Whites of Latin America

Robert Lindsay has a long post about the Whites of Latin America. They are generally under siege throughout the region. Argentina has a terrible problem with illegal immigration. Miscegenation is rampant in Brazil. Indian chauvinists in Bolivia and Peru are fomenting hatred against Whites. Communist politicians are exploiting the racial resentments of the brown masses to gain power. In Mexico, the few Whites who remain have to deny their racial heritage to curry favor with the demos.

In the Anglo-American mind, Latin America has traditionally been a powerful foil. It was widely seen as a “warning from history”: racially degenerate, Spanish-speaking, in thrall to the Vatican, inclined to authoritarianism, stagnant, ignorant, backward and poor. Latin America was not a model to be imitated. It was thought of as the sort of place the United States would become if Americans lost their morals. There was no feeling of solidarity with the region except in the patronizing sense.

Until the 1930s. It was around that time that Jews began to rewrite Americanism. As they rose into the American elite, they substituted their own values — cosmopolitanism, internationalism, modernism, anti-racism — in the place of those inherited from the founding settlers. By 2000, the traditional narrative of Latin America’s racial degeneracy was replaced by a new tale about the struggle of freedom fighters against Yankee imperialism and commercial exploitation. Noam Chomsky (Jew) is the most prominent exponent of this view. Admittedly, it does have some basis in fact.

In spite of these efforts, traditional racial attitudes toward Hispanics and Latin America remain entrenched across a large cross section of the White population. Support for immigration restriction remains high. Millions of Whites aren’t willing to go quietly into the night. For now, their efforts are locked into the conservative mainstream, but that could one day change. It remains to be seen whether White Nationalists will exploit this opportunity.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Time to revisit the life of Norberto Ceresole:
    “In May 2006, President Chávez confirmed his relationship with Ceresole during the broadcast of his weekly program Aló Presidente. He remembered him as a “great friend” and as an “intellectual deserving great respect” and recalled a meeting with him in 1995 near the Orinoco river in which they talked about the strategic location of Venezuela and the importance of focusing his future policy on South America instead of North America.”

    There’s not much in English on him. He’s the bete noir of the Jews in SA who have been leaving Venezuela for Israel according to some reports. The Jewish presence in SA confuses me. Many arrived
    during the WWII. Which SA countries haven’t they thrived in?

  2. I just recently found this blog and I’d be interested to know your opinions on the Cosmic Race idea that came out of Mexico during the 1930s and how it relates to this topic.

  3. The fact that mixed race societies are still obsessed with race proves that the idea of a “post-racial” society is just a myth.

  4. Aztlan, Nationalism and the true Enemy of our People
    Juan Armando Roque de Lara
    Detroit, Michigan
    February 10, 2004

    As the 21st Century gets underway, issues of concern to Aztlan surface more and more, demanding attention by those outside of our community. During the tragedy of jewish inspired Manifest Destiny and the invasion of Mexico by a rogue United States seeking specifically to extend the boundaries of slave territory, Aztlan was lost with the signing of the now rightly reviled Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The Mexicanos left behind found themselves behind enemy lines and made to be a part of an ugly empire which didn’t want them. Land, lives, families and Aztlan were destroyed. Had the United States pulled this type of gross aggression in modern times it would most likely lead to World War III and may yet still.

    The United States today continues to act out the psychotic imperialist impulses of Manifest Destiny. It’s slavish support for the criminal apartheid theocracy called Israel manifests all the early sick fantasies of the Puritans, a hateful sect which left England with the express intent of finding new land and people to rob and murder, emulating the jews of the Old Testament. Consider the words of imperialist blow hard John L. O’ Sullivan, a key formulator of the Manifest Destiny psychosis:

    Yes, we are the nation of progress, of individual freedom, of universal enfranchisement. … This is our high destiny, and in nature’s eternal, inevitable decree of cause and effect we must accomplish it. All this will be our future history, to establish on earth the moral dignity and salvation of man — the immutable truth and beneficence of God. For this blessed mission to the nations of the world, which are shut out from the life-giving light of truth, has America been chosen; and her high example shall smite unto death the tyranny of kings, hierarchs, and oligarchs, and carry the glad tidings of peace and good will where myriads now endure an existence scarcely more enviable than that of beasts of the field. Who, then, can doubt that our country is destined to be the great nation of futurity?

    – – John L. O’ Sullivan, Manifest Destiny 1839 – –
    Note the invocation of the very jewish concept of being chosen. Manifest Destiny implied the same tikkun olam that jews use to morally justify their own crimes, to wit, a gang of pushy busybodies wreaking havoc on the decent, peace loving peoples of this planet all in the name of God! And John L. O’ Sullivan had plenty of company. Few mid-19th century authors better represented the constipated New England (anti-) Brahmans than Herman Melville. When idle from writing stories about obsessive madmen killing whales, Melville turned his quill to baser considerations:

    Escaped from the house of bondage, Israel of old did not follow after the ways of the Egyptians. To her was given an express dispensation; to her were given new things under the sun. And we Americans are the particular, chosen people the Israel of our time; we bear the ark of the liberties of the world.

    – – Herman Melville, White-Jacket, 1850 – –
    Once again, the chosenite delusion reared its ugly head. Melville explicitly identifies Americans with the hateful ingrates who turned to a golden calf after being lead out of slavery. (A richly DESERVED analogy today!) This identity psychosis has only deepened in the 154 years since those words were penned. All of Mankind except the most rabidly fanatical die-hard Americans can see this ugly Truth. We Aztecas partake of Brotherhood with the People of Palestine and all others who’ve been ground beneath the Iron Heel of judeo-saxon Manifest Destiny.

