OneSTDV, another HBD/RR blogger, on EGI:

First, I have absolutely no vested interest in the success of the larger white racial collective. I care exclusively about the success and happiness of my family and friends. It’s rather inconsequential to me whether a given white person or a given group of whites prosper.

This supports my contention that HBD/RR rarely leads to the WN conclusion that “Whites should separate from non-Whites.” It also ties into the debate with GuessedWorker over the persuasiveness of the EGI argument. In theory, the HBD/RR community should be the most fertile soil for Salterism to grow in. But that’s not what we see here.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “First, I have absolutely no vested interest in the success of the larger white racial collective. I care exclusively about the success and happiness of my family and friends. It’s rather inconsequential to me whether a given white person or a given group of whites prosper.”

    This guy is a dork, plain and simple.

    I think he also has a case of ‘yellow fever’ if ya get my drift… 😉

  2. “… I care exclusively about the success and happiness of my family and friends. …”

    And a SELFISH dork at that!!!

    For how is the ‘success and happiness’ of his ‘family and friends’ somehow not contingent on the greater evolutionary/social struggle of Euro-Americans as a whole??

    Ah, another one of these simpy sissies who live in childish fear of being called the jewish-trotskyite hate-term “racist”!

    Grow up!

  3. Whites, on the whole, are *too* outbred. So, many Whites don’t feel the strong ties to their fellow “extended family” members.

    Populations that are more inbred (Middle Easterners, Africans, South Asians — hell, just about everybody but Whites) have stronger feelings of group identity and group cohesiveness because they are much more inbred than Whites. (See consang.net for some figures.)

  4. “–Populations that are more inbred (Middle Easterners, Africans, South Asians — hell, just about everybody but Whites) have stronger feelings of group identity and group cohesiveness because they are much more inbred than Whites.–”

    Nor do virtually ANY of these ‘societies’ have anything even remotely resembling a ‘civil society’ or any meaningful degree of ‘civic mindedness’ or civic/social trust.

    That is why THEY flock to OUR societies if given the chance, NOT the other way around.

  5. KNL said: “Nor do virtually ANY of these ’societies’ have anything even remotely resembling a ‘civil society’ or any meaningful degree of ‘civic mindedness’ or civic/social trust.

    “That is why THEY flock to OUR societies if given the chance, NOT the other way around.”


    I’m just saying that we might have outbred a little too much. Inbreeding was discouraged by the Roman Catholic church — and other Christian churches — for generations in Europe. Further, cousin-marriage really started to be discouraged around Darwin’s time when the intelligensia/upper-clases started taking note of the health consequences related to inbreeding. Add to all that outbreeding, we have European emigration to the States which really mixed up the relatedness in the gene pool.

    I’m not saying this is wholly a bad thing — clearly it is good since it, as you (KNL) said, most likely resulted in us having a civil society and all that. Just saying that there is probably also a downside: the loosening of genetic bonds has led to a lessening of sentiments related to bonds in and bonding of the group (in this case, Whites).

  6. I said: “…clearly it is good since it, as you (KNL) said, most likely resulted in us having a civil society and all that.”

    Along with all the genetics related to intelligence, civic-like behaviours, etc., of course.

  7. ” I care exclusively about the success and happiness of my family and friends. ”

    Ok lets propose a little experiment then shall we… Lets parachute this guy, his family, and his friends into the darkest parts of Zimbabwe and see how they handle it!!!!

    See one can only become this selfish when they are living in a relatively safe and homogeneously White environment!! Take this guy out this environment, or even just any random White person, and drop them someplace else and well they are seriously screwed!! HAVING A WHITE HOMOGENEOUS ENVIRONMENT TO PROSPER IN IS IMPORTANT!!!

    Some other places we could parachute this clown: Detroit, West Oakland, Compton, Iraq….

  8. Good find, Prozium. OneSTDV seems intelligent but is obviously still rather clueless about various issues of key importance. He also seems ‘Jew-friendly,’ and could quite likely be a Jew/part-Jew because if you look at their blogroll they only link to pathetic philosemitic websites which avoid criticizing organized anti-White Jewry.

