About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Is this is going to be more pro immigration propaganda like Clint Eastwood’s cloying Gran Torino? They aren’t human just misunderstood parasites, like your cliquish ungrateful next door neighbors from Starvania. The ones with 3 satellite dishes, 3 cars and a deflated plastic wading pool left in yard for two years.

  2. It’s amazing to me how people can’t see this is just obvious propaganda.

    The premise seems absurd. Aliens with technology far beyond our own, are able to transverse the galaxies, and yet are refugees living in slums on Earth? Ridiculous. *Yawn*

  3. Too much of this non-sense is infecting Science Fiction!

    It used to be that Sci-fi was HIGHLY racialist (Ming the Merciless anyone?? ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Gordon#Accusations_of_anti-Asian_stereotyping ) and enjoyable.

    I liked seeing Star-ship Troopers when the ‘coded’ bugs got wasted! Yes! Now Sci-Fi is all very Politically Correct. C’mon Star-ship Troopers isn’t that old man! It wasn’ that long ago things were different and better!

    Seriously I have switched over to being more into Fantasy as a favorite genre, There is a lot more Racialism going on there. Orcs certainly seem to be a stereotype of a certain race (Oh Tyrone… )

    Multi-racialism is just ruining to much in todays Society, White Nationalism and White Rights are urgently needed!

    PS Good blog.

  4. Conversely, it might be the case that District 9 was made with a very peculiar sense of irony in mind. I mean, does it really serve the Left’s best interest to say that we should be willing to seek equality for alien visitors from outer space?!

  5. “Conversely, it might be the case that District 9 was made with a very peculiar sense of irony in mind.”

    Can big budget directors afford to risk losing their dumbed down Cineplex audiences with irony? Is Quentin Terrantino’s ultraviolent new movie about stylish WWII era Jewish revenge commandos supposed to be ironical? I don’t think so, but then I don’t know because I see so few movies anymore. When will Hollywood make a movie about Warner Von Braun taking us into space? Instead we get this:

  6. “does it really serve the Left’s best interest to say that we should be willing to seek equality for alien visitors from outer space?!”

    This step follows logically from their arbitrary extension of the concept of equality to everything with a human face. Animals are, of course, a more pressing issue, but aliens are certainly on the agenda.

  7. Like the others, I have not yet seen the film. But, viewing the trailers and reading some advance press, I figured it could be seen as an indictment of the third world refugee racket and as a warning to developed Western countries: “Don’t let this happen to you!”

    South Africa is currently undergoing its own refugee crisis, but in this case the aliens are not from outer space but from places such as Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Somalia. They are accused of taking blacks’ jobs and contributing to crime. Things have deteriorated to the extent that South African blacks attack foreign refugees and burn their shacks.

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