Fifth Column

Lawrence Auster has made a passing reference to this site. As for being a “fifth column” within the American racialist movement (not my usage), I find that to be an apt description of Auster, Jobling, and G.W. These guys are clearly the weakest link. If White Nationalism was ever victorious in the United States, the “moderates” would become the natural constituency for a return to the liberal status quo.

An analogy can be drawn to the Early Republic: if we are the Jeffersonian Republicans, the moderates are the Federalists. Auster is a Lincoln sympathizer, a supporter of federal civil rights legislation, an anti-anti-Semite. Jobling is a fan of liberal democracy. G.W. is a philo-Semite. Just as the American revolutionaries divided into factions in the 1790’s, these tendencies would become more pronounced in an exclusively racialist context.

A persuasive argument can be made that Jewish inclusion was the biggest mistake (from a racialist standpoint) in American history: Boasian anthropology, the New York Intellectuals, the Communist Party USA, Freudianism, the Frankfurt School, the New Left, the Civil Rights Movement, Hollywood, the Neocons, etc. There was already an indigenous strain of liberal radicalism in the United States, but it was vastly magnified in the twentieth century by interaction with cosmopolitan Jews. As David Hollinger notes, Randolph Bourne and John Dewey (two of the earliest Anglo-Protestant defectors) acknowledged their ideological debt to Brandeis, Kallen and Adler.

The “moderates” have no persuasive rebuttal to our legitimate concerns. Instead, they reflexively scream “anti-Semitism,” as if discrimination against Jews were a concern on par with White racial survival. This tells us volumes about their priorities. Naturally, it feeds suspicion, which is why the topic is so frequently raised … much to LA’s annoyance.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Auster’s own words from his site just a few days ago:

    “The neocons–particularly the Jewish neocons, who have been at the forefront of the open borders crusade because, to put it bluntly, they identify with immigration more than they identify with America–should be made publicly accountable for pushing America into this disaster.”

    A Jewish reader “Dan R.” replies to Auster’s initial post:

    “And once again, it occurred to me that for many Jews there is an almost vested interest in seeing America’s white Christian majority become just another minority.”

    Auster and his ilk, and Jews like “Dan R.” know the truth and they know it ain’t pretty. Which is why they are such fierce “anti-anti-Semites.” They fear the truth about their treacherous tribe being widely known.

  2. “A persuasive argument can be made that Jewish inclusion was the biggest mistake (from a racialist standpoint) in American history…”

    I’d say it was second to importing Africans. Our grandchildren will probably place it third behind allowing the invasion of millions of Hispanics.

    Auster’s column, incidentally, echoes the sentiments you expressed in your recent post on Sotomayor. One commenter (and Auster selects and edits all comments) reads: “I’m telling you, man, we’re on the fast track to a civil war in this country. Not just because of the Hispanic problem, but because of the totality of what liberalism has wrought on this nation, which is embodied in the personhood of our alien-in-chief, Hussein Obama. Best be prepared for what is coming.”

    These moderates may have their uses.

  3. “Jewish inclusion was the biggest mistake (from a racialist standpoint) in American history”

    The groundwork had been laid for centuries. The American inclusion was just the local tip of an iceberg. Europe’s inclusion had been going on for years. So it’s not just an American issue.

  4. @Tanstaafl: What you write about Auster may be true. But it’s also true that his column has gained a nice following and voices opinions that the vast majority of white nationalists often agree with. He may not be pure, but he’s useful. At this stage of the resistance, we need voices, not purity. (Which doesn’t mean your ongoing critiques and criticisms are out of order. They add to the chorus too.)

  5. No disrespect, Rick, but Auster and co. are definitely pied pipers who will lead many in the exact wrong direction from where they think they are going.

  6. Okay, I’m sticking my neck out here, but Auster does a damn good job of attacking liberalism/postmodernism/multiculturalism. If it’s those weapons that our enemies are using to undermine the white-race, then shouldn’t we at least support Auster for that?

  7. Rusty, I have the utmost respect for Tanstaafl, but I think we need to stop narrowing the scope of whom is truly pro-white. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep repeating it: The battle line must be drawn between those that are FOR white-preservation, and those that are against white-preservation. There is no question in my mind that Auster and Jobling are on our side, so I will support them. Hell, I’ll even welcome the support of Bantus if they will help our white preservation cause.

  8. I haven’t seen any persuasive arguments that Jews could be pro-white collectively. There may be individuals, but as a whole they seek their own ethnic interests and typically to the detriment of the host population.

    History is on the anti-Semites’ side.

  9. “I haven’t seen any persuasive arguments that Jews could be pro-white collectively.”

