The Forum

I added the forum back last night. It will be used as a place to gather and discuss newslinks. Sometimes there is too much going on in the news to properly discuss on the blog. There are also occasions when commentators want to share links that don’t relate to original blog entry. That’s where having a forum will come in handy. Be sure to used a randomized password specific to this site when signing up an account.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We need our beloved Dr. Brandt asap! The great man will always have a special place in my heart!

  2. It’s not that I changed my views, it’s that I decided not to waste my time on all those immaterial historical quarrels, as they inevitably detract from a clear focus on ultimate interests and the here and now. As to Jews, I don’t have anything against Right-wing Jews. Recall that historically speaking some of the best eugenicists and racialists were more often than not Jews. If every Jew were a Michael Levin or even a Michael Savage, there would be no Jewish problem, as far as I’m concerned. In the post-W.W. II era, anti-semitism is a political dead-end. It has no future as a rallying cry. Let’s be clear, whatever favors the ethnic genetic interests of my in-group is moral and good. Whatever harms the ethnic genetic interests of my in-group is immoral and evil. Anti-semitism cannot be an end in its. How ridiculous is that? You know, some radical elements (like apparently the French New Right and the Front National, although that might also change when Marine Le Pen takes over the party) have decided to make common cause with Islamists against what they perceive as the Jewish hegemony. I ask myself, what’s the point? How does that benefit your ethnic genetic interests? It doesn’t. It harms those interests. It encourages the Islamist presence, integration, and migratory flows of Muslims, i.e. Muslim domination, replacement, and your consequent loss of ethnic genetic interests. Keep in mind that according to understated official figures, France already has well-over 6 million Muslims! I have looked into how France acquired so many Muslims and it has been to the consistent lobby efforts of industrialists for cheap labor. It’s totally counterproductive and crazy. It was the French Gaullist President Jacques Chirac who promulgated the family reunification act that has resulted in endless and massive chain migrations. The E.U. was never the project of international Jewry. It wasn’t the goal of the satanic machinations of an internationalist Jewish cabal. The entire liberal human rights edifice and the liberal ideological paradigm supporting it is the product of anti-Western Marxist thought and not of Jewish scheming. I see everything not through the irrational and destructive prism of anti-semitism but through the rational and adaptive prism of ethnic genetic interests. Guessedworker is correct when he says that we must first and foremost leave the maladaptive liberal worldview if we are to survive as a people. That should be our focus. We must come up with an alternative and adaptive philosophy for our people.

  3. If all the righteous Jews out there congregated in a room, they wouldn’t even comprise a small dinner party. As for right wing Jews, we have the neocons to deal with in the United States. They tend to be more destructive than their leftist brethren.

  4. I wish that I could edit my posts!

    There are neocons and there are neocons. Mark Steyn and Geert Wilders are neocons I support. There are others. If you don’t see things my way, at least admit that Realpolitik dictates that if one adopts anti-Zionist positions one is completely finished in politics and not only. Even the BNP with its heavy historical baggage understands that. You know what Sarkozy did in France? He decided to campaign using FN rhetoric to take votes away from it. However, being more clever than Le Pen he also adopted philosemitism and Zionism as his sword and shield. Normally, in France if you campaign on a racist and anti-immigrant platform, you’ll get called a neo-Nazi in the vomit inducing French media. BUT his philosemitism and Zionism inoculated him against those charges! I thought that that was just brilliant politics of a superior politician who, unlike the perennial beautiful loser Le Pen, is a serious man who plays to win!

  5. You have a point. Hence, the need to build a philosophical framework that can complte and replace the liberal human rights apparatus that took fifty years to construct. Any well meaning politician will have a tremendous uphill battle, no doubt. How do you proceed with mass deportations with in the current legislative and institutional setting? Ultimately, it might take a civil war and an authoritarian regime to turn things around. That’s at least what Mark Steyn suggests. I tend to agree. It’s really quite depressing that we’ve come to this point. In sum, we need a variant of fascism adapted to our new circumstances. I’m still fundamentally an ethno-fascist, because I think that it’s the most adaptive stance in the present situation.

  6. “Guessedworker is correct when he says that we must first and foremost leave the maladaptive liberal worldview if we are to survive as a people. That should be our focus. We must come up with an alternative and adaptive philosophy for our people.” ( — FB)

    The reason that’s wrong (as I’ve said in response to Guessedworker) is the people aren’t liberal. The people are no different than they always were. Liberalism is being imposed on them today by the overlords exactly as race-replacement is. I can’t imagine what this “adaptive philosophy for our people” is supposed to look like that’s different from the existing three-thousand-year-old Western philosophical canon. “We reject our forced race-replacement” needs a new philosophy before it can be said?

  7. In my view, you can either go into politics or attempt to change the culture. I’m convinced a massive cultural shift must precede any pro-White success in politics. This small website is the sum of my contribution to that project.

  8. FS,

    That’s easy for you to say. You’ve already shaken off the liberalism that ensnares so many White minds. Virtually everyone who posts here said goodbye to liberalism long ago.

