over to majority rights. You aren’t fit for highbrow discussion.

  34. What Fred Scrobby is, is a 1/4 Jew who denies it because he wants to appeal to schizos with a Hitlerite fetish. And so he expects me to deny it too because he denies it.

    It doesn’t help that he can use the public opinion of phora libelers who created the impression that I was lying. But I think reasonable people know when I report my ancestry, I report it as accurately as I can to the nearest detail.

  35. “I also laugh at the fact that you question my ancestry.” ( — Iceman)

    I’m not questioning your ancestry. I’m denying that you, Iceman, not your grandfather, you, are Jewish.

    “If Prozium considers the French President a Jew”

    Sarkozy isn’t a Jew. He’s Catholic. Maybe Proze never took the time to look it up — it’s explained in detail in the French edition of Wikipedia. I know Friedrich Braun, who speaks fluent French, also keeps calling Sarko a Jew. I don’t understand that. He’s not Jewish, and insisting he is only weakens everything we on this side are trying to say. Calling Sarko Jewish is as ridiculous as when JRichards says the moon landings were a hoax. Calling people Jews who aren’t Jews threatens to paint you as a crank without credibility and deservedly so.

    “I will state with proud satisfactions that I […] support the views of Dienekes.”

    Figures. Dienekes is embarrassed of his Turk ancestry and driven to psychologically deny the existence of a European race of mankind just so he can pretend there’s a unified Greek-Anatolian-Turkish race instead. He’s pathetic.

    “What Fred Scrobby is, is a 1/4 Jew who denies it because he wants to appeal to schizos with a Hitlerite fetish. And so he expects me to deny it too because he denies it.”

    I don’t deny my ancestry. I deny that I’m Jewish. And I deny that you’re Jewish. So stop insisting you are, please.

  36. So you admit that I’m ethnically 1/4 Russian Jewish on my father’s side.

    You admit that I’m 100% eastern european and NOT of Western descent.

    If you admit that, then we are on the same page. I’m a technocrat ideologically, not a religious person. But racially I do not lie to please neo-nazis, and anyone who cares is a neo-nazi even if they claim to be pro North American.

  37. I deny that you’re Jewish, so stop claiming you are. That’s my last word on this boring topic about an extremely boring individual.

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