The Fall of Anglo-America

Homicide or Suicide?

In the Occidental Observer, Kevin MacDonald engages Eric P. Kaufmann’s The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America, which is easily the second most important book (aside from The Culture of Critique) about White racial decline in the United States. A shorter review has been posted in VDARE. It doesn’t do justice to the breadth of the subject matter and isn’t worth bothering with.

The thrust of MacDonald’s review is that Kaufmann omits certain facts about the Jewish role in Anglo-American racial decline and glosses over others. Aside from that, MacDonald and Kaufmann are in broad agreement on most points of interest. Kaufmann doesn’t shy away from the fact that Jewish influence was a major cause in the reinterpretation of Americanism along cosmopolitan lines. The major difference from MacDonald’s viewpoint is that Kaufmann (correctly) pays more attention to the indigenous “liberal, cosmopolitan Anglo-Saxon tradition” as a cause of subversion from within.

Having read both books, I came away with the impression that they complemented each other. Each provides certain windows into White racial decline that the other lacks. For example, Kaufmann’s book draws attention to Felix Adler and the Ethical Culture movement, an angle on the Jewish Question and the rise of secular humanism which I don’t recall MacDonald addressing before. Similarly, MacDonald’s account contains a much more in depth treatment of Boasian anthropology and the New York Intellectuals.

It is a sad testament to the decrepit state of American intellectual life that all of two books have been written about the most important subject in American history: the decline of its indigenous White majority. Even taken together, MacDonald and Kaufmann have barely scratched the surface of the subject. In contrast, hundreds (if not thousands) of articles and volumes have been written about the Holocaust and can be easily accessed in any decent college library, an event which didn’t even take place on American soil. This fact alone speaks volumes about ethnic constitution of America’s ruling class and their priorities.

A future scholar will one day have to write a separate book entitled The Fall of the Jim Crow South. There wasn’t a singular Anglo-America or White America that declined on account of Boasian anthropology, Freudian psychoanalysis, the New York Intellectuals, and the Frankfurt School. Until the 1970s, Dixie was another country in its racial policies and cultural attitudes. Neither Kaufmann or MacDonald has adequately addressed this.

The cause of the South’s racial decline is plain enough to discern: the federal government forced the national racial consensus on the region through Smith v. Allwright, Morgan v. Commonwealth of VirginiaShelly v. Kramer, Sweatt, McLaurin, Gayle, Brown v. Board of Education, the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, and 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Immigration Act of 1965, Loving v. Virginia, the Civil Rights Act of 1968, and direct military intervention in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama. There was little popular support for integration in the region. In the South, traditional racial attitudes remained strong from the elites to the common man, and were stoked to new heights during the Civil Rights Movement, whereas they collapsed elsewhere. Integration sparked the massive resistance movement, the citizen’s councils, and a revival of the Klan — why not in Chicago, Boston, and New York City?

In the Senate, Southerners led by Richard Russell filibustered and bitterly resisted the new federal civil rights laws, but were frustrated and defeated time and again by a lopsided coalition of Northern Democrats and Republicans. They deserted Lyndon Johnson at the polls for Barry Goldwater and George Wallace. Beyond the 1960s, Southerners defeated the Equal Rights Amendment and voted against Ronald Reagan’s IRCA amnesty of illegal aliens, the Immigration Act of 1990, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991. They also led the opposition to the MLK holiday in Congress and the George W. Bush amnesties.

If the Confederacy had won its independence, there is little reason to believe that cosmopolitanism and anti-racism would have emerged victorious in the American South in the twentieth century. These were not indigenous social movements. Indeed, the only reason that White America held out as long as it did is because the South transformed itself into a one-party state under Jim Crow to defeat integration in Congress. Northern Republicans didn’t stop pushing for civil rights legislation until a Depression overwhelmed the Harrison administration in the 1890’s.

As I have stressed elsewhere, the Cultural Revolution of the 1960’s wasn’t the first time America had flirted with racial egalitarianism. The same laws were proposed and ratified during Reconstruction. They were supported in the North; opposed in the South. The bloodiest war in American history was fought to liberate the negro and impose racial equality on the country. An insurrection was carried on for three decades in the South to reverse the verdict of the Civil War. In the North, it was never reversed, and de jure integration became the order of the day from the 1880’s forward.

If the South was assassinated, the North committed suicide.

From the earliest days of the Revolution, racialism established only a tenuous hold in North. Pennsylvania was saturated in Quaker egalitarianism and repealed its anti-miscegenation law before the Constitution was signed. In the North, Thomas Jefferson’s racial theories were met with fierce opposition by the first abolitionist movement; denial of racial differences were commonplace in anti-slavery circles. Benjamin Franklin thought that negroes were “not deficient in natural understanding.” Alexander Hamilton remarked that “their natural faculties are perhaps probably as good as ours.” Samuel Stanhope Smith, the president of Princeton University, wrote several influential environmentalist tracts; anti-racism only went into eclipse after 1805.

Several Northern states never adopted Southern-style anti-miscegenation laws (Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey) or Jim Crow-style segregation. In New York, an anti-miscegenation law was rejected by the state senate on libertarian grounds. In Massachusetts, the capital of “natural rights” rhetoric, the state anti-miscegenation law was repealed in the 1830’s for similar reasons. National Expansion and Indian Removal were never popular causes in New England and the Jackson administration was widely criticized for both. James Fenimore Cooper lionized the Noble Savage in The Last of the Mohicans (1826). The annexation of Texas was delayed for years by Northern Whig opposition. The Mexican War was deeply unpopular in New England.

In the North, the Amistad case was a cause célèbre, and starred former president John Quincy Adams who was an inveterate foe of the so-called “Slave Power.” In the 1830s, the second abolitionist movement was born and was even more committed to anti-racism and human rights than the first. William Lloyd Garrison and his followers denounced the Constitution as a pact with the Devil and burned it in the streets. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin went on to become the all time bestseller of the nineteenth century. John Brown was lauded as a martyr after his murderous invasion of Virginia. Frederick Douglass was a respected intellectual. The Northern states passed personal liberty laws that violated the Constitution in order to harbor runaway negro slaves. The Dred Scott decision, which affirmed that only Whites could be U.S. citizens, was widely denounced in the North.

