Whites of Latin America

Robert Lindsay has a long post about the Whites of Latin America. They are generally under siege throughout the region. Argentina has a terrible problem with illegal immigration. Miscegenation is rampant in Brazil. Indian chauvinists in Bolivia and Peru are fomenting hatred against Whites. Communist politicians are exploiting the racial resentments of the brown masses to gain power. In Mexico, the few Whites who remain have to deny their racial heritage to curry favor with the demos.

In the Anglo-American mind, Latin America has traditionally been a powerful foil. It was widely seen as a “warning from history”: racially degenerate, Spanish-speaking, in thrall to the Vatican, inclined to authoritarianism, stagnant, ignorant, backward and poor. Latin America was not a model to be imitated. It was thought of as the sort of place the United States would become if Americans lost their morals. There was no feeling of solidarity with the region except in the patronizing sense.

Until the 1930s. It was around that time that Jews began to rewrite Americanism. As they rose into the American elite, they substituted their own values — cosmopolitanism, internationalism, modernism, anti-racism — in the place of those inherited from the founding settlers. By 2000, the traditional narrative of Latin America’s racial degeneracy was replaced by a new tale about the struggle of freedom fighters against Yankee imperialism and commercial exploitation. Noam Chomsky (Jew) is the most prominent exponent of this view. Admittedly, it does have some basis in fact.

In spite of these efforts, traditional racial attitudes toward Hispanics and Latin America remain entrenched across a large cross section of the White population. Support for immigration restriction remains high. Millions of Whites aren’t willing to go quietly into the night. For now, their efforts are locked into the conservative mainstream, but that could one day change. It remains to be seen whether White Nationalists will exploit this opportunity.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Fred, I am not going to see “White extinction” in my lifetime, so I don’t give a flying f. Ok? Going from majority to minority was something I experienced, and I did not like it. I don’t wish it on others either. If they have any brains, they won’t like it either. The whole idea of White racial extinction is preposterous. Precisely when is this horrible scenario going to take place anyway? I will die in 30 yrs if lucky, and there will hundreds of millions of Whites left.

    Personally, I feel that Nordicists are just about the lowest form of rotting, stinking maggot-life on Earth, but that’s just me.

    Yes, they are laughing because they think it’s preposterous. The very notion of Whites going extinct is absolutely ridiculous to them. I tell them there are people called White nationalists who are all upset about White extinction, and they look at you incredulously. First they say what’s that? Then they say, “Oh, ok White supremacists / White power.” Then they really look disgusted and turn up their noses like they just smelled a turd.

    I say that these WN’s are all upset about Whites going extinct, and they shake their heads and say, “What a bunch of idiots / nuts / kooks / freaks!” But hey, this is California, ok?

    I know my 75% White California is never coming back, but I do mourn its passing.

    Of course, if they are already breeding with non-Whites like my brother is, they probably don’t care about extinction either.

  2. “Fred, I am not going to see “White extinction” in my lifetime, so I don’t give a flying f. Ok?”

    Exaxtly Robert, YOUR LIFETIME!

    With all due respect, it is this type of narcissistic attitude that is what got US here in the first place, by Honkeys from the past with the same selfish desire only concerned with themselves.

    And don’t be so sure you won’t see somnething really bad happen sometime soon, ‘in your lifetime’.

  3. Robert Lindsay:”I mean, I’m related to Pocohontas myself. My brother was in the South and he insisted that every other cracker down there was proud to the gills of his Cherokee ancestry.Even William Pierce said who among us is pure White? I really think we need to dump this Nordicist and anti-Catholic crap. We are what? 65%? It’s a luxury we can no longer afford.”

    Hey, why you calling us Southern Whites “crackers” Mr. Lindsay? Isn’t “cracker” a racial slur similar in intensity to “nigger”? Yet you use it freely here?

    In terms of the Amerindian thing, I also apparently have a little bit of distant Cherokee ancestry (at least what my father tells me) though I haven’t been able to verify it with paperwork and all.

