Kaufmann and MacDonald

The latest exchange can be found at VDARE. As I stated in the previous thread, I incline towards the view that the Northern Anglo-Protestant elite committed suicide. They were enervated by their own liberalism and beaten at their own capitalist game.

1.) Who let Jews into the United States in the first place?

2.) Who extended to them all the rights and liberties of other citizens?

3.) Who let them into the universities?

4.) Who encouraged them to compete in our capitalist economy?

5.) Who sympathized with their ideas and popularized them?

6.) Who didn’t put up a fight?

In a parallel universe, the Jews might have encountered a very different elite in the driver’s seat with entirely different ideas about how to run the United States. They were only able to succeed because the indigenous elite had established the ground rules that facilitated their own downfall.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    “Some Jews Have Always Exercised Great Power”
    ~ Henry Makow

    “Even Jews have a self-image of a poor, beleaguered people. In fact, there has always been a powerful class of Jews who allied with aristocrats, and served as advisers, bankers, administrators, tax collectors, enforcers, doctors and tutors, becoming an elite caste of their own. They used their positions and worldwide contacts to dominate trade and become extremely rich. They rewarded their protectors handsomely.

    “Their role in the “Enlightenment” and Western imperialism has been discreetly veiled. The neo-feudal New World Order continues this cozy alliance with the Gentile elite. The concept of a “Chosen People” is ideally suited for a Luciferian plutocracy dedicated to colonizing the human race.”


    “Jews have always used their “religion” as a method of gaining special privileges, including military exemption and their own judiciary. Ben Israel tells Cromwell that God blesses those who aid the Jews and curses those who don’t. The Bible decrees that the Messiah won’t return until “the People of God” have been fully dispersed to every corner of the world, England included. Then Jews can return to Israel and never soil their hands in trade.

    “The letter makes clear that elite Jews got world power the old fashioned way- they bought it. He says they are extremely loyal to Princes and Nobles and reward them generously. He mentions numerous Princes that welcomed Jews and says it is easy to judge from the trade they generated, “the profit that Princes and Commonwealths do reap, by giving liberty of religion to the Jews, and gathering them by some special privileges into their countries: as Trees that bring forth such excellent fruits.” ”



    “Although there was no official proclamation, Jews were tacitly allowed to return to England. The “British” Empire became a vehicle for the longstanding alliance of Cabalist Jew and Gentile aristocrat to achieve world domination. Now, American imperialism carries the baton, to be replaced eventually by a world government mechanism.”

  2. “England’s Jewish Aristocracy”

    “Did you know that Simon Cowell, the acerbic judge on American Idol, is half-Jewish?

    “British Jews keep a low profile but they are extremely influential. Similarly, it is hardly known that the British aristocracy largely is half-Jewish too, and that, in the words of L.G. Pine, Editor of Burke’s Peerage, “the Jews have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual.” (219)

    “This is confirmed by British social critic Hilaire Belloc who described the British Empire as a partnership between Jewish finance and the British aristocracy.

    “After Waterloo [1815] London became the money market and the clearing house of the world. The interests of the Jew as a financial dealer and the interests of this great commercial polity approximated more and more. One may say that by the last third of the nineteenth century, they had become virtually identical.” (“The Jews” 1922)

    In the next few articles, I am going to explore the thesis that the British Empire was a Masonic proxy, and that British & American imperialism derived its moxie from the perverse desire of Cabalist bankers to own and control everything. The Illuminati bankers (i.e. the “Crown”) colonized England & the US as well as the world. The “Jewish Conspiracy” was the British Empire now repackaged as the New World Order. Of course, now it encompasses everyone with a stake in “globalism.” […]


  3. I tend to agree with Prozium, and with the thesis that Jewish control and domination did not occur in a vacumn. As they traditionally have done, they pool their energies in the takeover of a key sector of the host nation, typically financial in nature – such as international banking, or the diamond trade in South Africa, or the legal systems of those nation-states advanced enough to have a highly developed legal system underpinning their society. Here in the United States we saw the Jewish takeover of the mass media of news and entertainment – which was truly prescient, and underlined the Jews ability to snill out potential areas for host exploitation.

    After this consolidation, typically, the power gained is then used to buy willing Gentile collaborators. Here in the United States, with no native aristocracy, the Jews had many willing white men to buy. More or less unfettered capitalism was the name of the game. Money talked. Money meant power. And so today, we look upon the most corrupt and most Jewish-influence-ridden of all the nations of the West – the United States. Unfortunately for the white world, the United States – after World War II – was also the preeminent power and representative of western culture and achievement.

    This brings up a couple of points.

    If this is truly the case, what is to be done? Secession obviously, is the purest and most idealistic alternative…but not a bloodless alternative, more than likely. The other, more time-honored choice…is to make the collaborators realize that there is more pain than benefit in partnering with the Jews. The election of Obama is a fascinating case in point. In many ways, the election of this black was a backlash – from both left and center – against Jewish overreach: Israeli aggression and the seemingly purposeless (except for Israel, of course) war in Iraq offended the left. Jewish-led financial scandals exasperated everyone (Madoff, Abramov, etc..). And for the first time in a long time, a documented anti-Semite was nominated for the office of President. Documented, no doubt, by his ties with the black nationalist Jeremiah Wright.

    We’re in a confusing situation. But it does appear that Jewish collaborators, in a sense, have been punished by the election of a
    negro – no less – who is hostile to the interests of the Jews. At the same time, white racial conciousness has been raised faster in 1 year than in the last 30…also a plus. (And this racial conciousness has been aided and abetted by useful idiots such as Rush Limbuagh and Fox News, focusing on the Obama presidency.)
    We may be seeing the beginnings of a Jewish ‘civil war’, in the US as former allied leftists Jews and newly enfranchised neocon Jews
    battle over Obama. Or, if they all decide to come together to oust him, won’t that look suspicious – again, raising white conciousness up to the next level.