    Israel, through its defiance of the U.N., not to mention Human Decency, and its rape and pillage of Palestine, has become the 21st Century’s Manifest Destiny card carrying Plutonium Member. The United States, it’s golem, has created an atmosphere of antipathy abroad and through it’s continued support of this “country” will make all people within the U.S. borders liable to pay the FULL price for zionism and the inherent evil that it brings. We ‘ve already paid entirely too much for jewish beach front condos and brothels of Israel!

    The situation in Aztlan is different and the same. During the past 157 years that the land has been subjugated, those left behind have suffered horribly at the hands of their oppressors. Discrimination was rampant and continues today as we can see by the suffering of our people everywhere we look. As the Mexicano population grows and people are becoming better informed and educated, Aztlan should begin to see the big picture. We, as a people, must begin to identify which issues are the most important in our communities and have the diligence to select and support the right leaders and spokesmen to properly represent our interests. We must break away from the thought habits of a subject people. We have to organize ourselves politically and become a force to be recognized and reckoned with. We must be law abiding and honorable in the public forum and set a good example for future generations. We must educate each other and help others educate themselves and get them ready to help in the Cause. We must also be aggressive and persistent in realizing our vision.

    The re-conquest of Aztlan is not going to be the result of bloody revolution or illegal coup d’etat, such notions will only encourage the anti-Mexicanism that is promoted by the jew media and lead to the further persecution of our people. The Revolution will involve a process which is legally done as a result of the will of the people. In 1930 during a Munich trial of three German Army Officers accused of treason because of their support of the rising National Socialist party, Adolf Hitler addressed the court, on the record, and promised a revolution which would free Germany from the clutches of the jewish Weimar Republic. He promised that this revolution would not be one of blood and war but one brought forth by the will of the German people to be masters of their own destinies. Hitler was aware that the true power of Germany was in the souls of its sons and daughters, not the politicians. He knew that in the souls of those sons and daughters a new, powerful and jew free society would come forth. He promised that Germany would once again be a great power and that he would undo all the wrong that had been brought upon Germany as a result of the conduct of the November Criminals. The November Criminals were the individuals who surrendered to the Allied Forces in World War I when they still had the best Army in the world still occupying enemy ground. Hitler vowed to preserve the identity of his people and never again leave them subject to the jew evil as had occurred post World War I. Germany at the time lay in ruin as a result of the Treaty of Versailles which raped her of her money and natural resources to compensate her enemies who did not even win the war. The people were robbed of their identities and were then subject to a jew influenced regime known as the Weimar Republic.

    The same applies in Aztlan today. Guadalupe Hidalgo raped Mexico of half her land and the people were robbed of their identities when they found themselves captive behind enemy lines. Today, the jewish occupation government oppresses our people through their instruments of law enforcement, the INS and the kosher kangaroo courts. The power to create change and to emerge from subjugation at the hands of our Zionist oppressor lies within the souls of Aztlan’s orphaned sons and daughters. It is there where the power will come from. We, as that posterity must teach ourselves more about who we are. We, as a People, must develop a Nationalist mentality when framing our political agenda. There is nothing wrong with being proud of who we are or where we come from. There is nothing wrong with preserving our culture and tradition. We must be grateful and proud that we descend from the Aztecas, Mayas, Toltecs and Spanish. Each of those lineages gives us the genetic pre-disposition to realize our goals and be masters of our futures. The people of Aztlan have been dormant for 157 years and must awaken to the deadly reality that is modern America. We must not view other ethnic groups as adversaries but rather as allies in the war for Liberation from the clutches of jewry.

    Nationalism is the ultimate threat to the jews. Jewry, a religion and race of pure evil, promotes mixing everybody, except for themselves, into one bowl where there no longer exists any ethnicity or identity. Thus today we can rightly call the United States of America an empire of bastards. Jewry wishes to subjugate the Aryan, African and Aztec tribes and dictate to those tribes its wretched lies. The youth in all communities are lost by the many poisonous carrots that are dangled in front of them by the jewish media. This has created a generation of confused, unmotivated and lazy people who are looking for the quick and easy way to obtain these carrots. These youths are no longer inspired to work hard and better themselves. They want simply the material evils which they see on MTV and VH1. They crave the street drugs like Ecstasy and GHB which are manufactured in Israel and sold to our children by rabbis! Jewry promotes the admonition of ethnic pride and thus it always attacks those groups who preach ethnic pride while applauding the boot-licking turncoat groups who preach tolerance and co-existence. Jewry has created an intolerant and racially discriminatory climate in America by persecuting Aryans, Africans and Aztecas who have ethnic pride and are vocal about it. The jew media labels these people as extremist, separatist or supremacist groups which desire anarchy, chaos and the promotion of ‘anti-semitism.’ Meanwhile, jews continue on undetected as the real extremist, separatist and supremacist group. They have slowly but surely infested the infrastructure of the United States’ government to the point that the zionist vision and plan are of the highest priority. Jews have taken control of the media which has basically given them the forum they need to preach and justify their evil. Through television, cable, Hollywood and the government jews have America in a strong choke-hold and will continue to squeeze so long as the people remain ignorant and unwilling to stop it.

    Through Nationalism we preserve all that jewry wishes to destroy. The Third Reich, in modern times, is vilified for its so called anti-semitism but in reality it was established to make Germany self sufficient and autonomous from the world which found itself in the clutches of an economic collapse, the Great Depression of the 1930’s. The Third Reich, as Hitler had promised, did not take power violently. The will of the German people, through their hunger for greatness, was carried out. Nazi Germany is called a racist state which planned to exterminate all non-Aryans beginning with the jews. This, like most jewish slander, is in fact mere projection of the jewish psyche onto their victims. We too have suffered from their vicious projections. This acceptance of the jew history of Germany would be laughable when one studies the true dogma of the Third Reich. Consequences of internalizing jew lies and acting on them, as we Aztecas, like others, have had led to a misinformed and erroneous view of Nazi Germany. If the jewish depiction of Nazi Germany was true, Hitler would not have supported Francisco Franco in Spain, Mussolini in Italy or have aligned himself with Emporer Hirohito’s Dai Nippon (Great Japan). Himmler’s Waffen SS was the most perfectly multinational combat organization in the war. Arab civilians prospered more under the Axis than British/jewish occupation. We must be careful not to accept as fact the lies which are published and broadcast about Nazi Germany. We must remember at all times that the jew media censors what gets aired and printed and what most people read, see or hear has been censored to assure it conforms to the zionist agenda.