The trajectory of the North could not have been more different from the South. In the Antebellum era, a new generation of Southerners came of age and explicitly rejected the egalitarian heritage of the American Revolution. George Fitzhugh attacked capitalism, democracy, and the pernicious egalitarianism of Thomas Jefferson. Josiah Nott and Louis Agassiz pioneered new theories of racial differences. Sir Walter Scott novels were all the rage; the Middle Ages and aristocratic ideals came roaring back in style. In his famous cornerstone speech, Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens stated that the Confederacy was the first nation in the world to be founded on the principle of racial inequality. The Civil War was fought over these ideals: aristocratic republicanism or egalitarian democracy, slave-based feudalism or free market capitalism, federalism or national consolidation, racialism or anti-racism. The victory of the North in that conflict determined the future disastrous course of America.

During Reconstruction, fanatics like Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner wrote anti-racism into the Constitution in the form of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. Over the next fifty years, as the South retreated into Jim Crow, the North would steadily move towards full blown integration. Fatally, the churning of the Northern capitalist economy would bring wave after wave of European immigrants into the the Midwest and New England, eventually swamping the indigenous Yankee population in most Northern states. After thirty years of struggle, the damage was finally mitigated by the Immigration Act of 1924, but not before millions of indigestible German and Eastern European Jews had settled in the United States.

These Jews quickly established ethnic defense organizations, penetrated Ivy League universities, founded the motion picture industry, bought up newspapers, inserted themselves into the national political debate, and amassed huge fortunes by beating the indigenous Yankees at their own capitalist game. Their “freedom” and “equality” gave them every right to do so. As Kaufmann persuasively argues, Jews found receptive allies in the treacherous Northern Anglo-Protestant cosmopolitan milieu, which was the lineal descendant of the pre-Civil War abolitionist Left. If the Jewish nationwreckers succeeded at propagating Boasian anthropology, Freudianism, multiculturalism, and modernist cosmopolitanism, it was only because they found in the American North a region which by history, tradition, and inclination was already ripe for a fall and receptive to idealistic social engineering crusades. They travelled down the same road to fame and fortune that Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and Carnegie had blazed before them.

By the 1930s, white racial attitudes in the American North were so fragile that they were shaken to pieces by the wartime propaganda against the Third Reich. In stark contrast, Southerners emerged from the Second World War even more committed to segregation and white supremacy than they had been before. Northern WASPs were so crippled by their own effete liberalism that they allowed Jews to take over institution after institution rather than be impolite and “make a fuss” about their own precipitous dispossession. A revolution was effected without so much as a shot being fired.

In the end, Northern WASPs didn’t put up a fight. Unlike Germans under the Third Reich, they rolled over and died. It wasn’t exactly suicide, but it might as well have been. Like generations of Yankees before them, they were so used to worshiping money and conforming to public opinion that they allowed their culture to be stolen right out from under them once a new elite was thrown up by capitalism. Their tragic unraveling is an understudied subject. It is full of lessons for those of us who don’t want to see history repeat itself.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “—Northern WASPs were so crippled by their own effete liberalism that they allowed Jews to take over institution after institution rather than be impolite and “make a fuss” about their own precipitous dispossession.—”

    John 7:13 –
    “However, no man spoke openly of him for fear of the Jews.”

    John 20:19 –
    “Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the middle, and said to them, Peace be to you.”


    Revelation 2:9 –
    “I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

    Revelation 3:9 –
    “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.


    is the only essay I’ve read on the indigenous “Yankee” culture of critique.

    I believe that the capacity for self-criticism sometimes benefits whites; however, a sense of guilt or masochism can make healthy self-criticism turn toxic. It is the difference between slapping one’s flabby belly and deciding to cut one’s calorie intake by half, versus slapping one’s flabby belly and bursting into tears.

    Perhaps because whites tend to be logical, deception is more dangerous to whites than it might be to other races.

    “George Fitzhugh attacked capitalism, democracy, and the pernicious egalitarianism of Thomas Jefferson. Josiah Nott and Louis Agassiz pioneered new theories of racial differences. Sir Walter Scott novels were all the rage; the Middle Ages and aristocratic ideals came roaring back in style.”

    Well, you’ve just added three names to my must-be-read list. I already know Sir Walter Scott. I will have to research the others.

  3. Prozium,

    Another fantastic essay! TOQ online would do well to highlight it in their blog.

    Here are a few questions that came to me while reading your essay (you might find them amusing):

    (1): Perhaps it’s only only an academic question at this point but would you say that 19th century Northern liberalism was a direct descendant of 18th century Enlightenment liberalism?

    (2): Is Thomas Jefferson the only founder that we know for certain to have had racialist views?

    (3): Would you say that American Jewry is now the standard bearer for 19th century Northern liberalism? And if so does that make them more American (culturally speaking) than we’d like to admit?!

  4. Integration sparked the massive resistance movement, the citizen’s councils, and a revival of the Klan — why not in Chicago, Boston, and New York City?

    There weren’t enough Negroes. Big, big, big difference. You’re talking ten, fifteen percent in the north, tops, versus the fifty percent common in Dixie. Dixie HAD TO deal with the situation more harshly.

    In the North, it was never reversed, and de jure integration became the order of the day from the 1880’s forward.

    Right but not de facto — another big, big, big difference: de jure is dreamland, de facto is the reality on the ground.

    National Expansion and Indian Removal were never popular causes in New England

    You’re not going back far enough. New England had already been cleared of Red Men by the late 1700s when Rogers Rangers I think it was cleaned out the Abenakis from Lake Champlain. In the 1600s New Englanders both English and Dutch used to burn Indians alive by the villageful. When it came to Indian Removal they didn’t fool around any more than Andrew Jackson did.

    In his famous cornerstone speech, Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens stated that the Confederacy was the first nation in the world to be founded on the principle of racial inequality.

    Yes and an extremely important speech for us today to take note of, learn from, and add to our permanent canon of core literature.

    During Reconstruction, fanatics like Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner wrote anti-racism into the Constitution in the form of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.

    The fact of Thaddeus Stevens, a personage to be contemplated with drop-jawed horror by those of us today who see what’s going on racially, is, I admit, THE biggest obstacle to be overcome by someone wishing to assert the view contrary to Prozium’s, Prozium’s being that the Yankees in the final analysis didn’t need all that much help from the Jews but were fully capable of inflicting this entirely on their own. (Nevertheless I still hold the Jews blamable to the tune of about, say, 70% of it.)

