There Be Demons

Apparently, Lawrence Auster finds the scientific evidence for demonic possession (a made-for-TV-movie) to be stronger and more persuasive than that for Darwinian evolution. I’m currently enjoying a few laughs at Larry’s expense. I tend to ignore his rants about atheists and materialists, but this one in particular was so hilarious that I thought it was worth mentioning here.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. For rather obvious reasons, alcohol (or “spirits”) was sometimes referred to as “the demon drink” in various areas of the UK in the past; for instance, see –

    But Auster’s idea that this woman who caused that bad crash might’ve been under “demonic possession” truly is absurd. It is my understanding that she was just very drunk as well as high on marijuana when it happened.

    It seems that Auster has now joined Bobby ‘Demonology’ Jindal in the neocon nutjob wing of the American conservative movement. Oh how far you’ve fallen American conservatism…

  2. You guys won’t “get it,” and thus are likely to continue to be mired in irrelevancy.
    I could spend pages of writing explaining to you Christianity, for understanding rather than proselytizing, but it wouldn’t change a thing. Unable to acknowledge something greater than yourselves, you don’t even realize that this keeps you in the same “death spiral” loop as liberals.
    No, it is more important (and self-assuring) to mock beliefs that millions of potential allies hold, and our own civilization cherished for two millennium, that appear culturally “unenlightened,” by contemporary standards.
    How disappointing that you don’t understand.

  3. I didn’t criticize Auster for being a Christian. In contrast, he spends countless hours bashing “atheists,” “materialists,” and “Darwinian anti-Semites.”

  4. “In 2001, about 40% of Americans believed in demonic possession.”

    In 1973, about 85% of Americans that viewed the movie “The Exorcist” came out believing in demonic possession. That phenomenon was a clear indicator of just how vulnerable people are to the medias’ mind control.

  5. feminizedwesternmale – please make the case to us why worshiping a long-dead Jew as the Son of God (TM) will help to advance the cause of the White West.

    Overall, the religion of Judeo-Christianity has been a negative because it has served to ‘de-ethnocentrize’ White-Western peoples and weigh down their collective psyche by inculcating them with weak values such as ‘mercy,’ ‘acceptance,’ ‘tolerance,’ ‘meekness,’ ‘pacifism,’ and so on. So are we just supposed to be ‘nice’ and ‘tolerant’ good lil’ White Christians toward the billions of non-Whites who want to flood in to our nations, use up all our resources that we gained with our native blood and intelligence, and then slowly swamp us out of existence? Or be shamed by a bunch of churchish effeminates on why we should be ‘merciful’ toward the wandering Jewish parasites (who the Judeo-Christians consider to be “God’s chosen people”…LOL!) that have so undermined many of our White nations in the last few centuries? Uh, no thanks. The religion of Judeo-Christianity will of course continue to live on no matter if Whites keep abandoning it as they are currently doing – that religion has major footholds now amongst Blacks in Africa, Hispanics/Amerindians in Latin America, etc. But the White race (particularly the Northern branch) is currently in danger of going semi-extinct – in the face of our increasingly imminent semi-extinction are we then supposed to be passive little Judeo-Christian fatalists who just sit back, let out a deep sigh, and say “This is all part of God’s/Jesus’ plan…don’t worry, it’ll be all better when we get to Heaven”?

    Also, Judeo-Christianity is not of The White West – it was invented in the Near East. Why should Whites worship an Asiatic Near Eastern religion? Are we not capable enough to follow our own spiritual paths? Judeo-Christianity was a religion concocted by Jews as an attempt to correct or temper the hyperethnocentrism and greed that seems to be innate within the Jewish character. As such, let the Jews adopt the religion of Judeo-Christianity because it was invented by them and for them. To take a pretty good line from Robert Lindsay: “You first, Jews!”

    I like Jesus a lot and think he was a cool guy, so do not take this as a personal attack on him. It is even likely that he never even meant for his personal ’cause’ to become a major world religion, and many doubt if he even really existed. Nevertheless, Jesus as depicted in the NT was a great ‘freedom-fighter’ against organized Jewry (the money-changers, etc), injustice, pointless violence, and so forth. Thus I have nothing against him and fully support what he did during his lifetime – it’s just the amount of bullshit which has slowly been INVENTED surrounding his life and works that makes me groan and cringe at the stupidity of it all.