    While law enforcement officers, the INS and vigilante red neck, inbred border killers are the most widely portrayed enemies of Aztlan they are not the true enemy as these are mere pawns. Jewry and its control of the United States government is the true enemy of Aztlan and as long as this zionist noose stays wrapped around the government’s neck this will be true. The jew vision in this country is one which pits all human beings against one another as we see with this whole melting pot, better called a chamber pot, syndrome. We, as human beings first and foremost, are made to focus so much on the differences between the races that we end up having more dissension and division between the ethnic communities in America. The more we are forced to co-exist and accept each other as the same the more it creates racial hatred and conflict, all in accord with jew interests. The beauty of the human being is in its ethnic diversity. Each ethnicity is beautiful in its own right and should be respected because it is different. In America we are all expected to forgo our ethnic roots and adapt/assimilate into American society, hence the chamber pot example. We live in a nation of different ethnic groups who are trying to co-exist under the American model of society and the end result has been a nation divided and at war with itself. So long as jewry is in control this will be the reality.

    Therefore, let us focus first and foremost on improving the condition of our own people. We should of course defend ourselves against all oppressors. Above all, let us recognize that our Ultimate Enemy is the jew and its lacayos, both without the ranks of our Azteca Nation such as Glenn Spencer, and within, such as Jose Lozano. For these there can be no mercy, no negotiation. We know, after centuries of lies, bad faith and oppression, that the jew regards us only as prey. Let the hunted become Hunters! Es tiempo de darles en la madre!

    Juan Armando Roque de Lara was born in San Diego, California and was raised in Ontario, California. Mr. Roque de Lara attended Arizona State Universtiy and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in History/Spanish in May 1996. He now resides in the Detroit Metro Area.

  5. Millions of Whites aren’t willing to go quietly into the night. For now, their efforts are locked into the conservative mainstream, but that could one day change. It remains to be seen whether White Nationalists will exploit this opportunity.

    One of the primary goals of racialists ought to be attacking and undermining the mainstream conservative movement.

  6. “The fact that mixed race societies are still obsessed with race proves that the idea of a “post-racial” society is just a myth.”

    Indeed, we see that in India and mixed South American populations. The upper class or higher caste has more white ancestry and is typically lighter-pigmented.

    You see this even among non-mixed races. Asians, especially the Japanese, prefer lighter skin. Perhaps one of the reasons their women like white men so much.

    Among blacks, they tend to like lighter brown skin and “good hair”, which means a black that is mixed and doesn’t have kinky hair.

    To the Jews and liberal whites who say race-mixing is good, I say YOU FIRST. If they all mixed themselves out of the white gene pool, we’d have less confusion among our people.

  7. “One of the primary goals of racialists ought to be attacking and undermining the mainstream conservative movement.”

    Before that can happen the white racialist cause has to be more appealing than mainstream conservatism. With lowlifes like Alex Linder that will never happen.

    Simply attacking others isn’t going to make you look better.

  8. I find some of Lindsay’s statements ridiculous.

    He claims Latin America thinks Amerindians are ugly. Yet they miscegenated with them en masse. While North America regards them as not ugly. Yet we had segregation and a policy of non-mixture. What nonsense.

    Lindsay thinks this guy is just a mestizo.


    Considering how dark he is and his hair, he looks to be part African. Mexico assimilated their slave population. Genetic studies show that the average Mexican is 5% African.

    There’s a lot of racial amnesia in Latin America. Studies show that many self-identifying “white” populations have significant admixture.

  9. “To the Jews […] who say race-mixing is good, I say YOU FIRST.” ( — Mark)

    Damn right and well said.

  10. That article posted by FB above is quite striking. It doesn’t conform to any one interpretation of what’s going on that I subscribe to or even any I’ve ever heard of. It’s like the Michelson-Morley experiment in physics, so inconsistent with everything people thought they knew that it forced a revolution. The weirdest thing in the article, and it was packed with weird things, was where the author kept saying Jewish controlled U.S. media were prejudiced against Mexican ascendancy. Everyone knows they’re prejudiced in favor, not against. They’re prejudiced against Euro-race efforts to contain and if possible roll back Mexican ascendancy.

    Very strange article.

  11. Another instance of why Ian Jobling’s theory that Jews are kept from allying themselves with the side he supports by their perception that it attracts “anti-Semites”: organized Jewry doesn’t care about “anti-Semites” where something they favor is at stake, and they don’t care about the absence of “anti-Semites” where something they oppose is at stake. They’ll favor the one and oppose the other regardless. Organized Jewry supports the Mexican La Raza types to the hilt, yet, as seen in FB’s article, they attract passionate “anti-Semites.” The Jews apparently aren’t put off by Mexican Nationalist anti-Semitism, Ian — why do you think they’re put off by WN anti-Semitism? Answer: they don’t care about the “anti-Semitism” part one way or the other, it’s the WN part itself that they’re put off by. The essence of what you’re selling, in other words, totally purified of anti-Semitism, they’re not buying. You can “clean up all the anti-Semitism in it and they still won’t be interested, because it itself is what they don’t like, whereas Mexican Nationalism is something they like since it attacks the group Jews see as their principal tribal enemy, Eurochristians.

    Wake up, Ian.

