Comrade Lindsay

Robert Lindsay is hurling epithets (insane, lunatics, total losers, psychos) at White Nationalists who want to eliminate legal immigration and deport non-White U.S. citizens. He faults them for not mindlessly and slavishly deferring to the almighty idol of public opinion. In reality, there is nothing irrational at all about the White Nationalist position on immigration: if your goal is to preserve America’s White majority, it is quite logical to end non-White legal immigration and to deport the non-White minorities that are already here. Lindsay all but admits this, but lashes out with his invective anyway; probably to reassert his “progressive” credentials with harmless rhetoric.

Personally, I think Comrade Lindsay should do something really “progressive” like move into a crime infested government housing project. Were it not already torn down, I would recommend the Robert Taylor Homes in Chicago, or the similarly ill fated projects in Atlanta. If he isn’t that bold, maybe he could go back to teaching negro kids about hugely important historical figures like Harriet Tubman or Sojourner Truth in a California public school (ranked 49th out of 50 states). I think he would get more “progressive” street cred if he demonstrated his commitment to welfare by sharing his own trust fund with the local Hispanic gangbangers.  What say you?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “I think he would get more ”progressive” street cred if he demonstrated his commitment to welfare by sharing his own trust fund with the local Hispanic gangbangers. What say you?”

    Ah yes, Hoberto Lindsay, the “Trust-fund Trotskyite” himself.

    I say yea!


  2. I hate Trots! Never was an icepick put to better use!

    I’m sort of a crypto-Stalinist, or actually sort of a Maoist. I support the Maoists in Nepal, India, the Philippines and Sendero in Peru.

    The complex I presently live in has lots of Section 8 folks in it.

    I ain’t stupid. I’m a firm believer in White Flight, been doing it most of my life.

  3. I’m sort of a crypto-Stalinist, or actually sort of a Maoist. I support the Maoists in Nepal, India, the Philippines and Sendero in Peru.

    I think we can sum it up this way: you’re a complete fucking idiot.

  4. “I ain’t stupid. I’m a firm believer in White Flight, been doing it most of my life.”

    R U saying Robert that you’re a “self-segregater”?? (LOL)

  5. “I ain’t stupid. I’m a firm believer in White Flight, been doing it most of my life.”

    R U saying Robert that you’re a “self-segregator”?? (LOL)

  6. R U saying Robert that you’re a “self-segregator”?? (LOL)

    Yeah, but not at the moment. Hispanics I can live with, even poor ones. I don’t think I could live with any significant # of poor Blacks. That sounds truly horrible. It’s really more about income than anything else around here. Once the incomes are high enough, race doesn’t matter too much. But at lower income levels, poor White town beats poor Hispanic town beats poor Black town.

  7. “Once the incomes are high enough, race doesn’t matter too much.”

    We’ll see about this, hermano, since you and many kindred souls are going to get your chance to prove the validity of this theory — in spades (no pun intended) –

    “Westchester County officials have entered into a landmark desegregation agreement that would compel the county to create affordable housing in overwhelmingly white communities and aggressively market it to non-whites in the county and in neighboring New York City.”

  8. That’s the state putting poor people into rich neighborhoods. That’s different from a city where rental and housing costs are high. I have nothing against a 90% White town. I’m writing this from one. The 10% Hispanics are nothing, zero, no problem.

    But once the difference between a 10% Hispanic town here and a 67% Hispanic one are night and day. At the higher level, this thing called Hispanic culture takes over and drowns out everything else. At 10%, the Hispanics act good and try to assimilate to the majority White culture.

    It’s more about numbers than race per se.

  9. “–But once the difference between a 10% Hispanic town here and a 67% Hispanic one are night and day. At the higher level, this thing called Hispanic culture takes over and drowns out everything else. At 10%, the Hispanics act good and try to assimilate to the majority White culture.–”


    Except, what we are witnessing on the micro-level in places like Westchester Co is the nonwhites growing numbers, and, with the ‘help’ of their Jewish ‘friends’, what is happening in affluent Westchester* will simply metastisize, and the rest of the safe and decent parts of “America” will be soon-enough become “Westchester”, writ-large.

