Auster vs. Roissysphere

See here, here, here, and here.

Roissy’s name has popped up here on several occasions, but I still know little about him, or why his site is of so much interest to the racially conscious community. I took a look at his blog a few weeks ago and came away with the impression that it was devoted to sexuality. From what I saw, Roissy’s insights into game and superficial, materialistic American women has the ring of truth, so this won’t be a critical post. Even around here (the Bible Belt), sexual mores have coarsened considerably since I was in high school (late 90’s). Case in point, my best friend’s 16-year-old step-sister has slept with over 35 guys. I’m told this is normal for a girl her age.

In this case, I can’t fault Auster for his revulsion at this kind of degeneracy. He correctly argues that this kind of social destruction is liberalism (or radical freedom) taken to its logical conclusion. It is the utter collapse of restraint: superficial relationships based on “excitement,” baby mommas, transmission of STDs, cads instead of dads, children dumped off on the grandparents, low investment reproduction, and let’s not forget miscegenation. What is this but a society in an advanced state of decay? This loathsome state of affairs is the ultimate indictment of liberal-progressivism.

Naturally, the question arises as to how White men (in particular, those who prefer to settle down and start families, or “Betas” in Roissy-sprache) are to navigate this moral sewer. Roissy’s strategy takes account of the facts on the ground and at least can be said to be adaptive. Some men will retreat into spiritualism; others like George Sodini are driven to homicidal madness. Not a few race realists and anti-Semites have fallen back on taking non-White wives from more traditional cultures. Most of us try to get by in this sexual environment (which is increasingly difficult) without compromising our principles.

A moment of honesty: feminism, the sexual revolution, the emergence of a “sexual marketplace” along the lines of free market capitalism, in which men have to respond to “market incentives” by becoming more efficient players, women more efficient whores … this is about the strongest argument for Hitler and National Socialism that comes to mind. The mind wanders back to the Third Reich (or some other substitute) when women were ladies and men were gentlemen. I have little doubt that this is fuel for radical political movements like White Nationalism. In the coming decades, as sexual mores deteriorate further still, probably even more so.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Case in point, my best friend’s 16-year-old step-sister has slept with over 35 guys. I’m told this is normal for a girl her age.

    Ha! Mores haven’t coarsened that much! Your friends step-sister is easily in the 99.99999 percentile for sluttiness.

    Roissy is good for a larf, and he’s an HBD type.

  2. Men who choose to settle down and start families aren’t necessarily Beta males, it’s not that black and white. Roissy does draw a pretty distinguishable line between Alpha and Beta males, and this happens to be one attribute that many Beta males in today’s society possess (marriage and children, especially at a young age).

    However, and Roissy makes this clear, this is not the end-all be-all of distinguishing a male between Alpha and Beta. If you read Roissy’s posts “Misconceptions About the Alpha Male” and “Defining the Alpha Male,” you would see that an Alpha male is the man who has the ability to bed many beautiful women, while keeping those women attracted for an extended period of time. A male who can attract, sleep with and hold on to a relationship with the most beautiful women and then chooses to get married and start a family is still an Alpha male, just one who is married with a family.

    Don’t believe me? Brad Pitt. Kurt Cobain. Both of these guys got married. Pitt has children. Yet they could both attract many of the beautiful women the world has to offer, sleep with them, and most likely keep them attracted.

  3. Roissy’s website seems to deal a lot with beta males tricking women into thinking they’re alpha males.

    I find his general attitude and behavior to be niggerish, although he is intelligent.

  4. I don’t think Prozium’s example is the norm. However it’s true our sexuality, particularly women’s, has coarsened.

    Then on top of it you have feminists who protect female immorality with the common tactic of attacking the male’s ego, calling them insecure.

    Some may cite the lack of Christianity as the reason, but it’s more than that. Some of the biggest sluts I’ve known were preacher’s daughters. One had sex in the church.

    Again I would have to go with MacDonald on this one as Jews were at the forefront of the sexual revolution, women’s liberation, the pornography industry, liberalism, and their control of the media and the breakdown of the family being the major factors.

    Highly sexual and degenerate modern music has also played a role.