    [Jewish newcomers] amassed huge fortunes by beating the indigenous Yankees at their own capitalist game.

    Good way of putting it but still, the Euro-race guys doing it, at least a few percent of them, were restrained at least somewhat by a kind of social or moral conscience vis-à-vis the existing society and their ethnoracial brethren that was totally absent in their Jewish competitors. That little bit may for all we know translate into big practical differences in outcome.

    If the Jewish nationwreckers succeeded at propagating Boasian anthropology, Freudianism, multiculturalism, and modernist cosmopolitanism, it was only because they found in the American North a region which by history, tradition, and inclination was already ripe for a fall and receptive to idealistic social engineering crusades.

    But without Jews around to form an alliance with the homegrown crazies the homegrown sane would have prevailed over the homegrown crazies. The Jews are what tipped the balance, big time.

    Northern WASPs were so crippled by their own effete liberalism that they allowed Jews to take over institution after institution rather than be impolite and “make a fuss” about their own precipitous dispossession. A revolution was effected without so much as a shot being fired. In the end, Northern WASPs didn’t put up a fight. […T]hey rolled over and died.

    Auster proposed an explanation of one facet of this amazing non-resistance on the part of the WASPs which I find plausible: he conjectured that, as regarded the racial aspect of the surrender, in the mid-1960s when this veritable firestorm by the other side swept the WASPs from their perch, the hard scientific “pro-racial-differences” research and new facts lay still years in the future, so, according to Auster, WASPs passivity wasn’t because of fear of the Jews and their disciplinary tactics or because of simple politeness, but because hard counter-arguments against egalitarian claims weren’t yet available. The implication is that now that they are available we’re going to see the the beginnings of far more effective opposition.

  5. “In the 1600s New Englanders both English and Dutch used to burn Indians alive by the villageful.” ( — my comment)

    Excuse me, the Dutch of course weren’t in New England proper but were right next-door in New York (Nieuw Amsterdam) and all up and down the Hudson Valley to the Albany catchment area. The Pilgrim Fathers all spoke fluent Dutch and knew Dutchmen and Dutch ways very well from having sojourned eleven years in Holland (Leyden I think it was) before setting sail in the Mayflower to try their luck over here, and had close and detailed contacts with the Manhattan Dutch of that era, and they both, Pilgrims and Dutchmen alike, took little or no crap from the Red Indians of New England and New York State’s Hudson Valley. When the Indians acted up they let them have it.

  6. ” Is Thomas Jefferson the only founder that we know for certain to have had racialist views?”

    Benjamin Franklin was akin to a proto-Nordicist!

    ” 24. Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Compexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.”

  7. ” The implication is that now that they are available we’re going to see the the beginnings of far more effective opposition.”

    Scientific Racialism may once again rear its head!

  8. Thank you very much for yet another excellent essay, Prozium. I see that you’ve now been added to the list of writers at “The Occidental Quarterly Online” — much congrats on that accomplishment.

    I second Friedrich’s assertion above that you ought to be the one to write the book The Fall of the Jim Crow South. So can we expect it sometime within the next year or two? 😉 If not that topic, then surely you’ve got some other ideas for a book or two sifting around in the back of your mind?

    I also agree with Fred that the reason that The North didn’t have so many explicitly racialist laws is that there were of course many fewer Blacks living up there; the main reason Northern states like Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, and so on didn’t need harsh anti-Black laws like Dixie did is because barely any Blacks lived up there, thus there was no need whatsoever for anti-miscegenation laws, etc.

    I’ll be back to comment more on this essay later, but I’ll leave y’all with a poem by D.H. Lawrence on a main reason why I think we WASPs have ceded much of the USA and increasingly the UK to hostile anti-WASP/anti-White interests…it’s because instead of seeing other ethnic/racial groups as competing with us for territory, resources, power/influence, etc, we’ve just been far too accepting of and especially ‘nice,’ plus unnecessarily ‘polite,’ to all of the racial/ethnic ‘Others’ in our midst. I’m not sure what happened, since the Colonial Era WASPs in the USA were known to be brutally uncompromising and very “racist” toward non-Whites (same with the WASPs in India, Africa, etc) – maybe it was the softening/weakening effects of too much ‘civilization’ (too much city and suburban living) that worked to eliminate the once fierce WASP ethnocentrism? A large portion of the more recent chipping away of ‘Anglo-Saxondom’ can of course be laid at the feet of hostile anti-White Jews with an activist bent as MacDonald and now you have explained, but we can also blame naive Anglo-Saxon idealism and various misplaced sympathies (‘Christian pity’ toward the ‘suffering Africans’), among many other factors of course. Now, for the poem:

    “The English Are So Nice!” – by D.H. Lawrence

    The English are so nice
    so awfully nice
    they are the nicest people in the world.
    And what’s more, they’re very nice about being nice
    about your being nice as well!
    If you’re not nice, they soon make you feel it.

    Americans and French and Germans and so on
    they’re all very well
    but they’re not really nice, you know.
    They’re not nice in our sense of the word, are they now?

    That’s why one doesn’t have to take them seriously.
    We must be nice to them, of course,
    of course, naturally—
    But it doesn’t really matter what you say to them,
    they don’t really understand—
    you can just say anything to them:
    be nice, you know, just be nice—
    but you must never take them seriously, they wouldn’t understand
    just be nice, you know! oh, fairly nice,
    not too nice of course, they take advantage—
    but nice enough, just nice enough
    to let them feel they’re not quite as nice as they might be.

  9. Me:”(’Christian pity’ toward the ’suffering Africans’)”

    Add to that WASP ‘Christian pity’ toward those ‘poor, persecuted Jews,’ of course.

  10. Posting as Scimitar, at MR, Prozium acknowledged the conflicted position held by the transcendentalists vis-a-vis race.

    “Posted by Scimitar on June 25, 2007, 11:43 AM | #

    Emerson is a good example of an American intellectual who struggled with his double-consciousness. Like Jefferson, he was torn between his racialism and his liberal idealism:

    Emerson the liberal idealist:

    “Man is the most composite of all creatures…. Well, as in the old burning of the Temple at Corinth, by the melting and intermixture of silver and gold and other metals a new compound more precious than any, called Corinthian brass, was formed; so in this continent,–asylum of all nations,–the energy of Irish, Germans, Swedes, Poles, and Cossacks, and all the European tribes,–of the Africans, and of the Polynesians,–will construct a new race, a new religion, a new state, a new literature, which will be as vigorous as the new Europe which came out of the smelting-pot of the Dark Ages, or that which earlier emerged from the Pelasgic and Etruscan barbarism.”

