About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Negroids: Diversionary Tools Of The Jews
    (Apollonian, 28 Jul 09)

    Observe the leading and primary enemy of humanity and USA, USA still the leader in the West, is Jew with his Talmudic ritual murder, this ritual always involving the lie–“by way of deception shalt thou do war.” Thus Jew presently makes use of front-man/flack Obama who will serve as “fall-guy” when things predictably collapse here in USA when US Dollar finally destructs, very soon now.

    Thus Jew naturally wants to accelerate and exacerbate the white-black conflict, along w. any other conflicts, this for diversionary purposes–no less than “Fred Scrooby,” the Jew, as on yesterday’s Occidental Dissent blog, “The White Republic,” wants to point up Catholics as enemies of the West, pretending Catholics now are “child molesters,” conflating Catholics with the Vatican.

    Another useful diversion for Jews like Scrooby is the Christian-Muslim conflict which, as usual, is attributable to Jew-inspired and -instigated machinations, as is well-known. Thus we see evermore the nefarious workings of Jews like “Scrooby,” trying to subvert patriot cause and dialectic.

    Hence the successful strategist must keep firmly in mind the primary cultural conflict which is Jew Talmudic subjectivism vs. Western objectivity, this Jew subjectivism always beginning with pretended “good-evil” Pelagianism-Pharisaism which Jew Scrooby is always so careful to assert and push.

    CONCLUSION: Regarding blacks, remember there are honest blacks and there are niggers, Jews always striving to recruit and exploit these niggers like Obama and Gates. Whites, gentiles, and Christians must merely keep “eye” on proverbial “ball,” the essence of the conflict being the subjectivistics (who include many gentiles, never forget, esp. Pelagians spouting “good-evil”), the Jews Talmudic leaders of these subjectivists and “moralists” preaching “good-evil” diversion/fallacy/delusion/heresy, prelude to Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEITING fraud which is primary and definitive existential weapon Jews use to the utmost, as we see. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  2. “Fred Scrooby,” the Jew, as on yesterday’s Occidental Dissent blog, “The White Republic,” wants to point up Catholics as enemies of the West, pretending Catholics now are “child molesters,” conflating Catholics with the Vatican.

    No, I condemned the Vatican, not “Catholics,” though all members of the Catholic hierarchy who follow the Vatican’s pro-race-replacement policy are also guilty of course. By the way, everybody who knows my commentary since the year 2001 knows that I’m Catholic.

    Another useful diversion for Jews like Scrooby is the Christian-Muslim conflict which, as usual, is attributable to Jew-inspired and -instigated machinations, as is well-known. Thus we see evermore the nefarious workings of Jews like “Scrooby,” trying to subvert patriot cause and dialectic.

    I see, the Jews are forcing the Vatican to aggressively support the Islamization of the European populace and the replacement of Christianity in Europe by Islam. I get it! Why didn’t I see that before!

    Apollonian is a moron.

  3. Jew Scrooby’s Purpose: Diversion Fm Source Of Perversion, Jew Counterfeiting Conspiracy
    (Apollonian, 28 Jul 09)

    Mighty Apollonian is perfectly accurate regarding the poisonous and seditious Jew “Fred Scrooby,” who may be ostensibly “Catholic,” but only for “cover” purposes of subversion in favor of Scrooby’s Jew compatriots. Scrooby is a Jew through and through, never doubt–as observe he so hysterically pushes “good-evil” Pelagian hereticalism.

    Observe Scrooby the Jew typically and conveniently overlooks and pretends to be un-aware of the Jew banking power and its overwhelming effect upon Vatican which is notorious. It’s good to see Jew Scrooby is on top of things today so ready to subvert the patriot dialectic regarding Jews and their effects. I wondered how soon Jew Scrooby would respond.

    Never forget the fundamental mechanism for Christian vs. Jew is Truth vs. Lies, as given fm Gosp. JOHN–which then converts directly to objective vs. subjective, beginning then in ethics, esp. with Pelagian “good-evil” fallacy/delusion/heresy. That “Vatican” is and has been tool of Jew bankers is well-known for years and decades now.

    CONCLUSION: Jew Scrooby’s purpose is obviously to divert fm that overwhelming Jew COUNTERFEITING power and effect–see RealityZone.com, TheMoneyMasters.com, and JudenFrei.org for expo/ref. on US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) and fractional-reserve banking. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  4. “Mighty Apollonian is perfectly accurate regarding the poisonous and seditious Jew “Fred Scrooby,” who may be ostensibly “Catholic,” but only for “cover” purposes of subversion in favor of Scrooby’s Jew compatriots.”

    “… ‘Mighty’ Apollonian …”??

  5. I regret when threads get detoured onto my supposedly being Jewish, as happens from time to time because of a few weird people out there (this one sounds like JRichards in ways) — that’s not exactly what readers come here to read about, and I try not to respond at length for that and other reasons, but, because I do post a lot, I should say at least something for any who may be encountering this for the first time: my religious upbringing was a little complicated and for the most part absent entirely — I was raised mostly as an atheist — but the only religion I had any formal instruction in and identification with was Catholicism as a young child for a couple of years or so, and that is the religion I came back to when, as an adult, I decided atheism wasn’t true, wasn’t workable, and wasn’t for me.