    *In case Robert you or anyone else is not familiar with it, Westchester County is just north of NYC and is one of the wealthiest counties in the U S of A. Probably very similar to Orange County in southern California.

  10. Prozium, stop wasting time on this clown. Your talents would be better spent enlightening the people in the “anti-Jihad movement” about the importance of race and the JQ.

  11. “But at lower income levels, poor White town beats poor Hispanic town beats poor Black town.” ( — Robert Lindsay)

    That strongly implies, “sight unseen,” that at middle and higher income levels white town beats Hispanic town beats black town, because whatever the qualities that make white people be better than the others at poor income levels should be lurking around somewhere in there showing themselves under other conditions as well, in similar or different ways but showing themselves. It implies it logically, and lo and behold, it’s that way in the real world. Funny how that works. Will wonders never cease!

  12. “It’s more about numbers than race per se.” ( — Robert Lindsay)

    “Numbers” of what though? Dill pickles? Chihuahuas? Cocoanut trees?

    So … we’re back to race after all ……….

  13. We already have precedents for deportation and repatriation. The Liberia Project for blacks and Operation Wetback for Latinos. Logistically it can be done. It’s only a matter of the will of the people and our political leaders.

    Lindsay seems to be arguing in the context of our current socio-political state, and I agree, it can’t be done with our current media and political structure. We need a revolution to make it happen, Civil War II. I don’t see all whites getting behind it either.

    Lindsay already says he prefers to live with whites, so as nutty as he is, he would rather be living with white nationalists than third-world savages.

  14. “In case Robert you or anyone else is not familiar with it, Westchester County is just north of NYC and is one of the wealthiest counties in the U S of A. Probably very similar to Orange County in southern California.”

    There are some big demographic differences. Westchester Cty. has an enormous population of Jews. Its negro population, especially around Mt. Vernon and White Plains, is not insignificant. And a large percentage of the Hispanics in Westchester Cty. are from places such as Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Central and South America–not Mexico.

    What is interesting is that Westchester Jews are once again fouling their own nest. No doubt Westchester Cty. Jews will start moving north and east to infect other American communities, where the process will begin over again. In the early 1990s Manhattan Jews started moving to Greenwich, CT, for a variety of reasons, chief among them the skyrocketing negro crime rate in the city. The liberal Jews pouring into Greenwich changed for the worse what was once a comfortable, charming commuter town.

  15. “What is interesting is that Westchester Jews are once again fouling their own nest. No doubt Westchester Cty. Jews will start moving north and east to infect other American communities, where the process will begin over again. In the early 1990s Manhattan Jews started moving to Greenwich, CT, for a variety of reasons, chief among them the skyrocketing negro crime rate in the city. The liberal Jews pouring into Greenwich changed for the worse what was once a comfortable, charming commuter town.” ( — The Admiral)

    Correct. The first thing Jews do when they move to a Negroless area is look around, see it’s Negroless, and start working to demand the importation of Negroes, the poorer and more crime-prone the better because even if it harms them it’s harming what they see as their mortal enemy, the Eurochristians, and that’s all-important in the Jewish mind: get the Eurochristians, keep needling them, keep chipping away at them, drive them down, and above all DON’T let them get away with living in any damned anti-Semitic all-white community. They’re doing this as a bludgeon against Eurochristians whom they hate living among, the more monoethnic-Eurochristian the more they hate it. They’d rather “foul their own nest,” as The Admiral puts it, than let Eurochristians “get away with” living in a monoethnic/monoracial community. Moral of the story: it’s the Jews causing all the problems of this nature.