    Emerson the racialist:

    “It cannot be maintained by any candid person that the African race have ever occupied or do promise ever to occupy any very high place in the human family . . . The Irish cannot; the American Indian cannot; the Chinese cannot. Before the energy of the Caucasian race all other races have quailed and done obeisance.”

    “I believe that nobody now regards the maxim “that all men are created equal,” as any thing more than a convenient hypothesis or an extravagant declamation . . . for the reverse is true, – that all men are born unequal . . . The least knowledge of the natural history of man adds another important particular to these: namely, of what class of men he belongs to – European, Moor, Tartar, African? Because Nature has plainly assigned different degrees of intellect to these different races, and the barriers between are insurmountable.”

    The idealism gave way to scientific racism in the North. There was even discussion, among the Grantians, about how to repatriate Jews.

    n/a said…

    A few quotes from Spiro (Patrician Racist):

    “In truth, the Grantians had also considered repatriating the Jews, but Laughlin grumbled to Grant that the Jews had become so politically powerful that “the deportation of four million Jews would be many times more difficult than the repatriation of three times as many Ne­groes.” The native American, sighed Laughlin, would have to resign himself to the fact that “the Jew is doubtless here to stay,” and all the Grantians could do was try “to pre-vent more of them from coming.” Charles Benedict Davenport did suggest to Grant, in jest, that as far as the Jewish problem was concerned, perhaps the eugenicists could fol­low the example of the Puritans who had burned their witches, but he added that “it seems to be against the mores to burn any considerable part of our population.”

    But, like all of Grant’s organizations, the Immigration Restriction League could never overcome the public apathy that set in following the Immigration Act of 1924.”

    And finally, the South cannot be entirely excused from influencing its own demise. It was philo-Semitic and was the greatest supporter of war with Germany, whose defeat ultimately, as Prozium has noted previously, was the impetus behind the dismantlement of Jim Crow.

    (US Jan ’36) Do you believe that in the long run Germany will be better or worse off if it drives out the Jews? (for)
    Better Worse Don’t know
    National total 14.0% 54.6% 31.4%
    by geographical section
    Northeast 15.1% 52.7% 32.2%
    Midwest 16.1 55.1 28.8
    Southeast 7.5 60.0 32.5
    Southwest 14.7 52.4 32.9
    West 9.8 41.0 49.2
    Pacific coast 14.3 61.1 24.6

  11. Prozium – though it may seem presumptuous of me, I just thought of a few tips for pro-White writers/thinkers such as yourself that I want to pass along.

    You probably do the following already, but in case you do not I would suggest saving ALL of your written work and research on not only your personal computer/laptop but also on one or more DVD-ROMs. Emailing documents to yourself and them permanently saving them on an email server is another way to make sure your writings aren’t lost. Also make sure to print out at least one hard-copy of each post/essay and put them in a safe/secure place for posterity and future reference. That way there can never be a catastrophic loss of your work even if your website goes down or gets wiped out for some reason.

    You’ve written so much good material on this website that I’d hate to see it fall by the wayside because of a freak website crash/erasure or something like a cyber-attack that seeks to wipe out this website and thus all of your excellent written work.

    Also, if you don’t already you should try to get a bit of exercise daily – even a brief 30 minute-1 hour brisk walk is generally enough exercise for most people, and that brisk walk will help to burn off excess energy. You want to keep your body as well as your mind fit, and exercise has been proven to have many mental (not just physical) benefits because of better blood circulation and so on. However, I’d try to time those walks during either the earlyish morning and/or evenings after the sun has dipped low on the horizon, because the very harsh sun down here in Dixie is just too much for the average Northern European mind and body to take!

  12. Prozium – though it may seem presumptuous of me, I just thought of a few tips for pro-White writers/thinkers such as yourself that I want to pass along.

    You probably do the following already, but in case you do not I would suggest saving ALL of your written work and research on not only your personal computer/laptop but also on one or more DVD-ROMs. Emailing documents to yourself and them permanently saving them on an email server is another way to make sure your writings aren’t lost. Also make sure to print out at least one hard-copy of each post/essay and put them in a safe/secure place for posterity and future reference. That way there can never be a catastrophic loss of your work even if your website goes down or gets wiped out for some reason.

    You’ve written so much good material on this website that I’d hate to see it fall by the wayside because of a freak website crash/erasure or something like a cyber-attack that seeks to wipe out this website and thus all of your excellent written work.

    Also, if you don’t already you should try to get a bit of exercise daily – even a brief 30 minute-1 hour brisk walk is generally enough exercise for most people, and that brisk walk will help to burn off excess energy. You want to keep your body as well as your mind fit, and exercise has been proven to have many mental (not just physical) benefits because of better blood circulation and so on. However, I’d try to time those walks during either the earlyish morning and/or evenings after the powerful Summer sun has dipped low on the horizon, because the very harsh Summer sun down here in Dixie is just too much for the average Northern European mind and body to take!

  13. Duh…a double post by me. Please delete the first post but keep the second one – in the second one I wanted to emphasize especially the “Summer sun” down here in Dixie as opposed to just “the sun” as in the first post, because the sheer amount of solar radiation down in Dixie during the Summer months is comparable to what is found in North Africa…yes, it’s that strong, and thus many Northern European-derived people in the Southern and Southwestern USA unnecessarily damage their skin and even their minds from too much exposure to it because of a failure to realize how strong the sunlight really is compared to what our White ancestors evolved in whilst living in Europe for millenia.