    As white nationalists, we must anticipate what is likely to happen in the polity – and seize upon it for our cause.

  4. Who let Jews into the United States in the first place?

    I’m going to guess it was Northern businessmen of Puritan and Quaker backgrounds and their political lackeys but I haven’t done much research on it.

    Before the Jews started to flood in Irish Catholics had also been present in considerable numbers, even before the famine. There were riots in Boston between the native Yankees and Irish RCs in the 1830s. (Protestant Dutch, Germans, and French were never a problem). Since so many Yankees didn’t want these Irish how come they were not stopped? Again, guessing, probably like today it was a business class putting their own short term interests ahead of those of the majority of their own people.

    I doubt the Sephardic Jews had enough influence back in the first half of the 19th century to be the dominant group behind mass immigration of non-Anglos, but then again, you can never underestimate them.

  5. 1.) There were no Jews in the South? Secretary of State and acting Secretary of War of the Confederacy was not a Jew? Who advocated their repatriation?

    2.) Who extended to them all the rights and liberties of other citizens in the South?

    3.) Who restricted Jewish enrollment?

    4.) Who encouraged them to compete in the slave economy?

    5.) Catholics, from Al Smith to JFK did not sympathize with unrestricted immigration? Catholics did not oppose the KKK Protestantism?

    6.) Who did fight? Which region most vociferously advocated war on Germany, advancing the decline of scientific racism and the end of the Jim Crow South?

  6. The Sephardic Jews weren’t the troublemakers, it was the German and Russian Ashkenazi Jews who came to America later that are responsible for most of our problems today. They created hate crime laws, our social and political standards, modern Zionism and the state of Israel.

  7. MacDonald’s argument is stronger and more complete. Kaufmann leaves out a lot and is deceptive. He tries to use individual Jews to show that they were not anti-restrictionist, when organized Jewry clearly was.

    “As I noted in the review, and especially in the longer version posted on my Occidental Observer website, I acknowledge that pre-existing traits of WASPs—all reducible to individualism—were a component in the fall of Anglo-America. However, I place more emphasis on Jewish influence as a necessary (not a sufficient) condition for the collapse of Anglo-America.”

  8. Part of the problem with this debate between Kaufmann and MacDonald is that they’re not really talking about the same thing. Kaufmann is mainly talking about the fall of ANGLO-America, whereas MacDonald is mainly looking at the downfall of white (or at least, NW Euro) America. I think in the case of the conception of “Americans” giving way from strictly Anglo-Protestant to more broadly NW Euro, Kaufmann’s case that is was more “suicide” is relatively strong. As far as the collapse of any sense of white racial identity, obviously this would not have occurred without heavy Jewish involvement.

  9. I definitely incline towards Kevin MacDonald’s view that although WASP individualism played a significant role in their decline, Jewish influence was the decisive and deciding factor. Indeed, I would say that MacDonald totally won the debate. Clearly, Kaufmann has not properly examined the role that Jewish influence played in WASP decline.

    In my opinion, Kevin MacDonald summed up an America without Jewish influence best in his original review of Kaufmann’s book:

    My alternate view of the 20th century in America is that if a robust Darwinian intellectual elite had remained in place despite the assaults of the Boasians, the Frankfurt School, the Marxists, and the New York Intellectuals, the cosmopolitan revolution never would have occurred and the Anglo-Saxon movement of ethnic defense culminating in the immigration law of 1924 would have succeeded and become institutionalized. The liberal, cosmopolitan Anglo-Saxon tradition would have persisted at the fringes of American society, advocated by those for whom the confining Anglo-Saxon small town culture was an overly confining burden. And, quite possibly, with a more sophisticated biological and evolutionary understanding of human behavior, Anglo-Saxon culture itself would have changed in a direction to be more inclusive of various forms of recurrent, biologically-based non-conformity, such as homosexuality.

    But a robust, sophisticated Darwinian culture would have provided a powerful argument for ethnic defense. Critically, such a Darwinian ethnic defense would have emphasized creating a culture in which individualism was seen as a valuable Anglo-Saxon ethnic trait — as was the case during the 18th and 19th centuries. Immigration policy would have been carefully formulated to ensure that immigrants were genetically similar to the founding stock and to ensure the continued dominance of peoples prone to individualism — just as American immigration policy was crafted until 1965.

    This ethnic defense would have been energized by the sociobiological revolution of the 1970s and the firm mathematical grounding for the understanding that all peoples have ethnic genetic interests. Instead, in cosmopolitan America, even the sociobiological revolution has been stripped of its most dangerous and powerful ideas. As Frank Salter has shown, the revolution in population genetics of the 1970s showed very clearly that people controlling a piece of land have a huge genetic interest in preserving their control. But this finding has been suppressed and misinterpreted by people at the highest levels of the academic hierarchy.


  10. You can sort of look at the various conceptions of who Americans are as having several levels:

    1) White Anglo-Saxon Protestants
    2) “Nordics” or Northwest Europeans, whether Protestant or Catholic
    3) All Europeans, Southern and Eastern Euros included, but Jews excluded
    4) All Euros + Jews
    5) No standards whatsoever

    The center of mass of racialism today is probably somewhere between 2 and 3, leaning towards 3. “All Europeans welcome, but NW Euros preferred” could be the unofficial motto for a lot of racialists.

  11. 1.) Jews have lived in the South ever since their settlement in Charleston. And yes, Judah Benjamin was the Confederate Secretary of State. The South didn’t develop a Jewish problem comparable to that of the North though … at least until air conditioning made South Florida habitable.