  12. Fred writes:

    The Jews apparently aren’t put off by Mexican Nationalist anti-Semitism, Ian — why do you think they’re put off by WN anti-Semitism? Answer: they don’t care about the “anti-Semitism” part one way or the other, it’s the WN part itself that they’re put off by. The essence of what you’re selling, in other words, totally purified of anti-Semitism, they’re not buying. You can “clean up all the anti-Semitism in it and they still won’t be interested, because it itself is what they don’t like, whereas Mexican Nationalism is something they like since it attacks the group Jews see as their principal tribal enemy, Eurochristians.

    It’s well worth repeating.

    The essay Friedrich posted resonates with other things I’ve read or know first hand. Wintermute has made the same point about Manifest Destiny. The author, Juan, faithfully describes the revanchist, irredentist rationale behind the reconquista of aztlan – two words we will hear more often as mestizos continue to pour in and fan out. Juan expresses a deep understanding of the nature of jewish relations with “Aryans, Africans and Aztecas”, at least from an amerindian point of view.

  13. Why do you post such nonsense in this site.
    Latin Americans don’t hate theirs whites. What don’t stand are gringos: like you.

  14. A Puritan Yankee with the name O’Sullivan? May the saints preserve us. Especially when his essay, of 1839, begins by proclaiming the universal equality of man: (so much for the chosen) “The American people having derived their origin from many other nations, (a lie) and the Declaration of National Independence being entirely based on the great principle of human equality…(another lie). O’Sullivan, an Irish Catholic used the piece to beat down the New York nativists and push for Catholic immigration. And the reference “she shall smite unto death the tyranny of kings, hierarchs, and oligarchs, and carry the glad tidings of peace and good will where myriads now endure an existence scarcely more enviable than that of beasts of the field” is clearly a reference to English dominance of the Irish and O’Sullivan’s desire to battle that cause.

    The expansionist theme was a Southern one founded upon the beliefs of the Virginian slave holder Jefferson who pronounced that the Anglo-Saxon was destined to rule the continent because of excellence in governance. He supported this believe with reference to Anglo-Saxon common law which was pagan in origin. (No chosen here).

    “Here were plains capable of raising excellent cotton that were inhabited only by buffaloes and scattered Indians. Southerners, settling in these unoccupied lands beyond the Sabine, sought to bring the great Southwest under American control. These adventurers from Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana–Nordics beginning to be tropicized–looked first toward the acquisition of Texas, and later toward Cuba, Mexico and Central America. They dreamed, indeed, of founding a great Anglo-Saxon community in the tropics, supported by the labor of slaves or peons. It was a stirring conception, the aspiration of a dominant race. If they had had their way, Anglo-Saxon America would now extend from Maine to Panama, possibly much farther, and would include the greater Antilles. Such an expansion would have continued the power of the South for another term of years and might have postponed the Civil War for another decade.

    A tropicized Anglo-Saxon population in the Gulf region would have preferred planting to mill-owning, would have attempted to extend farther southward, and would have defied the industrial North. Slavery has been too much glorified. It was but an incident in the conflict, the two determining factors of which were Nordic blood and hot climate. The Civil War was, in essence, a struggle between that part of the Nordic race which was prepared to renounce its tradition of mastery for equality, modernism and material comfort and that part of the race which was resolved, despite modernity, to remain true to its ruling instincts. It was a conflict between a community rapidly becoming un-Nordicized by industry and non-Nordic immigration and a community which had become more thoroughly Nordic than at the settlement by reason of slavery and purely agricultural pursuits.”

    Jefferson Davis: President of the South
    Book by H. J. Eckenrode; Macmillan, 1923. 374 pgs.

  15. This article is semi-accurate. Ultimately, what destroyed Latin America was that white men couldn’t stop having sex with non-white and mixed women, until almost everyone was mixed.

    Some of the racial percentages in the article are using a Latin American definition of white, under which many people not considered white in the US would be considered white. Cuba was not 70% white in 1957 by the American definition of white. Miscegenation didn’t start after the revolution either. That’s an absurd claim. Puerto Ricans tested at 2% pure white in a recent DNA study. The rest were mixed. The vast majority of Puerto Ricans have black, white and Indian ancestry. I read book about Puerto Rican history — miscegenation was rampant in the 1700’s. Costa Rica is not 77% white.

    The article is right that in the “whiter” countries of Latin America, European immigration lightened the mestizo majority. Most people are still mestizos in those countries, they are just 3/4 or 7/8 white and identify as white socially.

  16. “Before that can happen the white racialist cause has to be more appealing than mainstream conservatism.”

    Or the situation in this country must become so awful that Whites have no choice but to turn to White Racialism. This is where things are trending right now.

    The economy is in the dumps. Michigan now has an unemployment rate similar to some ‘backwards’ Eastern European countries… but they are also blessed with diversity in Detroit.

    Immigrants keep pouring in, causing more and more White Flight.

    California is broke.

    Eventually something is going to give and this seismic event will co-opt lame conservatives and cause the Racialist Awakening. It will be the Collapse!! ‘Ride the Tiger’!!!

    “Ultimately, what destroyed Latin America was that white men couldn’t stop having sex with non-white and mixed women, until almost everyone was mixed.”

    Why was this though?? Why was South America so different then North America??? The primary reason is that the Catholics to the south didn’t bring their own White women with them and the ones they did bring were nuns!!! Sadly these Catholics had no choice basicly then to miscegenate!!!

    Luckily the Protestants to the North did in fact bring their own White women and were capable of maintaining their Racial Purity because of it.

    South America is example number one of what can happen with Christianity. Better to be a Pagan and declare all non-Whites ‘skraelings’.

    ” Why do you post such nonsense in this site.
    Latin Americans don’t hate theirs whites. What don’t stand are gringos: like you.”

    That is good! I DON’T WANT THE RACES TO GET ALONG! Thanks for bringing racial slurs along too (gringo).


    By the way, could you refresh my mind as to what the slur is for blondes in Spanish?? I seem to have forgotten. Is it ‘Grunias’ or something like that?? I know there is a term specifically for us Blonds that you squat beings like to use. I used to live in California and know first hand many of your kinds primative ways.