    Also, I meant to ask – does anyone know if the author of the book in question (The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America), one Eric P. Kaufmann, is an ethnic Jew/part-Jew? Kaufmann is of course a common Jewish surname (it is from the German meaning “merchant”…how appropriate for a Jewish surname), but some non-Jewish ethnic Germans have the surname as well. I’ve noticed that generally Jews with that surname usually have only one “n” on the end of the name (i.e., Kaufman) as opposed to the non-Jewish Germans and/or Austrians who generally retain both “n”s on the end of the surname (i.e., Kaufmann). However, many Jews also use the variant with both “n”s. Anyhow, even if the author is a Jew, it sounds like a great book and I want to read it (when is the cheaper paperback going to be released?), but I am necessarily wary of buying and reading books in subjects like history, anthropology, sociology, political science, etc that were written by Jews since so many of them are almost instinctively anti-White/anti-European. If Eric P. Kaufmann is indeed an ethnic Jew/part-Jew, then it would be best to take everything he writes in that book with a mound of salt; not to say ethnic Jews aren’t capable of writing honest and objective scholarship, but it’s just that supposedly objective and especially ‘pro-White’ Jews are of course so few and far between that I’m forced to remain perma-skeptical about anything that they’ve written.

  14. ” And finally, the South cannot be entirely excused from influencing its own demise. It was philo-Semitic and was the greatest supporter of war with Germany, whose defeat ultimately, as Prozium has noted previously, was the impetus behind the dismantlement of Jim Crow.”

    One need only look to Judah Benjamin to see that the South was (fatally) philo-semitic!

    It wasn’t until the ’60s ‘Freedom Rider’ Jews showed up that Southerners started to finally realize what the Jews were up to.

    Commander Rockwell once stated (I am paraphrasing ) that ‘in the North White people complain about the Jews, but wanted Rockwell to be nicer to the Blacks, but in the South White People complained about the Blacks… but wanted Rockwell to be nicer to the Jews’!!!

  15. There were major race riots in New York and Chicago in which many blacks were killed. Boston is considered by blacks to be the “most racist” city in America. It’s the city where well traveled blacks consistently say they feel most unwelcome. Housing, schools and bars/nightclubs are far more segregated there than in any city in the South.

    Prozium, you have a simplistic and sometimes inaccurate view of Northern anti-racism.

    Keep in mind that in between the height of the Abolitionist movement and the collapse of white consciousness in the mid 20th Century, Northern WASPs actually became more racialist and more ethnocentric. You are leaving out the Racialist movement, the immigration restrictionist movement and the second Klan, which was very active all over the Mid Atlantic and Midwest. Before Jewish influence in America reached a critical mass, racial attitudes in the North were quite healthy.

  16. “There were major race riots in New York and Chicago in which many blacks were killed. Boston is considered by blacks to be the “most racist” city in America. It’s the city where well traveled blacks consistently say they feel most unwelcome. Housing, schools and bars/nightclubs are far more segregated there than in any city in the South.”

    Yeah, but this was thanks to the Irish Catholics, NOT Anglo- Protestants.

  17. “–In the end, Northern WASPs didn’t put up a fight. Unlike Germans under the Third Reich, they rolled over and died.

    “It wasn’t exactly suicide, but it might as well have been. Like generations of Yankees before them,

    “…they were so used to worshiping money and conforming to public opinion that they allowed their culture to be stolen right out from under them once a new elite was thrown up by capitalism.–”


    Here is the reason for this “Anglo-Zionist” collusion, if you will –


    **Never before in the history of the WORLD has a leadership of a nation (US and UK) shown such abject fear of the Jews.

    And you can thank the Khazar’s ‘usury-mafia’ — finance-capitalism — largely for this bitchy cowardice!!!!!

    It is the ULTIMATE viral infection of the host’s psychological immune system!

  18. Lincoln supported causing trouble in the racial order of the south for imperialistic reasons. By disrupting society, he could more easily conquer it.

  19. The Israel Test – Interview with George Gilder in the Globe and Mail
    July 31, 2009 – 10:49 am

    Here’s a piece from the Report on Business section of the Globe and Mail:

    The Israel Test: A guide for capitalism
    The Globe And Mail, Fri Jul 31 2009
    by Neil Reynolds

    OTTAWA — Early in 1981, with his million-copy bestseller Wealth and Poverty, George Gilder established himself as the intellectual herald of the Reagan Revolution. The New York Times aptly described the book as “an eloquent defence of the capitalist high ground” – apt because the high ground is mostly a matter of ethics, not economics, and Mr. Gilder is primarily a moralist. “Faith in man, faith in the future and faith in the providence of God,” he wrote, “are all essential to successful capitalism.” Without a vision, in other words, the people perish.

    Even in his exuberant embrace of free-market economics, though, Mr. Gilder conceded that capitalism remains everywhere threatened – by the envy of people (especially intellectuals) who can’t abide the greater success of other people. A dedicated churchman and “classic WASP,” Mr. Gilder found this ubiquitous sin a serious violation of the 10th Commandment. (Indeed, he once observed, the only people desperate for capitalism are people who don’t have it.) In the 28 years since Wealth and Poverty, the number of impoverished people denied the benefits of a competitive economy has fallen dramatically (along with poverty itself). Without doubt, George Gilder is one of the reasons why.

    In the intervening years, Mr. Gilder published a number of books that celebrate the capitalists and the entrepreneurs who pull the world along with them as they invent the future and then reinvent it again and again. Among his other significant books are The Spirit of Enterprise, his 1986 volume on entrepreneurial achievement, and Microcosm, his 1989 treatise on technological achievement.

    Now he’s back with another celebration of extraordinary free-market achievement. In The Israel Test, published earlier this month by Richard Vigilante Books, he boldly asserts his thesis: “Israel has become one of the most important economies in the world and is second only to the United States in its pioneering of technologies that improve human life.”

    Mr. Gilder is an iconoclastic thinker with his own particular perspectives. He is certainly controversial. But against a background of growing anti- Semitism, there is a need to recognize Israel’s importance for democracy and its contribution to the global economy, and to ponder the reasons behind this tiny country’s outsized contribution.

    Simply put, Mr. Gilder asserts that Israelis now form “the vanguard of human achievement.” In commerce, in science, in technology and indeed (necessarily, under the circumstances) in military strength, Israel has forged one of the most creative societies on Earth. It is crude envy of Israel’s success, Mr. Gilder says, that explains contemporary anti-Semitism: “At the heart of anti- Semitism is resentment of Jewish achievement.”

    It is the same crude envy that has afflicted other exceptional peoples throughout history, Mr. Gilder argues – from Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, for example, to the overseas Chinese in Indonesia and Malaysia. But Jews attract extraordinary hostility because they have succeeded in extraordinary measure, he argues.

    This of course is not the only explanation for such ancient and difficult hatreds. The roots of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are deep and complex and rooted in a long history.