    2.) Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe settled overwhelmingly in the North, not the South.

    3.) Jews never took over Southern universities in the manner which they seized Columbia, Harvard, Yale and Princeton.

    4.) I have never bought into the argument that Jews are responsible for the American slave trade. They were an insignificant minority of planters.

    5.) Irish, German, Italian and Slavic Catholics overwhelmingly settled in the North.

    6.) The South emerged from the Second World War even more committed to racialism and segregation than it had been before.

  12. Kaufmann makes the unimpeachable point that Jewish influence would have amounted to nothing if the Northern Anglo-Protestant elite had not been such pushovers.

  13. “Kaufmann makes the unimpeachable point that Jewish influence would have amounted to nothing if the Northern Anglo-Protestant elite had not been such pushovers.”

    But to what degree should they have stood against the Jews? With the same vigor that the German National Socialists did? Yet the same people who bid us be not timid in the face of Jewry blame the National Socialists for pathologizing racialism and anti-Semitism. The clear subtext, if you do it, best hope you don’t lose, because the revenge of Jewry, and their shabbos goys, will be bone jarring. So seemingly, those that ostensibly reject the “Single Jewish Cause” are most fearful of the Jews.

  14. The Jews should have been excluded from the beginning of the Republic. That’s my ideal. If nothing else, they should have been expelled when it became clear they were mischief makers.

  15. I suppose you can look at it both ways.

    1.) You can blame the bully (the Jews) for being an ethnic aggressor.

    2.) You can blame the liberal Northern Anglo-Protestant elite for not putting up a fight.

  16. 2.) Immigrants, generally, from Eastern/Southern Europe settled overwhelmingly in the North, not the South.

    3.) There were no universities in the South comparable to Columbia, Harvard, Yale and Princeton.

    4.) I have never bought into the argument that Jews are responsible for the American slave trade. They were an insignificant minority of planters. [It’s not the original point, though.]

    5.) Irish, German, Italian and Slavic Catholics overwhelmingly settled in the North. [Yes, but blame is laid, in this post, solely upon Northern Anglo-Protestant elite. Ditto MacDonald.]

    6.) The South emerged from the Second World War even more committed to racialism and segregation than it had been before.
    [According to you it did not matter. The die was cast after WWII.]

    Posted by Scimitar on August 05, 2007, 11:31 PM

    Throughout the late 1940s and 1950s, the Soviet Union pillored the U.S. in the third world and at the U.N. on the grounds of “racism”; how America was like Nazi Germany because of Jim Crow. The NAACP famously made an appeal there during the Truman years. This was especially problematic for Truman and Eisenhower because the Western European NATO allies often joined in the criticism and demanded that the U.S. jettison Jim Crow in order to maintain the “leadership role.” It was for this reason that the U.S. State Department started pushing desegregation in the federal courts, most famously in Brown, but also in several previous decisions.

    The overwhelming priority of the U.S. at the time was maintaining the so-called “leadership role” in NATO and fighting world communism. Jim Crow got in the way of that. So, for example, in the aftermath of the debacle at Little Rock in 1957, the U.S. got extremely bad press in Europe. See the USIA poll posted above. In Sweden, for instance, something like 90% of the population strongly disapproved of American treatment of the negro. This pressure from abroad – as Eisenhower mentions, being flooded in the spotlight of world opinion – prompted the Civil Rights Act of 1957 in the United States.

    The all-consuming Western self-hatred, the radical anti-racism that we are familiar with, crossed the Atlantic from Europe to America, not the other way around.

    This is the destructiveness brought about by the vociferous advocacy for war against Germany by the South.

    “…hate crime laws, our social and political standards, modern Zionism and the state of Israel” did not come to fruition until after WWII.

  17. 2.) That’s a good thing. The South remained far more committed to segregation and white supremacy than the polygot North.

    3.) Duke, Vanderbilt, William & Mary, Tulane, Rice, Wake Forest, etc. Generally speaking, Southern universities remained in native hands far longer than their Northern counterparts. The University of Alabama and Ole Miss were integrated by military force. There was no strong grassroots movement to integrate Southern universities in the 60’s. This was wholly the work of outside agitators.

    4.) It is a moot point. Jews were an insignificant minority of planters. They weren’t running the plantation system.

    5.) The Southern elite didn’t want integration. They filibustered the federal civil rights bills. The vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was one of the most sectional votes in the history of Congress.

    6.) It mattered a great deal. The backlash against Nazism was certainly very important, but it seems to have been a Northern phenomena. Southerners did not react to the Third Reich in the same way.

    7.) It wasn’t our fault that Northern liberals were such squeamish pansies on race. If Northerners were not so committed to liberalism, they would not have reacted to the Third Reich in the manner which they did.

  18. The South emerged from the Second World War even more committed to racialism and segregation than it had been before.

    I’ve never heard that before. What’s your source for this statement?

  19. I realize what may well be the psychological imperative to interpret our actions as if freely chosen. A world in which, if accepted, the “evil” were punished based upon the assumption that they knew the “good” and willfully choose “evil”, if not so, would leave us with the cold fact of simply injuring the helpless (in the sense that they cannot help themselves, because they are not free) when they ran askance of our own will. So, the Anglo elites would be hypothetically punished as “traitors”, and the Jews punished as “evil” doers – when, in all likelihood, we would merely be expressing our own will to power. It is a chilling thought. As a consolation, apparently the Jews are incapable of that level of introspection – a glib and superficial people, narcissism personified.

  20. Prozium, they did put up a fight. They lost. The fight happened long before you were born and it isn’t talked about much. Quotas for Jews at Ivy league schools were part of it. Immigration restriction legislation was part of it. The second Ku Klux Klan in the North was part of it. Anti-communism was part of it. Racialism was part of it. The Jews won the battle during the 1930’s. If you are using the behavior of the WASP establishment in the 1960’s to support the idea that they surrendered, you are missing the point. They had already long been defeated by that point.