    I posted the following comment there in order to try and talk some sense in to these deluded ‘White individualists’:

    Why aren’t many intelligent Whites realizing these days that the only way for Whites to continue to compete with other non-White ethnic/racial groups around the world is for us to become more collectivist/cooperative in orientation?

    ALL other ethnic/racial groups engage in various forms of ethnocollectivism – Whites cannot expect to continue to compete as isolated/atomized White individuals against all of the other non-White ethnic/racial groups around the world which compete with us collectively. Is that very difficult to understand?

    This is especially true because Whites are only about 10-12% of the world’s population nowadays (and still shrinking), down from around 25-30% only 100 years ago.

    Again, if Whites do not start being more cooperative/collective in a White ethnic/racial sense, we will eventually be overcome and outcompeted by all of the non-White ethnic/racial groups which are more collective and cooperative in orientation.

    It’s utterly futile for White INDIVIDUALS to keep trying to compete with non-White GROUPS – thus we must form our own White collectivist/cooperationist groups in order to permanently preserve and protect our White EGI.

  9. OneSTD has this to say –

    “–But the unique Asian culture and notorious Asian work ethic could positively support a dominant white cultural and political structure.–”

    Richard Hoste has this guy’s number in an article he recently wrote:

    “The Oriental Divirsicrat”

    “According to blogger OneSTDV, Asians are the minority liberals don’t like. The thinking goes that the elites have a picture of America as a land where whites are advantaged and minorities are poor and crime prone because of it. A successful group of nonwhites is a living contradiction of their worldview. His evidence is a Princeton newspaper making fun of a Chinese girl that sued the school over their affirmative action policy.

    “I’ve seen this kind of talk amongst race realists before. Asians suffer from affirmative action and NAM crime, do well in school and as an economically successful group are losers under any economic redistributionist regime. Unfortunately, besides the mentioned article there’s no indication that liberals dislike Asians or vice versa. The clearest way to see this is by looking at voting patterns. In both 2004 and 2008 the Democratic presidential candidate won the Asian vote by about two to one. In 1996 61% of California Asians voted against ending affirmative action.


    “Having been to college, educated Asians don’t only vote for liberal ideas but believe in them. I used to be less afraid of bringing up HBD in front of Orientals than other minorities because the data flatters them. Most, however, have been more shocked than the typical white college graduate. (Interestingly Arabs have been the most accepting. I’ve never talked to an East Indian about these issues, but there seem to be a lot of them in the HBD blogosphere.) This itself if evidence of HBD. Asians are natural conformists. They internalize PC dogma better than anyone else. In their anti-whiteness they are more white than whites.”


    “If Asians have been too successful to be victims, they’ll associate themselves with less intelligent races in order to play the game. In the backwards world of academia, failure brings prestige. I thought the concept of Asian/Pacific Islander only existed as a census option but apparently it’s now a “community.”


    “If the People of Color needs leadership, Asians are naturals to fill the role. Take a look at the blog Racialicious, a meeting ground for spouters of every PC cliché there is. The founder is half-white and half-Asian. She saw that there was a market for anti-white propaganda, that the competition for the top slots wasn’t all that impressive, and she was intelligent enough to take advantage. In the future, we can expect to see more members of the “model minority” doing the same.” […]


    Yup, “model minority” indeed! 😉

  10. His insular position is nothing new, it’s similar to European nationalism. That’s one reason why Germany failed. They only cared about Germans.

    Egocentrism is of course common, even among white nationalists. Just head over to VNN and you will see it in spades.

    Don’t be fooled by someone just because they call themselves a white racialist or white nationalist, for some it’s just another way to get themselves power and feed their ego.

    From reading more about OneSTDV’s views, it seems he’s clearly a racialist, but he just can’t bring himself to admit it. He hasn’t done enough soul searching, hasn’t developed his reasoning that far, isn’t brave enough to take the next step.

    It’s like an environmentalist only caring about the trees in his yard while not caring if all the other trees in the world are cut down.

    He stated he feels comfortable with a white majority and non-white minority split of 80/20. Well, all he needs to do is open his eyes and look at the bigger picture. Worldwide non-whites are the vast majority, being over 90%. And, as he admits, whites will be a minority in their own countries in the near future.