    Still, some facts are difficult to refute. Citing research by sociologist Charles Murray in Human Accomplishment, Mr. Gilder says that in the first half of the 20th century, Jews won 14 per cent of the Nobel Prizes awarded in literature, chemistry, physics and medicine. In the second half of the century, the percentage rose to 29. Thus far in the 21st century, the percentage has risen to 32 per cent. Further, Jews have won 51 per cent of the Wolf Prizes (physics), 28 per cent of the Max Planck Medals (theoretical physics), 38 per cent of the Dirac Medals (theoretical physics), 37 per cent of the Heineman Prizes (mathematical physics) and 53 per cent of the Enrico Fermi Awards (lifetime achievement in energy research).

    Among these award winners were some of the most gifted minds of the past century. John von Neumann (the brilliant mathematician whose life story is cherished by Mr. Gilder) won the Enrico Fermi Award in 1956. Born in Hungary, the son of a banker, Mr. von Neumann could joke with his father in classical Greek at age six – and given a minute or two with a phone book could recite in perfect order every name, address and phone number on any given page.

    Now, though, Israel “concentrates the genius of the Jews,” according to Mr. Gilder. Since 1990, he notes, the country has “sloughed off its manacles of confiscatory taxes, oppressive regulations, government ownership and socialist nostalgia.”Mr. Gilder’s rule of capitalism is that the good fortune of others is one’s own good fortune too. He frames his “Israel Test” in personal terms: What is your attitude toward people who surpass you in accomplishments? Do you aspire to their excellence – or do you seethe at it?

    The Israel Test, he says, is “a pivot, a litmus test, a trial” that will decide the survival of democracy and freedom in our time.

  20. Lindsay needs to be locked in a room on bread and water with nothing in there but a copy Vice President Alexander Stephens’ Cornerstone Speech in a nice large-print version. Don’t let him out til he gets his mind right.

  21. A later statement by the Vice President clarifying what he had really meant in the extemporaneous Cornerstone Speech: .

    In the the personage of Vice President Alexander Stephens, as in such high examples as Socrates, Jesus Christ, all the way up to General Patton, President Jefferson Davis, and Gen. Robert E. Lee, one glimpses the virtuous, the sober, the moral, the measured, the thought-out, the devoted, the normal, the healthy, the sound, the human, the great, versus, in starkest contrast the mind of man can conceive, the unclean, the spiritually leprous, the morally degenerate, the inhuman, the criminally insane, the frankly diabolical — the Robert Lindsays, the Bill Clintons, the Bushes, the Thaddeus Stevenses, the Charles Sumners, the Abraham Lincolns.

    Incidentally, does anyone know if fragments of the cane Preston Brooks broke caning Charles Sumner exist? They should be revered as sacred relics.

  22. “Incidentally, does anyone know if fragments of the cane Preston Brooks broke caning Charles Sumner exist? They should be revered as sacred relics.”

    Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    Ha ha! 🙂

  23. “Lindsay needs to be locked in a room on bread and water with nothing in there but a copy Vice President Alexander Stephens’ Cornerstone Speech in a nice large-print version. Don’t let him out til he gets his mind right.”

    Let’s face it, Hoberto is nuts (LOL)!

    I think a lot of the time he is just trying to drum up notice and attention and to get a rise out of us, who are fairly numerous members of his commentariat.

    Notice too Fred the only people that he can have civilized discourse with is the likes of US, and not the loony-toon Left, which I think hates his guts, for being a ‘deviationist’ for not being 100% on board with the ‘Mickey Marx’ agenda!

  24. “Get Real,” he may not be 100% on board with the race-deniers and such, but for all practical purposes he’s pretty damn close — effectively, in fact, the real deal, when you consider the whole “Robert Lindsay” picture, not just isolated fragments in which he indulges his compulsion to play his little games. His log entry on Thaddeus Stevens which comment #22 links to should dispel any lingering doubts: it reveals as definitively as it is possible to do that he’s no friend of our side’s where race is concerned no matter what else he may have pretended to opine here or there. Robert Lindsay in 2009 is fully identical to the 2004 version we all came to know and hate.

  25. Robert Lindsay is no friend of our side’s, never was, never will be. Any doubters out there, please disabuse yourselves of any illusions on that score: WAKE UP.

  26. Fred –

    I never thought that Hoberto was necessarily ‘our friend’ or even on our ‘side’, just that my original point was that we “Rightists” are much more intelligent and civilized than the Marxist garbage Hoberto calls his ‘comrades’ — AND HE KNOWS IT.

    Are there any ‘Leftist/Marxist’ blogs he visits and comments on? Probably not, since they probably see (and hate) him for the two-faced schizoid that he is on the ‘race question’! For better or worse, we are far more urbane and gentlemanly with him than any Leftist jackal would ever dare be.

    This was my only point.

  27. He talks about how gentlemanly Sherman’s siege of Atlanta supposedly was. Sherman’s “March to the Sea” violated that era’s civilized rules of warfare by methodically targeting the defenseless non-military sector for death and destruction, in place of the military. I haven’t read about the specific manner in which he “warned” or “evacuated” civilians in the city of Atlanta claimed by Lindsay, but I have read Mark Twain’s graphic description of Gen. Grant’s siege of Vicksburg on the Mississippi River and no such niceties were observed by the Union Army in the west: civilians were bombarded with artillery for weeks, large numbers of civilians were killed, destruction was shocking, survivors managed to flee out of the town to hide in caves to escape the murderous shelling where they huddled, terrified, without food, medicine, decent shelter, or necessities.

  28. Prozium –

    Excellent essay. I think ATBOTL’s right in that you tend to simplify the situation of northerners but if that was reductionism aimed at making the writing of this easier, I understand. Overall I think you’ve nailed the picture and it needn’t cover every nuance in order for the bulk of it to be true.

    ATBOTL –

    I think Boston is a poor example. Don’t get me wrong, it is known as “racist” and “polarized.” But it is a haven for the hypocritical liberal elites who act racist while preaching egalitarianism. The northeastern elites have a long history of not practicing as they preach – they get to have their cake and eat it too.

  29. I haven’t done a post so far on Northern Jews vs. Southern Jews. During the Civil Rights Movement, there were some significant differences, but this was mostly due to the selfishness and sense of intimidation felt by the latter.

  30. #22 – “Israel has become one of the most important economies in the world and is second only to the United States in its pioneering of technologies that improve human life.”