    Jews didn’t take over Southern universities because they didn’t matter. No Southern university had anywhere near the influence of Harvard or Yale. The higher level Southern elite were largely educated in the North and had Northern business connections too. Had the South been the center of power in America, Jews would have went there and taken their institutions over. You ignore that Jews have taken over a host of diverse gentile societies over thousands of years. Russia, medieval Poland, early modern England, Moorish Spain, the Roman Empire, Ancient Egypt, the Persian Empire etc. were not liberal but Jews gained massive influence in those societies none the less. Southerners today are the most slavishly pro-Jewish segment of the American population just as they were the most slavishly anti-German during WWII. The South was the only part of the country where the America First movement couldn’t find support. Southerners don’t have any special resistance to Jewish influence.

    Your Southern leanings distort your perception of American history. There is a reason why men like David Duke and William Pierce don’t make a big deal about the South or blame the North for everything. It’s a bad political strategy that divides whites. Pierce in particular had no time for Southern romanticism or scapegoating other whites despite being heavily descended from Confederate soldiers. He always advised against that kind of thinking.

  21. “–2.) You can blame the liberal Northern Anglo-Protestant elite for not putting up a fight.–”

    Maybe these “NAP’s” (Northern Anglo-Protestants) never put up a fight since they were never really an “elite” in the first place, just ‘pretend-elites’, BOUGHT-AND-PAID-FOR MASONIC STOOGES of Jewry, with Free Masonry essentially being ‘Judaism for gentiles’ –

    […] “…the thesis that the British Empire was a Masonic proxy, and that British & American imperialism derived its moxie from the perverse desire of Cabalist bankers to own and control everything. The Illuminati bankers (i.e. the “Crown”) colonized England & the US as well as the world. The “Jewish Conspiracy” was the British Empire now repackaged as the New World Order. Of course, now it encompasses everyone with a stake in “globalism.” […]


    “–7.) It wasn’t our fault that Northern liberals were such squeamish pansies on race. If Northerners were not so committed to liberalism, they would not have reacted to the Third Reich in the manner which they did.–”

    Oh, how these petty British and American “faux-Anglo-Saxons” — the biggest saboteurs and destroyers of Northern European unity — had such a maddening, malicious contempt born out of envious hatred for Germany (thanks to their Jewish masters) and all things German, who were the original and true “Angel-Sächsische”-

    “Few would deny that the Germans have long been one of the most important peoples in Western history, science, engineering, music, war and peace. (Incidentally, Germany has waged far fewer wars over the last 1,000 years than Britain or France.)

    “But few also realize that German (with Austrian/Swiss) is also the biggest ethnic heritage in the United States.

    “Even fewer white Americans or others realize that the English are a kind of “Germans”; that these two peoples, with the Dutch and Scandinavians, form one original Germanic language group;…”


    “The Germanics (Teutons) broke up into two groups, the Scandinavians (the future Vikings) in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and the Germans (now split into Germany, the Germanic-dialect nation called Netherlands and the similar Flemish half of Belgium, German-speaking Austria and most of Switzerland; plus England (created by northern Germans from Angeln and Lower Saxony (home of recent chancellor Gerhard Schroeder), hence the Anglo-Saxons.”


    “The kings of England from the 1730s on have been Germans themselves (or of German blood) from the House of Hanover (named after the capital of Lower Saxony). Though no longer speaking German after the time of King George III (who lost America in the Revolution), the House of “Windsor” (so-called since World War I) is nearly 100 percent Protestant German.13 The motto on the coat of arms of the princes of Wales, the heirs to the throne, is “Ich dien,” i.e., “I serve.”)”

  22. MacDonald, in his reply to Coughmann, said:

    “As I noted in the review, and especially in the longer version posted on my Occidental Observer website, I acknowledge that pre-existing traits of WASPs—all reducible to individualism—were a component in the fall of Anglo-America.”

    Yup, “all reducible to individualism.” And “individualism[‘s]” extended phenotype.

  23. I think this song could start the reeduction of the lemmings.


    We Can’t Make It Here Anymore

    – by James Mcmurtry


    Vietnam Vet with a cardboard sign
    Sitting there by the left turn line
    Flag on the wheelchair flapping in the breeze
    One leg missing, both hands free
    No one’s paying much mind to him
    The V.A. budget’s stretched so thin
    And there’s more comin’ home from the Mideast war
    We can’t make it here anymore

    That big ol’ building was the textile mill
    It fed our kids and it paid our bills
    But they turned us out and they closed the doors
    We can’t make it here anymore

    See all those pallets piled up on the loading dock
    They’re just gonna set there till they rot
    ‘Cause there’s nothing to ship, nothing to pack
    Just busted concrete and rusted tracks
    Empty storefronts around the square
    There’s a needle in the gutter and glass everywhere
    You don’t come down here ‘less you’re looking to score
    We can’t make it here anymore

    The bar’s still open but man it’s slow
    The tip jar’s light and the register’s low
    The bartender don’t have much to say
    The regular crowd gets thinner each day

    Some have maxed out all their credit cards
    Some are working two jobs and living in cars
    Minimum wage won’t pay for a roof, won’t pay for a drink
    If you gotta have proof just try it yourself Mr. CEO
    See how far 5.15 an hour will go
    Take a part time job at one of your stores
    Bet you can’t make it here anymore

    High school girl with a bourgeois dream
    Just like the pictures in the magazine
    She found on the floor of the laundromat
    A woman with kids can forget all that
    If she comes up pregnant what’ll she do
    Forget the career, forget about school
    Can she live on faith? live on hope?
    High on Jesus or hooked on dope
    When it’s way too late to just say no
    You can’t make it here anymore