  9. Forging a new philosophy is like searching for answers you already have. Your time is better spent articulating the reasons that have led you to your current views.

  10. That’s not enough. You need feet on the ground and real world initiatives. You need to meet Whites and provide help and solutions. We need to move beyond Internet gabfests and widely unread blogs. The French Bloc Identitaire is one movement with the right approach:

    The NPD also has some good ideas. I have spoken on the phone with Udo Voigt recently and what they want to achieve is a parallel society. A society with its own clubs, shops, schools, etc. The system is unbelievably hostile to Germans; therefore, the only solution is to get out of the system as much as it’s possible.

  11. A caveat: I was praising Sarkozy’s tactics and not him. He’s obviously not an ethnically conscious politician – he’s not even French!

    As to the useful of political parties, they provide an outlet and a framework…a vehicle. Things can change very quickly. The National Socialist were practically wiped from the electoral map in 1929, only to resurface as the leading party a few years later. At any rate, I’m not at all sure that salvation will come through the ballot box (falling demographics, mass immigration, tens of millions of hostile aliens, institutionalized internationalism on an unprecedented scale, and the gigantic human rights apparatus work against that proposition)…but we still need a framework.

  12. That framework need not be a political party, btw.

    As to Sarko, yes, that’s what he said. I’m waiting for him to take show us the way by divorcing his Jewish wife (just like him! What a coincidence!) and taking on a Bantu. Note that he’s got the most ethnically diverse Cabinet in French history! However, many key positions are occupied by part-Jews like him and his Foreign Minister, the Socialist Kouchner (another example of why the Left-Right cleavage in postmodern Europe is meaningless). As with Obama, he appoints people to key positions who resemble him as much as possible! A shocker! Who would’ve thought?…

  13. Btw, Fraçcois de Souche literally means old stock French (i.e. real French). It’s a brilliant nationalist site.

  14. The reason that’s wrong (as I’ve said in response to Guessedworker) is the people aren’t liberal. The people are no different than they always were.

    That’s right. A substantial portion of people has always been open to outsiders. They don’t need something called liberalism to impose openness on them.

    In my view, you can either go into politics or attempt to change the culture. I’m convinced a massive cultural shift must precede any pro-White success in politics. This small website is the sum of my contribution to that project.

    I guess you realize you won’t get very far by making Scrooby’s furious demands to expose the man behind the curtain the sum total of your efforts. You should read up on some Gramsci. You mightn’t agree with him, but it should open your eyes to certain possibilities and ways of approaching the problem.

    The NPD also has some good ideas. I have spoken on the phone with Udo Voigt recently and what they want to achieve is a parallel society.

    Udo Voigt would be a disaster for all Europe. I don’t even want to think what would ensue if that asshole ever came to power. One can only hope that a moderate racialist can step up and steal his best issues. Thankfully that’s easy. In fact, the “hardcore” is almost in a no-win scenario: they have such repellent personalities almost anyone can reduce them to the functional equivalent of blithering idiots while still pursuing similar policy paths.

  15. “That’s right. A substantial portion of people has always been open to outsiders.” ( — Silver)

    Not to race-replacement by outsiders.

    “They don’t need something called liberalism to impose openness on them.”

    They need hostile government to impose race-replacement and liberalism on them. They weren’t about to go out and slurp that up on their own. That’s all manufactured.

  16. “One can only hope that a moderate racialist can step up and steal his best issues.” ( — Silver)

    “A moderate racialist”? Is that like “right-wingers” George Bush, Jacques Chirac, Giscard, Sarkozy, Stephen Harper, and David Cameron. Yeah, any of them’ll get the job done. (Done for, more likely.)

  17. Forget the forum, it didn’t work for Majority Rights and it won’t work here. Think of technically improving your blog instead.

  18. The Occidental Dissent forum is a great idea Prozium.

    However, could you please assure us regular commenters/contributors here that you’ll not have another ‘conniption’ as you have in the past and suddenly/unexpectedly take down this website and forum that we have all poured so many valuable intellectual hours in to? It’s a major waste to comment and write so much only to have it all disappear at the few strokes of your keyboard. Speaking of, any hopes of ever reposting some of the material and good comments formerly found on your earlier Odessa Syndicate website along with the former incarnation of this blog?

    I’d even be willing to donate some money to keep this website up even if you one day decided to give it up for good and become inactive – the amount of great material you’ve written along with many of the accompanying comments here deserve to be preserved for posterity in furtherance of the pro-White cause, as this website is becoming a great reference and gathering point for many American pro-White activists. Speaking of, you ought start soliciting donations like The Occidental Observer, HBDBooks, Steve Sailer, and other websites do (see the top right-corner of those websites). You might be surprised at the donations you might receive for your hard work here, and the donation process can be set up so that you can receive them anonymously (my favored method at this early and precarious stage of the rise of the American pro-White movement).

    All that being said, even though blogs are generally my preferred mode of communication and discussion, I’ll start using the forum here too.


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