  5. Is it possible for an alpha male to be degraded into beta male behavior? Brad Pitt is an example. He’s whipped by Angelina, he carries her purse, he totes around children sired by other males, a black and Asian in his case. Cuckolds and adoptive male parents are not alpha males.

  6. Prozium has hit the nail on the head that market logic is the driver. It never sleeps and it is bound by no social or cultural restraint. Eventually, more and more people are going to realize that this system offers nothing but pointless wage slavery to men and equally pointless whoredom to women and the human soul will revolt.

    Man cannot live without beauty.

  7. “Man cannot do without beauty, and this is what our era pretends to want to disregard. It steels itself to attain the absolute and authority; it wants to transfigure the world before having exhausted it, to set it to rights before having understood it. Whatever it may say, our era is deserting this world. ”

    — Albert Camus, 1948

  8. Bear in mind that Roissy has been accused of being descended from a certain ethnic group known for extreme materialism, degrading sensuality, and resource competition.

    I don’t know his family tree, and I don’t have evidence for the accusation. But there is no reason to believe he has the interests of whites at heart.

    @Matamoros: Give us bread, but give us roses.

  9. “I still know little about…why his site is of so much interest to the racially conscious community.”

    Roissy is the flip side of F. Roger Devlin. Thinking men read F. Roger Devlin and stroke their chins and make a few notes. But *anyone* – highbrow or lowbrow, male or female, black or white – can read Roissy and get a putrid whiff of a rotting society.

    I get frustrated with many islands of social stability because the whites living in them are deeply in denial. They refuse to consider taboo thoughts. They refuse to read “The Bell Curve.” They take politeness to a racially self-destructive extreme.

    Roissy is idiotic and offensive, but he manages to communicate the exciting truth that society is gangrenous. That low thrill keeps his readers coming back – some of them approving, others disapproving.

  10. “Roissy sounds like an omega male.”

    Indeed he most likely is Fred!

    I mean, after all, how much time can he have to ‘date’ his ‘bitches’ when he seems to be on the computer and that blog of his 24/7??? 😉

  11. In the oil rich Middle Eastern countries where I live, all first marriages are arranged by and approved by the parents.Unmarried men and women do not converse except for work purposes. Children are numerous, happy, and well behaved. Immigrants are not encouraged and misbehaving foreigners are quickly expelled. On another list I asked if any American male knew of any American women who had expressed concern at the effect of affirmative action on their husbands, sons, nephews or cousins. Nobody knew of any such women. To be a white male in America is hell.

  12. Two of my American associates who are closer to 60 than to 50 have new wives who are closer to 20 than to 30; one Oriental, the other Arabian. Two years ago I overheard a 30-something American girl explaining to group of western ladies that she had to dump her Arab boyfriend because he thought sex was for procreation. They enthused at her decision.

    We Can’t Make It Here Anymore

    – by James Mcmurtry


    Vietnam Vet with a cardboard sign
    Sitting there by the left turn line
    Flag on the wheelchair flapping in the breeze
    One leg missing, both hands free
    No one’s paying much mind to him
    The V.A. budget’s stretched so thin
    And there’s more comin’ home from the Mideast war
    We can’t make it here anymore

    That big ol’ building was the textile mill
    It fed our kids and it paid our bills
    But they turned us out and they closed the doors
    We can’t make it here anymore

    See all those pallets piled up on the loading dock
    They’re just gonna set there till they rot
    ‘Cause there’s nothing to ship, nothing to pack
    Just busted concrete and rusted tracks
    Empty storefronts around the square
    There’s a needle in the gutter and glass everywhere
    You don’t come down here ‘less you’re looking to score
    We can’t make it here anymore

    The bar’s still open but man it’s slow
    The tip jar’s light and the register’s low
    The bartender don’t have much to say
    The regular crowd gets thinner each day

    Some have maxed out all their credit cards
    Some are working two jobs and living in cars
    Minimum wage won’t pay for a roof, won’t pay for a drink
    If you gotta have proof just try it yourself Mr. CEO
    See how far 5.15 an hour will go
    Take a part time job at one of your stores
    Bet you can’t make it here anymore