    “our own civilization cherished for two millennium”

    That’s not necessarily true. For all it’s supposed ‘benevolence,’ the Judeo-Christians sure had to convert a whole lot of people to their religion with the sword and under the threat of death, didn’t they? And they burned so many ‘pagan’ libraries and ancient monuments too. Some parts of Northern Europe weren’t even fully Christianized until past the 1200s. In other parts of Northern Europe Christianity never even really took hold and some Europeans continued to secretly practiced paganism.

    Fuck Judeo-Christianity with its weakness, meekness, and silliness. The sooner that Jewish religion is rejected by Whites and ends up on the garbage heap of Western history the better off our civilization will be.

  6. “Fuck Judeo-Christianity with its weakness, meekness, and silliness. The sooner that Jewish religion is rejected by Whites and ends up on the garbage heap of Western history the better off our civilization will be…”

    Yeah, when the West was firm in its Christianity it openly embraced misgenation, open borders, non-White immigration, White guilt, etc.

    Now that Christianity is weakened – and in decline everywhere – we are approaching the paradise you seek.

    Fuck the system you’d have forced on us, quite politely of course. I’ve seen enough to know those true race-conscious Christians will face the same from you as from the browns and the diehard left.

  7. FWM and ‘whydoyoucare,

    Yes, you are both on to something here.

    What is sad is that these neo-pagan anti-Christians just keep repeating the same lame, tired propaganda of the likes of kranks like ‘Ben Klassen’, who was widely rumored to be a homosexual pedophile — and likely a jew.

    On top of it all, sadly these Christophobes and neopagans show the same arrogant, vile self-worshipping narcissisism that is characteristic of the ‘Liberals’ (and SUPREMELY CHARACTERISTIC of jews) that makes any sane, intelligent man (especially Northern European man) nautious and ready to wretch –

    “No appeal to white self-interest will work, because liberals have no race or faith. Only a man who believes that his race is an element of his personality which is connected to his God cares about the extinction of his race. The white race did not conquer the world because individual whites were smarter, swifter, or stronger than the people of other races. They conquered because they loved their God while those of other races only propitiated their gods. The summons of the fiery cross will only be answered by men with hearts of fire. One particular, personal God, and only that God, is capable of setting hearts on fire. No matter how small the white remnant, and no matter how numerous the foe, the men with the hearts of fire will keep Satan at bay until He comes to lead the final charge.”

  8. WP,

    That’s not necessarily true. For all it’s supposed ‘benevolence,’ the Judeo-Christians sure had to convert a whole lot of people to their religion with the sword and under the threat of death, didn’t they?

    They were Christians, not “Judeo-Christians.” Your anger is getting the better of you (again) and making you look foolish.

    I like Jesus a lot and think he was a cool guy, so do not take this as a personal attack on him. It is even likely that he never even meant for his personal ’cause’ to become a major world religion, and many doubt if he even really existed. Nevertheless, Jesus as depicted in the NT was a great ‘freedom-fighter’ against organized Jewry (the money-changers, etc), injustice, pointless violence, and so forth. Thus I have nothing against him and fully support what he did during his lifetime – it’s just the amount of bullshit which has slowly been INVENTED surrounding his life and works that makes me groan and cringe at the stupidity of it all.

    Then there is very little standing in the way of your being a “Christian” — defined here as one who believes in the salvific power of Christ’s resurrection.

    Christianity arose from a mishmash of “Mystery cults” (whence the dying-resurrecting godman part of the Jesus cult was drawn), Jewish messianic and “Wisdom” literature, and attempts to harmonize these with the Greek philosophy of the day. The early Christians were sharply divided on what constituted their faith, disputes only being settled (hundreds of years later) when church leaders organized to stamp out “heresy.” But there is no reason for the modern Christian to adhere to such teachings, even if he attends services in mainstream (today aptly termed “Judeo-Christian”) churches.

  9. Truth,

    I’m not a Christian and will never be. If we can find common cause in racialism, what difference does it make what religion one does or does not practice?

  10. While the typical Christian and the typical neopagan may have silly ideas, I would like to point out that there are at least two ways to look at the world:

    1) Mind is dependent on matter; matter is the fundamental reality.
    2) Matter is dependent on mind; mind is the fundamental reality.