  17. Before that can happen the white racialist cause has to be more appealing than mainstream conservatism. With lowlifes like Alex Linder that will never happen.

    Simply attacking others isn’t going to make you look better.

    Sites like this one, Majority Rights, The Occidental Observer, American Renaissance (sometimes), and various blogs are good, “respectable”, and aimed at a high-IQ audience. Linder is brash but clever and would be good for the crowd that currently reads crap like Little Green Footballs or listen to Michael Savage.

  18. ATBOTL – The %’s were gleaned from reading many reports from WN Latin Whites on Stormfront. It’s dubious that they would inflate their %’s. The Nordicism and anti-Latinism of US Whites is fully on display here for all to see. I really don’t get it. We are losing our countries, dammit. Beggars can’t be choosers. Me? I consider any Latin American posting on Stormfront to be White, no questions asked. And as far as Latin American immigration goes, the problem is obviously not with the descendants of the Catalans, Basques and Galicians.

    Considering that so many Whites are losing our nations or if a fait accompli, under siege as minorities, the last thing on Earth we should be doing is splitting purity hairs or engaging in Nordicist insanity.

    Really, Stormfront is one of the most rational sites on this question. If you are of White ancestry, look White, act White and are committed to the White cause, welcome aboard. What more needs to be said?

    I mean, I’m related to Pocohontas myself. My brother was in the South and he insisted that every other cracker down there was proud to the gills of his Cherokee ancestry.Even William Pierce said who among us is pure White? I really think we need to dump this Nordicist and anti-Catholic crap. We are what? 65%? It’s a luxury we can no longer afford.

    You seem to be advocating a mass rejection of our White brothers in Latin America as impure. I disagree, strongly.

  19. Mark: The article was written based on Whites on Stormfront. You want a more accurate source? They clearly stated that LA Whites think Indian = ugly. This has been my perception as well. I have seldom encountered this mindset in the US. Here we have squaw men and beautiful Indian maidens. Anywhere you have tons of Indians, you have lots of lower class White guys shacking up with them and marrying them. Read any Native American novel and it is full of rage about such things.

    The mass miscegenation occurred early on for the most part. Most LA Whites to this day think Indian women are ugly and will not go with them. Posters were unanimous in stating that the choice of colonists was either masturbation, bestiality, homosexuality or Indian women. Which one do you pick?

    In Mexican society, the soccer player is called “mestizo”, right. This due to things called “social race” and “mestizaje.” If you don’t know what those mean, look them up. I doubt if he is African. He looks Indian to me. Many Mexican Indians are very short and dark and look almost Black. Many have wide, black-like noses and thick lips too. Evolutionary features partly derived from tropical climate. See the Olmec statues.

  20. Fred Scrooby:
    “The weirdest thing in the article, and it was packed with weird things, was where the author kept saying Jewish controlled U.S. media were prejudiced against Mexican ascendancy. Everyone knows they’re prejudiced in favor, not against.”

    Depends on the context. Seems very plausible to me that the same mindset that would encourage Aztlan in the US would oppose a Mexican nationalism that would stand alone and rely on a purely ethnic (and exclusionary) grounding.

  21. “…the last thing on Earth we should be doing is splitting purity hairs or engaging in Nordicist insanity.”

    If we are honest with ourselves what we perceive as being most closely our own, those that look like us, ARE Nordics. The idea that it is not of the utmost importance for Northern Europeans to preserve themselves is the true insanity. Almost all White Nationalists, if they are of Northern European descent, eventually come to at least an implicit Nordicism.

  22. Almost all White Nationalists, if they are of Northern European descent, eventually come to at least an implicit Nordicism.

    And most probably become Extreme White Nationalists. People with whom they previously had little to no problem now make them puke. Isn’t there at least a bit of insanity in that?

    Much more importantly, whether we like it or not, we are linked to one another in ways that makes nordicist intransigence desperately impolitic.

  23. ” Isn’t there at least a bit of insanity in that?”

    Not at all. It’s the whole point of the exercise: a person becomes exposed to information that wasn’t previous available or that they hadn’t taken time to consider, and the new information results in a change in behavior. In any other circumstance this would be called “sanity”.

  24. Lindsay’s a race-replacement advocate of long standing. What’s up with his comment #19?

  25. “Seems very plausible to me that the same mindset that would encourage Aztlan in the US would oppose a Mexican nationalism that would stand alone and rely on a purely ethnic (and exclusionary) grounding.” ( — Rollory)

    That’s like saying, “Seems very plausible to me that the same mindset that would encourage the founding of the state of Israel would oppose a Jewish nationalism that would stand alone and rely on a purely ethnic (and exclusionary) grounding.” What do you think Aztlan is, Rollory? It’s a Mexican nationalism that would stand alone and rely on a purely ethnic (and exclusionary) grounding.

  26. “It’s a Mexican nationalism that would stand alone”

    Yeah, but that’s in the future, and far from certain. Right now its primary effect is divide-and-conquer within the USA.

  27. ”Most people are still mestizos in those countries, they are just 3/4 or 7/8 white and identify as white socially.” ( — ATBOTL, #16)

    And the lighter mestizos will always seek to distinguish themselves from the darker as a different (and better) race, and this will be the case from now until the end of time, all the Jews’ efforts to attack Euros by stirring up Negroes and mulattoes with “Black Is Beautiful” propaganda notwithstanding. Negroes, South American Indios, Mexican mestizos, mulattoes, “high-yaller” people, and so on, don’t think Black Is Beautiful – that’s just Jewish-communist political masturbation and Semitic anti-Euro race warfare. The Mexican Indios, the Subcontinent Untouchables, the Sub-Saharans know nothing about Black is Beautiful. So, as long as the slightest racial differences exist, race will exist. In Southwest Africa/Namibia, on the day of independence in 1990 the Negroes went around to the homes of all mulattoes and massacred them all on their doorsteps, whole families. Wrong race. To us they were Negroes but not to Negroes – to Negroes they were mulattoes. Wrong race. Unless you get perfect homogeneity you’re going to have this phenomenon of jockeying for position on the basis of slight differences of skin shade and other slight differences in inborn traits. Thermodynamics precludes the possibility of perfect worldwide coffee-colored homogeneity, meaning there will always be races jockeying for position and the only question is which ones there will be. Our business is to make sure all the Euro races are among them. The Jews aren’t gonna like that? Tough.