    He’s like respectable conservatives. They continue to make statements and employ strategies that give away their heritage and country. They are far too tame to win a battle against radical Jews and aggressive non-whites.

  11. “I’ve seen this kind of talk amongst race realists before. Asians suffer from affirmative action and NAM crime, do well in school and as an economically successful group are losers under any economic redistributionist regime.”

    Asians benefit from AA, but in some cases, because they are more intelligent than other non-whites, they may be held back to make room for blacks and Hispanics.

    Ultimately they are just out for themselves. AA and liberalism are just means to an end, they don’t inherently believe in those ideals, neither do other non-whites (as we saw with blacks rejecting the homosexual agenda). If it’s good for them, they support it.

    Whites would do well to see the intelligence in that approach rather than having ideals that lead to their own destruction.

  12. “OneSTD” (LOL) here cannot directly address the question put forth to him by our friend White Preservationist, but instead attempts to insult him or anyone else who believe in any kind of meaningful White collective consciousness, by associating them with “NAM’s”, quoting (of course) Guy White (who else) in his non-sequitor reply –

    “As far as racialism, I’ll just quote Guy White here:

    “Writing things like this is why extremists – the real extremists, not those defined as such by liberals – hate me. But I am not here to make myself feel less dysfunctional by lying. Your self-esteem is based on personal achievements or lack thereof. That whites do better than blacks and worse than Orientals has no effect on how I view myself. But failures may need to latch on to their race’s accomplishments and refuse to give any ground because it’s their only source of pride. This is also why ghetto blacks are so racially defensive.”

    “Racialism is generally for those who can’t succeed on their own, that’s why NAMs and lazy white people so strongly support racial handouts and socialism.”


    Of course the little hypocrite, just like his friend ‘Guy’, cannot even dignify the question of whether or not he is of ethnic Jewish descent — and, even worse, says he’ll wait until ‘2030’ to see whether he will explicitly stand up for the rights of European Americans –

    —“Grow up. The only way you can afford to be so self-centered and self-indulgent is because you live in a majority-White society where Western values and norms predominate. Once this changes–and it is–you will be singing a different tune.”—

    “Maybe you’re right. But for now, I’ll stick with advocating no NAM immigration, deportation of illegals, encouraging higher white birth rate, disallowing racial quotas/handouts and anti-white sentiment, and some eugenic programs like welfare for sterilization.

    “If that doesn’t work by maybe 2030, I’ll consider your idea.”

    Yeah, we’ll be waiting for you bro!

  13. Obviously a large number of those who gravitate toward HBD and RR do so because they think it’s “good for jews”. They honestly like White societies because they recognize jews have thrived amongst us. They’d like to preserve that, but without Whites getting so serious about HDB and RR as to recognize that Whites and jews are distinct and have distinct interests. That wouldn’t be “good for jews” at all. Understanding this you can observe them doing this absurd dance where they assert that White racialism/nationalism/collectivism is a big no-no or a mystery or irrelevant or a sign of weakness, even though they don’t have any problem at all with jews behaving that way.

    Consider for example the squid ink spewed by The Undiscovered Jew writes in the OneSTDV thread:

    How can anyone call themselves a WN when the white nationalists themselves can’t agree in some level of detail what WN means and what membership entails beyond an extremely vague “whites acting in their own interest”, which doesn’t tell us anything practical?

    What are their core policies?

    What is their particular vision of society?

    What is their vision beyond “EGI”?

    Really? Jews argue vociferously and incessantly about who’s a jew and what’s best for jews. It works pretty well for them. What’s wrong with calling ourselves White and arguing about what’s best for Whites? From OneSTDV’s casual generalization about the supposed hypocrisy of WNs toward BNs it seems he hasn’t thought very deeply about race or hypocrisy. He might pay closer attention to the faux-White pro-jews around him.

    The key to prying Whites away from these parasites is to point this farce out. Any White who identifies with HBD or RR because they’re waking up and sense truth there will naturally be disgusted by the White/jewish double standards once they see them as such. Help them see. For those who still refuse to see something else besides ignorance is at play and it’s probably not something any amount of facts or reason can cure.