    Now I’m stocking shirts in the Wal-Mart store
    Just like the ones we made before
    ‘Cept this one came from Singapore
    I guess we can’t make it here anymore

    Should I hate a people for the shade of their skin
    Or the shape of their eyes or the shape I’m in
    Should I hate ’em for having our jobs today
    No I hate the men sent the jobs away
    I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams
    All lily white and squeaky clean
    They’ve never known want, they’ll never know need
    Their sh@# don’t stink and their kids won’t bleed
    Their kids won’t bleed in the da$% little war
    And we can’t make it here anymore

    Will work for food
    Will die for oil
    Will kill for power and to us the spoils
    The billionaires get to pay less tax
    The working poor get to fall through the cracks
    Let ’em eat jellybeans let ’em eat cake
    Let ’em eat sh$%, whatever it takes
    They can join the Air Force, or join the Corps
    If they can’t make it here anymore

    And that’s how it is
    That’s what we got
    If the president wants to admit it or not
    You can read it in the paper
    Read it on the wall
    Hear it on the wind
    If you’re listening at all
    Get out of that limo
    Look us in the eye
    Call us on the cell phone
    Tell us all why

    In Dayton, Ohio
    Or Portland, Maine
    Or a cotton gin out on the great high plains
    That’s done closed down along with the school
    And the hospital and the swimming pool
    Dust devils dance in the noonday heat
    There’s rats in the alley
    And trash in the street
    Gang graffiti on a boxcar door
    We can’t make it here anymore

    Music and lyrics © 2004 by James McMurtry

  24. Great song Robert.

    It is indeed becoming more and more difficult to ‘make it’ in the increasingly anti-White/Jewish-dominated USA. This is very troubling and even downright absurd because the North American continent is of course incredibly abundant in terms of ‘the things necessary for life’ – we still have more than enough potable freshwater, farmland, coal (for electricity), wood/timber, various ores (for metal products), and so on…in comparison with many other nations on Earth, everything we need for a materially secure ‘good life’ is found right here in our lush and abundant land. The only necessity we are not nationally-sufficient in is oil, and that will likely change in the future as electric cars and other alternative transportation technologies (hopefully) become more commonplace.

    So why is The System grinding to such a halt in the midst of our incredible prosperity? There are multiple reasons of course (be sure to talk with a Jewish economist if you want to hear endless amounts of obfuscation), but mainly I think it’s because of a widespread demoralization and discontent that has gripped so many White North Americans in the wake of increasing domination of our country by hostile Jewish elites who are getting mighty close to driving our nation off of a cliff with their rabidly anti-White/pro-multiracial policies and attitudes.

    I am not a materialistic or consumer-driven individual in any sense (lately I’ve been fond of calling money a “social construct,” throwing Jewish-type rhetoric back in their greedy little rat-like Jew faces), but it seems that too many White North Americans have forgotten about the incredible bounty we live amongst if only we could again muster the collective White strength and momentum to ‘get going’ again. Of course it’s difficult to ‘get going’ again and re-start the needed momentum when mind-warping/bloodsucking Jewish parasites have latched on to us and thus infected us with their Jewish poison (including greed, negativity, pessimism, superficiality, spiritlessness, widespread suspicion, hypermaterialism, decadence, rootlessness, etc). They have forced their dark Jewish God of Mammon on to us White North Americans just as they did to various White European groups in the past, and far too many of us White North Americans have unfortunately ‘converted’ to Jewish Mammonism and thus have become Judaized as a result. Things are going to have to change.

    It constantly pains me to no end that the USA seems to be declining on so many levels even though we live in the midst of this incredible superabundance. However, I am an optimist at heart and refuse to lose hope despite the dire circumstances: when the Northern Europeans of yore were driven to the edges of the North European continent (with their backs at the sea with nowhere left for retreating) by invading Asiatic hordes they didn’t just lay down, surrender, beg for ‘mercy,’ and allow themselves to get wiped out…they stood up and brushed themselves off and then they worked together as a White macro-racial collective; they fought back with the ferocity of cornered and starving animals, and they eventually drove back the marauding Asiatic hordes which sought to steal their White lands/resources, appropriate their White women, and exterminate their White bloodlines. Just as our courageous White forefathers have done many times before when they found themselves cornered or under siege, we will fight back too — it’s only a matter of time before a White critical mass is again reached. The time for change is indeed drawing nigh.

    I think that the current mini-depression we are living through can at least partly be seen as a counter-reaction to and/or rejection of The (Judaized) System by an increasing number of North American Whites who are sick and tired of having to put up with the pointless, unsustainable, and anti-civilizational Jewish rat-race we have been forced to adopt in the last few decades ever since rootless cosmopolitan international Jewry gained such hegemon(e)y in our once great U.S. of A after their general expulsion and extirpation from much of Europe circa 1939-45.

    Things are going to have to change, and they will…we White Americans aren’t going to take this abuse for much longer before we again begin to defend ourselves and then subsequently go on the offensive. Always keep in mind that Jewry does indeed hate us – and they’ve always held a special contempt in their hearts for the two poles of the White world, namely White North America and White Russia. They view us White Americans and White Russians as a bunch of unsophisticated idiots and backward backwoods yokels, fit only for domination and exploitation by an urban elite of hyperethnocentric Jewish bureaucrats and plutocrats. Jewry would much rather be living back in the heart of the more ‘civilized’ Europe, but of course it was demonstrated in the last century how little the Europeans care for subversive and parasitic Jews in their midst. Showing themselves as unworthy to live as truly civilized beings in the heart of Europe, Jewry has been largely forced to the two edges or poles of the White world, especially here to the still largely ‘raw’ or new nation of the USA. As a result it’s up to us White Americans to counter and prevent the attempted Jewish takeover of our White nation and bring them back under our control. If they refuse to be under our control and coexist with us under our terms then they can always immigrate away to Israel…in fact, we fully encourage them to do just that.