    If (1) then crazy people can be attributed to a disorder of matter. If (2), then crazy people can be attributed to (a) an internal mental disorder, or (b) an external mental disorder, i.e. possession by an intelligent but non-material entity.

    Since (2) is the standpoint of both Bishop Berkeley and the Vedas, there will continue to be great minds who choose that viewpoint. Are there *any* great minds who choose (1)? Kevin MacDonald, perhaps, is both great and materialist – but Dawkins and Dennet are definitely not great.

  11. danielj said, “The Apostolic Era is over and with it went miraculous healings, tongues and demonic possession.” That is a pretty sweeping statement. Why do you think that is true? I see no reason at all to believe it.

  12. A White person, not subject or subservient to the jews and their ideologies, has no need for Christianity to fulfill his or her spiritual needs. Following the jew-invented religion shows a lack of moral backbone.

  13. “Following the jew-invented religion shows a lack of moral backbone.”

    That is a jew-talmudic Pee Cee lie that Christianity is a “jewish” religion.

    “…what difference does it make what religion one does or does not practice?”

    I hear ya man, and respect your feelings and appreciate the kind way you ask the question. I just am a big believer in the Truth that White Western man, particularly Northern European man, is the Living Expression of the Will of the Almighty, that We are the true Chosen People of God. CWNY (Cambria Will Not Yield) does a great job in elucidating these beliefs, if you wish for further insight and clarification on this.

  14. I just am a big believer in the Truth that White Western man, particularly Northern European man, is the Living Expression of the Will of the Almighty, that We are the true Chosen People of God.

    Odin chose Jarl to be the father of the Herrenrasse and taught only him the Runes (“secret knowledge”). Doesn’t sound so much different from your beliefs, eh?

    See, you can even find common cause with Pagans (though I’m not one; it was just an example for the purpose of our discussion).

  15. “CWNY (Cambria Will Not Yield) does a great job in elucidating these beliefs, ”

    Except that he doesn’t. I used to read him but stopped because I got really tired of the constant blind spots and simple errors of logic in what he writes. Blind spots and errors and oversights which, if I described them to you, you very likely wouldn’t see them as having any validity at all – you’d still think there’s nothing wrong with his writing.

    This is why discussions of this sort are utterly pointless. Neither side will convince the other and there are bigger enemies out there. Unless, of course, you _want_ to explicitly list neopagan racialists or atheist racialists as enemies on the same scale as the mass culture. In which case, fine, suit yourself. That’s a fight I’ll take on. We’re facing 90% of the world already and planning on winning, what’s 5% more?

  16. Few men’s spirits are moved to great deeds by facts and logic, no matter how well argued. Anyone who does not see that most men’s spirits are moved by myths and otherwordly spirits will never move others to do great things or face impossible odds.

  17. Nordmacht: “Following the jew-invented religion shows a lack of moral backbone.”
    I wish you didn’t mean that, but you probably do. I stand by my post (2) and ask you to please prove to me that you HISTORICALLY come from a race of moral cowards, of the limp wristed, effete pawns of jews. Are WNs eager to scrub away all of their tradition UNNECESSARILY? (Sorry for the caps, don’t know if html is taken) If so, the Obongo-loving liberals are your true allies, as this is number one on their agenda.

    Rollory: “Neither side will convince the other and there are bigger enemies out there. ” AND “That’s a fight I’ll take on.”

    The propensity to make religious paradigms into conflict is of your choosing: Who here or anywhere has tried to convince you to do battle for Christ? But more importantly, why do you hear this call when it is manifestly absent from the ALL WN battleplans?
    My argument was one of transcendence – or mythos, if you like. I agree with Dr. O’Meara: There will be no movement from word to deed until something GREATER THAN THEMSELVES, is available. Our enemies are absolutely aware of this and will spare nothing to turn Christianity into a mockery of its former self (with or without your help). They have largely succeeded (another topic, altogether). However, you would be a poor general to make war on us (the Christian Identity types, Kinists, etc), as we consider ourselves the “remnant,” discussed in Jeremiah: We are the best armed, best prepared, and consider it a proud duty to the death to defend our people and God. We agree with EVERYTHING WN’s hold to be dear, and live outside of this world (are unpolluted). We ask NOTHING of you but to be our brothers-in-arms.
    And like a degenerate liberal, you scoff. What a tragedy.