    Even though I might have a tiny bit of distant and non-identifiable Cherokee ancestry, the rest of my racial background is Northern European (Scottish/Scotch-Irish, English, German, plus maybe other trace ethnically Northern European elements). After the last few years of studying and observing what is happening in parts of North America, Europe, Australia, etc in terms of immigration and so on, I’ve realized that the Northern European/Nordic/etc section of the White race is dwindling and aging and having their territories imposed upon by non-Whites and their cultures and economies often partially hijacked by anti-White Jews and thus steps must be taken to prevent people of Northern European ancestry from getting ‘swamped’ by other less advanced races and ethnic groups. Perhaps instead of ‘White Preservationist’ I’ll just start calling myself an ‘Anti-Extinctionist’ – because that is what myself and others here are trying to do. We want to prevent people of Northern European descent from going extinct, near-extinct, or totally mixed in with other groups, and we want to preserve and protect White nations and White territory, keep population levels stable and keep our White countries environmentally sound…is there something wrong with trying to preserve White ethnic diversity as well as White racial territory?

  4. There is nothing that makes me want to puke more than hearing white people brag about their alleged “Cherokee” ancestry.

    There is a tradition that says many Southerners who claim Cherokee ancestry really have black ancestry. The quadroon/octroon ancestor who first “passed” would have claimed partial Indian ancestry to deflect any suspicion about their dark or exotic looks.

  5. Robert is right. America will become increasingly Hispanic through miscegenation. For one reason, first, read the essay that Braun posted. This is the world view of most South of the border – It is a proper world view, and has been my experience with Hispanics. They also have strong families, and family bond and an underground network of medical support including midwifery, drugs and food distribution. I have seen it up close with friends and realtives.

    Secondly, most Americans just are not racist! And certainly not Eurocentric. Europe is less of a concern and more of a potential enemy then their Hispanic neighbors for whom has become entrenched in their personal culture, or so it seems. So they have cut themselves off at the umbilical cord. I do not see whites going extinct, but certainly, the Hispanic and whites in America will mix to a huge majority.

    I am a realist.

  6. RL:”I will die in 30 yrs if lucky, and there will hundreds of millions of Whites left.”

    You are too short-sighted Mr. Lindsay. Yes, hundreds of millions of Whites SEEMS like a lot, but realize that hundreds of millions isn’t all out that much out of an overall world population which by 2050 is expected to reach approx. 9-10 billion, and nearly all of them will be non-Whites seeking to immigrate to White countries for ‘better lives.’

    Whites are only about 10-15% of the world’s population (I’m including ALL European derived Whites here: Nords, Alpines, Meds, Slavs, various White mixes, etc) at the present time – just imagine how much we’ll continue to dwindle in relation to other racial groups in another 40-50 years if the modern trends of mass non-White immigration, lowish White fertility rates/White aging, and Jew-led economic ‘globalization’ continues to occur. According to UN estimates, White Europe’s share of the overall world population may fall to only about 7% in 2050…THIS IS A WHITE DEMOGRAPHIC CRISIS THAT MUST BE SOLVED

    I’m still in my 20s as are many of the commenters on this website (I assume), and thus most of us will live at least another 50-60 years or so…we’ll have to live to see our countries turned in to much more over-populated places, plus much poorer, much dirtier/polluted, much worse in general, and much more extensively racially-mixed India-esque or Brazil/Latin American-esque hellholes of corruption and socioeconomic decline, all caused by too much race-mixing along with the mass-importation of far too many inferior peoples and the resultant social confusion, decline, dissolution which results from that. History proves that many empires have fallen because of large influxes of immigrants and colonizers who were of a very different racial/ethnic stock which made the original country or empire successful and great…so let us not let the same thing happen in White North America, Europe, Australia, White Latin America, and so on.

  7. ATBOTL: “There is nothing that makes me want to puke more than hearing white people brag about their alleged “Cherokee” ancestry. There is a tradition that says many Southerners who claim Cherokee ancestry really have black ancestry. The quadroon/octroon ancestor who first “passed” would have claimed partial Indian ancestry to deflect any suspicion about their dark or exotic looks.”