    Let me spell it out — JEWS ARE NOT WHITE.

    That being said, this does not mean or preclude the fact that there may be decent Jewish Americans who are sympathetic to the plight of White Americans, specifically those of NORTHERN EUROPEAN descent, who are experiancing a genetic and cultural war of dispossession on them the likes of which are unprecedented in world history.

    For those Jewish people who understand this and wish to help protect and defend traditional Anglo-Celtic America, than they can certainly be our friends and allies. However, We should never countenance any hidden agendas, from them or anyone else.

  10. And just to be fair to the Jews, other ‘ethnys’ presumed to be ‘White’ are often not, or are so marginally.

    The ANGLO-GERMANIC-CELTIC peoples are the people that everyone knows to be the foundational stock, the ‘base of the White race’, racially AND culturally, at least in Traditional America.

  11. From Austers Blog:

    “OK, so fifth, sixth, and seventh. Who am I to quibble?”

    The neo-conservatism of the Auster types is so Narrow and fraught with so many litmus tests and hoops to pass through that they have relegated themselves into a corner to be beat up on! The beatings will continue until morale improves!

    Here is just a sample of all the things you have to agree with:

    1.) Judeo-Christianity
    2.) Zionism
    3.) Jews are a chosen people
    4.) Any Whites further to the Right then Republicans are ‘bad’
    5.) The Holocaust is fact
    6.) Against Islam
    7.) Against Hispanics.

    It is just SIMPLER to be a Tribalist White Nationalist with a simple In-group/ out group mentality then having to go through the abstract mental contortions to have to fit in with these Neo-cons Auster types!!!!

  12. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep repeating it: The battle line must be drawn between those that are FOR white-preservation, and those that are against white-preservation.

    Well no, it is not that simple, because realistically “white preservation” is untenable until we retake control of our society from Jews, something which Auster and Jobling oppose.

  13. — “Well no, it is not that simple, because realistically “white preservation” is untenable until we retake control of our society from Jews, something which Auster and Jobling oppose.”

    I’m not in any way shape or form saying Auster or Jobling should be considered leaders; I’m saying they are not anti-white therefore should be placed on our side of the ledger. As for retaking our control of our society from Jews, the question is how? We certainly don’t have any chance if we lack a substantial base of support, do we? I want to garner all the support we can even if that support doesn’t meet all the criteria demanded by the most staunch White Nationalists. Again, Auster and Jobling are not exemplars but I don’t consider them, in the grand scheme of things, enemies of the white race either.

  14. Are either Jobling or Auster actually standing in the way of you? Doesn’t something have to move for it to be a movement? Doesn’t something have to be moving in the first place for Auster or Jobling to be accused of thwarting it? You can’t “lead” something which isn’t moving.

    There are three major problems with explicit anti-Semitism. The first major problem is that revulsion to explicit anti-semitism has been implanted more deeply in the American psyche than Jesus, God, and Apple Pie combined. The second major problem is that Jews are quite capable of concealing themselves when necessary. The third major problem is that Jews aren’t the only problem.

    The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are a step-by-step guide to defeating the Pharisees without becoming a monster yourself. Remind people of what’s good and right in the world and they’ll come to resist the folks assailing those things on their own accord.

  15. “I’m not in any way shape or form saying Auster or Jobling should be considered leaders; I’m saying they are not anti-white therefore should be placed on our side of the ledger.”

    Good luck keeping them out of national European leadership positions. They *insist* on being the leaders of any White endeavors and loudly proclaim any White who denies them prominent positions as evil.

  16. If, like Spengler says, we live in super-organisms, then the Jews are the super-organismic parasite. The key is that they are civilization-parasites and do not prey upon individuals.

    Inclusion of Jews into white racial nationalism is suicide as the Jews by their very nature will destroy it from within.

  17. Anyone pro-us is with us, by the degree to which they are pro-us. Anyone anti-us is against us, by the degree to which they are anti-us. And so, they accord their value in order for us to reap maximum advantage and leverage at this or any other point. And that doesn’t outlaw disposability when necessary or when morally justified.

  18. There are no absolutes. That is, for all intents and purposes, practically impossible. Nature doesn’t work like that – and neither should we. There is always a fuzzy area between one body (or corpus) and another. Allies from “the other” should never be discounted. Everything counts at this point. MAXIMUM counter-resistance is needed.

  19. — “Good luck keeping them out of national European leadership positions. They *insist* on being the leaders of any White endeavors and loudly proclaim any White who denies them prominent positions as evil.”