    High school girl with a bourgeois dream
    Just like the pictures in the magazine
    She found on the floor of the laundromat
    A woman with kids can forget all that
    If she comes up pregnant what’ll she do
    Forget the career, forget about school
    Can she live on faith? live on hope?
    High on Jesus or hooked on dope
    When it’s way too late to just say no
    You can’t make it here anymore

    Now I’m stocking shirts in the Wal-Mart store
    Just like the ones we made before
    ‘Cept this one came from Singapore
    I guess we can’t make it here anymore

    Should I hate a people for the shade of their skin
    Or the shape of their eyes or the shape I’m in
    Should I hate ’em for having our jobs today
    No I hate the men sent the jobs away
    I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams
    All lily white and squeaky clean
    They’ve never known want, they’ll never know need
    Their sh@# don’t stink and their kids won’t bleed
    Their kids won’t bleed in the da$% little war
    And we can’t make it here anymore

    Will work for food
    Will die for oil
    Will kill for power and to us the spoils
    The billionaires get to pay less tax
    The working poor get to fall through the cracks
    Let ’em eat jellybeans let ’em eat cake
    Let ’em eat sh$%, whatever it takes
    They can join the Air Force, or join the Corps
    If they can’t make it here anymore

    And that’s how it is
    That’s what we got
    If the president wants to admit it or not
    You can read it in the paper
    Read it on the wall
    Hear it on the wind
    If you’re listening at all
    Get out of that limo
    Look us in the eye
    Call us on the cell phone
    Tell us all why

    In Dayton, Ohio
    Or Portland, Maine
    Or a cotton gin out on the great high plains
    That’s done closed down along with the school
    And the hospital and the swimming pool
    Dust devils dance in the noonday heat
    There’s rats in the alley
    And trash in the street
    Gang graffiti on a boxcar door
    We can’t make it here anymore

    Music and lyrics © 2004 by James McMurtry

  13. Some very silly people here who haven’t actually read what Roissy writes or taken the time to understand what he says and what its use is.

    What Roissy does with his knowledge is one thing. The fact of the knowledge, and its applicability to female nature in general, is quite another. The fundamental problem is that men in our civilization have completely abdicated leadership and the power and responsibilities that came with it, and most of all in their interactions with women. From that, everything else follows. It doesn’t help that men in general are deliberately lied to on that specific subject – how to interact with women – from very early on. You can’t build anything on lies. Roissy points out the lies, and demonstrates a part of the truth. He’s tremendously useful.

    I used to be worried about how most women are so deliberately liberal and multicultural and anti-racist, thinking that it was an ill omen for society. It wasn’t till I really started understanding some of the things Roissy and his commenters are constantly beating on that I figured out this is a non-issue. When/if men of European descent start acting like men again, the women will flock to them naturally, regardless of what they claimed to believe before. It’s what women do.

  14. Roissy’s name has popped up here on several occasions, but I still know little about him, or why his site is of so much interest to the racially conscious community.

    The appeal is in connecting white male weakness towards women with the decline of the West, which is marked by white weakness towards other races. Western civilisation = the Beta male provider who plays by the rules but receives no reciprocity, and, in his obsequiousness, asks for none.

    Rather than fighting something as powerful as cultural Marxism with the failed Auster/paleocon fuddy-duddy moralistic complaining that characterises the West’s high-brow defenders, Roissy, consciously or not, may be developing part of a dynamic Hbd alternative approach that begins with inspiring confidence in younger men. That the over 40s won’t like it may be a plus.

  15. Roissy is a bit obnoxious and seems like he’s insecure and trying to prove to himself what a big pimp he is. But in general I see the seduction community as a positive development – a mass movement of almost exclusively white gentile males working on developing social skills and masculinity.

    Also, one of the various megafauna in the room of white nationalism is that racialists are about 90% male and a large fraction of them aren’t getting any. You speak out about race or Jewish power, and you become ostracized, and women don’t want to date or marry a pariah. That obviously puts white men off from racialism. But if you have enough game this might not be such a major issue.

    Furthermore, a lot of young high-IQ white males are dating and intermarrying with Asian women, since they’re much easier for your average white nerd to get. This not only deteriorates the quality of the white race in the long run, but robs racialism of potentially valuable recruits in the short run. A lot of these guys would rather date white women if they could get them.