    Yeah, if by “important economies” and “improving human life” you mean one largely based on the sale of worthless rocks mined by near-enslaved Blacks in Africa (diamonds and other ‘precious’ rocks), illegal drugs (Israel is a huge center of the international drug-trade) and pharmaceuticals (they make loads of worthless pills for Jew doctors worldwide to sell to gullible non-Jews), prostitution/sex-slavery (Israel is a world center of the White female prostitution/sex-slave trade: Slavic White women especially), armaments (a large percentage of Israel’s factories produce nothing but death and misery), destructive computing (Israel is a center of global cyber-crime and hacking), petty salespeople (Jews promote loads of pointless hyperconsumerism…”Everybody needs a ShamWow!”), and utterly worthless paper-shuffling ‘occupations’ (Jews sure are good at money-changing, aren’t they).

    The best scientific contributions that Israelis have made have nearly all been in the field of Jewish genetics, and only then for (Jewish-only) eugenic purposes as they relate to repairing the grotesquely inbred and severely damaged Ashkenazi gene pool. On top of that, Israel is also a huge ‘baby factory’ for the Talmudic Ultra-Orthodox Ashkenazi Jews – nearly all of them are nothing more than full-time students of the racist/supremacist Jewish Talmud, meaning they are non-working welfare parasites who study the Talmud all day and thus figure out more ways to deceive and rip-off non-Jews. How does it feel funding hundreds of thousands of worthless Israeli ‘Talmudic scholars,’ hardworking American taxpayers? Many of those burgeoning Talmudic parasites end up eventually immigrating to White nations all around the world with their 11 Jew kids or whatever and engaging in various criminal schemes such as the one they just busted the multiple rabbis in NY/NJ for – – “Five rabbis, three New Jersey mayors and two state legislators were arrested Thursday by the FBI in a sting at the end of a two-year investigation into a huge corruption scandal spanning from New York to Israel, involving political bribes, extortion, money-laundering and even organ trafficking.”

    Israel isn’t even remotely water or food secure – some ‘great country,’ one that cannot even adequately feed or bathe itself! Israel has to import the vast bulk of its food (80+% at least), and they also have to steal their water from the surrounding Arab peoples as well as recycle the same sewage over and over just to have enough water for all of the parasitic Jews living there. Hey Israelis – how does all that recycled shit-water taste?

    Also, Israel uses loads of foreign workers for even the most basic jobs. Israeli farm workers, construction workers, sanitation workers, and even many restaurant workers are very often Arab, Asian, Eastern European, or some other foreign ‘hired help.’ What happened to all of the Jewish farmers, construction workers, basic day-laborers, cooks, and sanitation workers the early Zionists spoke of so idealistically?

    It is clear that Israel (‘The Jewed State’) is nothing but a den of thieves and a gathering place of various rip-off artists; I’m not a ‘Nazi,’ but when it comes to Israel, Hitler said it best: “It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.” –

    All that being said, I fully support Israel (I’m a Zionist) because I want the Jews living as far away from our White nations as possible…please Jews, get the hell out of our White countries and go live amongst your own kind in Israel. We Whites don’t want y’all Jewish termites living or working around us anymore and continuing to rot our White nations from the inside-out.

  31. #22 – “What is your attitude toward people who surpass you in accomplishments? Do you aspire to their excellence – or do you seethe at it?”

    Well, if one considers massively overgrown/overpopulated urban areas, mountains of worthless and disposable consumer goods, water/air/soil pollution, untold amounts of trash and waste, and obvious (maybe irreversible) environmental destruction and unsustainability to be major “accomplishments” and “aspiring toward excellence,” then I suppose you have a point there.

    However, it is increasingly clear that Jew-promoted and Jew-led hyperconsumerism, materialism, and rootless cosmopolitanism in many nations infested by Jews and/or their ultramaterialistic ideas is leading to the wholesale degradation of our Earth’s irreplaceable environment on a sickeningly unsustainable scale. Jews do promote commerce and consumerism (’money-changing’) wherever they go, and while some might consider that a good thing it is increasingly clear that too much modern commerce and trade, too much modern ‘progress,’ too much industrialization, too much consumerism, too much urbanism, and too much overall ‘development’ is degrading and destroying the Earth’s overall ecological balance and thus much of the so-called ‘progress’ in the name of the Jewish God of Mammon must be sharply reigned in to more sustainable levels.

  32. More on the ‘dynamism’ of the Israeli economy:

    “Also reflecting the legitimacy of certain kinds of crime within the Jewish community, there are indications that Israel has assumed an important role in Jewish organized crime. A review of Robert I. Friedman’s Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America notes that: “The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise and power of the Jewish mafia. Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers and slave traders are free from prosecution in Israel. Israel does not consider these to be crimes … so long as the victims are non-Jews.” –

  33. As I’ve said before we’ve always had fools, dreamers, and traitors among us but they alone couldn’t have brought us to the precipice we now find ourselves in. The sea change in racial attitudes from the turn of the 20th century and cosmopolitanism that many whites pay lip service to would not have been possible without the Jewish “long march through the institutions” and takeover of our media. Make no mistake this was a strategy conceived and executed by Jews and not by deracinated and sinister Anglo-Saxons living in the Northeast.

    Aryans have vivid imaginations and for many it’s not difficult to imagine a world in which blacks and whites are harmoniously laboring and living together. Alexander the Great exhorted his army to marry Persian women thinking it would bring the two races closer together and foster peace. Unfortunately, there exists a equalitarian and universal strain in our DNA which makes many of us easy dupes for the race equality poison vended by Jewish con men.

    Jews are acutely aware of our peculiar racial idiosyncrasies and have adroitly harnessed them to further their ethnic agenda. They’ve helped to elevate some of the worst in our race to positions of influence and leadership over us by providing them positive press coverage while marginalizing and mocking sincere pro-white patriots like David Duke and a race realist like Jared Taylor.

  34. ” The sea change in racial attitudes from the turn of the 20th century and cosmopolitanism that many whites pay lip service to would not have been possible without the Jewish “long march through the institutions” and takeover of our media. ”

    Certainly True and it turns out that Dr. William Luther Pierce (pbuh) agrees (forgive me if I posted this excerpt before):

    ” After the Civil War we had even more hate-crazed egalitarians
    attempting to punish Whites — mostly White Southerners — for being better than Blacks. Some, like John Brown, justified their murderous egalitarianism on Christian grounds, but after the Civil War and the shameful policies directed against Southerners during the Reconstruction period, there was no large-scale, systematic effort by Whites, Christian or otherwise, to mongrelize and degrade America. We still had an abundance of crazies and haters around, but without an organizing force behind them they were a potential rather than an actual danger.