  14. “The key to prying Whites away from these parasites is to point this farce out. Any White who identifies with HBD or RR because they’re waking up and sense truth there will naturally be disgusted by the White/jewish double standards once they see them as such. Help them see.”

    Tan the Man!!

    Indeed HELP THEM (fellow Whites) SEE!

    We all need to do our part in exposing the dissimulators and the anti-White, pro-semite HBDers and RRers!

    Its EVERY White man’s job to go and “SCHOOL’ a fellow ‘KUL-AK”!!

  15. I think this is right:

    Any White who identifies with HBD or RR because he’s waking up and senses truth there will naturally be disgusted by the White/jewish double standards once he sees them as such. […] For those who still refuse to see, something besides ignorance is at play ( — Tanstaafl)

    The longer you’re in this game the more you realize everybody sees the same fundamental thing on race. It’s just that some don’t like to “get involved”; some think it’s evil to acknowledge what everybody sees; some appreciate the value of what they see as a weapon for attacking their tribal enemy so will never admit the truth; and so on. But every sees the same fundamental thing on race. It’s ridiculous to “try and educate them”: they already know, but are planning on using it as a weapon, or for some other motive they refuse to be frank about it with you.

    Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Lewontin knew perfectly well there were races but undertook to play word games for Jewish tribal reasons (and for communism, itself a Jewish tribal reason — both men were open Marxists, typical Jewish red-diaper babies).

  16. Don’t ask me why, but I’ll respond to some (not all) of the points above.

    “For how is the ’success and happiness’ of his ‘family and friends’ somehow not contingent on the greater evolutionary/social struggle of Euro-Americans as a whole??”

    I don’t care that I’m selfish first off. If the above point wasn’t dripping with bitterness and antagonism (I don’t have yellow fever and sure I’m a dork), it might be more forceful. If your argument is that Europeans/whites are the only people capable of sustaining any stable civilization, then yes, my success and that of my familt is contingent on the continued prosperity of whites. As a race realist, I can’t outright deny this suggestion. NAMs are clearly unable to create societies and they ineivtably depress any they become involved in. Asians tend to be construct highly conformist societies and an LSE economist (Kanazawa, ironically an Asian) has suggested some biological and cultural influences will preclude them from ever catching the (white) West.

    “Lets parachute this guy, his family, and his friends into the darkest parts of Zimbabwe and see how they handle it!!!!”

    You’re attributing stuff to me that I’ve never said. I’m not one of those race racketeer diversicrats, actually I’m quite the opposite. I don’t think diversity has an inherent value (anyone who suggests otherwise should look at European countries that are essentially ethnostates for counterevidence) and I sure as hell don’t want to live in some NAM hellhole. Again, if you’re alluding to the same agrument above, I don’t necessarily disagree.

    Yet in general, I somewhat indirectly do support “whites”. I just don’t advocate an explicitly pro-white stance. My suggested interventions: advocating no NAM immigration, deportation of illegals, encouraging higher white birth rate, disallowing racial quotas/handouts and anti-white sentiment, and some eugenic programs like welfare for sterilization, all seek to keep America a majority white country, decrease NAM population, and challenge anti-white racialism. As an individualist (and this is something which I think America is based on), I’m simply not wired to engage in collectivist rhetoric. Sorry.

    “Ultimately they are just out for themselves. AA and liberalism are just means to an end, they don’t inherently believe in those ideals, neither do other non-whites (as we saw with blacks rejecting the homosexual agenda). If it’s good for them, they support it.

    Whites would do well to see the intelligence in that approach rather than having ideals that lead to their own destruction.”

    I see that most on here think, “Well everyone else is doing it, so whites should too.” OK, I see the logic there, but I’d rather discourage blatant racialism all around (subsequently getting rid of the overt anti-white, revisionist history garbage taught in our education and media).

    “He also seems ‘Jew-friendly,’ and could quite likely be a Jew/part-Jew”

    Nope, half-Greek, half-Romanian. I don’t bash Jews because I think bashing of elite liberals does the same thing. Plus, being a disciple of Steve Sailer, the Steveosphere just doesn’t bash Jews. I could write some Jewish-themed posts (like Jewish hypocrisy regarding Israel being an ethnostate, but that not being acceptable even in the damn suburbs), but I honestly don’t feel like it. I don’t think there’s an organized anti-white movement amongst Jews (not anymore than there is one amongst Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid). I will admit Jews aren’t too fond of prole White Christians, but definitely not to the extent most seem to think on this website.