  16. Your comment system is acting up lately. I just posted a comment and it didn’t go through. I tried to repost but it said I’ve already posted it. This happened to me a few days ago as well.

  17. “A moment of honesty: feminism, the sexual revolution, the emergence of a “sexual marketplace” along the lines of free market capitalism, in which men have to respond to “market incentives” by becoming more efficient players, women more efficient whores … ”

    Hitting the nail right on the head here, Prozium!

    No doubt, this is not the way the traditional West evolved. This kind of ‘lifestyle’ is more suited to African jungle polygamy or ‘inner-city’ ghetto ‘culture’, and is at the ROOT of the increasing breakdown/destruction of the Anglo-Celtic American family (at least to the degree and the proportion that aimless and unanchored White ‘gentiles’ get suckered by this jew game — the goal of which is, as many commters here say, to facilitate RACE REPLACEMENT.

  18. What really worries me about the ‘Roissy’ types is not so much their ‘libertine libertarianism’, if you will,

    …but rather, in their narcissistic quest for ‘poontang’, the way they F-CKING SUPPLICATE to women, thereby encouraging the ‘inner-whore’ in many women, setting a cultural zeitgeist and social standard in how a man is treated, and what is to be ‘expected’ of him, a ‘standard’ that begins to rub off on many purported ‘nice’ average girls,

    …since this OBSESSION with female APPROVAL seems to be at the heart of what motivates the ‘Lounge Lizard’ types.

  19. Prozium
    “What is this but a society in an advanced state of decay? This loathsome state of affairs is the ultimate indictment of liberal-progressivism.”

    I call it our civilisation in the death throes of depravity – the end! I have seen it coming since the ’60’s. Engineered it may have been, but never more assured. Once you let the Genie of discipline out of the bottle – Goodnight Vienna.

    Those words of Prozium sum it all up in a nutshell, (Bravo)

    It seems to me Liberalism is nothing but suicide cult.

  20. From Baron Julius Evola (his book ‘Ride the Tiger’)

    “I this epoch of dissolution it is hard for the differentiated man to become involved in marriage or family in any way. It is not a matter of ostentatious anticonformism, but a conclusion drawn from a vision consistent with reality, in which the imperative of an inner freedom remains.

    In a world like the present, the differentiated man must be able to have the self at his disposal, all his life long. It is not for him to form any ties in this realm, any more than ascetics or mercenaries in another epoch would have done. It is not that he is unwilling to assume even graver burdens: the problem refers instead to that which, in itself, is devoid of any meaning.”

  21. The problem here seems to be arbitrary definitions of “alpha male” and “beta male”; those terms have nothing to do with whether or not one is a provider or a family man, or refuses to play games with slutty women, or is somehow “frustrated”.

    One can find plenty of men with alpha traits who do not play these games and one can find tons of men who are weaklings, losers, and etc. who play these games all day. Being a “beta” has nothing to do with being a provider.

    This all reeks of personal insecurities projected upon everyone else as moralistic dogma / righteousness as opposed to a rigorous and systematic sociology.

  22. Being an alpha roughly means you possess leadership qualities: aggressiveness, assertiveness, willingness to be combative, and etc. Betas are like Alphas, but they for whatever reason just didn’t win out (not quite as strong, not aggressive enough, or just happened to be unlucky). The Omegas are the true weaklings, the passive, and etc.

    These terms are meaningful in packs of animals. Extending this to the entirety of humanity or even just Western or American society seems fallacious to me because there is no single culture or single community; we’re a bunch of different people in different groups with different ideas who are only united under a common economic system and national government. What makes someone an “alpha male” of one community would not nessecarily be translatable to another.

    Would the alpha male of a traditional Northern European society be the same as the template presented here? Hardly.

    Men want to have sex; that is hardly surprising. It is also unsurprising that many men, including these so-called “alphas” are incredibly insecure about themselves to such a point where they call people who don’t play these games that they feel the need to play, games of which are generally contrary to our traditions and nature, “betas”, and continue to project that upon anyone who criticizes their promiscuity.
    People from the East and people from Africa; I could understand that sort of sexual behavior because its part of their genetics. People from Europe, especially the North, have genes for monogamy and are hard-wired to be providers and family men (high investment reproduction strategy). Because one prefers to date women in a more traditional way and form actual commitments does not make one “beta”.