    The ADL, $PLC, and other Jewi$h anti-freedom organizations read websites such as these, and if they read this particular comment I’ve got a great idea for a film script that they can pass along to their co-ethnics in Jewish Hollywood: as a working-title let us call it The Great 21st Century White American Backlash — coming soon to an American city/town/countryside near you, Jews! Or maybe that movie is already in-production by Jeweywood under the name 2012? … “The Return of The Shining Ones” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVi_2lHBVhQ – with Danny Glover playing the part of a Black American President, of course.

  25. ATBOTL,

    Are you familar with the vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1964?


    The original House version:

    Southern Democrats: 7-87 (7%-93%)
    Southern Republicans: 0-10 (0%-100%)

    Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%-6%)
    Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%-15%)

    The Senate version:

    Southern Democrats: 1-20 (5%-95%) (only Senator Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
    Southern Republicans: 0-1 (0%-100%) (this was Senator John Tower of Texas)

    Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%-2%) (only Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia opposed the measure)

    Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%-16%) (Senators Bourke Hickenlooper of Iowa, Barry Goldwater of Arizona, Edwin L. Mechem of New Mexico, Milward L. Simpson of Wyoming, and Norris H. Cotton of New Hampshire opposed the measure)

    In other words, 93%-95% of Southerners in Congress opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964; 94%-98% of Northerners supported it. This demands explanation.

  26. Re: Ivy League universities

    What did the Jews do? They lobbied, agitated, protested, denounced, made a lot of noise. It is not like the praetorian guard was sent in to smash them and failed.

  27. Which region most vociferously advocated war on Germany

    Other than Jews which ethnic group throughout North America most vociferously advocated war against Germany? Anglo-Saxons.

    In the South (like pro-war English Canada) people of British heritage were still the overwhelming majority of whites in the 1940s. That was not the case in the North East and Mid West. In the North East the most vociferous opponents of war were the Irish and a few other ethnic groups. If the North Eastern states had remained Anglo-Saxon those states would also have been pro-war.

    It was the same in South Africa. Afrikaners were opposed to war against Germany, both times, the Anglo-Saxon Uitlanders were warmongers. In Canada the French were mostly opposed to war, not just the two against Germany but the Boer War (started by the British and Jews) whilst most English Canadians were drooling at the mouth at the prospects of fighting each time.

    To blame one region of Anglo-Saxons, the South, doesn’t make sense. All of us were to blame for the war against Germany. At least the British had geopolitical reasons for fighting Hitler. The other Anglo-Saxon nations were too stupid to stay out of a fight that wasn’t theirs.

  28. Prozium,

    Great insight AND replys to critique.

    May I pose a question?
    And what contribution was made by White Protestant Preachers who turned from a theology where the Jews were the enemies Christ to a point where the Jews are now the chosen ones? At what point was Schofield and Clark’s Dispensationalism a contributing factor to this new attitude to Jews in the America, particularly the South? For the masses this new favor and interest in the Jew didn’t happen in a vacuum.

    Sherwood Smith

  29. Prozium, do you know where I could see the NORC opinion polls that you speak of? I only ask this question because I had always got the impression that support for segregation in the South had waned a bit by the middle of the 20th century. However, if what you say is true (and I’m sure it is) then that just further shows that if it wasn’t for outside intervention the South would still have segregation and anti-miscegenation laws today.

  30. ATBOTL: “they did put up a fight. They lost.”

    I’m afraid most people who resent the Jewish domination, and blame the former elites for being pushovers, would refuse to sign their names to a petition denouncing the Jewish over-representation in public institutions.

  31. “I’m afraid most people who resent the Jewish domination, and blame the former elites for being pushovers, would refuse to sign their names to a petition denouncing the Jewish over-representation in public institutions.”

    Well, for damn good reason, Cochise, since people today have FAR MORE TO LOSE than the former ‘elites’ could ever dream of losing!!

    So, in that sense, the “Anglo-Prot “elites” of yesteryear really were pussified pushovers in enabling the jews in taking over ‘our’ country, at a time when they had far more power (and ‘hand’) to deal effectively with da joooz.

  32. Whose to say that these Anglo committed suicide? How do you know they simply didn’t decide to make common cause with the jews? These people had been committed to anti-racism since the American Civil War.

    Here in South Africa, the Anglo’s along side with the Jews founded and lead the Anti-Apartheid movement and brought down Apartheid. Almost all the Anglo’s, along with the Jews, are very content with the “New South Africa”.

    The language of anti-racism is English and Hebrew!

  33. Well, it looks like the consensus here is the Anglo-Saxons are to blame, specifically the Yankees.

    However does nobody here think that Kaufmann may have his own biases, given that he is of Jewish background (Jewish-Chinese-Hispanic, according to his bio)? I see some contradictions.

  34. I wouldn’t assign 100% of the blame to any particular group. As I said, you can look at it from two different angles: you can blame the Jews for knocking down the door and seizing control, or you can blame the Northern Anglo-Protestant elite for not putting up much of a fight, or you can just blame both of them as I do.

  35. Yes, Kaufmann does come across as biased. MacDonald is a good antidote to his exaggerations. The truth is somewhere between both accounts.