    I agree that far too many Southerners brag about their alleged Cherokee ancestry, and some of that is likely them trying to cover up some Black ancestry, but it is still certainly true that some Southern Whites mixed with local Cherokee Indians they came in to contact with, who were actually quite advanced at the time of White contact and many who quickly adopted/assimilated to the White colonizers (Cherokees were one of what were called the “Five Civilized Tribes” in the Southeastern USA -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Civilized_Tribes)…many Cherokee Indians were actually taller and more physically fit than the Whites who were immigrating to the USA at that time because of better nutrition, etc. The North American Indian tribes (like the aforementioned “Five Civilized Tribes”) are/were very different from the Central and South American Indian tribes, who were/are shorter, stockier, and much more ‘Asiatic’ looking – both groups were/are Asiatic in origin of course, but the North American Indians tended to be less overtly so and were thus more amenable to adopting White customs and intermixing with the White colonizers. Many Amerindian were of course wiped out by the various diseases which the Whites brought with them because of their lack of immunity against European diseases, but that is not the fault of the Whites who did that inadvertently.

  8. Just an informal poll (if Prozium doesn’t mind) – how many of the commenters/readers here are young Whites, those being Whites who are younger than about 35 years old? This is to help disprove Robert Lindsay’s short-sighted comment that “it doesn’t matter how non-White North America/Europe/Australia/etc will be 50 years from now.” Well, for those of us who are still young enough to live for another 50+ years, how things will look at that time a few decades from now means A WHOLE LOT TO US YOUNGER WHITES.

    As for myself, I just turned 27 years old about a month ago. What about everyone else? I’m pretty sure that the commenting/reading demographic of this website skews fairly young.

  9. Nordic and non-Nordic Europeans have been linked by geographic proximity and close genetic relatedness for quite some time now. Yet the existence of Nordics was not substantially threatened until now.

    Not familially linked, and certainly not to the extent that we are today (and increasingly will be).

    Come on dude, at some point numbers begin to matter. There are nothing like the 200 million individually or familially unalloyed “whites” in America that you imagine (or were you thinking of all N. America?). When people mix, it’s not only the individuals directly involved that are affected; it’s whole families. That makes it much harder to put forward the case for a race. That’s probably why so many of you just say “fuck it, white revolution is the only solution.”

    Just what are you saying, that Nordics ought not pursue the course of survival?

    Yeah, obviously that’s what I meant man. Sigh.

    I said intransigence, Cappers, intransigence is a silly way to go about it.

  10. Lindsay,

    I want to reduce legal immigration to 350,000 and end illegal immigration.

    I like Robert Lindsay but the sad fact is he is a complete fucking idiot on race. Please, as if there’s something “magical” about 350,000. One million or half a million, oh no no no, that’s simply too many. Fifty thousand or one hundred thousand, good grief, that’d be far too few. No, the “correct” number is 350,000. What a total fucking idiot. Needless to say, he never manages to explain why it can’t be zero immigration. It’s just “impossible,” he claims. Why? Well, total fucking idiots don’t need reasons — that’s why they’re total fucking idiots. Love me or hate me, it’d be incredibly difficult for any of you to write me off as a total fucking idiot.

  11. Geez Silver, take it easy with the personal attacks please. We’re more civilized than that here. Are you currently a bit drunk or something? I’ll never understand why you always seem to burn so many potential bridges with severe personal attacks like these, Silver.

    Anyone who has read RL for a while knows that he isn’t “a total fucking idiot” – he is clearly a very smart person and a good writer, though in my opinion he does of course hold some extremely deluded far-leftist/globalistic/communistic/’anti-racist’ views that have served to very much decrease his objectivity on matters related to race and in particular the permanent preservation of the White race, most especially the Northern Euro and/or ‘Nordic’ White strain(s). RL’s fanatical anti-Nordicism really doesn’t make sense since he says that he is “mostly Nordic” himself and also because he has witnessed first-hand how the Hispanic as well as Asiatic invasion/colonization of California has near-ruined large swathes of his once prosperous and beautiful home state.