  28. Fred Scrooby: I also heard about the founding of Haiti. The vicious Black savages didn’t just kill every innocent White person. They also killed everybody who wasn’t pure Black. This included everybody who was White, Indigenous, and mulatto (part Black).

  29. “Much more importantly, whether we like it or not, we are linked to one another in ways that makes nordicist intransigence desperately impolitic.”

    Nordic and non-Nordic Europeans have been linked by geographic proximity and close genetic relatedness for quite some time now. Yet the existence of Nordics was not substantially threatened until now. Just what are you saying, that Nordics ought not pursue the course of survival? And if they ought to, shouldn’t they say they would like too? Btw, I thought you were a bit of a Nordicist.

  30. What’s a “race replacement advocate?” I mean, I don’t think it’s a great idea, I’m not cheering it on. I don’t care about White extinction though. I experienced going from a White majority to a White minority real fast here in California and I didn’t like how it felt. I do date outside my race and have for all my life and I’m not opposed to Whites breeding with non-Whites.

    I want to reduce legal immigration to 350,000 and end illegal immigration.

    I dunno, color me confused? I’m just apathetic like most Whites. If you ask most Whites around here if they think it’s cool that the US is going to become White-minority soon, most will say they don’t like it, but they are not passionate about it. If you ask them about White extinction, they will laugh for about five minutes. They think that’s a joke, that’s it’s ridiculous.

    You guys are always saying how my positions don’t add up or make sense or are contradictory, but I swear to God, around here anyway, most Whites think exactly like this, more or less.

  31. What is a “race replacement advocate?” You mean if you don’t want to end non-White immigration, and you are not opposed to Whites breeding with non-Whites, and you think White extinction is ridiculous, you are a race replacement advocate? Fine, ok, then that’s what I am, but that’s what most US Whites are too. You have set up an awfully extremist straw man here.

  32. You’re not serious about preventing our racial eclipse in the United States. Even if immigration grinded to a halt tomorrow, differential birthrates would do the trick within this century.

    White Nationalists are the only voice on the entire political spectrum who are steadfast on this issue. For that reason, I will cast my lot with them.

  33. “It’s dubious that they would inflate their %’s.”

    Why is it dubious? The average Puerto Rican considers themselves white. Do you think most of the people living in Puerto Rico should be counted as white? You are insane if you take those figures seriously.

  34. You’re not serious about preventing our racial eclipse in the United States.

    You’re right, I am not. It’s going to happen anyway, but I would prefer it to be slow and I want the non-Whites to be mostly high-quality. It would be nice if they shared more liberal values, too. I’m not keen on importing a bunch of reactionary Hispanics or East Indians to take us backwards.

  35. It will only happen if Whites remain committed to conventional politics as usual. The radical swing in racial demographics ensures that “conservatism” is doomed. The American political system will grow ever more unresponsive to White interests and concerns as the minority votes becomes more important.

    Everything turns on what happens next. Where do Whites go after “conservative” politics are exhausted? There is already a clear solution to our demographic crisis: White Nationalism.

  36. “You’re right, I am not. It’s going to happen anyway, but I would prefer it to be slow and I want the non-Whites to be mostly high-quality.”

    Liberal values are simply unadaptive. The only racial stock capable of adhering to them will be destroyed as a result of them. Values are not an end unto themselves, they are either adaptive or unadaptive. That is the standard by which we say what is of value. The genetic annihilation of our race is certainly not inevitable. Full-blown National Socialism would mightily sweep away all that stands against the survival of our people, yet it would also sweep away liberalism. Which is why you want no part of it, or even something closer to that than not.

  37. Robert Lindsay, from the communist perspective what’s driving race-replacement, and are the Jews playing a major role? — I refer to the Jews playing a role “as Jews,” not as purely generic liberals (which doesn’t necessarily mean they’re religious, practicing, or believing Jews, just that their membership in the Jewish tribe is a significant part of what motivates them to attack the Euro race in this way and, all other things being equal, if they weren’t Jews they’d be doing it far less). As you know, commenters such as Lawrence Auster, James Kalb, Paul Gottfried, Ian Jobling, Constantin von Hoffmeister, and tons of others say essentially zero role is being played by Jews “as Jews,” only by, “if for some odd reason you want to break it down this way,” by Jews as purely generic liberals just like Eurochrisitan or other liberals. Dany Cohn-Bendit, for example, is motivated in zero ways by his identity as a Jew. The claim of, say, Constantin von Hoffmeister, that the Jews, if they are involved at all, are not involved “as Jews,” is analagous to claiming, let’s say, that the tons of money collected during the 1970s and ’80s in heavily Irish-Catholic Boston Massachusetts to be sent to fund the IRA in Ireland was not donated by those American Irish Catholics “as Irish Catholics” but solely as purely generic pro-Irish-resistance sympathizers, the same as any other pro-Irish-resistance sympathizers. That they donated in a far higher proportion than non-Irish-Catholic sympathizers is irrelevant: they were contributing on a purely generic basis as U.S. concerned citizens, nothing whatsoever to do with being Irish Catholics themselves, and any difference in the porportions contributing must have some other explanation. How do Stalinists such as yourself see this question (if you see it at all)?

    (As for your puzzlement at being called a race-replacement advocate, just take my word for it, you’re one.)