  18. Christian Identity is for retards. The only thing it’s good for is scaring normal people away from WN.

  19. The myth of Christ is universalist, egalitarian and individualistic. It is hard to see how it complements White Nationalism. Nevertheless, there are WNs who are Christians and I don’t have any problem with them.

  20. Unlike Christians, I do not insist that atheism is absolutely indispensible to the revival of White racial consciousness or saving Western civilization.

  21. Hey, here’s a winning strategy for the preservation of white people:

    First off we should ingratiate ourselves to the clueless masses with blatant anti-Semitism; then denigrate and mischaracterize Christianity – remember, most whites profess to be Christian in one form or another. Then drive wedges between the Nords and Meds. After that, we, white preservationists, can all go at each others throats because we don’t totally agree with one another.

    Yep, that sounds like a winning strategy to me!

  22. So? Demonic possession is no less plausible than the rest of Christianity, or any other religion, and we’re surrounded by believers. Lots of people believe in it.

    I mean, it could be true. You can’t prove that it isn’t. That puts it a step above the typical beliefs of the typical liberal.

  23. I mean, it could be true. You can’t prove that it isn’t. That puts it a step above the typical beliefs of the typical liberal.

    True. While the liberals anti-Nature beliefs can be refuted, Demonic Possession cannot be. “Absence of evidence does not equate to evidence of absence.”

  24. danielj said, “The Apostolic Era is over and with it went miraculous healings, tongues and demonic possession.” That is a pretty sweeping statement. Why do you think that is true?

    Because the Bible says it. It is the position of *almost* every Reformed Church out there.

    All of the major creeds and confessions would pretty much be in agreement on the subject.

  25. I don’t see how Christianity is individualistic. It’s authoritarian and collectivist, just like the Semites it came from. European paganism offers more individualism and freedom.

    Nordicism just acknowledges sub-racial differences that already exist, no different than acknowledging racial differences. The former naturally flows from the latter.

    I find that many mainstream atheists believe in the same philosophies of Christianity, such as egalitarianism, anti-racism and humanitarianism. Only differing in the belief in God. Leftist atheists go one step further and promote homosexuality and worse. Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are examples.

    It’s like arguing about legal vs illegal immigration, when that’s not the point at all. It’s what kind of immigration that is important.

  26. I find religious debate exceedingly dull. None of what recently has gone before us in terms of Christian doctrine, I think, will come in useful in the impending struggle. So I don’t really see the point of arguing “my religion is better than yours!”. It’s divisive, and a waste of time. Can you chaps liven things up here a bit, please? 😉

  27. Hey, “The Admiral” I’ll ask you to liven it up a bit: Do you reject your historical tradition or do you not?
    Sorry guys, but as soon as you part ways with that which your forefathers died for, I paint you into irrelevancy. You better come up with a better argument than disdain, disrespect, and the full quiver of the liberal. We will fight for the Blood of Christ, yet you will dismiss the heart with superstition?
    Why should we count on historical groupings when mocked for the price that was paid? My religion (as most obviously manifest today) isn’t better than yours, but it was the religion that propelled the white man to greatness, historically. Oh, but who gives a shit, that was history.
    Anyone who doesn’t understand the argument that I (uneloquently) make, should be avoided by those concerned with the plight of the white man. It is only through harnessing the totality of the white man, including his vertical potential, that the superlative is achieved. The arguments for this are apparent in every direction you look in your western cave.
    Pfffft, fuckin’ cowards.

  28. Fair enough FWM: you and your fellow believers can turn the other cheek and stay behind with the women and children, while the rest of us do the fighting and killing (figuratively speaking of course). Say a prayer for us, if you’d like. And save your venom for the liberals, modernists, feminists, homosexualists, and anti-White racists that dominate your churches today.

  29. “Do you reject your historical tradition or do you not?”

    No! As a Nordic descendent of mighty Vikings I fully embrace the Paganism of my fore-fathers!

    Remember that many of us Northern types were not peaceably converted and even after forced conversion continued to practice ‘The Old Ways’ in secret! We are still around to this day! Judeo-christianity shall wither on the vine, but Aryan man will continue! Valhalla awaits!