  23. “–Men want to have sex; that is hardly surprising. It is also unsurprising that many men, including these so-called “alphas” are incredibly insecure about themselves to such a point where they call people who don’t play these games that they feel the need to play, games of which are generally contrary to our traditions and nature, “betas”, and continue to project that upon anyone who criticizes their promiscuity.–”

    The OBSESSION with FEMALE APPROVAL is often a DEAD GIVEAWAY that these “Lounge Lizards” (LOL) are not really ‘alphas’ at all, but merely insecure approval seeking dweebs.

    “–People from the East and people from Africa; I could understand that sort of sexual behavior because its part of their genetics. People from Europe, especially the North, have genes for monogamy and are hard-wired to be providers and family men (high investment reproduction strategy). Because one prefers to date women in a more traditional way and form actual commitments does not make one “beta”.–”

    Soooo right, my Northern European brother!!!

    Too many sociobiologists and evolutionary psychologists are simply too pussy to come out and admit, just as there are gender-based reproductive differences; additionally there are racial-based reproductive strategies as well.

    Ah, the ‘wonders’ of ‘diversity’ 🙁

  24. The cross-fertilization of the HBD community and the seduction community is going to be an interesting thing to watch. You have these two movements, both coming from entirely separate origins and being fundamentally quite different in character, yet both of which have uncovered a lot of truths that seriously undermine the currently dominant paradigm. Only in the past year or so have they started mingling.

    There’s a lot in the seduction community that would be of value to racialists. In particular, the concept of FRAME that is fundamental to pickup artistry (see Mystery’s stuff) is very rarely invoked in racialist circles, despite its importance in understanding how the anti-white paradigm functions. Jews are experts at frame control.

  25. Mark:“Again I would have to go with MacDonald on this one as Jews were at the forefront of the sexual revolution, women’s liberation, the pornography industry, liberalism, and their control of the media and the breakdown of the family being the major factors.”

    Add to that list modern feminism, which is rabidly anti-White male.

    Modern feminism is just another anti-civilizational ‘Jewish evolutionary strategy’ forced down the throats of naive White female college students by ugly Jewish lesbian professors and various Jewish ‘activists’ who are far-leftists that clearly hate White males and White/Western civilization.

    Let it be known that the real goal of Judeofeminism is to undermine healthy relations between White women and White men by unnecessarily increasing tensions and causing strife between them; by screwing up relations between White males and White females the Judeofeminists hope that White-Western culture will eventually become weakened/prostrate enough so that Jews can slowly take it over and thus turn all Whites in to their slavish underlings.


  26. It seems to me Roissy and his groupies are just using this as an opportunity to boast about how much pussy they are getting (or more likely fantasising about getting). If you’re a serious White man with, er, needs, there’s no shortage of willing White sluts, Hispanic women, and Asian girls who would love the chance to jump a White man’s bones. It’s not a question about ‘alpha’ or ‘beta’; it’s a matter of being confident and aggressive. It’s not difficult. If you need it, you’ll get it. I could write books on the subject. 😉 But, why write constantly about it? There’s more to life than bed-hopping. Unless your objective is to irritate and humiliate White feminist b*tches…in which case, I guess I can understand, to some extent.

  27. Time to watch Mozart’s Don Giovanni.

    Why be enslaved by your passions? White men spend their best years addicted to porn and end up socially inept. I suppose the ‘seduction movement’ is there to help such individuals.

  28. Waiting for men to rescue them–you know, the knight in shining armor. Books like “Why Men Marry Bitches” are bestsellers because women are just as lost as men these days.

  29. I perused Roissy’s blog and it was both enlightening and depressing at the same time. Every entry is a reminder that relations between the sexes have been reduced to the lowest common denominator and how men must revert to their base instincts to attract and retain a mate. Is this the much ballyhooed “game” of which he speaks?

    I would agree that many entries are interesting and smack of today’s sad reality but otherwise the blog is a symptom of a decadent and decaying society. Many thinkers on the right predicted that feminism wouldn’t liberate and ennoble women but rather degrade and dehumanize them.