  38. The view of someone like von Hoffmeister or Auster, for example, is that it’s legitimate to complain about, say, Abe Foxman’s attacks on the Euro race and on the structural supports of U.S. Euro society, but not legitimate to implicate Foxman’s Jewish background as a factor in his motivation. Instead one must implicate solely his liberalism as a factor. In no significant way is he doing it “as a Jew,” solely “as a generic liberal.”

    What’s the Stalinist take on that, if any?

  39. Hi Fred, this is an interesting question. I object to being called a race replacement advocate, but if you insist…I got race replaced here in California in what seems like the blink of an eye, and I would not wish that experience on my worst enemy. OTOH, I am no White nationalist. I grew up in a 20-30% non-White California, and that’s the state I want back.

    Your questions are very interesting. I have wondered for a long time about the role of Jews in anti-White activities including support of mass non-White immigration to White countries. First of all, who are the Jews? The Jews are White; they are a White tribe. They are best seen as a strange White tribe that refuses to identify as White and is hostile to all the other White tribes! They are sort of like a traitorous White tribe, as opposed to being non-Whites. A friend who is on Match.com says maybe 50% of the Jews there do not even identify as White. Instead they check something stupid like “Middle Easterner.”

    It’s clear that Jews have it in for the rest of the Whites. Jews fought with all or most all other White tribes the whole time they were in Europe, so they don’t like any other White tribes. This is an historical battle, and most Jews have not forgotten and continue to carry on this fight. Further, the last time a bunch of Whites got together as ethnocentric Whites, they tried to wipe every Jew off the face of the Earth (I’m no Holocaust denier). So for the Jew, White ethnocentrism simply = genocide. That’s all there is to it. In addition, every time the other White tribes got nationalistic, they always said that the Jews were not part of the nation, and they attacked them as aliens. So Jews are hostile to the nationalism of all of the other White tribes because historically, it has been bad for the Jews.

    Now, we do have some records of Jews saying that race replacement in the US will be good for the Jews. One Jew is on record as saying that once US Whites get below 50%, it will be a great day for the Jews. Why? Because then a Nazi-type White ethnocentric political party can never rise in the US after that. Their worst worry will be over. Now, it’s possible that Jews in other White countries may be working for the same agenda, but we don’t have any direct evidence. So the goal behind Jewish promotion of White race replacement would simply be “Never again!”

    Now, how many Jews promoting mass non-White immigration to White countries actually think like this? Who knows! You don’t often hear them come out and say it anyway. Keep in mind that Jews were typically immigrants to many White nations. So they see anti-immigrant stuff as hurting Grandma Esther on Ellis Island. Personally, I think Jews are bonkers to be importing all these millions of super anti-Semitic Hispanics, but I guess their other commitments blind them to that. Also, Jews see immigration restriction as automatically feeding back into nativism and nationalism, which sooner or later has a tendency to come back around and bite the Jews on the ass. So there may be a knee-jerk reaction to it on that basis.

    Promotion of mass immigration race replacement seems to go hand in hand with anti-White politics in general. When you look for the craziest, most whacked out White self-hate movements, it always seems like there are a bunch of Jews leading the charge. Jews do not make up all of these movements by any means, but they seem to be the major part of the spearhead forging away at the bow of the movement.

    Similarly, Jews scream racism constantly at other Whites, and are usually incredible hypocrites at the same time. A couple of Jews called me racist recently, and I’m still mad. Both of these idiots make good money and live far away from the diversity. Both are very ethnocentric Jews and one married another Jew. Yet they deny the right of ethnocentrism to me.

    So, NO, these Jews are not leading the race replacement wave due to their liberalism or whatever, and it’s not correct to say that they are not acting as Jews. They ARE acting as Jews, period!

  40. The thing is,
    a multiracial state can still decide to kill Jews. It’s stupid. to believe Jews are safer.

    If a Communist regime took power, it could easily wipe out many Jews.

  41. Robert Lindsay, thank you for that thoughtful and helpful reply. I found it interesting.

    On another topic:

    “I don’t care about White extinction though. I experienced going from a White majority to a White minority real fast here in California and I didn’t like how it felt.” ( — Robert Lindsay, #31)

    In other words, you’re like the soldiers on the battlefield who say to each other, “I don’t mind dying, it’s just the suffering that comes after you take the bullet, before you die, that I don’t want to go through. If I can just get it right through the head and die instantly, never feeling a thing, that’s OK.” Or, “I don’t care about white racial extinction, I just dislike having to go through the process.” That may not be a race-replacement advocate talking, but it’s the next thing to it.

  42. I don’t know what dreamworld some of you inhabit but most WN organizations don’t emphasize Nordicism or exclude people of Southern and Eastern European descent. In fact I’ve never seen the majors like Amren, David Duke, Stormfront, or even VNN ever appeal only to whites of Nordic ancestry. There may be some Nordicists in the ranks of these groups and that’s because they tolerate a diversity of beliefs unlike some of the moderate race realist types. Some groups allow this viewpoint to foster a free exchange of ideas but this doesn’t mean they endorse it.

    I see nothing offensive, however, in Nordic whites wishing to preserve their gene pool nor more than I would if Mediterranean whites wished to preserve theirs. If non-Nordic whites are put off by that then they need to get over it and fast. Personally speaking I am of mostly Nordic descent but I consider pro-white Poles or Italians as friends and allies while a Nordic anti-racist is my enemy (or at least not my friend). The same standards apply to Latin Americans of predominantly European descent.

  43. Robert Lindsay: “You mean if you don’t want to end non-White immigration, and you are not opposed to Whites breeding with non-Whites, and you think White extinction is ridiculous, you are a race replacement advocate? Fine, ok, then that’s what I am, but that’s what most US Whites are too.”