    No one can point to anything I’ve posted anywhere that goes against the Euro peoples’ well-being, preservation, and survival intact, hale, and hardy into the future forever. No one. For the simple reason that I’ve never posted any such thing. And never will. These accusations that I’m secretly working for the other side are the fantasies of paranoids and morons. Among all who stand for the racial and cultural survival (mainly racial survival, the non-negotiable sine qua non on which there can be no compromise, ever) of the Euro peoples, all of the Euro peoples: no one anywhere, on or off the internet, past or present, surpasses me in unwavering fidelity.

  6. “Fred Scrooby”: Pure Jew
    (Apollonian, 28 Jul 09)

    Scrooby the Jew, who “doth protesteth too much,” is self-admitted Jew, racially/genetically, as he has admitted several times, as on MajorityRights.com. And note how Jew Scrooby works so hard for Jews, ignoring the Jew COUNTERFEITING scam and effect upon “Vatican,” and pushing Pelagian hereticalism for “good-evil” delusion/fallacy/diversion.

    Thus Jew-led COUNTERFEIT conspiracy in ZOG-Mammon empire-of-lies has bought up Western mass-corporate Jews-media, and all other large corporations and many, if not most, businesses, governments, politicians, the judiciary, bureaucracy, education, entertainment, police, and military–AND not leastly, the ENTIRE Christian establishment, without any exceptions, including “Vatican”–which Jew subversion Jew Scrooby wants to underplay and overlook, equating the gentile dupes and pawns with Jew masterminds. Jew Scrooby is a liar through and through, no less than he is PURE Jew.

    Thus when Jew Scrooby underplays his Jew racial heritage–HE LIES and deceives like typical Jew. And this is part of the diseased nature of Jews who traditionally take up the external trappings of gentile society–but remain true and loyal to Jews and Jew interests, pretending as Jew Scrooby does, there are “innocent” Jews–like there are “innocent” psychopaths and child molesters.

    Jew Scrooby then likes to pretend, in his typical Jew subversive and slanderous manner, Catholics are child-molesters when the all-time child-molesters are Jews, who, in their Talmud, absolve Jews fm sex with children under age of three, for example. Indeed, Talmud absolves Jews fm any kind of crime committed against gentiles. See RevisionistHistory.org, TruthTellers.org, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.

    CONCLUSION: Jew Scrooby is most poisonous Jew slanderer, subversive, and liar, as he demonstrates in these very blogs. And Jew Scrooby is inveterate Jew through and through, never doubt, he not knowing the meaning of Christianity, as I’ve demonstrated. So by all means Scrooby the Jew, continue to babble and demonstrate the mendacious activities of typical, purest Jews like urself. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  7. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…………………………….

    But after all, exposing Jews like Scrooby, is all part of that noble purpose of White Racial and Cultural Preservation, isn’t it? “White” does not and must not include Jew–no more than it includes mestizo or mulatto. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  8. It’s also worth mentioning that H. L. Gates has some Jewish blood, which is probably the only reason he is halfway intelligent:

    “Consider the story of Harvard University’s Henry Louis Gates, Jr., an African American, who was both shocked and bemused to learn that his DNA on his mother’s side did not track back to the Yoruba people as he had long thought. The Yoruba have a rich mythology and are believed to have been among the most culturally sophisticated of the African cultures before the arrival of Europeans. “A number of exact matches turned up,” Gates wrote, “leading straight back to that African Kingdom called Northern Europe, to the genes of (among others) a female Ashkenazi Jew. Maybe it was time to start listening to ‘My Yiddishe Mama,” he quipped.” – http://www.gnxp.com/blog/2007/10/10-questions-for-jon-entine.php

    We all know that Blacks generally aren’t too bright, and a shot of Ashkenazi Jewish blood can thus bring their intellect up to decent levels. Thus, since Jews seem to want to help Blacks so much, I propose that the Ashkenazim start breeding more with Blacks in order to bring their intellect up to normalized levels. The black IQ in the USA is around 85, and the Jewish IQ is about 115…thus if they breed you’ll have Black/Jew mixes with an average IQ of around 100. Sounds like a plan!

    I also think that other smart ‘Blacks’ like W. E. B. Du Bois had some Jewish blood, hence their intelligence; check out Du Bois’ face and try to tell me you don’t see a bit of a Jew there – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:WEB_Du_Bois_1946.jpg

  9. Blacks like him are for the dispossession of the white man by any means necessary.

    It’s interesting to note his behavior during his recent confrontation with police. When asked to step outside, he responded to the officer “I’ll speak with yo mama outside.” So we see this supposed “scholar” acts just like a juvenile negro from the ghetto.

  10. Gates gets absolutely SKEWERED here by a retired NY editor:


    By implication, Harvard is skewered right along with Gates in that letter, though whether that will actually register in any of their brains is open to question. By rights this former editor’s letter to Vdare.com all by itself should make both Gates and Harvard into a laughing stock. It’s a bombshell.

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