  16. “and above all DON’T let them get away with living in any damned anti-Semitic all-white community.” ( — my comment above)

    Not that such communities are anti-Semitic — they’re not, by and large: Eurochristians have nothing against Jews who don’t bother anyone and have far better ways of spending their mental energy than going around being gratuitously anti-Semitic. This isn’t the Middle Ages. But that’s how the Jews will ALWAYS see them, as anti-Semitic, which arouses their quiet hatred and quiet fury, and lead to their devoting their lives if need be to destroying them.

  17. Right. Once Jews achieve a certain presence in the EuroChristian community, they start issuing hostile demands.

    To use my example (above) of Greenwich, CT, in the mid-1990s liberal Jews began demanding the town remove small crosses from the local fire house and a few other municipal buildings. Local EuroChristians in Greenwich complied with their new Jew masters.

    The solution, of course, is to prevent Jews from moving into your community to begin with. But doing so now would be difficult and would ignite a larger war. Which is where we are headed anyway.

  18. Actually, at middle and upper income levels, Hispanics and Blacks act pretty darn good in a mixed community. I’m not sure why that is. But it’s at the lower income levels that you really see the differences. I always thought this problem was due to income and up until 3 years ago, I even supported mass amnesty for all the illegals. I felt sorry for all the minorities. Until I had to go live with a bunch of them.

    My neighborhood is a low income neighborhood. In that area, the poor Whites act best, then the poor Hispanics, and the worst of all are the poor Blacks, though it’s a close contest between the Blacks and Hispanics, since the young Hispanics are all trying to emulate the ghetto Black as the pinnacle of the human race. In contrast, I previously lived in a low income rural White town.

    There were problems, but overall it was Paradiso compared to the Inferno of the Hispanic town. I’ve never lived with poor Blacks, but I assume it must like something out of Heironymous Bosch (vastly worse than even the Hispanics).

    Higher income does moderate minority behavior towards the better, but vast percentages of them are perennially stuck at low income, so the problem never gets resolved.

    The racial differences are particularly striking at low income levels. It’s like keeping low income constant, there are 3 times as many bad actors in an Hispanic area as in a White area, and your average Hispanic bad actor acts about 3X worse than the average bad White.

    I’ve never conducted the experiment of living in a ghetto, but I assume it’s even worse. Keeping low income constant, maybe 8X as many bad guys as in the White area, and your average bad guy acts about 8X worse than your average White bad guy.

    These are all just unscientific top of the head subjective thoughts of mine, but that’s my take on the matter.

  19. “Actually, at middle and upper income levels, Hispanics and Blacks act pretty darn good in a mixed community.” ( — Robert Lindsay)

    They’re conforming to a standard set by others, without which their behavior deteriorates. I’ll take the standard-setting race over the ones who have to be cowed into aping the standard (pun intended, very much so).

  20. “Higher income does moderate minority behavior towards the better”

    Maybe you’ve confused which one is the cause and which one is the effect.

    Maybe it’s NOT higher income that moderates behavior.

    Maybe it’s the ability to moderate behavior that allows the higher income.

  21. I think Barb is onto something here. The Hispanics and Blacks with more money seem to be a different beast altogether. As far as the Underclass idiots that live around me, I’m convinced that if you gave them a nice wad for a fancy house and a new ride, it wouldn’t change their behavior all that much. Plus they would probably trash the house and wreck the car in short order.

  22. The next 2-3 years will be crucial in terms of building the American pro-White movement. By 2011-2012 we should start to build a mainstream sociopolitical organization that will begin working on the ground to organize middle-class/working-class American Whites.

    The socioeconomic turmoil we’ve been experiencing for well-nigh two years now is just beginning; expect an even bigger economic bubble to pop in about another 2-3 years…many millions of American Whites will be looking for direction (and revenge) when that occurs, and we pro-White activists need to be there at that time to recruit those people and pick up the pieces of our increasingly ‘diverse’ and Jew-wrecked nation.

    “Revolution coming with next meltdown”

    Americans are not going to put up with the “Wall Street Conspiracy” ripping off investors and taxpayers much longer. Wall Street got rich sticking us with mountains of debt for generations to come.