  36. “–Here in South Africa, the Anglo’s along side with the Jews founded and lead the Anti-Apartheid movement and brought down Apartheid. Almost all the Anglo’s, along with the Jews, are very content with the “New South Africa”.–”


    “Although there was no official proclamation, Jews were tacitly allowed to return to England. The “British” Empire became a vehicle for the longstanding alliance of Cabalist Jew and Gentile aristocrat to achieve world domination. Now, American imperialism carries the baton, to be replaced eventually by a world government mechanism.”


    “This is confirmed by British social critic Hilaire Belloc who described the British Empire as a partnership between Jewish finance and the British aristocracy.

    “… the British Empire was a Masonic proxy, and that British & American imperialism derived its moxie from the perverse desire of Cabalist bankers to own and control everything. The Illuminati bankers (i.e. the “Crown”) colonized England & the US as well as the world. The “Jewish Conspiracy” was the British Empire now repackaged as the New World Order. Of course, now it encompasses everyone with a stake in “globalism.” […]

    “–The language of anti-racism is English and Hebrew!–”


  37. “–If you are using the behavior of the WASP establishment in the 1960’s to support the idea that they surrendered, you are missing the point. They had already long been defeated by that point.–”

    Actually ATBOTL, the faux “Anglo-Saxons” really lost control of their destiny when they gave the Cabbalistic Khazars the terrible ‘power of the purse’ in the year 1694, when the world’s first central bank took hold, the Bank of “England”, the “British” equivalent of our “Federal” Reserve.

    Ever since then, it has been the “privilege” and “duty” of British (and more recently American) soldiers, and people, to be the lap dogs of Zion to go spread and “enforce” this doctrine the world over. Suckers.

  38. So great was the antipathy for America First in the south, and so complete the consensus in favor of support for Britain, that its few sympathizers had been intimidated into silence.[72] ”

    [71] This was again pointed out by F.H. Peter Cusick, executive secretary of the Fight For Freedom Committee, after Lindbergh‘s address in Des Moines in September. Senator Robert Reynolds was one of the few southern Senators who was isolationist. He was also anti-immigrant. “Hitler and Mussolini have a date with destiny,” he told the Senate in 1938. “Why don’t we play ball with them?” Cole, America First, p. 146; Jonas, Isolationism in America, p. 70; and Jeansonne, Gerald L. K. Smith, p. 87.

    [72] The only state in the deep South where the AFC had some success was in Florida. Cole, America First, p. 31; and Schneider, Should America Go to War?, p. 124..

    America First: The Battle against Intervention, 1940-41
    Book by Wayne S. Cole; University of Wisconsin Press, 1953. 305 pgs.

    “The Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies and the Fight for Freedom Committee denounced the speech and called on America First to repudiate Lindbergh. F. H. Peter Cusick, national executive secretary of the Fight for Freedom Committee, pointed out that though interventionist sentiment was strongest in the South and Southwest, these sections had the smallest Jewish population. 84 Fight for Freedom also distributed a pamphlet entitled America’s Answer to Lindbergh which quoted speakers and writers all over the nation who attacked the Des Moines speech. 85 A similar pamphlet was distributed by the Council Against Intolerance in America. 86 In Austin, Texas, the lower house of the state legislature passed a resolution informing Lindbergh that he was not welcome on any speaking tour he might plan in the state. 87?

  39. America First and the South
    1940-41 by Wayne S. Cole
    The Journal of Southern History

    “…a tabulation of votes in Congress reveals that both draft extension and revision of the Neutrality Act would almost certainly have been defeated in Congress in 1941 had it not been for the overwhelming support…received from the senators and representatives of the Southern states.”

  40. So great was the antipathy for America First in the South, and so complete the consensus in favor of support for Britain, that its few sympathizers had been intimidated into silence.[72]

    It such a compelling statement, it’s worth repeating. America’s hero, Lucky Lindy, vanquished from the South. It wasn’t just the Northeast. Opposition to intervention was strong in most regions of the US except the South.

    38. (US Oct 3 ‘39) If it appears that Germany is defeating England and France, should the United States declare war on Germany and send our army and navy to Europe to fight? ( aipo)
    Yes No
    National total 29% 71%
    by geographical section
    New England 33% 67%
    Middle Atlantic 27 73
    East central 25 75
    West central 26 74
    South 47 53
    West 28 72
    (Jan 30 ‘40) National
    total 23% 77%

    68. (US June 25 ‘40) Which of these two things do you think is the more important for the United States to try to do—to keep out of war ourselves, or to help England win, even at the risk of getting into the war? A comparable cross-section was asked the question with the alternatives reversed. Results were combined. ( aipo)
    out Help
    National total 64% 36%
    (July 20 ‘40) (opor) 61 39
    (Aug 22 ‘40) ( aipo) 53 47
    (Sept 30 ‘40) ( aipo)
    National total 48% 52%
    by geographical section
    New England and Middle At-
    lantic 48% 52%
    East central 52 48
    West central 57 43
    South 30 70
    West 46 54

    Public Opinion, 1935-1946
    Book by Hadley Cantril, Mildred Strunk; Princeton University Press, 1951

  41. “Who let Jews into the United States in the first place?”

    “I’m going to guess it was Northern businessmen of Puritan and Quaker backgrounds and their political lackeys but I haven’t done much research on it.”

    Look who still are the most LIBERAL of all honkeys — the descendents of “Puritans” and Quakers indeed!

    Razib analyzes 2008 election

    “Razib has done some fascinating analysis of the 2008 election, and discovered that white people in New England were more pro-Obama than white people in Kansas and Texas.”

  42. “In many ways, the election of this black was a backlash – from both left and center – against Jewish overreach: Israeli aggression and the seemingly purposeless (except for Israel, of course) war in Iraq offended the left. Jewish-led financial scandals exasperated everyone (Madoff, Abramov, etc..). And for the first time in a long time, a documented anti-Semite was nominated for the office of President. Documented, no doubt, by his ties with the black nationalist Jeremiah Wright.”