    Many white men were raised to believe if they just worked hard and played by the rules they would attract their soul mate only to learn the modern day dating game is the law of the jungle and that most women are amoral, uber materialistic opportunists who care little about a man’s character. Many men are finding they have difficulty relating to women who, in addition to being mentally unstable, have the sexual mores of a teenage male jock. Fred Reed made this observation some time ago in one of his columns.

    I suspect this is what drove George Sordini mad and is turning otherwise decent men into hardcore misogynists.

  30. Peter Frost says there’s a surplus of males relative to females. If his analysis is right it could be part of the reason for the success of this Roissy character who seems to fill some need or other in men who are frustrated relationshipwise, and find his labeling of them “beta males,” and his advice on what to do about it. make sense.

  31. “…but rather, in their narcissistic quest for ‘poontang’, the way they F-CKING SUPPLICATE to women,”

    “… The OBSESSION with FEMALE APPROVAL is often a DEAD GIVEAWAY that these “Lounge Lizards” (LOL) are not really ‘alphas’ at all, but merely insecure approval seeking dweebs.”

    So, to all those who, for the strangest of reasons, think Negroid-like misogyny and adultery are OK and acceptable for Aryan, Western men…


    … to those who think chasing whores is somehow ‘manly’ (often going broke in the process and destroying your lives and ESPECIALLY your Aryan families) 🙁 here is some ancient Aryan Hellenic wisdom to ponder –

    “Although Democritus is best known as the propounder of atomism, most of his extant fragments actually relate to the field of ethics. The excerpts are notably fragments quoted by other authors (mostly Stobaeus) and attributed to Democritus. Among numerous examples some include:

    “Disease occurs in a household, or in a life, just as it does in a body.” (DK 68 B 288)

    “Moderation increases enjoyment, and makes pleasure even greater.” (DK 68 B 211)

    “Nature and instruction are similar; for instruction transforms the man.”(DK 68 B 33)

    “He who chooses the advantages of the soul chooses things more divine, but he who chooses those of the body, chooses things human.” (DK 68 B 37)


    “The brave man is he who overcomes not only his enemies but his pleasures. There are some men who are masters of cities but slaves to women.” (DK 68 B 214)

    Let’s restate this once more, for it bears repeating:

    “The brave man is he who overcomes not only his enemies but his pleasures. There are some men who are masters of cities but slaves to women.” (DK 68 B 214)


    “If any man listens to my opinions, here recorded, with intelligence, he will achieve many things worthy of a good man, and avoid doing many unworthy things.(DK 68 B 35)

    SO, the moral of the story, for real men, is don’t be an {A}pproval {S}eeking {S}upplicant!

    **Wisdom to live by** 🙂

  32. It seems to me Roissy and his groupies are just using this as an opportunity to boast about how much pussy they are getting (or more likely fantasising about getting). If you’re a serious White man with, er, needs, there’s no shortage of willing White sluts, Hispanic women, and Asian girls who would love the chance to jump a White man’s bones. It’s not a question about ‘alpha’ or ‘beta’; it’s a matter of being confident and aggressive. It’s not difficult. If you need it, you’ll get it. I could write books on the subject. 😉 But, why write constantly about it? There’s more to life than bed-hopping. Unless your objective is to irritate and humiliate White feminist b*tches…in which case, I guess I can understand, to some extent.

    Roissy’s escapades have a ring of truth to them, regardless of whether they are embellished or cut from whole cloth. It’s believable that he maintains his blog to share ideas with other “players” (as they see themselves), hoping thereby to increase his own success. It’s likewise believable that its purpose is didactic: frustrated men can reorient their attitude toward sex and women by incorporating the fundamental elements of what is lightly referred to as “game” — even if their objective is not more sex itself. More than any of this, however, I suspect the blog exists to both to glorify its owner and to dull the pain of existence for one who sees no further purpose in life — nor desires any — than fucking. The withering criticism of traditional mores this bleak outlook inspires shares much in common with philosophical atheism, particularly the racialist variety — the “lemmings” waste their lives away living in “suburbs” and shopping at “big box” outlets rather than…well, it’s never really explained…”Being White,” maybe. For racial activist purposes, it’s enough that Roissy opens eyes to the fact that reality is something starkly different to what the masses are led to believe, the hope being that some are encouraged to explore further.