  12. Reason? I think high-quality legal immigrants still ought to be able to come here. Why? So many want to. If that means White extinction of race replacement at some time, so be it. It will happen anyway with zero immigration due to birth differentials anyway, as Prozium pointed out, so immigration is a red herring. Why support 350,000? Why not? Politics is the art of the possible. Almost no nation on Earth has a policy of zero immigration. America is hooked on Immigration Crack. We can’t even kick out 20-30 million damned illegals or keep their devil spawn kids from becoming citizens, how in Hell are we going to not only do that but also reduce legal immigration to an incredible ZERO? Not possible. First things first. First deal with illegals. We can barely even manage that, and there is a serious chance that 25 million illegals may be legalized quite soon. Then deal with anchor babies. Even that is going to be incredibly difficult. If we can manage that, then we move onto legal immigration. Most Americans care zero about legal immigration, though there is weak support for reducing it. Even Lou Dobbs screams on TV that he wants to RAISE legal immigration to 2-3 million/year. We can’t even get rid of Hindu 1-B “guest worker” job thieves! Let’s deal with that serious insanity first, then discuss legal immigration.

    Truth is you guys are a bunch of fanatics. The support for the stuff you are advocating is probably infinitesimally low. The Nordicism on this board, and amply on display on most WN sites, is regarded with scorn, disgust and outrage by California Whites, including extreme conservatives. That’s like…1920’s. People here are amazed that Neandertals like that still walk the Earth.

    For Chrissake, we can’t even have a public discussion about reducing legal immigration by even 1 person/year, much less developing a sane points system to get some quality into the picture. Forget getting rid of the psychosis of chain immigration or family reunification BS.

    First things first!

    PS. If there is so much support for your fanatical proposals, show us the polls. Please.

  13. RL:I say that these WN’s are all upset about Whites going extinct, and they shake their heads and say, “What a bunch of idiots / nuts / kooks / freaks!” But hey, this is California, ok?”

    Next time ask them if they acknowledge that Whites (especially Northern Euro whites) are a small and still shrinking minority-race in terms of the overall world population. Then ask them if they think that the social, economic, and cultural levels of regions/areas/cities/countries very often tend to decline once Whites become the minority race there. Then ask then what they think will happen around 2050 where Whites are, assuming current trends continue unabated, only about 10% of the world’s total people, with places like the USA, Australia, the UK, and so on dipping below 50% White around that time.


  14. Ah, the joys of life in the ‘ground zero’ of ‘diversity’ – Cali-porn-ia.
    Here is another hair-brained scheme to “raise” (transfer) “revenue” (money) from productive Whites to (very) low productivity nonwhites, all to help further dispossess and displace the Whites and THEIR society!

    –The long, grasping, avaricious arm of the government wants cars. Yours could be next.–

    ““Carjacking is the crime of stealing a motor vehicle when the vehicle is occupied. Typically, the carjacker is armed, and the driver is forced out of the car at gunpoint.” ”

    “I lifted this definition straight out of Wikipedia. Funny, but it sounds a lot like the latest revenue-raising technique sweeping across California.

    “In 2006, Los Angeles shook down motorists for $14,157,344 by hijacking their vehicles, 175,285 of them. The accounting looks like this: Towing runs $101.50 per hour; 30-day storage is $945 plus $31.50 per day for longer stays; buying the car back adds another $48; and there’s a 10-percent tax on the whole tab.

    ““Impoundments are necessary,” L.A. police chief William Bratton told the Los Angeles Times. “It’s the law in the state of California.””

    *P.S. – Robert, stop being so fresh! You know how most people feel here, and we understand your position. Additionally, many of us like and respect you.

    Just stop ‘morally’ lecturing us so much.

  15. “As for myself, I just turned 27 years old about a month ago. What about everyone else? I’m pretty sure that the commenting/reading demographic of this website skews fairly young.”

    I am pushing forty.

    I doubt that I will reproduce. This lack of personal investment in the long-term future of any community tends to detract from my communal sentiments.

  16. Under 35, and having kids is my #1 priority in life. #2 is setting up some place where they’ll have a long term future. (I do think that is possible – have been considering the problem for a long time – but I don’t go into the details with others, for reasons that should be obvious)

  17. I’m never in California, so I am unable to verify what Lindsay is saying, but almost everyone around here (Alabama/Georgia) is a racialist to some degree. I meet new people all the time and their racial sentiments often become a topic of conversation.