    The task is for our side to regain key positions of power in society. Right now, we need all the help we can get. If Jews, Blacks, Chinamen, Towel-Heads, Beaners, whatever, offer us genuine assistance then we’d be fools not to accept it – but only under our terms. As far as Jews demanding leadership positions, just say NO! If we regain the upper-hand, there will be people around such as Captainchaos and Fred Scrooby to make sure we never fall under the yoke of Jewish Supremacism ever again. “NEVER AGAIN” will we allow Jews to impose genocide upon the people of European decent.

  20. Auster, Jobling and the like are attempting to influence newbies to the racialist movement by acting like criticism of Jews is beyond the pale and not respectable. In some cases criticism is allowed but only within a very narrow framework.

    It was Lenin who said if you can’t defeat an opposing group then lead it. In a way the spate of Jews joining the pro-white RR movement like Auster and Mike “David Duke is a F$cking nazi” Hart are attempting to accomplish just that. The theme of many of their writings is that sure, some Jews have done harmful things to white interests but this is not unlike the damage caused by whites liberals, so Jews are really no worse than white liberals. Ergo, excessive focus on Jewish misdeeds is baseless, senseless, and motivated by anti-semitism.

    If an RR (like Jared Taylor) simply wishes not to take a position on the Jewish question, then I respect and support that even though I disagree with that approach. But often times the philo-semites expend more time savaging people like us than they do proselytizing for the cause of white racial renewal.

  21. The time to go after the Jews was in the Fifties and Sixties.

    McCarthy-despite his numerous close Jewish connections-was effectively doing this during his “reign of terror.”.He was launching an assault against Jewish hegemony and its non-Jewish epigones and facilitators. McCarthy had a few Jewish supporters, but 90% of JEws remained loyal to left liberalism and Marxism.

    Today we have an apparatus of nam’s which has advanced beyond

  22. Amren and the BNP are doing fine because they will not blame Jews for anything, despite mountains of evidence that every corrupted institution in the West (media, academia, government, law, and banking) is controlled by organized Jewry, and organized Jewry is behind most international drugs and slavery operations. They won’t even allow any honest discussion at all, not one second of it.

    By contrast, any White organization which excludes Jews is thoroughly vilified, no matter how innocuous. Name for us one that it is not.

    Whites have no allies. Any who think Jews are friendlies in our battle for survival is uninformed or engaged in wishful thinking.

  23. “The time to go after the Jews was in the Fifties and Sixties.”

    The ADL and SPLC- types are still around today.

    Dr. Pierce (pbuh) described the Jews as an ‘organizing force’ ( ) They are the ‘brains’ behind the what is going on!

    There is no way that low IQ Blacks and Browns could maintain the Diversity-Hegemon of today. Cut off the ‘Jewish Head’ and the colored body shall die!

    One could liken the Jews to the Brain Bugs from ‘Starship Troopers’.

  24. “McCarthy-despite his numerous close Jewish connections-was effectively doing this during his “reign of terror.”.He was launching an assault against Jewish hegemony and its non-Jewish epigones and facilitators. McCarthy had a few Jewish supporters, but 90% of JEws remained loyal to left liberalism and Marxism.”

    McCarthy did for anti-Communism what Jane Fonda did for the anti-war movement.


    “Looking at our situation practically, we who are not yet absorbed by the Crowd are in a rough place: we cannot strike out against the crowd, and yet we cannot continue to tolerate it, or it will eventually reduce our civilization to third-world status through backhanded destruction of all things higher than its non-goal intentions. Even more, as it has crept within our society, it has spread its agenda of destruction against any higher ideas or ideals. Crowdists triumph through greater numbers, and with each generation of Crowdist control, more people submit out of exhaustion, and thus swell the numbers of Crowdists. It is not a conspiracy; it is a cancer. Since Crowdists have the purchasing power in our society, and the popularity, they ignore any higher visions. A product designed for those who are not Crowdists will not be boycotted, only bypassed. Those who speak up about the truth of the situation, or any of the details associated with the truth that can be construed as offensive (women and men are not equal, races are not equal, individuals are not equal, decisions are not all equal) will be branded a heretic and, while no overt action is taken against them, they will passively be denied opportunity until they accept their destiny as a janitor or in rage against the injustice lash out, become an aggressor and are killed. Remember, Crowdism is negative logic. It does not set out to establish an ideal as much as remove those with ideals, as those conflict with its paradoxical worldview, which is that of facilitating individuals rather than uniting individuals with a goal. Crowdism is anti-aspiration, and anti-organic. It only approves of systems where one individual is in power, or all are equally in power, and thus nothing gets decided.”
    ~ Vijay Prozak – Crowdism

  26. Mr. Dithers: ” The theme of many of their writings is that sure, some Jews have done harmful things to white interests but this is not unlike the damage caused by whites liberals, so Jews are really no worse than white liberals. “

    What they deliberately ignore is the huge overrepresentation and the leading role of Jews in anti-white activism, the racial animus behind much of it, and the Jewish group dynamics that explain Jewish activism. Anti-white activism is a way to reinforce the collective Jewish identity. Ignoring the Jewish dimension of Jewish anti-white activism is like saying that members of La Razza are American liberals who just happen to be Hispanic. Fortunately, Hispanics are less devious than Auster. They do not claim to be white when they snipe at the Whites.