    Expect a major house-cleaning, a second American Revolution. We predicted the “Great Depression 2” around 2012. Well, we doubt taxpayers will passively sit one more time, like in the 1930s, in 2000, and the past few years. Next time voters will take a page from the history books about past revolutions in the American Colonies, France and Russia. A perfect storm will erupt in a massive global credit meltdown, bringing down Wall Street and the clandestine $670 trillion shadow central banking system. And the collateral damage will be massive and widespread, in areas such as these:

    * Lobbyists’ power is lethal to our values. Special interests are running and destroying American democracy, will self-destruct.

    * Derivatives: Cap ‘n trade will crash worse than subprime. The Goldman Conspiracy’s spending millions lobbying for trillion-dollar derivatives.

    * “Too-greedy-to-fail” big banks will trigger harsh backlash. Banks pay huge bonuses yet modify only 9% of 4 million stressed home loans.

    * America’s wealth gap will trigger grass-roots rebellion. Wall Street’s greed is so pervasive, gluttonous and obvious the rest will rebel.

    * The “Goldman Conspiracy” will be a target for retribution. Goldman’s hubris is most egregious and flagrant. Their arrogance will backfire.

    * Wave of creative destruction will revive commercial banking. Investment bankers are killing commercial banking, Glass-Steagall will return.

    * Secrecy protecting Wall Street’s unethical behavior to end. Wall Street’s control over Washington’s lawmaking will come to an end.

    * The Fed’s shadow banking will collapse under excess debt. Central bank balance sheets overdrawn, feeding new bubble with cheap money.

    * A “Black Swan” of huge unintended consequences. Next bubble, highly unpredictable, huge collateral damage on Wall Street.

    – from

  23. I’ve been looking around since 1970 and I have seen no abiding Euro-American ethnocentricism sophisticated enough to approach even BNP power-percentages in the UK.

    White Civilization as a substantive force in the world appears to depend on Russian movements preferably
    in informal cohesion with German, East European etc.
    Maybe Euro-Americans can retrieve something here after a
    Collapse. I invite Lindsay to reconsider National Bolshevism
    and the NBF-not as an utile American ideology, however.

  24. Ken,

    David Duke is comparable, even more so as he discusses the J-question, and other race realists, who are similar to what the BNP advocates (Semitic-friendly white nationalism).

    The problem in America is we don’t have a parliamentary system, so we’re locked into this two-party system, and anti-white Jews control both sides. Derek Black is a recent example, he was voted in but denied his seat by a republican Jew.

  25. At least some Americans are organizing for the protection of themselves and their communities:

    “Officials see rise in militia groups across US” (12 Aug 2009)

    Militia groups with gripes against the government are regrouping across the country and could grow rapidly, according to an organization that tracks such trends.

    The stress of a poor economy and a liberal administration led by a black president are among the causes for the recent rise, the report from the Southern Poverty Law Center says. Conspiracy theories about a secret Mexican plan to reclaim the Southwest are also growing amid the public debate about illegal immigration.

    Bart McEntire, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, told SPLC researchers that this is the most growth he’s seen in more than a decade.

    “All it’s lacking is a spark,” McEntire said in the report.


  26. Glad you mentioned Duke. Makes my point. He lived in Russia and Ukraine for years, acheiving arguably more popularity there than here. Became pro-Russian. This history from a guy who originally
    “belonged” to the “Nordic” wing of National Socialism.

  27. The best of the Russian population is Nordic. 🙂

    It’s natural to have some degree of Nordicism if you are a racialist and not some swarthoid.


    From an actual interview: “computers are racist because they make them too hard to use.
    They need to make them easy like TV, so people in the community
    can have good jobs. Computers are made by white and Chinese,
    and they don’t like it when we try to get ahead.”

    Yes, Rakim, that’s exactly what the Chinese are thinking about. It’s all about *you* and your myth.

    To put my point more plainly, I think the negative myth of racism is so absurd that it is collapsing under its own weight.

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