    This is a little much, Robert. I don’t deny that many whites share some of the beliefs that you list here, but the idea that the typical white yucks it up about “White extinction” is pushing the envelope. The typical white does not want to go extinct. I think the problem is that, despite all that is happening around them, they still don’t really believe that it can actually happen. Maybe that it why they were laughing? Not eagerness, but disbelief. It probably strikes them as a silly prospect.

    Sure, many whites have absorbed ridiculous platitudes from the non-stop propaganda directed at them, and many may view pro white sentiment as strange or odd, simply because they have never heard it presented in a way that wasn’t demonized by the most massive and sustained propaganda machine any people have ever been subjected to. But, at the end of the day, most whites don’t like what is going on racially, but they don’t see that they can actually do anything about it. It’s up to white nationalists to offer credible solutions. We’ve not done a great job of that – yet.

    RL: “I am no White nationalist. I grew up in a 20-30% non-White California, and that’s the state I want back.”

    Robert, I don’t blame you, but it doesn’t work that way. The existence of the first 20-30% paved the way for the rest. Once you’ve got the first 20-30, you then need the egalitarian propaganda to promote diversity and integration. And once that propaganda line has been sufficiently accepted, there is no rational reason to close the floodgates. Or, to be more accurate, there is no rational reason that can win the day in that particular scenario. For example, the floodgates should be closed on environmental concerns alone. That’s certainly a “rational” reason. But it doesn’t work that way. Why? Because the egalitarian ideology resulting from the integration of that first 20-30% of non-whites cripples the environmentalist on the Left.

    The environmentalists may not like the influx, they may know it is doing tremendous damage to what they cherish…but they just can’t fight back, not with any heart. And plus, the existing 20-30% of non-whites are able to wield political clout to keep the door open for their racial kinsmen. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the environment. Rather, they are after power and influence. With more numbers, they get more and more of both. America is open for the taking, and they are going to take it. Take while the taking is good. The great bulk of non-whites just see environmentalism as a way to close down the party, just when they were coming into their own.

    Here is the truth, Robert. It’s going to be all or nothing. There is simply no particularly tenable principle upon which to limit, or restore, things back to 20-30% non-white. Egalitarianism forbids it, and then self interest takes over: the non-whites want more of their bretheren, the Democrats want more compliant voters, and business wants more cheap labor so that they don’t have to pay Americans a liveable wage. Only white racialism in this country prevented the situation from happening much earlier than it did. Once the power of white identity declined, the floodgates opened. We have been stripped of our natural defenses, the defenses that did a pretty good job of protecting us in the past.

    What we need is something fresh, something that is actually based on reality. That means taking from what is now considered “left” and “right,” but synthesizing it into a consistent whole. To me, that means not just white preservation (though it most assuredly means that!), but it also means environmental preservation. It means opportunity and freedom in an honest, transparent free market economy, but it also means that any adult worker should make a liveable wage. It means an opportunity society, but also one that discourages a materialist set of values. It means what we think of as traditional values, but based more on concepts of human dignity and not preying upon others or treating them as disposable consumer objects. None of these things are contradictory, much less mutually exclusive. It can be done, and over time, I believe it can win.

    Our dominant ideologies are dead, full of contradictions, and simply cannot solve the problems that we face. The institutions that these ideologies dominate have failed us. White nationalism, properly understood, offers a way out from dead, dying, ineffectual ideologies and institutions. The cesspool that we live in is inevitable in a multi-racial nation. In a white nation, we have at least the real opportunity to achieve a much better outcome. There can be no half measures here – they simply won’t work. Again, it’s going to be all or nothing.

    Having said all of that, I did enjoy your blog post. It was thoughtful and well done. Thanks for that, and I’ll check your blog out more in the future.

  44. Don’t worry guys, Cali-porn-ia is GOING UTTERLY BANKRUPT thanks to non-White ‘diversity’, and NOTHING is going to save ’em! Hallelujah!

    “Diversity is supposedly America’s greatest strength, and California is America’s most diverse state, so by definition they don’t need any help from the rest of America, which is much less diverse. Why should the strong be asking for help from the weak?

    “All the ballot initiatives to raise revenue failed miserably yesterday. That’s in large part because the people that turn out for these off season ballots are generally old people, and even in California those old people are still mostly white. Now there’s a lot of talk that the feds should bail out California. California’s problem is that they want to enjoy a white way of life, even though their population is majority non-white, who can’t afford to pay for it. So they think the wealth of white people in other states should be taken and given to them, so they can continue believing the fairy tale that a Third World population can have a First World way of life.

    “It can’t. And bailing out California won’t teach them a thing, and they’ll just be back for more a few years down the road. You can’t have a state filled with Mexicans and still enjoy an American standard of living. It’s impossible, and the sooner California learns that, the better.”
    ~ James Edwards, “Let California Go Broke!” – The Political Cesspool


  45. RL: “I am no White nationalist. I grew up in a 20-30% non-White California, and that’s the state I want back.”

    Robert, I don’t blame you, but it doesn’t work that way. The existence of the first 20-30% paved the way for the rest. Once you’ve got the first 20-30, you then need the egalitarian propaganda to promote diversity and integration. And once that propaganda line has been sufficiently accepted, there is no rational reason to close the floodgates. Or, to be more accurate, there is no rational reason that can win the day in that particular scenario. For example, the floodgates should be closed on environmental concerns alone. That’s certainly a “rational” reason. But it doesn’t work that way. Why? Because the egalitarian ideology resulting from the integration of that first 20-30% of non-whites cripples the environmentalist on the Left.

    ( — Trainspotter)

    Critically important explanation there by Trainspotter: everyone has to understand that this is one of the ways race-replacement gains its initial toehold, and although Trainspotter doesn’t add this, it is here, right here at this precise spot in the process, where Jewish media-propaganda help for the race-replacers is crucial. Jews step in massively at exactly this point and lay the propaganda groundwork for the race-replacement process to move inexorably forward, getting on an unstoppable conveyor belt.

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