  27. Who has noticed that less time these days need be devoted toward convincing newcomers to these discussions of the general treachery of the Tribe? And that therefore more of our time may be spent devising solutions? A most healthy and encouraging development.

  28. “Who has noticed that less time these days need be devoted toward convincing newcomers to these discussions of the general treachery of the Tribe? And that therefore more of our time may be spent devising solutions? A most healthy and encouraging development.”

    I saw something amazing a few days ago while walking on the park path in my town. This bumper sticker was stuck to the side of a signpost: “If White people go extinct, who’s going to feed you monkeys?”
    Crudely put? Yes. But I’ve NEVER seen such a thing before in a “SWPL” park.
    I’m convinced this is a small indicator that SOMETHING has broken open, I do believe.

  29. “Jews constitute 3 percent of the US Population. Non- whites constitute 30 – 35 percent. ”

    Jews have far more power and influence than all other non-whites do. Jews are the ones who lead the effort to destroy white racial consciousness.

  30. The Jewish question is important, but can be dealt with. The problem that is illustrated in this video is of more importance. Jews constitute 3 percent of the US Population. Non- whites constitute 30 – 35 percent.

    As the link above and video enclosed demonstrate, Black people are on the verge of going ballistic in this nation.

    Anyone who thinks “black people going ballistic” is a greater threat to whites than Jewish influence is a complete moron.

  31. “Jews constitute 3 percent of the US Population …”

    Try more like 8-10% of the gen-pop!

    Remember folks, there is NO RELIGION ‘BOX’ to check off on the census — much of their numbers are guess-timations based on temple and synogogue attendance, which a fair number don’t even attend.

    Yeah, all part of the Khazarian attempt at ‘crypsis’, as the KMac so adroitly has pointed out.

  32. The Jews are not 8-10% of the American population! They would have to number over 24-30 million. This is larger than each individual state except California. They would (which they don’t) be twice the percentage of all Asians; and outnumber the Muslims. Also, I heard their global population is lower than 15 million.

    Question: Do you think there really are almost as many Jews in the U.S. as there are Blacks here? What about Jews being over a half to2/3’s of the total U.S. Hispanic population (apparently including illegals)? LOL!

    If yes, their over-representation would even greater. I also doubt the U.S. Census would miss 18-24 million (alleged 75-80% of total population) Jews and not the rest of the general population.

  33. “… then where are they hiding?!””

    Nonetheless Steve, we real Anglo-Celtic Whites really don’t know for sure how many Khazars there are here in the US of A, since, like so much of everything else regarding Jewry, they, through CRYPSIS, obfuscate and hide the facts and the TRUTH about themselves.

  34. where are they hiding?!

    The next time you wonder whether some prominent “activist” is jewish, google a bit for evidence. You’ll be educated not only to determine where, but also how often and subtly they “hide” while cryptically telegraphing their identity to each other. They know that where they are and what they’re doing is more important than their raw numbers, regardless of the classic dissembling arguments to the contrary.

  35. I highly doubt there are 24-30 million ethnic Israelis in America. This population would exceed every state’s general population, except California’s.

    I don’t see the ethnic Jews competing with the Irish and Italians in raw numbers; and I especially don’t see them almost as large as the Black population-though I would agree Jews, part-Jews, and religious Jews could be 4-6% of the general population.

    Common sense says the U.S. Census is more credible than unprovable wild estimates.

  36. “Common sense says the U.S. Census is more credible than unprovable wild estimates.”

    This is my EXACT POINT, Steve, for the census DOES NOT ASK what ‘religious affiliation’ an “American” belongs to, so there is no way to know for sure how many Jews actually are in the US.

  37. “I don’t see the ethnic Jews competing with the Irish and Italians in raw numbers; and I especially don’t see them almost as large as the Black population … ”

    Another thing about ethnic numbers –

    Is it just me, or does it really seem as if Blacks are indeed more than the much ballyhooed number of 12-13% of the “American” population (“Gen-Pop”)??

    From what I have heard from a friend that once worked as a Census official, none of ’em are all too thrilled in diligently finding out exactly just how many individual Negroes live at a particular address or location — if ya get my drift. 😉

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