    Such an organizing force appeared after the Jews had fastened their grip on America’s mass media of news and entertainment and brought the lemmings under their influence. In fact, it really wasn’t until after the Second World War that the Jews pulled out all the stops and made the destruction of White America their primary goal, enlisting our own worst elements for assistance in that purpose.”

  35. ” Probably not, since they probably see (and hate) him for the two-faced schizoid that he is on the ‘race question’! For better or worse, we are far more urbane and gentlemanly with him than any Leftist jackal would ever dare be.”

    Lets be totally honest here: the home of REAL intolerance on this planet is on the anti-racist Left and would NEVER the countenance the likes of Lindsay.

    The vast majority of White Nationalists/ Racialists would just think that Lindsay is a semi-aware Lemming…. near Full Racial Consciousness but just in need of some more nudging or perhaps a simply confused White, heck there are lots of those around so Lindsay is in fact pretty typical… few of ‘our kind’ are violently enraged by him like how a hard-core anti-racist would be.

  36. “He frames his “Israel Test” in personal terms: What is your attitude toward people who surpass you in accomplishments? Do you aspire to their excellence – or do you seethe at it?

    “The Israel Test, he says, is “a pivot, a litmus test, a trial” that will decide the survival of democracy and freedom in our time.”

    Remarkable for a country with a collective average IQ of 94.

  37. How many of ya want to wager a bet that post #22 is Goy White or one of his Jewish boyfriend trolls with that snarky, arrogant post??

  38. For more on this subject I recommend Dr. Revilo Oliver’s speech titled “Conspiracy or Degeneracy” and his great book “The Jewish Strategy”. Just perform a google search since Prozium’s filter isn’t allowing the links to be posted.

  39. I agree entirely with the quote from Dr. William Pierce in Harsh Henry’s post #39. It’s a view Prozium has specifically targeted for refutation on a number of occasions recently. Men like Guessedworker would be closer to Prozium than to Pierce on this question, of course, as would Friedrich Braun lately; Kevin MacDonald would be closer to the Pierce view (I’m not saying identical to it, but closer to it), as would Alex Linder of course, myself, Armor (a Breton Frenchman who posts at, I would say Al Ross, and others.

    There’s no way to “prove” who’s right because the only way to do that would be to perform a controlled scientific experiment, running the same conditions over again both with and without Jews and see that the two outcomes are.

    But there’s a way to get a pretty good idea of which view is closer to what actually happened, and it’s this: what “happened” isn’t over. It didn’t just “happen” and then stop “happening.” It’s still happening. The forces that made it start happening in the ’60s are still at it, still keeping it going, still toiling away making it keep on happening and very aggressively and strenuously preventing anyone doing anything about it lest it collapse. It’s unstable, don’t forget: needs considerable energy input to maintain.

    You can’t turn the clock back and re-run the past forty years as an experiment, once with Jews and once without, and see the outcomes. But you can see who’s most responsible for running the show, inputting the most energy today, and you can do this by merely opposing it today, opposing it right now, and observing carefully who, or what, or which specific force, be it financial, social, ethnic, what-have-you, is most aggressive and most effective in beating back your challenge. Who’s standing the most vigilant guard against any undoing of it?

    If you carefully observe the reaction to your challenge you’ll have the equivalent of your answer, because even if you say, “Well, that force that’s most aggressive and effective at keeping the damn thing going today isn’t necessarily the same that launched it originally in the ’60s,” what we’re really after is getting the thing stopped, and right now that means finding out and targeting for counterattack whoever or whatever is keeping it going. So this takes care of, for example, Prozium’s inevitable rejoinder to the effect that, “Scroob, you’re sort of begging the question by talking about ‘who launched it in the 1960s’ when my argument is precisely that it wasn’t launched in the 1960s by a the ethnic group you have in mind, but in the 1860s, the 1840s, and the 1770s by an entirely different ethnic group.” Still, no matter: WHO’S KEEPING IT GOING TODAY, RIGHT NOW? They are whom we counterattack.

  40. In my mind the observation as to who is standing the most vigilant guard TODAY, not forty years ago, not a hundred and forty, but TODAY, against any undoing of it has already unequivocally yielded a result. I consider it so clear as to be beyond dispute.

  41. How does that group do it? In multiple ways of course (it’s a multi-talented group) but chiefly by far, as Dr. David Duke and others have pointed out, through its control of the mass media. That control prevents any opposition by nipping it in the bud (but for that control, we’d doubtless have had tons of mainstream opposition by now: that control is precisely what determines, through its unmatched power to demonize, what passes for mainstream and what gets relegated to the fringe; it itself, that control itself, is precisely what has transformed fifties far-left wacko fringe into present-day mainstream), and endlessly cultivates-through-positive-progaganda all forces supportive of what’s going on (malcontent lesbians, non-whites, white “true liberals,” self-interested Vatican collaborators, etc.).

  42. The question isn’t “Why hasn’t mainstream opposition arisen?” but “Why has what would have become mainstream opposition been aggressively demonized and/or totally frozen out of any publicity or acknowledgement, and by this means repeatedly and effectively nipped in the bud?”

    That’s the question, not “Why hasn’t any arisen.” It has arisen. But certain extremely aggressive, coordinated, powerful forces made it that it didn’t get very far.

  43. People will reply that our side, which talks about racial differences and so on, is intrinsically demonizable. No it isn’t, certainly not any more than the other side’s purest left-wing-wacko Jewish bullshit yet that’s been elevated to the status of a new state religion by the Jewish MSM and everyone bows to it. There are perfectly acceptable ways to publicly discuss the case against the present forced, methodical government-backed program of race-replacement of white people.

  44. But the Jewish MSM won’t let it be discussed publicly in the reasonable, acceptable, perfectly civilized ways that are possible. Why won’t they allow it? Because if they did it would overthrow the side they support in five minutes.

  45. It was the appetite of America’s capitalist economy for cheap labor that brought the Jews here. The same process is happening today with Asian, Hispanic and African non-Whites.

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