    Hmmm, R U confident about this, or is it wishful thinking, nash2z?, since (N)Obama is the most compromised, Jewish-controlled puppet in the history of the presidency.

    Consider –

    “The Devil is a clever warrior and one of his best tactics is to divide and conquer. It should therefore not come as a surprise that his followers use the same tactics. In the same issue of “Moment,” the main article title was “JEWS AND BLACKS IN AMERICA.” The subheading read: “Jews and blacks forged a political alliance in the early 20th century that led to the civil rights movement. This historic bond broke apart in the late 1960’s. Barack Obama’s election as president has brought us full circle.”[2]

    “As I have pointed out in other newsletters, Jewish leadership has invested time and money into organizations over the years that might be their nemesis, or an organization that does not necessarily have any value for the Zionist World Federation, but it will weaken other organizations or nations who are standing in the way of their goals. By looking at these events dating back almost one hundred years, we can see the unseen hands directing the shape of history on the earth.” […]

    “This might lead you to ask if they are Obama’s friends, why did he propose to raise taxes on the rich? The answer is simple; the super rich Jewish families do not pay taxes just like some of the other rich families like the Kennedy’s do not pay taxes. Their wealth is kept by tax free foundations. These foundations furnish them with free housing, transportation, clothing, meals, etc. and thus this is how the rich people live.

    “There is also a middle class of rich people who are professionals or businessmen and making good money but cannot afford to have foundations. It is these people who will have their taxes raised. Since most of the middle class rich people are not democrats, it doesn’t matter to the World Government since these are people they want to exploit and destroy. Why? Because they are the people who create jobs for people in America and right now the goal is to put as many Americans out of work as possible.”[…]

    “The Obama Election Charade”

    *BTW, don’t forget who the REAL “president” is anyway — Rahmbo ISRAEL Emanuel, Barky’s supposed ‘chief-of-staff’ (LOL)

  43. Around and around we go looking for ways and means to absolve the Jews of blame for our ongoing demise. Without a doubt Anglo-Saxons shouldn’t escape blame but the various 18th and 19th century liberal and universalist belief systems that sprung up in some elite circles weren’t dedicated to attacking, undermining, and displacing their fellow whites as MacDonald demonstrated. That came later with the arrival of the Jews and their creation of Boasian anthropology, Frankfurt derived cultural Marxism and Jewish inspired anti-white racial activism. These things were unknown in America before the arrival of millions of European Jews.

    An argument could be made that these belief systems created the pre-conditions that set us on the path to racial masochism and self loathing. Nevertheless, it was the increasing Jewish dominance of the academy and the news and motion picture industry that promoted the various anti-white ideologies and set us on the path to racial oblivion.

    The post WWII era ushered in a public relations bonanza for the Jews and nowhere did they reap the benefits more than in America. The atrocities, both real and imagined, committed against the Jews created a climate in which any criticism of Jews was tantamount to Nazism thereby forcing anti-Jewish sentiment from the domain of “respectable” political commentary and to the political fringes.

    From the standpoint of white racial interests, this gag order on discussing Jews was a very unfavorable status quo and one that only recently has begun to turn around in our favor.

  44. Die Stem:”Whose to say that these Anglo committed suicide? How do you know they simply didn’t decide to make common cause with the jews?”

    I remember reading in a recent post on this website that instead of it being either suicide or murder it was “assisted suicide,” i.e. organized Jewry fervently assisted the elite American Anglo-Saxons in committing suicide and forfeiting the USA to the Jew-led multicult, creeping leftism, rootless cosmopolitanism, etc.

    I forgot what commenter is was that suggested it was “assisted suicide” instead of either murder or plain suicide, but that seems like the best explanation I’ve read on this topic thus far.

  45. Re:Kulaks Never Learn and the topic of the British-Jewish aristocracy:

    I’ve also been trying to alert many pro-White activists/White nationalists too about how the British/English/UK ‘royal family’ and aristocracy/ruling class has been infiltrated by lots of Jewish blood in the last few centuries – as such they cannot be trusted at all. They are clearly hostile the interests of the White natives of the UK and indeed Whites everywhere – in the USA, Germany (of course), and so on.

    Friedrich Euler was a German specialist in genealogy who wrote a long article [148 pages] in 1941 entitled “Das Eindringen jüdischen Blutes in die englische Oberschicht” (“The Penetration of Jewish Blood into the English Upper Class”) which proves that ethnic Jews have infiltrated the royal/upper classes of the UK. That fact fully explains the hostility of the British elite toward normal White Britons and the policy of race-replacement pushed for by the Judaized elite of the UK.

    This combined Anglo-Saxon + Jewish elite based in the UK (and which has now spread out worldwide) is wrapped up in all kinds of shady activities related to international finance/worldwide plutocratic activities, warmongering and war-profiteering, fomenting revolutions so that national economies can be taken over by international Anglo-Jewish plutocrats, deep-underground Freemasonry and other secret societies, ‘cheap labor’ slavery + empire building (India, etc), the opium and illegal drug trade, and so forth. This is not conspiracy mongering on my part at all but rather established historical facts.

    Read page 107 from the book STUDYING THE JEW to learn more about how the British upper-classes have greedily turned their backs on normal British Whites by intermarrying with hostile anti-White plutocratic Jews in the last few centuries – http://books.google.com/books?id=o2dxjEiycfcC&pg=PA107&lpg=PA107&dq;=“The+Penetration+of+Jewish+Blood+into+the+English+Upper+Class”&source=bl&ots=9283NoPH1s&sig=SnndmEPdP7Ts9LMKWaF1UiUBnO8&hl=en&ei=BFdzSuGVAozClAfhnbHMCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1

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