    I’ve yet to meet a White person in Alabama who 1.) wants to legalize illegal aliens, 2.) wants to increase immigration, 3.) likes immigration from Mexico, 4.) or looks forward to becoming a minority in 2042.

  18. Proze cited a poll that 59% of the pressure for open borders with the Turd World is coming from big corporations. What percentage of big CEOs are Jews?

  19. Robert Lindsay: “I am not going to see “White extinction” in my lifetime, so I don’t give a flying f.”

    There are two ways to understand the word ‘extinction’ :
    1. the process of becoming extinct, the act of extinguishing: this is what race-replacement enthusiasts are doing to the White race right now.
    2. RL’s favored definition: annihilation that has been carried to completion: no one is left.

    I’ll make a comparison…
    Let’s say the Mohican population is dwindling fast :

    1700: 50 000 tribe members
    1710: 40 000
    1720: 30 000
    1730: 20 000
    1740: 10 000
    1750: 5 000
    1760: 1 000
    1770: 500
    1780: 50
    1790: 10
    1800: 1 last Mohican (already 80 years old)
    1810: death of the last Mohican

    It is absurd to say that only the death of the last Mohican qualifies as “extinction”, and that the Mohican tragedy lies entirely in the death of that last one. The extinction process can already be seen at work in the previous century, and the Mohicans should start worrying before they are down to only one person.

    Of course, a dwindling people is not necessarily undergoing extinction. For example, Japan has nothing to worry about in the long term. But our situation is different. The race-replacement is going fast and we are already losing our civilization, along with our majority status. We will need to completely reverse the current policy in order to stop the extinction process.

  20. “but almost everyone around here (Alabama/Georgia) is a racialist to some degree.”

    I concur with that. Even many Jews I know tend to be conservative and don’t like Obama.

    I find that often the liberals here are not true Southerners, but transplants.

    Racialist whites need a separate nation. Let all the self-hating, diversity-loving, liberal whites miscegenate and sodomize themselves into oblivion, but don’t drag the rest of us down with you.

  21. Lena #58

    You are a defeatist not a realist. While our future doesn’t look bright the decline of whites resulting from miscegenation is not assured. You can choose to submit if you wish but I and others will resist. You can move to a mestizo infested area of the U.S. and take advantage of all the great benefits like midwifery and food distribution.

    You forgot to mention unhygienic living conditions, gang banging, drug and alcohol dependency, aversion of education and a host of other social maladies typical of third world societies. I guess there is a silver lining now that I think about it……you can finally park your car on the front lawn!!

  22. “It is a proper world view, and has been my experience with Hispanics. They also have strong families, and family bond and an underground network of medical support including midwifery, drugs and food distribution. I have seen it up close with friends and realtives.”

    Friends and relatives? R U ‘Hispanic’ yourself?

  23. “Lena #58

    You are a defeatist not a realist. While our future doesn’t look bright the decline of whites resulting from miscegenation is not assured. You can choose to submit if you wish but I and others will resist. ”

    Suppose for the sake of argument that whites willingly dissolved themselves into the Hispanic gene pool.

    This would not solve the problem of competition with hostile group evolutionary strategies. If the media, the banks, the educators, and the government could still be infiltrated – nothing would have been gained!

    So surrender to the Hispanics does not necessarily guarantee survival.

  24. Robert Lindsay: “Truth is you guys are a bunch of fanatics. The support for the stuff you are advocating is probably infinitesimally low. The Nordicism on this board, and amply on display on most WN sites, is regarded with scorn, disgust and outrage by California Whites, including extreme conservatives. That’s like…1920’s. People here are amazed that Neandertals like that still walk the Earth.”

    Robert, you might want to consider what has changed since the 1920’s. Short answer: the entire power structure has become, essentially, anti-white. (For a longer answer, see some of Scrooby’s posts). That anti-white power structure is not the least bit interested in what you think, Robert. Or what I think, or what any white thinks. You talk about politics as the “art of the possible.” What you really mean is the “art of the possible…within the confines of the current system.” Why do you want to prop up a system that cares nothing about you?