  30. Real Roots
    The Origin of the Races
    Evidence from the Bible and science
    Creation, the Flood, the Tower of Babel and the Racial Tree of Man
    Check out these OTHER great resources
    One Blood
    The World that Perished
    (video about Noah’s Flood)
    The Illustrated Origins Answers Book
    Origins: How the World Came to Be
    (movie series)
    The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible
    The Great Dinosaur Mystery
    The Genesis Solution
    The Genesis Record
    What Is Creation Science?

    Most people we meet have never heard a clear biblical and scientific explanation of the true origin of races. As a result, many believe half-truths or even lies. This has been a major factor in racial prejudice throughout the world, even in the Church. Evolutionists have even gone so far as to teach that blacks are less evolved and closer to the apes. This compelling video reveals the truth. Discover evidence from science and the Bible that proves that all humans were created, and that all people are related through Noah’s family, and Adam, before him.

    What color was Adam? How could so many different skin colors come from Noah and his sons? Why do some races have slanted eyes and some round if they are all descendants of Noah? This video answers this and many more questions. It also disproves the common misconception that dark skin evolved in hotter climates, and lighter skin in the north. Experience a deeper understanding of the Creator as you see His handiwork in Creation. Your faith will grow as you confirm the accuracy of the Bible’s account of Creation. The Creator Christ came as Savior to all mankind, because all races are descended from the first created man.

    This fast-paced documentary was filmed on various locations around the world. It features Australian researcher John Mackay.

    Contents include:
    Colors of skin
    Racial characteristics
    The Flood
    The Tower of Babel
    The Racial tree of man
    Professor David Menton
    Medical Biologist Dr. Diane Eager
    Dr. Ethel Nelson, Aboriginal linguist
    Dr. Allen Hall
    A host of native peoples interviewed around the globe
    …and more

    “Tension between the races remains one of the most serious problems worldwide. As with any issue, the Bible has the answer. Nowhere is this issue explained better than on Mackay’s fine video series on the origin of the races. I recommend them fully.”
    —Dr. John D. Morris, Director of the Institute for Creation Research

    “Everyone that has seen the Real Roots video has been touched by it.
    —Thelma Glentworth Tauranga, New Zealand

    “Congratulations on the high standard of the Real Roots video. It is a wonderful faith strengthening tool.
    —Geoff & Nadine Poynton, Grafton, Australia

    “Thanks for our video Real Roots. We enjoyed the content very much.
    —James & Ariene Bryant, Tennessee

    Epistemological egalitarianism- religion is just as good as science.
    I wonder if they discuss the median IQ of Sub-Saharan Africa (67).
    Why did G-d do this?

  31. feminizedwesternmale:
    “However, you would be a poor general to make war on us (the Christian Identity types, Kinists, etc), as we consider ourselves the “remnant,” discussed in Jeremiah”

    Right, your consideration of yourself determines the capabilities of your potential opponents. Good logic. The graveyards are full of people who were sure Heaven was on their side. It might be useful for my philosophical position if you made that mistake, but I’d still prefer you didn’t.

    “We ask NOTHING of you but to be our brothers-in-arms.”

    You, maybe. Others, not so. I’ve been explicitly told “we’ll attack in both directions”. I have absolutely no reason to disbelieve that person and quite a few other reasons to find the claim credible. That’s the sort of thing I want to short-circuit. It’s completely insane to me but strongly believing Christians already believe quite a few things that make no sense to me, so I can’t expect to predict their behavior based on what seems logical to me.

    Q: it’s a natural phase of a thing like this. The early stages are always fractious. You have to examine all possibilities regarding what went wrong before you can start putting together potential solutions.

  32. Admiral,

    None of what recently has gone before us in terms of Christian doctrine, I think, will come in useful in the impending struggle.

    Perhaps not at its commencement, but very possibly at its end. When the dust finally settles, as it must, there will still be other peoples in the world, and some will still border you. What attitude will govern your relations with them? Christianity provides an answer in Christ’s dictum to “love your enemies.” Christian realists have long struggled with this dictum but racialism offers a way to reconcile it with reality. Races are natural enemies; even if not fighting they can love each other to death. A separated settlement prevents them doing so and safeguards their integrity. With such separation achieved there is no need for endless acrimony; an attitude of respect and appreciation, difficult or impossible at present, becomes entirely appropriate, and reality again here favors the racialist: diversity is dish best served distant.

    Appropriate to this thread, googling to check that those were in fact Jesus’ words (I had heard it said he’d uttered them) I came upon this. (Check my blog for the letter I wrote him.)

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