  17. Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Lewontin knew perfectly well there were races but undertook to play word games for Jewish tribal reasons (and for communism, itself a Jewish tribal reason — both men were open Marxists, typical Jewish red-diaper babies).

    Race is a topic of universal relevance, not one restricted to white interests. As such it is perfectly reasonable to desire to attain a mindset in which race doesn’t matter, to explicate it and instill it in others. The idea that it this is only ever done for devious reasons is the stuff of WN fantasy — but then you do say you’re in search of myths.

    Look, if people like you and Tan and others would admit you just found out you were adopted and your heads are still swimming, you’re still trying to make sense of the world, it’d make it much easier to look past these outbursts. Otherwise don’t be surprised if serious people (not necessarily me) refuse to take you seriously.

  18. Race is a topic of universal relevance, not one restricted to white interests. As such it is perfectly reasonable to desire to attain a mindset in which race doesn’t matter, to explicate it and instill it in others. The idea that it this is only ever done for devious reasons is the stuff of WN fantasy — but then you do say you’re in search of myths.

    I’m not a WN. I’m an apolitical normal person, normal as opposed to degenerate. The degenerates in this are for example the Daily Kos and the Huffington Post.

    I’m not motivated by “fantasy,” only reality.

    I’m not “in search of myths.”

    “As such it is perfectly reasonable …” — The ones on the receiving end of genocide-through-race-denial don’t find race-denial reasonable. Maybe the Jews and communists do, as they figure they’ll come out of the whole deal ahead.

    Look, if people like you and Tan and others would admit you just found out you were adopted and your heads are still swimming, you’re still trying to make sense of the world, it’d make it much easier to look past these outbursts. Otherwise don’t be surprised if serious people (not necessarily me) refuse to take you seriously.


    No DON’T explain please. Don’t. Really. Whatever that meant, I’ll survive very happily without having an inking of it.

  19. What Silver can’t fathom is who the aggressors are in this, and who the victims. Who the perpetrators and who the outraged. Who the genociders and who the genocided. He’s mixed up in the head. He thinks white people are genociding everyone else. He doesn’t get it.

  20. 19Silver
    ”Race is a topic of universal relevance, not one restricted to white interests.”

    Excellent point! My thought precisely.

  21. If America was based on individualism, as opposed to race, then why was “whiteness” the basis of American immigration law from 1790 to 1952?

  22. 23Fred Scrooby

    ”What Silver can’t fathom is who the aggressors are in this, and who the victims. Who the perpetrators and who the outraged. Who the genociders and who the genocided. He’s mixed up in the head. He thinks white people are genociding everyone else. He doesn’t get it.”

    This Silver guys got all you fools worked out, its sooooooooo obvious hes taking you all for a ride…………LOL!!!

  23. OneSTDV,

    I still haven’t heard a good reason why you aren’t explicitly racialist. You like getting your feet wet but you won’t jump in.

    Is it just the label? Perhaps you hold a high value of perceived social status like conservatives.

    It’s curious, because you would easily be called racist for the positions you do advocate. Even pro-diversity republicans are called racists and nazis these days merely for not being democrats and questioning Obama.

    What I see, is that whites by themselves are too altruistic and passive to revolt on their own, but they will be pushed by Jews and non-whites into becoming more radical. Fight or flight. Defend yourself or die.

  24. OneSTDV,

    Just wanted to sincerely apologize for my rude and gratuitous attacks on you. Definately uncalled for on my part.

    Even though we may disagree on the finer details of the subject at hand, you are indeed an intelligent and thoughtful blogger.

    For you to come here and camly state your position after we/I attacked you like that shows also your a man of character and integrity. Massive props to you there!

    I guess in life one should never claim to have all the answers, to proclaim the “truth”, but have enough humility within us to search for and to ‘discover’ the Truth, and this will always necessitate a collaborative effort on many people’s part.

    Your writings and your blog helps us all come that much closer in the struggle for the Truth.


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