    White nationalists, on the other hand, are looking beyond the present system. No system lasts forever, and ours is no exception. In fact, I think that our present system is now entering its terminal phase. It loses credibility and legitimacy by the day. It will become and more vulnerable over time. That which is “impossible” within the system, will become very possible from without. Stop trying to prop it up, Robert. Relax. Let it go. It’s a shitty, awful thing. Just let it go.

    You need to stop thinking within the confines of the system and establishment politics. None of that is going to work. None of that is going to get us off the clear path to marginalization and extinction. And by the way, though we mention extinction as the endgame, as our very existence as a people is under threat, let’s not forget that the present sucks plenty enough all by itself. I want the rapes to end, the murders, the cultural degradation, the economic misery, and the thousand and one other abuses and depradations that the system inflicts upon us. So quit playing the game of “I’ll be dead in fifty years, what do I care?” There is plenty of shit going down in the here and now to be concerned with. What we are faced with today is a thousand times worse than what the colonists revolted over.

    The present system is anti-white. White nationalists have concluded that the only way out is the creation of the ethnostate, so that whites can control their own destiny. This cannot be done within the confines of the present system. And you can deride our support levels, and ask “Where are the polls?” all you want, but in your gut you know the truth. If there were a white ethnostate, with a government that worked in the interests of its citizens, it would have no shortage of whites flocking in. It would no doubt be overwhelmed with whites clamoring to get in, especially once they saw that it was not some caricature or cartoonish state as the establishment media would claim. Within a year or two at the most, there would be a white tidal wave. And it would never stop, as the mixed areas became more and more unlivable, and the white ethnostate looked ever better by comparison. Most whites, however they might answer a poll today, would prefer to live in a society in which they aren’t raped, murdered, assaulted, degraded, discriminated against, robbed both by non-whites and by the government, and depicted as buffoons, losers and serial killers. You know this. Come clean, dude.

    Most whites would prefer to live in a society with affordable housing (that hasn’t all been scooped up by the brown hordes), sound institutions, little crime, and prosperity. A place that offered them and their posterity a real future. Again, you know this, and more importantly – the system elites know this. That’s why they demonize even the slightest hint of white racial consciousness. You can debate almost anything else, and the system doesn’t really care. The system realizes that anything else really isn’t a threat.

    They demonize white nationalism because they have to. They know the power of our idea, the strength of our answer, and the fundamental threat that it poses to their system of exploitation, rape and mayhem. And again, I suspect that somewhere in your otherwise denying gut, you know this too. Like it or not, we are the only real answer, pitiful as our current circumstances may be. From your point of view, that may well suck. But it’s true. And even if our current circumstances are meager, and they are, our ideas are not. I don’t have a crystal ball, but my guess is that you aren’t going to have to wait thirty or fifty years to find out. Things are happening faster than appeared to be the case even a few years ago. When the time comes, try to be on the right side. You could at least do humanity the mild favor of not being a system prop.

    As an aside, thanks to other posters for the kind words above. I appreciate it.

  25. What we are faced with today is a thousand times worse than what the colonists revolted over. (—Trainspotter)

    How true !

    And you can deride our support levels, and ask “Where are the polls?” all you want, but in your gut you know the truth. If there were a white ethnostate, with a government that worked in the interests of its citizens, it would have no shortage of whites flocking in. It would no doubt be overwhelmed with whites clamoring to get in

    And if there was an white army that people could join to take back their country, there would be no shortage of recruits either. So far, we feel there isn’t much we can do.

  26. ” What we are faced with today is a thousand times worse than what the colonists revolted over. ”

    Kevin MacDonald agrees :
    Anger in White America – Kevin MacDonald – July 23, 2009

    The fact that only certain people are allowed to have ethnic pride or a sense of ethnic interests makes no logical sense and clearly tramples on legitimate interests of Whites. Bloody revolutions have been motivated by far less grievance — legitimate and well-founded grievance — than ordinary Whites have right now. Certainly the behavior of the British government prior to the Revolutionary War was far less dispossessive of the colonists than the behavior of the contemporary American elites is to ordinary White Americans.

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