    (I note Admiral couldn’t quite resist pointing his thumbs back at himself and mentioning in passing that, heh, I’m pretty fucking good myself, you know.)

  33. “A moment of honesty: feminism, the sexual revolution, the emergence of a “sexual marketplace” along the lines of free market capitalism, in which men have to respond to “market incentives” by becoming more efficient players, women more efficient whores …”

    Yes these marketplace notions are firmly in place in this coarsened ‘sex and the city’ existence.

    KATY PERRY – If you can afford me lyrics:

    “f you want me
    The cherry on top
    The pick of the pack
    The crème de la crop
    If you want me you better do better than that tonight
    Oh oh
    If you want
    It takes more than a wink
    More than a drink
    More than you think
    If you want me you’re gonna have to break the bank tonight

    ‘Cause some don’t have the patience
    Some call me high maintenance
    Buy you pay the bill
    ‘Cause that’s the deal

    If you wanna ride
    Just name your price
    Don’t play cheap with your heart
    Don’t make a bet
    If you can’t write the check
    For me, for me
    ‘Cause I can be bought but you’ll pay the cost
    If you can afford me

    If you want me
    I’m not a piece of ass
    A one night stand
    A storage shed
    I think you better walk by tonight
    Oh no
    If you want me
    Then stop begging
    I don’t put out for charity
    If you want me there’s no discount price
    Tonight “

  34. More proof this degenerate “lifestyle” was A MAJOR FACTOR in brining on the destruction of the Black ‘community’ here in USA, and will destroy any racial or ethnic group whose members foolishly and stupidly follow it:


    “Ghetto men have a reputation for being tough guys, and to untrained eyes it may seem that the problems many ghetto guys have with violence and the legal system are a result of them being textbook alpha males letting their machismo and testosterone run wild. But I think it’s actually the opposite. I think these problems actually come about not because of manhood run wild but because of lack of male instruction.

    “The black community has a 70% illegitimacy rate. It’s really staggering when you think about it. And I bet if you isolated the illegitimacy rates to just the ghetto, the percentage of single mother homes would be even higher. As a result, the ghetto tends to be a very matriarchal community. And most of the men you do find tend to be young. As Tariq Nasheed says in his book The Mack Within, you hardly see older men in the hood. This is because when most guys get past a certain age in the hood, they have either worked their way out, gone to jail, entered the military or died from violence or drugs. So not only do young ghetto guys lack fathers to instruct them in how to be men, but they also lack older male authority figures outside their family to look up to (most teachers are female too) in their neighborhood.

    “But even though they are doing their best to be supernigga, they still do things in a feminine way because feminine influences are most of what they know. …

    “Most of their role models and involved family members are women, and the few men in their lives were likely raised by only women too. …

    “And it shows in how they handle conflict: grudges are held forever, they never know how to let anything slide, they think primarily with emotion and are prone to outbursts, drama and confrontation and most importantly, they don’t know how to choose their battles. …

    “True male behavior isn’t being a drama queen, being highly prone to emotional outbursts and holding onto grudges; true male behavior is picking your battles, knowing when to fight and when to let things slide, analyzing things calmly and logically and having discipline over your moods and emotions and exercising emotional restraint. …

    “These are things that a true alpha male influence teaches you, and such influences have almost disappeared completely from the hood.”


  35. The problem here seems to be arbitrary definitions of “alpha male” and “beta male”; those terms have nothing to do with whether or not one is a provider or a family man, or refuses to play games with slutty women, or is somehow “frustrated”.

    One can find plenty of men with alpha traits who do not play these games and one can find tons of men who are weaklings, losers, and etc. who play these games all day. Being a “beta” has nothing to do with being a provider. (Donald)

    Donald seems to be on to the fact that success with women in the context of a *feminized* society is contra-indicative of “Alpha-ness”.

  36. “True male behavior isn’t being a drama queen, being highly prone to emotional outbursts and holding onto grudges; true male behavior is picking your battles, knowing when to fight and when to let things slide, analyzing things calmly and logically and having discipline over your moods and emotions and exercising emotional restraint. …

    “These are things that a true alpha male influence teaches you, and such influences have almost disappeared completely from the hood.”

    Long time.

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